Death Wish (2018)
Are you all related to the Director????
31 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am not an expert reviewer but after seeing all the 10/10 reviews, which I can only assume, are by millennials who are used to watching YouTube clips, I just had to write something to kind of give balance to the nonsense. I have read comments about the "depth" and "charter (I assume they were trying for character) development" There is NONE! Also phrases such as "It's a throwback to the 80s" obviously from someone who wasn't born in the 80s! This is total rubbish played out by Willis who knows (oh he knows) that his days of being The action hero are long gone. I'm not one of those "Well I really love Eli Roth" people. Neither am I a wing (left or right) or part of some anti gun group, before I'm judged to be, just someone who is a bit discerning when it comes to what I will spend 1 hour and 45 minutes watching. If a movie is good, then it's good. If a movie is a big steamy pile, then it's not! This is the latter! In the first 6 minutes there is a character at the daughters football (soccer) game, who looks like someone from a hidden camera gameshow, who is blatantly trying to get a reaction, First you see him standing there fidgeting, looking all around and then he starts with the obscenities and the threats. Straight from there to a restaurant for celebratory meal with daughter and guess what? Yep, the dodgy valet! Skip to where the Wife is dead in hospital and the scene is acted as though a bike had been stolen from his front driveway, absolutely no real anger, grief, nothing! It goes on from one stupid scene to the next. Seriously this generation of movie makers lack imagination when it comes to making original movies and instead seem intent on re making everything that was good in the day so they can make money from people who cannot tell good from bad.
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