The Cinema of Jesus Franco: Ilsa, The Wicked Warden.
2 September 2004
Ilsa, The Wicked Warden (1977) was the last of the Ilsa "franchise"s. I don't even think it's was a true "Ilsa" film. However it's been labeled here in the 'States as a legit Ilsa picture so I will refer to it as such. The ever reliable Jesus Franco makes a real sleaze fest with this film. I always wondered why this movie and Barbed Wire Dolls seem so similar (The ever frugal Mr. Franco shot it back to back along with The Wicked Warden).

A not so bright woman wants to know what happened to her sister. She decides to "break into prison" and search for some clues. Unfortunately she finds out some hard facts about her sister first hand. Jesus Franco co-stars along with his protégé Lina Romay (who was at the peak of her hotness) as a female inmate. Dyanne Thorne stars as "Ilsa" a.k.a. Wanda. Your average sleazy women in prison flick that has one wicked ending.

If you enjoy Ilsa the Wicked Warden then by all means watch Barbed Wire Dolls. An even sleazier Women in Prison flick with all of Franco's trademark weirdness and raunchiness straight from his bizarro mind scape. Great stuff and a must for all Ilsa fans.

Highly recommended.

Lina Romay was one hot woman.
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