Review of They

They (2002)
Absolute Crap
26 June 2003
Usually, when I watch a horror movie, I start getting interested in it within the first five minutes or so. However, I just could not get into this pile of trash. In fact, I had one eye on the screen and one eye on the DVD timer saying, "Oh good, it's only got 10 minutes left." This film is very flat. The actors are unenthusiastic about doing it. You'd think this was community service for some crime. In fact, making this movie was a crime. Wes Craven was a respected horror director. Notice the use of the word "was." Ever since he made that tripe called Scream he just can't do right. I can't believe he would put his name on this piece of crap. I can't believe this is the same man who made The Hills Have Eyes, The Serpent and the Rainbow and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Poor. On a scale of one to 10 where one is bad and 10 is a classic, this movie rates a minus-10!
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