Review of Marshland

Marshland (2014)
A dark thriller for thinking people
2 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From 1975, when Franco died; after 40 years of dictatorship, Spain moved to monarchy and in 1980 to democracy; where "La Isla Minima" takes place.

There was a huge political turmoil; nobody had any idea what was coming. People had to grow and start thinking by themselves after too many years of the government thinking for them.

Two detectives with quite different political ideas are sent to Guadalquivir 's marshes to investigate the disappearance (and later killing ) of two young girls. They soon realize there were more potential similar crimes. To make things worse; the locals will do little effort to help (unless paid ). There is a strike on the main factory; people are miserable, with minimal education education and no respect on authority.

Keeping a slow, almost hypnotic but never boring pace and with the help of the claustrophobic (kind of jungle environment of the marshes); Alberto Rodriguez' movie keep us entangled and never let us go.

By the end; it is clear that is not the crimes resolution which really matters; but the picture of a society miserable, corrupt, disoriented and hopeless; just people trying to save themselves.

In such a mess; the lines of good and bad get blurred. One of the cops (a former Franco's secret police), use torture to get information from the witness; but the movie never creates a moral dilemma on that. It seems is the only way to get something from this selfish people.

As happens in real life; some will paid for their crimes; some not and lots of things are left open. As good as the movie is; the ending will fail to satisfy those looking for a more classic thriller.

In terms of acting; Jesus Gutierrez ( a comedian)is commanding as Juan; a former torturer and hit-man for the police who will get results no matter what. He is totally believable as a cynical person with many secrets.

Raul Arevalo (also a good comedian) does a very restrained interpretation as the younger and rebel police that does not know how to manage situations. A little more character development could have helped.

In brief; a movie to enjoy and keep thinking after.
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