5 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How to review a movie this bad while not cursing? I'll do my best. It was the worst movie I've seen since Rollerball. Almost completely devoid of humor, dumb (and not dumbly funny either), boring, and a complete waste of time. I finished it just because it was so bad I kept waiting to see anything which validated Netflix's decision to make it. It couldn't have been the script (all over the place with only the weakest of narratives to sustain it); it couldn't have been the acting (ranged from dreadful to only okay); it couldn't have been the ham handed direction... In fact, the only decent part of this streaming pile was the cinematography. I don't understand how Netflix can make such great TV, and then produce a turd like this. The lesson for Netflix is to be involved in the creative aspect of creating films, and, in the event a film turns out this bad, don't release it and Sully your brand. Or at least release it quietly and under some other brand than that of Netflix. This is truly a cringe worthy film, and I highly recommend skipping it. I've already lost 80 minutes of my life to it so that you don't have to, too. What a gigantic waste.
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