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Pleasing finale
4 October 2023
Happy to say i enjoyed this entire season and this final episode made me quite happy. I enjoyed the fact not everything went to plan. I enjoyed all of the fight scenes, I enjoyed the adventure aspects of this season and hopefully of future seasons also.

Can't wait to see what the next season holds I am just enjoying every minute just feels a very pleasing show and just something I will enjoy rewatching also.

Excited to see which route they go with the next season and what other characters they add to this. I have enjoyed watching Sabine become more of a Jedi and then seeing someone who's slightly ahead of her in Ezra.

Let's see where the journey goes next.
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Scream VI (2023)
Fun horror slasher
8 September 2023
There's not many films like scream left. Where you get a thriller / horror and the comedy aspect is still genuinely funny.

The storyline is not great but for me I don't care. The fun of scream films is trying to figure out who the killer / Killers is. Watching this film with friends is just always the best part.

I am not sure where the scream franchise will go next to be honest but I'm excited to see if it carries on and how it does it. The main characters that changed in the last one I really like and they are a good personalities.

Overall it was a good laugh and I was happy I guessed correctly or near enough. I think putting ghost face in a public setting was a good change something I really enjoyed. Let's see what's next. Can say probably not my favourite scary movie but the franchise is always up there!
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Unexpectedly gritty and comedic - A must watch
2 August 2023
I did not watch this film when it originally came out, and now I am wondering why I never. The first opening 15 minutes take the film in the right direction, you are asking questions, you are wanting to know more and more.

The actual case the film is about as graphic as it is portrayed is never shown and I think this was exactly what this film needed, you just needed to know of the event and you can fill in the rest. Throughout the film filled with grief and emotions of loss it never loses the twinge of comedy that makes this extremely unique.

Throughout the film I suspected one character had something to do with the events and I did until probably 20 minutes to go and to see what unveiled in the last 20 was surprising but also is exactly what the film needed.

I really enjoyed this. The themes are really strong and this coincides with the acting. If you haven't go see it.
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How dare they.... Make it so good!
18 June 2023
You will understand my headline when you have seen the film.

The pacing, the characters, the comedy and the action! All of the above was phenomenal. I enjoyed watching the parsers dedicated to the other Spider-Man and in particular Gwens scenes. I thought the artistic nature of the spider verse films was something that could never let the side down and it never. I enjoyed every moment of this film and I really didn't want it to end, and when it did end I was actually slightly shocked or better yet a tad speechless. I thought to myself this animation has just had a better ending than most films I have seen this year.

Can't wait to see what's next.
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A well rounded trilogy
8 May 2023
Okay I will admit I cried 6x during this film. I thought the film was going to drag considering the last few marvel movies and the time they are on for, but this was a really nice surprise.

Throughout the movie it was action packed with moments of comedy which were actually funny compared to some previous marvel attempts. The cast has been great throughout and I thought Bradley coppers voice acting was superb and it was really what made this movie.

As for the villain!!!! Fantastic I hated him. Which is exactly what you want. It was perfectly acted and the backstory of rocket was something that was deeply disturbing and made you understand the character even more.

A lovely ending.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Heartbroken but excited
13 March 2023
If it's one thing the last of us does well, it divides opinion in the best way possible. The way every episode up to this point has portrayed characters in certain ways up until this episode has been excellent especially those who have not played the game and some things will become more of a surprise.

For me, more action would be great but I also understand why they don't, because I believe it would make the show more about the action than the storyline, and the game is praised for the storyline, and they have definitely stuck to the source material.

It was still as heartbreaking as the game and honestly I can't wait to see how season 2 pans out especially with how divisive it is.

Roll on season two!
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The Last of Us: When We Are in Need (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Brutal - But meaningful
6 March 2023
This for me is the best part of the game to play. And I think my favourite parts were executed extremely well.

Bella Ramsey. I salute you I had my doubts at first but let me tell you i am so so happy that she was cast she did a fantastic job of portraying the character and the emotions behind the character. Pedro pascal as Joel in the map scene is exactly what I want from Joel the brutal man who will do anything to save the ones he loves.

I am so excited to see the final episode, even though I know how the game ends and really enjoy it I hope there is one or two more surprises in store for the players. I just want more.

Fantastic episode, the last 10 minutes were absolutely exceptional.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
A bear on cocaine in a forest
26 February 2023
Okay what's not to like, as long as you know this is not meant to be the best film of all time.

First of all the satire comedy in this film I actually quite enjoyed, some jokes however do not land. But, if you are coming to watch this film expecting a 10/10 action adventure what are you doing.

This is a film that you have fun with, it's extremely unserious and the practical effects and CGI were good.

If you want a good laugh with friends, go and watch this movie, it's a light hearted movie with some good jokes and let's be honest what's not to like about a bear on cocaine.

I'm just waiting for the sequel of shark on cocaine or gorilla on cocaine because it's just stupid fun!
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The Last of Us: Endure and Survive (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
Best episode yet !
11 February 2023

One of my favourite bits of the game portrayed on tv. As I have watched the show I have kept thinking god I wish there was a bit more action or it was longer. But I need to realise what the last of us was like the infected were more complex and dangerous than your average show like the walking dead. So breaking up the action is a better idea.

The action and emotion of this episode was only heightened by the choice of Sam being deaf and I thought it added a new layer to the characters and to the end 10 minutes of the show. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Joel has better aim than I did on the game!
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The Last of Us: Infected (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Excitement in the silence
23 January 2023
Okay. I am in love with the castings. Story line was always going to be good as it followed the game but casting is where I struggled. I am glad to be wrong they are amazing.

As for the episode it started off strong. More backstory than we got in the game and I am a big fan of this. I do kinda wish there was more zombie action but what we do get is absolutely fantastic.

The tension and realism was creative and amazing, the added depth of the tendrils is something I never knew I wanted or needed. I am just in hope that it continues in the same way and more. What's left is amazing content and heart wrenching characters. Can't wait to see what's next.
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Beautifully the same
16 January 2023
I have played and replayed the last of us a lot. I know this game inside out. This was actually a breath of fresh air in a good way all the Sarah bits I thought were a really lovely touch. I thought all the action scenes were replicated well.

I think the pace of the show is good considering that it's got a whole 26+hr game to fit into 9 episodes. I can't wait until we go deeper into it. I just want to see more.

Pedro is great as Joel, everything I wanted. I was unsure about the actress for the role of Ellie but as soon as she started I loved it. I just can't wait to watch the rest I am simply in love with the games and the show has started to get my love, let's see how much further it goes.
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Emotionally devastating
28 December 2022
This film killed me.

The topics discussed in this film are not for the light hearted. However, saying that it is a topic that needed to be discussed. Events like this happen and we need to be aware of that. The acting In this film was extremely powerful and the kid actors did a fantastic job. I felt extremely uncomfortable at times which was exactly how I think I was supposed to feel.

If you watch this film beware that this is based on a true story and this is something that can really have an impact on you. This is a film that will stay with me for a while, and one that should. A sad story that people should know about.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
Emotional and Thrilling
21 November 2022
This was a rollercoaster of emotion for me. The walking dead has become something that I have watched growing up and I have grown up loving these characters. It was the ending I wanted. The parallels were everything to me.

From season one to now the development of the entire world of the walking dead has been incredible, at some moments not as enjoyable as others. But when the highs are high this was one of the best shows to watch. The unpredictable deaths throughout the seasons kept you hooked and I was always wanting to see what happened in the next week. This is something I will cherish and rewatch with joy. Can't wait to watch more. All that's left to say is,

Thank you.
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Monster (2022– )
Awful in the best way!
21 September 2022
This is amazing. From episode one you are hooked. I was not expecting the way it was filmed in terms of timeline / cinematography but the choices were really good.

Evan peters outstanding. He really makes you hate him even more than you already did.

This show gives a real insight into the psychology and backstory of one of the worst serial killers ever. It also reminds me a bit of mind hunters from Netflix in terms of how the story unravels.

As a fan of crime documentaries I thought I knew what there was to know about this story but there is so much more that gets spoken about and highlighted. A must watch.
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Spiderhead (2022)
It was okay
22 June 2022
This film was an okay watch was interesting and a good concept but was very slow at times and the ending wasn't worth it. Miles teller and hemsworth were actually great in it, but even that could not give it above a 6.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
The in-laws from hell!
21 June 2022
Didn't expect much from this film but I found myself heavily invested in the characters. I am one for the last girl standing horror genre and this is probably one of my favourites and can't lie the ending was funny ( probably wasn't meant to be or was it) and actually good. My advice, watch this with either your best friend or your significant other!!
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Did not expect this one!
21 June 2022
Well well well, another horror / thriller that I thought was going to be horrible and boring. Well. I was wrong. I just enjoyed how exciting this was and there was not much time for stupid pointless story telling. Just a good wacky film that would be enjoyable in a group or solo!
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Summer joy!
21 June 2022
I have not read the book so I can't comment on how like the book it is. However, watching this series is so refreshing, I am watching the episodes with a smile on my face reminiscing of my own times in summer that looked like this. This is a show that both older teens and adults will enjoy and also feel something with. I just enjoyed all of this and the Taylor swift songs only made it more enjoyable and fresh!
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Hustle (2022)
Adam Sandler, how can you hate him?
20 June 2022
Honestly didn't expect much from this film. And I was surprised by how serious it was, how good it was and also how insightful it was. The cameos were great I think the 'villain' cameo (won't spoil as it was a nice surprise) was also great and the acting was much better than expected.

A interesting insight into NBA scouting straight from ex players and staff. Thoroughly enjoyed. Go watch!
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Hereditary (2018)
Mixed feelings
20 June 2022
I watched this film not knowing what to expect and afterwards I am still not sure what happened. It was a gripping film from start to finish and was exciting for thriller / horror fans. It is definitely something I'd say you need to see however some of the scenes at the end I felt were unnecessary and ruined the film for me. Especially the scene in the tree house after you watch the film come back and see if you agree. But acting is incredible and story is good. I still can't decide wether I actually enjoyed it but maybe, that was the point.
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Spree (2020)
A new perspective on being relevant
20 June 2022
I enjoyed this film for what it was. It was nothing revolutionary but it was entertaining. The story was different than what I expected, there was not as many twists as what I thought but either way Joe Keery was the standout. Worth a watch, would be a laugh with friends and a memorable solo watch.
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Ms. Marvel: Crushed (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Breath of fresh air!
16 June 2022
This show so far has just been so enjoyable to watch. Love the calm and refreshing nature of the character interactions, and also it's nice seeing other cultures and religions well represented. Some scenes are also directly out of the comic which was really nice to see.

I am just enjoying watching every moment of this, it's a show meant for the younger generation which also means it does not take itself seriously but also means it's a lot of fun! Go and watch!!
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Drama and excitement
8 June 2022
Some amazing amazing moments in this show. Viola my god you were exceptional. Midway through some of the later seasons it slows down and can get a tad boring but the last season and last few episodes really make up for it. Extremely engaging and really bingeworthy.

Watch. This. Show.
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Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
A fresh perspective
8 June 2022
I am a big marvel fan and have felt overwhelmed at times at how much content we get and staying up to date. Watching this however feels so new and great obviously meant for young teens but it is such a feel good so far definitely will be watching all the episodes. It just feels very fresh and new for marvel which I am v happy about!
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Ghost Rider (2007)
Campy comic fun
26 May 2022
Let's be honest here no one watches this film expected the greatest film they've ever seen but, if you like ghost rider you will actually like this film mainly for the fact ghost riders design is good and he looks cool.

His backstory is the quickest thing I've ever seen ever however I just enjoyed watching it. The less you think about the plot holes and partial bad acting the more you enjoy it. Just enjoy the ride!
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