The Vicar of Dibley (1994–2020)
Is this the most overrated comedy of all time????
9 March 2007
It baffles me,it really does.I have watched a couple of television polls recently regarding the greatest comedies in history and 'The Vicar of Dibley' came in extremely was even higher than 'Rising Damp','Dad's Army','Steptoe & Son' and even 'Bilko'for gawd's sake! I have watched this series many times and yes,I have smiled a couple of times.But for so many people to rave about this show honestly has me perplexed.I have had arguments with people about it and they won't be swayed at all.But why should they?They are as entitled to their opinion as I am.But it just isn't that great,it really isn't.

Dawn French is fine I guess as the lead actor but,and let's be very honest about this,the characters of Hugo,Owen,Jim and Alice(especially Alice!) are overacted to the hilt.Dialogue is delivered with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer as the audience roar their approval.I don't know if I have ever seen such a stupid and badly acted bunch of character's in a sit com.",no,yes,yes,yes" just shut the hell up will ya!!! I have to add by saying that the 2006 Christmas two part special was truly awful.A series of childish and predictable sketches thrown together in hopefully hilarious fashion.It was the top rated programme over the holiday period I believe.I have one thing to say to that...'HUMBUG!'.
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