Anna's Storm (2007 TV Movie)
Reign Of Sickly Sweet Small Town Values
10 January 2010
Apparently this is a sci-fi disaster movie . I use the word apparently because it rarely becomes apparent that its this type of genre . Instead we're treated ( Not the correct word ) to a disease of the week type TVM where a hard working mom juggles a career and angst ridden off spring along with an estranged husband . You'd think that with so much on her plate the last thing she'd need would be a deadly meteorite storm and so the producers of this tripe show her some mercy by not allowing any death defying derring-do until late in to the narrative . Though to be fair they do remind the audience as to what's coming by showing a shower of GCI boulders moving towards Earth . But by this time you'll be struggling to draw breath never mind stay awake

When the meteors finally do hit the fan the disease of the week theme continues . It's really overdone as we're shown the community sticking together such as a picket line suddenly breaking up as the downtrodden blue collar proles realise that saving people from a burning supermarket is more important than striking for a living wage . We're even shown a vomit inducing scene in a hospital where a doctor explains to another character what wonderful staff he has because none of them have taken a day off work in 37 years . I'll tell you what - you might want to be absent from the room when a TV station broadcasts this sickly nonsense
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