Bright Star (2009)
A Joy For 119 Minutes
24 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine she says she likes poetry. You don't want to appear a dullard so when she suggests you go along to a poetry reading you have to smile and traipse along. Remarkably, at the end, you realise you have actually enjoyed it.

I was expecting something light and fluffy from Bright Star, and initially felt that was what was being delivered, particularly I think in the shape of the blunt crudeness coming out of Paul Schneidner's Charles Brown. Then some histrionics from Ben Wishaw. Now my Mother always used to say I would catch my death if I went out without my coat. Keats does just that. And dies. (Blimey! She was right all that time!) So you now realize that this isn't going to be an all action movie, and you begin to tune into the verse. And get hooked.

Only as I left the cinema did I realize that for the first time in a long time I had stayed until all the credits had rolled, as had the whole audience. The reason? To hear Endymion (?) being read. (Must check that out!)


(Viewed 11Nov09)
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