Saved! (2004)
A whole lot of Jesus-centric fun!!
10 March 2005
Again, I am fully awed by Miss Jenna Malone and Miss Mandy Moore. They are always choosing roles that mean something rather than fall into the category of meaningless drivel as some younger actresses do.

Saved! is a movie about young people coping with their lives and choices they have made all the while trying to understand their faith. This is not a movie about finding your faith or love in Jesus Christ. This is a movie about coming to terms with your faith and the fact that you are human and will make mistakes from time to time.

This movie itself is centered in a Christina High School and around the popular kids and the outcasts. When Mary (Jenna Malone) becomes pregnant she finds her life spiraling out of control and realizes her faith might not mean anything at all. When admitting her feelings the people she thought she could lean on throughout her hard times, her best friend Hilary Faye (Mandy Moore) turns against her and sees her as someone who needs to be prayed for. She then finds herself turning to unlikely persons and ultimately benefiting from their friendship.

Some may see this movie as too heavy with religion or even mocking religion. But this, to me, is a movie that draws a picture to everything I was feeling when I first saw my faith challenged. These characters are in our lives every day. Maybe they are not as extreme but they are still there. The message of this movie is crystal clear, but if you are still trying to get over the *This is a Christian Movie Hump* then you might not catch it.
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