Tolerable thriller
25 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We do love Nicolas Cage, don't we? His career is always interesting, even if his films aren't - he seems to make, in equal measure (although not necessarily consecutively) critically acclaimed art-house movies, multiplex crowd pleasers, and utter clunkers. Justice (aka Seeking Justice) seems to have been prejudged as being a clunker.

It tells of what befalls teacher Will Gerard (Cage), after his musician wife Laura (January Jones) is brutally raped and beaten. He is approached in the hospital waiting room by mysterious and vaguely menacing stranger Simon (Guy Pearce) who observes how little the law seems to do for people in the Gerards' situation, and offers to fill that gap - and it will only cost some sort of small favour in the future. Seeing his wife's condition, Will accepts, and Laura's rapist duly turns up dead in fairly short order. Then Simon calls Will for the favour, and that's when things go pear-shaped.

This isn't such a clunker as you may have been led to believe. It isn't a multiplex crowd-pleaser either, but it has a good set-up, a gritty feel, and a cast who perform with commitment. The resolution, unfortunately, isn't as good as the set-up, and the script isn't too brilliant (with, frankly, some fairly unbelievable stuff in it), but it is a decent, if unexceptional, thriller - there have been much worse, and Cage has been responsible for some of them!
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