Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost (2011 TV Movie)
Paradise indeed ... for the discerning viewer
25 September 2015
IMDb reviewers enjoy a challenge almost as much as Parker's Jesse Stone character in this series.

For those recently arrived from another planet, this series is not exactly what it seems, to wit:

1. Selleck is in the "mature" stage of his career is here killing two birds with one (sorry for the pun) 'stone' -- the actor spends most of his time in Nova Scotia, loves it, and by producing/starring in this self-made series he gets to have his cake and eat it too

2. The negatives? Not many. You cannot even in this day and age do a Canadian film without casting at least one or two "Canadian extras" with their strange dialects and poorly-formed thespian skills. However the US contingent (Stone, Baker, deVane) are so goshdarned good, and the writing is so goshdarned sharp, and the scenery so goshdarned splendid, that these small moments of pain pass quickly.

3. Slow moving to some, but what you do have on screen is what the late Spencer Tracey would have referred to as "choice"
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