Don's Plum (2001)
Very very good, ironically
12 March 2014
Though I didn't like every single minute, especially the beginning, the actors were outstanding with authenticity. And the exposed themes were wonderful! It is the opposite of what we usually get from America. But it is a true art movie. I could see myself having those kind of conversations when I was young. It is really good, but unflattering. And if the story of stopping this movie is true, that is very very very sad. But the joy is, for someone who seeks the truth, nothing can stop it, no dollars, no fame, no lawyers, no anything.

I am very interested in Leo DiCaprio's journey as he represents many many aspects of the contemporary human being mental struggles. And I wish he reads these things here sometimes, or on Youtube too, and if he does, I wish to tell him : boy, nothing's better than the truth. You are good without all the appearance efforts. Would you let us see you as you really are?
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