Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Better than I realised
23 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not a fantastic 4 fan so never read the books. But me and my GF caught a closed screening of it and I thought it was a solid movie. Better than I expected. Its a lot like the spiderman movies because of humor but serious at the same time. A lot of laughs and some sad parts also.

The movie begin with Reed, Sue, Johnny Storm, Ben and Doom going up into space to look for medical cures in a space cloud called the cosmic storm. The storm hits them and it gives them these strange powers. We seem them getting used to the new powers and using them to help regular people. They become celebrities in the public eye but there are many problems inside the team. Never seen superheroes fight like this but the Fantastic 4 bicker a lot. Ben and Johnny act like 5 yr olds and get into it bad at the x-games. Sue and Reed really love each other but reed is too distracted to pay her attention. And doctor doom turns them against each other and breaks the group up.

A lot of romance in this movie more than the hulk or x-men. Ben looks like a monster and the public doesn't identify to him as much as the other 4. But a beautiful blind woman named alicia does and she helps him cope because she knows what its like to be outcast too. The actors who played these two characters were very good because of the touching scenes showing how terrible he felt because he was now a hideous monster while the rest of the 4 still look human. I felt sorry for his rejection and pain like wolverine said when his claws come out every time. The big love story is about Reed and Sue. They cant get on the same page for most of the movie and Doom thinks he owns Sue. But she rejects him for Reed and I wont spoil it all but the end is a very beautiful scene that was almost better than when MJ came back for Peter at the end of Spider-man 2.

The actors all do a convincing job. My favourite was the wicked Julian Macmahon. Doom is one scary strange one who reminded me of the emperor in Sith but better looking. Some of his lines were weak but it did not come off cheesy because of the way he said them and acted. He's the villain but you admire him since he is suave and intimidating. Was also impressed with Alba. She has come a long way since dark angel. I liked her in Sin City but this movie showed she is more than a sex symbol. Some don't think shes a good actress but she did a very great job here. She and Iaon Gruffud are really good together.

I thought it was good. Story could have been a bit more complex but the actors, direction and effects make up for it, and the Human Torch is impressive to see on the big screen. 9/10.
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