Review of Containment

Containment (2016)
For a limited budget presentation, Containment shines
10 December 2016
Stumbled upon Containment browsing Netflix for something to do on a rainy Saturday night, and never expected something so captivating and moving such as Containment. The plot was believable, acting was great, and writing and production was excellent. I was choked up a few times throughout the series, and what made it more compelling was how I arrived at the show feeling prepared to be amused for a short time, perhaps an episode or two, and move on like the rest.

It didn't turn out that way; I was glued to the television, which I rarely am, and I pretty much watched the entirety within a few days. There were highs and lows, sadness and happiness, but throughout was excitement. I was saddened to hear the series would not be renewed, as this story could definitely go on, perhaps with the virus spreading outside the cordon. There are a few loose ends to be tied up as well, and they definitely left it open to be continued. Haven't really heard of CW since now, whom I highly recommend giving this series a second look.

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