Review of Everly

Everly (2014)
Like Everly.. full of holes
31 May 2015
What can I say about this film? It's ridiculous, it's dumb, it's excessive and it's like the lead character Everly, full of holes.. But it's so much fun. It borrows from a lot of other comparable action films, as do they all, but it does not want to be the next "Kill Bill" or "Smokin' Aces". And who would want to do that.. I mean they're both very enjoyable movies for what they are, but no more then that, with KB in my opinion being slightly overrated as it's in fact no more then this film, but for a tighter plot and epic storyline. Stories that provide the means of showing of as many as possible ultra cool glorified moments of movie violence.

It's got enough originality to stand on it's own within that genre. And if it reminded me of anything, it would be "Shoot 'Em Up". Any red blooded male that cán admit to enjoying this will have a blast watching it. And yes it has it's cringe worthy moments of lesser acting and story telling, but what do you expect, it's not aiming at the Oscars, it's aiming at the numerous villains, whores and anything else that passes in front of the crosshair. It's pure senseless escapism.

It's mainly unknowns to me in this film, except for some familiar Japanese faces. It's of course the Salma Show all the way. And she deserves it, even though I doubt she had a lot of fun making this, with all she has to be going through wearing very little clothing.. She is stunning and gorgeous and covered in holes, blood, grime and gunpowder and she sure as hell deserves her paycheck. Absolute fun performance.

The rest of the cast is great too, particular nod to the guy on the couch, who brings some great scenes of relief.

Some great visual flair, some interesting story telling (story?) and a heck of a performance by the leading lady: I'd say, get a couple of buddies to come over, some beers and some chips and step in to this world of pain 7/10
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