Inspiring the Uninspired....
1 April 2007
Outside of the beautiful faces that I helped to create and another that made an honest man of me...I truly loathe most everything that passes as...anything, truly. I took two of my sons and a young friend of theirs to see Meet The Robinsons, today. Having never wanted to shout anything from a mountain top - let me just offer up a piece of advice for anyone looking for something uplifting, inspirational - heartbreaking but re-affirming...you must see this movie. I'm a braveheart guy, I love goodfellas and Will Ferrell movies - I'm an idiot; but I can't imagine hearing more beautiful words come out of my sons mouth than when we left the theatre and hearing him say "that movie made me feel good about myself". Poetry - from the mouth and mind of someone who doesn't know any better - or any worse. The movie is about - and this isn't a spoiler - family and caring for someone other than yourself. It isn't standard Disney stuff - even though that sounds EXACTLY like standard Disney. I'm running out space and I'm not completely making the most sense which is exactly how I feel at 37 anyway....

Do me a favor, do your drive to work tomorrow morning a favor...go see this movie. Take an extra second in the morning to smell your kids, kiss your spouse and lay off your horn...it's nice every once in a while to leave something...inspired, and feeling "really good about yourself" - even for just a second.
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