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What a waste of time.
14 January 2018
Not my type of movie. This is NOT a mystery. It is a character study of wretched unlikable people tied together by loose threads. There is no plot development where things are revealed or plots twist and then you say AH HA... none of it.

It is almost like every scene is independent of each other. This is not a spoiler but during the movie they just drop crap in your lap like bird crap out of a tree.

The only thing good about the movie is that it ended and I got to sit on my own couch and watch it.
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Do No Harm (2013)
Poor marketing killed this show
12 April 2013
The marketing of this show killed it. It didn't pull people in to watch it. They wanted to be "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" without coming out and saying it. People love that concept of the good vs evil all rolled into one person. But people want instant gratification and want to be told... this is what it is... and not play games. If the network wanted the audience they should have went after them and grabbed it.

The commercials for the show were too cat and mouse about the series plot. Look at "Hannibal", there is nothing ambiguous about the concept. "Elementary" is the catch-phrase for Sherlock Holmes. "Dexter" was good by day... serial killer by night... they were never ambiguous about it.

Those behind "Do No Harm" didn't have the stones to put it out there about the character. Those behind it didn't have the stones to go after what they needed. Those behind it, stabbed it in the back before it even made it to premier.
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This show can't "compete" with "Dance Moms"
26 November 2012
I thought this was supposed to be a dance competition not about the backstage drama? Those mothers are awful people. The difference between this show and "Dance Moms" is that the children on the original show are very talented and the show is promoted as being about the backstage drama. This was supposed to be about the dance. What a joke.

Say what you want about Abby being nasty... she knows her stuff. The level of talent on the original show is head and shoulders above the dancers not trained by her.

Those "Dance Moms" might be screwballs but their kids HAVE talent and Abby IS bringing it out of them.

The only thing these mother's of the "Competition" show should do is get refunds from the dance studios where they sent these sad kids.
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Retired at 35 (2011–2012)
Kept at it because of George Segal
26 August 2012
Being a fan of George Segal's old movies I wanted to like this but can't beat a dead horse anymore. It is now in its second season and I tried to watch it again thinking that maybe it got better. Sadly, I could not have been more wrong.

There is no timing or flow to their dialog or interactions. If you just sit and watch you can almost see each of them running their lines and stage directions in their heads. When one person finishes speaking there is an unnatural pause and then it is like the other person "wakes up" to the fact that they must respond either with verse or action.

To each their own little bubble and they never connect. No chemistry, no comedic talent and poor direction. Bury it already it is really starting to stink to high heaven.
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In Plain Sight (2008–2012)
Why not just call it "Drunk Bitter Mother" ... they ruined it (Kill off Jinx)
25 May 2009
This show is trying to be too many things all at once and it is failing miserably at being a show about crime and "witness protection". It is all about the drunk. Lesley Ann Warren plays the same sorry dippy ratty haired unlikable person that she plays in every other movie or show. Why is it when a show is really coming together they reduce the star players to after thoughts and bring in some has-been or in this case a never-been player and mess it up.

I was really liking this show. The team of Federal Marshalls was developing a chemistry and hitting its stride. If I want to watch a ratty haired annoying drunk with no purpose I would watch "Saving Grace"... and that is a 1 out of 10 at best.

Save this show PLEASE...!!! I really liked how the witnesses got into trouble and how things moved along. Kill off the mother.
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Plain Truth (2004 TV Movie)
Bad choice of a "Star"
23 May 2009
This movie goes to show that Mariska Hargitay is a one note song. She was just doing Law & Order SVU again. It was like the whole thing was tweaked to fit her acting... if that is what you want to call it.

It could have been a good movie if I could have gotten past the acting. The others in the movie were great. It was the other's acting and the plot twists that kept my attention. Just when you thought you had it figured out, as you rounded the corner to your final conclusion... nope it just wasn't so.

This is one movie that has good bones and in a remake would be great. Just keep it away from that "one note wonder" known as Mariska Hargitay... yuck.
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They should have called it "Runover by the Neely's"
11 January 2009
Last year I put a review here because I compelled by some pretty annoying forced banter. What a difference this year made. I never really give up on anything. Over the year I tuned in once in a while. Today's show is a repeat of a Sept09 show. It was a pleasant surprise. It was so much more natural between them. They were endearing and likable. It really does go to show that sometimes less and more. And to top it off the recipes looked gooood....!!!!

This is the old review that I was compelled to write... This show is horrible on so many levels. I've tried, I really have tried to like them and have watched more than a few episodes. THAT woman, has got to be the most overbearing, run her mouth emasculating cooking personality. She treats her husband like he is so beneath her. So condescending. She is so unlikable and I can without a doubt say that I would not welcome her into my home.

It doesn't matter how many times she calls him "Baby" it doesn't portray affection and love. The so-called banter between them is so forced. There is no chemistry and when she kisses him it looks strained. It's like that are not only trying... and failing... to convince us of this chemistry but themselves. It is painful.

I've read that they own a successful restaurant in Tennessee. After watching them handle food I wonder if they purchased a successful restaurant and have others always cook for them. They lack the natural connection with food that some cooks show.
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Gary Unmarried (2008–2010)
With a little tweak this show will fly...
22 October 2008
This show has great timing and it moves right along. You can't help but laugh. I love that there is finally a man on TV who doesn't whine and have his head handed to him each week. He comes off as genuine in trying to find his way through his new lifestyle and all of the speed bumps along the way. It doesn't hurt that he is adorable.

I will put it right along with "2 1/2 Men" because he struggles with things but isn't constantly apologizing for it. His character is in line with "Charlie Harper" in that respect.

The only thing I would change is to pull back on the attack of the ex-wife. That too is like "2 1/2 Men". Even though this ex-wife isn't as bad as that horrific one on the other show (she adds nothing to the show) it could go sour and she could become like her.

I wish the people on this show many happy and funny seasons to come.
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Baby Monitor: Sound of Fear (1998 TV Movie)
You will cheer for the cheaters
3 August 2008
When you watch you WILL cheer for the babysitter and the husband. The wife is a horrible beast of a woman. This should be kind of a cult movie if nothing else. You will hate her for minute one. The cheating husband is likable. There is one saving spot in the movie when you think "I wish he would do this or that to that witch and HE DOES".

I am watching this right now with about 20 or so minutes left and do not know the outcome. I just hope it is that he leaves his wife, sues for full custody of his kid and builds a life a with the babysitter.

That is my hope... which is a lot to ask in the last 20 minutes of the movie.
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Wipeout (2008–2014)
The corn ball sound effects in the previews ruin a really enjoyable show
29 June 2008
I am not one who watches those reality shows. I saw my first episode of Big Brother this last season. This show had me gasping for air laughing.

Those cheesy corn ball sound effects in the previews of the commercials had me grimacing at the thought of watching this show. I could not have been more wrong. The BIG BALLS will have you on the floor. And to watch people spin around really fast and then have to do something that requires major coordination that would be difficult stone cold sober will put more than a smile on your face.

If you want to watch something silly, fast moving and enjoyable give this show a shot. I was calling people I know to get them to watch.

When all is said and done it isn't just a joke it requires some true physical fitness, endurance, coordination and being able to think on your feet... and think after being dumped into a salad spinner.
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Please fix this show
24 May 2008
All of the other Law & Order shows have had realistic cast changes except this one. It is the same old same old. Benson and Stabler go running around and grab the wrong person. Benson always looks like she smells rotten fish and Stabler roughs up the suspect. They catch the wrong person within the first 15 minutes and then the real person strikes again. Benson stands slack jawed with her tongue poking out of her mouth and Stabler looks insulted that he arrested the wrong person.

They are never held accountable for their mistakes and cop and attitude that they were wrong. The writing got so predictable a few years back.

Maybe I am just sick of seeing that face of Benson and Stabler all the time. It is funny... in the first season one of the characters makes a comment that because the job in SVU is so stressful that they have to rotate out after 2 years to keep their sanity. It stuck with me because I thought they were setting things up for frequent cast changes... BOY WAS I WRONG. I stories were interesting but not in the last couple of years. I miss the show when it was good.
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A Family Lost (2007 TV Movie)
Sick and tired of watching annoying brats on screen
26 April 2008
If you have ever wanted to cheer for the demise of characters then this is your movie. Typical crap of the single mom wearing it like a badge of honor and raising a snot faced brat of a child. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. SAVE YOURSELF... do NOT NOT NOT bother.

Cynthia Gibb always plays the same type of character. She is always that victimized woman turning things around in her life. It is SO predictable. Boo-hoo for the mom caught between yet another "uncle" for her child. Boo-hoo for the legacy of a single mom being brought up by a single mom. Boo-hoo for the resulting brat... and horrible little actress too boot. There isn't much worse out there to watch.
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Heartbreakers (2001)
Surprisingly delightful
21 October 2007
This is a witty, clever and fast paced comedy. It was one of those unplanned viewings. I was scrolling through the online guide and thought "why not". Bravo to me for watching. The comedy reminded me of two great comedies... "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" from back in the 60's (I watched as a repeat in later years) and "Young Frankenstein".

Ray Liota missed his calling. He is wasting his time always playing a bad guy or thug. He should really be concentrating on comedy. For me he stole the movie. Maybe because I wasn't expecting him to be so spot on with his timing and his facial expressions.

Sometimes the music in a movie misses the mark but this time it really enhanced a scene. I highly recommend it. It was such a pleasure to watch a movie that didn't have gratuitous sex or nudity or over the top foul language. It was just fun and this movie relies on writing and acting to carry it and not nudity, sex and vulgarity.
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Get ready with the mute button
15 September 2007
Whatever good that exists in this movie is constantly offset by the brutal music. This movie is awful awful awful. All through the movie we get these long thoughtful moments of no dialogue. This isn't "Dances with Wolves" where cinematography is part of the whole concept of the movie. This is supposed to be a light hearted movie and it falls very short of anything close to enjoyable. We are constantly assaulted with LOUD MUSIC. The talking volume is one thing but then it screams when the music comes on to play. This isn't a music video. The music is supposed to be an enhancement to what is happening. This movie is constantly overwhelmed by loud and unnecessary music.

Don't waste your time.
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The chemistry in this movie is great
12 March 2006
Sometimes when you least expect it you find some of the best things in life. Okay... maybe a movie can't compare to some of the best things in life but this movie is one of the best movies that I have seen in a while.

It has some of the goofiest and funniest scenes. The timing of the humor is so well done. After each comical event I thought that must be the highlight of the movie but it just keeps getting funnier.

The chemistry between Christina Applegate and Cameron Diaz is rich. You would really think they are friends out having a good time together.

This is absolutely a laugh out loud movie. Reminded me of the I Love Lucy scenes when they were working in the chocolate factory.
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Anaconda (1997)
They should take away Jon Voight's union card.
5 February 2006
I gave this movie a 5 instead of a 1 because in the beginning I thought that maybe this would be a good movie. WRONG WRONGER WRONGEST... okay I know those aren't really words but I have just spent over an hour cheering for a giant snake to eat the cast of this movie.

Best acting in this film... an unconscious man. That will tell you something.

Ice Cube and Jennifer Lopez were not bad in this film and neither was Eric Stolz. They should be more than angry that so many scenes were given to that joke of an actor, Voight.

The absolutely bottom of the barrel acting by Jon Voight dragged this film right down the drain. That fake silly sounding accent of his was only eclipsed by the stupider faces that he makes while he talking.

Why would the director allow him to speak in that ridiculous manner? Did Jon Voight have some kind of "pull" to act the way that he did? Shame... Shame... Shame on the director.

The special effects and some of the action scenes are the only saving grace for this real stink bomb of a film.
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An unexpected delight...!!!
3 February 2006
If you really want to laugh out loud this is your movie. There is no waiting for lunacy to begin. It is a quick moving, never boring parody.

Michael Rapaport stole the movie. If his fast talking, high energy performance didn't have you laughing he at least had you smiling. The only disappointment was that there were not more scenes with him in them. There should have been more scenes with that rival business.

James Woods in comedy... who funny.

The gun battles are so well done. The enthusiasm of the shooters makes their lack of aim all that more funny. Anytime you see a gun... pay attention... you won't be disappointed. None of the shooters could hit the floor if they fell...too funny.
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