Review of Vlad

Vlad (2003)
"Vlad, Vlad, Vlad the impaler! Vlad, Vlad, he could have been a sailor!"
21 February 2010
Go google the 'summary' above and find out which song by whom these lyrics are from. Hèhèh.

Okay, never mind that, I'll get to the point and keep it a simple one: VLAD's a pretty lame and pointless movie about... ehrr, yeah, well, actually, what was it about again? Let's see: a group of students are sent off to study the myth of Vlad Tepes, aka Dracula. They visit some historical sites. Then a girl from a few centuries ago shows up and so does the ancient Vlad, through a portal in time, or something. Apparently, one of the students has this amulet that should be buried again to lay the evil Vlad to rest... Pretty boring movie where nothing really happens and one that occasionally shoves some historical facts concerning Vlad The Impaler down our throats, instead of showing him committing his vile acts. Vlad just seems to be nothing else but a fool in love... Billy Zane was a hoot with his Rrrrrroumanian accent. I had quite a laugh with the scene where he unsuspectingly encounters Dracula in the woods. Without any hesitation whatsoever, Mr. Zane starts hitting Mr. Tepes in the face, real hard. Pretty funny. Brad Douriff was wasted on this film and really hasn't got that much screen time. This flick is for Vlad Tepes-completists only...
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