Review of Containment

Containment (2016)
Suspenseful show that shows the internal struggles as well as external
21 May 2016
I don't know where all the hate is coming from with this show! It isn't racist in the slightest. I wasn't sure when I watched previews whether or not I would like it because it looked like it might turn out to be one of those "protagonists rebel against evil secret-keeping government" shows, but I was pleasantly surprised. They do a fantastic job balancing showing the emotions of the characters and having character development with the furthering of the plot. They manage to show the struggle behind every decision made, inside and out of the Cordon, and it helps that the actors and actresses do a pretty good job in their roles. I know a lot of shows that try to shove the conflict in your face trying to convince you "this is the suspenseful part! You should be scared now!" But containment doesn't do that, and manages to build tension in a way that sneaks up on you. I am always looking forward to next week's episode. You should definitely try it out-you might be pleasantly surprised too
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