Unique Bond film, but also one of the very worst.
27 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you are as big a Bond fan as I am you might have found yourself defending this picture constantly but whatever hope on it you might have had, time doesn't lie and watching this movie 6 years after its release, I can't help but cringe through very long portions of it. The opening scene isn't too bad though hardly memorable (too many gratuitous explosions) but the only merit of the Madonna song is that it has reduced every discussion present and future about what the very worst Bond song is (no contest). Much was made about Halle Berry's role in this film but personally I found her a lot worse than the much maligned Denise Richards (Does anybody really believe her as a cool efficient killer ?, Does Bond really need his girls to be "his equal" in every way ?), just compare her to Eva Green in Casino Royale and you will be seeing everything that can be wrong and everything that can be right about a Bond babe. DIE ANOTHER DAY also has the distinction of having some of the worst CGI effects and in film history, its director is quoted in the DVD extras how CGI will someday replace stunts in the Bond movies, thank God this was his first and last collaboration. There are so many more things one can complain here (the stupid editing, the mediocre Rosamund Pike role, the villain's Robocop suit, etc.) but a lack of effort (or money) certainly isn't one of them, I only have a couple of suggestion to the producers, a) When featuring some of the most amazing ocean waves at the beginning of your movie, don't include a CGI man made / mega-cheesy one later on it, and b)The next time you feature one of the most beautiful cars ever made in your movie, don't make it invisible !
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