Alatriste fails to deliver
2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Alatriste fails to deliver.

Some shortcomings of the movie:

  • Lack of a consistent story. It is just a"copy&paste" from all the Alatriste books. I would rather prefer one good story that many mediocre (because only the surface is touch)stories at once. Besides, why they didn't leave some good book material for potential sequels? Sadly they have waste up all the good stories contained in the Alatriste books.

  • Vigo Mortessen plays the physical part fine, but as main character is poor, Alatriste lacks charm as a character,he is not convincing. He hardly utters more that 5 words in a row. His voice tone is unchangeable during the whole movie, as a result turns up to be the most boring character of all.I don't believe Quevedo could choose him as a mate for going for a drink, What a bore of a guy Alatriste is!

  • Excess of battles and duels. Why not to concentrate the effort in some 3 or 4 excellent fights instead of innumerable poor fights and battles?

  • Lack of exteriors: the movie is mostly filmed in closed spaces, you hardly see some open space: a bit of some street in Madrid, a sea scene, some battle scene, but not much in the overall. The director preferred dark scenes in closed spaces, To me is gives the impression of a small budget, looks like a wannabe movie super production or a expensive TV soap (It might be the biggest Spanish production ever, but it cannot stand up to the feeling of grandeur of American counterparts (Master and Comander, Bravehearth, Highlander, The man who would be king, Excalibur, etc). It would have been great to see a proper battle in Flandes, or same good takes of the "Galeras" (rowing ships), or how the Spanish troops deploy in Europe, some Alatriste flashbacks (his origins, how he becomes a soldier.) , Angelina writing from or travelling to Indias (America) etc

-What about the normal people in Madrid? Where are they? Aside from the king and the people from the court, I barely just saw people with swords, subsequently engaging in fights or drinking in pubs ready to fight again, That was the life in Madrid in the XVII century? Nobody had a real job? At times it look to me like a pirates movie.

  • It just came to my mind, What is all that about Iñigo and Angelina? So what? they don't end up together, Was necessary to tell us a story which ends in nothing? As a matter of fact, the only importance of Iñigo in the story is that he kills Malatesta, that is his only relevant intervention in the movie, all the rest is irrelevant; Like in the general tone of the movie, the director tell us their story only superficially, It just adds minutes, time to the movie, but it does not add any worthy content to it, it is just a meaningless minor story(well Elena Anaya's beauty is a pleasure to see). The inclusion of this failed romance could be justified if it would alter somehow our perception or outcome of the general story, or maybe giving us a sight of the life in those times, but it doesn't, it its just unnecessary extra footage.

Concluding: I was entertained by the movie, as Spanish I cannot deny that a movie about the Spanish Empire and its gradual decadence (and the contradictions and flaws of human nature & human societies) is fascinating. The pity is that such an interesting subject has not been put in the best way in this movie. There were some excellent books for the occasion, the Alatriste books. But the chance has been wasted,and if we Spanish didn't make a great movie about this theme, nobody will, as the Americans and the European cinema have other interests. Shame, as it could have been an excellent movie
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