Totally Spies! (2001–2014)
Totally Spies like Totally sucks (may contain spoilers not really)
8 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay before I begin I just want to say I hated this series and this review is going to list the reasons why I hate it so much and why it should be banned and burned and why you should avoid it!

First let's start with the stars of our show Sam, Clover and Alex! all of these girls are extremely shallow, superficial and stereotypical.

"After this mission let's all down to the café' and and get low fat soy latte' and pick up some guys" is one of the many dumb phases you'll here in this show. One of the many things you'll notice in this show is the lack of brilliancy in Totally Spies.

The voices are annoying to especially the girls school enemy Mandy the voice is like nails on a chalk boards also the lingo is really really old "Totally" or "What-ev-er" it gets dull fast!

If see the show enough times you'll notice the show is heavily into bondage. Bondage you say? yes in every episode they find some ingenious way to get themselves tied up and left in some peril.

the creators should just make the recurring enemy some leather clad gimp because you'll see it Bondage in every episode! "Oh no, girls I accidentally knocked over something and now they found us I hope they don't tie us up next to some sharp objects well await our peril or forget to take our gadgets."

Seriously you could watch the original Batman and get the same formula. What formula might that be?

Problem----->Get mission------->Meet Villain---->Damsels in Distress--->Escape------->Catch bad guy--->Reloution----->Problem solved-->Credits roll--> A piece of you dies

it's lame and its every episode trust me you should just watch something else like paint dry trust me it's much more fun

The last thing I want to bring up is the holes like: how the girls manage to leave school during the day and go missing for a day or two without anyone being worried or how can you worry about dates or your social schedule in the middle of a dangerous mission or how the hell are these "Terrorists" (if you can them that) manage to get these ridiculous WMDs for really weird and somewhat stupid beliefs

well anyhow later

-Love Yours, TechnoColoredNinja
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