A very fun movie that sheds new light on the future direction of the MCU
29 October 2017
I think that this newest installment in the MCU, Thor:Ragnarok truly solidifies the MCU's new direction that has been commencing in phase 3. Contrary to the previous Marvel Phases this new Phase focuses on a new direction, in Phase 1 we had the origin stories which came together in the first Avengers movie. In Phase 2 we got some further world building in the different solo movies like Iron Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But, other than these entries Marvel's Phase 2 also gave us some experimental projects like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant Man. Now in Phase 3 this experimental Marvel is coming in full force.

In order for a franchise like Marvel to survive I think this new direction is very important if not necessary, it is very interesting that Marvel is now employing directors that are not necessarily the usual big budget movie directors but rather, directors of low budget movies such as Taika Waititi. Marvel Phase 3 seems to be all about having this ensemble of films with drastically different tones. We've had 2 comedies Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians 2. But we've also went into mystical/fantasy genres in Doctor Strange or serious dramas like Civil War. Not to mention the coming Black Panther that has a very estranged setting. All this is what the New Marvel has become and I think it is perfect.

So, after discussing so much on the direction of the MCu I would like to pull the focus back to Thor: ragnarok, I can understand that many people did not like this film for its lack of significance in the greater scene/setting of the MCU. In fact there wasn't much stakes that carry through to the MCU and it seems very self contained. However I think that it is important to enjoy this movie as it is, the fun action sci-fi that is probably the funniest Marvel movie to date. The thing is we as audiences get so much superhero movies nowadays there is a case of superhero film fatigue and having large stakes in every single movie is just going to dilute out tastes. This current way, we can enjoy these characters in their own side stories/adventures and enjoy the big explosive moments when they come together, like a comic book crossover event!

What Thor: Ragnarok does so well is that it really redefines the Thor franchise, the character of Thor himself and even the Hulk character. All the while maintaining the sense of fun and adventure. I did enjoy that they further characterized Hulk so he isn't just a raging monster but a simple minded character who has more complexity than is previously perceived.

However, the comedy does come at the expense of certain climactic battle sequences and serious moments and this is sure to put certain audiences off.

But overall, a thrilling, fun action movie that is sure to evoke certain controversies.
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