
42 Reviews
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Still a masterpiece after all these years
21 January 2024
Just rewatched this movie on Netflix after last seeing it for the first time some 35 years ago. Still a masterpiece. The strength of this movie is in acting by the whole cast. Not just main characters. To the effect that I would have given Oscar for the best support actor to that hydrocephal dude who never had even a line in the movie.

At the core of the movie is the theme of individual freedom vs conformal adjustment to the rules of the society, brainwashing and questioning of how the so called democracy really works. The asylum is a microcosm of the society outside at large. It is opressing but at the same time a safe and predictable environment for some of the misfits (who could leave anytime they wanted, but they never do). An illustration to "If you give up freedom in the name of security you end up with neither". Well, may be with "maximum security".... So the movie is just brilliant. Everybody shines, even the younger nurse, her wide boggly eyes. It is her who utters the famous "It is medicine. It is good for you."

One thing that set the movie apart is that hero/villain combo breaks the usual stereotype of good/evil. McMurphy, who is our hero here, is nothing but. He is a cunning criminal thug who is truly dangerous. And Nurse Ratched? She is just doing her job. And from the looks of it, she has been doing it well according to existing standards. That is brefore McMurphy showed up. Here arrives a cantankerous, uhinged but charismatic fella who starts questioning the rules that she so carefully designed and implemented. She takes it as a challenge. Which was a mistake, because this is how she set her carefully built system on the path of unravelling. She should have sent him back to jail, instead she took it personally and decided to "break the bastard". I could almost sympathize with her.
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Watching this movie was like reading a book in a good way
16 October 2023
Watching this movie was like reading a book in a good way. Jack London comes to mind.

I did not really like the first 3 stories, but finally I got drawn in by the plight of old prospector. Well, by all means Cohen brothers have created a gem of a homage to the Western genre. This is a cinematic delight and feels like a movie made back in the 70s-80s before Hollywood turned art of cinema into an amusement park kind of offering with never ending stream of cliches, tired platitudes, chases, CGI effects and green screens.

Superb acting, costumes, sets, camera work. Stories are kind of simple, dialogs/monologues are sparse, making it feel very real. I am not even a fun of Westerns, but I thoroughly enjoyed this offering by Cohen bros.
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Good idea, poorly executed
6 August 2023
First off the idea to put on the film darwin awards winning incidents/accidents is rich and should have lended itself for a great comedy/drama from the get go. And yeah, the aspect of humanizing these imbeciles and dehumanizing the insurace industry was a nice touch. Just execution sucked. The movie is a bit uneven with creators definitely struggling to piece together the funny stuff with plot development. Then, the "mockumentary" aspect of the movie - like there is an aspiring student who records on camera the adventures of our two heroes - did not work well at all. The San Francisco serial killer was over the top cartooonish, the props were cheap and Winona Rider has no business of being an actress. She is just plain horrible.

In summarion, good idea, poorly executed. It is like the director had some kind of mishmash in his head - "Monk", "Best in Show" and "Trailer Park Boys" and he stumbled along trying to create something along these lines.

I could only imagine what sort of a riot of a movie this could have turned into had Christopher Guest or Monty Python franchise decided to make it.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
wow this movie hit me like a freighttrain
12 July 2023
Wow, what a powerul movie. All the right buttons clicked. Add to it an incredible chemistry they have created on screen so much so that it feels totally real, like a documentary indeed.

And ... you connect, you connect to Sophie being a child, having been a child yourself, you connect to Calum, having been a child of divorced parents and later in life being a parent, and you connect to adult Sophie reliving her memories of that melancholic journey to Turkey, and presumably having lost her father, as an adult.

It is like a triple shot.

I wont go into details of this movie but I think it hits at the core of out of balance miserable modern life.. It covers themes of coming of age, depression, parenting issues, false apperances, loneliness and nostalgia. An incredibly poignant movie.

P. S.: This was particularly shocking as I watched it while on the plane to a vacation destination with my children. Freaked me out a bit TBH.
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Confusing message
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So we have manipulative narcissistic psychopath Ingrid played by Aubrey Plaza stalking and gaining trust of some vapid, gullible and conceited valley girl instagram influencer. In the beginning the things have been working fine for her. She even managed to use her dufus Batman loving landlord by seducing him into believing that he is her boyfriend. Then it all failed due to cunning brother of the influencer woman who gains access to Ingrid's phone, uncovers her stalking and lies and then tries to blackmail her into paying him for keeping his mouth shut. It all ends up in a disaster with landlord in a hospital (having barely survived being beaten by the influencer's brother). After that Ingrid had the audacity to keep calling/texting the influencer who naturally ghosted her (why she did not report her to police is rather unclear). Ingrid decided to off herself having made a last video post on Instagram where she came clean so to say. She wakes up in a hospital with landlord dude circling around in a wheelchair (I assume he is paralyzed from waist down). And of course he video has become viral and she was saved by that landlord who contacted police upon seeing the farewell video.

So.... What have we learned? I dunno. That people are idiots and that you can get a lot of likes if you announce that you gonna kill yourself on Instagram? Like literally ....

Some questions: would you give your truck that has a gun (later we learn it is a paintball gun) and cocaine in glove compartment to a tenant (even if you are infatuated with that tenant)? Would you continue to have good relationship with that tenant if she returns the truck the next day sideswiped agains the guard rail even tho you agreed that you needed the truck back, presumably whole, by the 6 pm of previous day? Would you be so dumb if a girl f*ed you just so that she could manipulate you into pretending to be her BF at a party?

Would you report to police if your brother is kidnapped, driven to a desert and knocked out cold?

Would you report to police if you discovered that some narcissistic psychopath is stalking you?

So, altho I kind of like Aubrey Plaza acting, the movie did not work for me. A dumb movie. Especially the happy ending made it super cheesy.
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18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I have never seen this movie as a kid. Watched it recently with my son thinking it would be similar to Bueller's day off or Breakfast club.

Well.... this is really garbage.

First of all, it follows kind of similar schematic as "Weird science". There's shower scene (this time with gratuitous frontal nudity), a wild party that all but destroys the hosting house, then a night ride through Chicago...

Second - it features your stereotypical brat brother, idiotic grandparents, stupid self absorbed older sister who is about to marry some blubbering idiot whom they refer to as "bohunk" which is ethnic slur for Central European immigrants. A family that forgets that the heroine has a birthday. So she is pissed....

Third - totally out of nowhere racism - over the top idiotic portrayal of a Chinese exchange student.

Fourth - Sam takes off her panties and gives them to a dork so that he can use them as a proof that he "scored". LIKE WHAT? Yikes.

And then a cherry on top of the cake - the romantic hero of the movie passes his semi-conscious drunk GF on to an underage geek (the same one that scores panties) so he can have his way with her in hero's daddy's Rolls-Royce. I kid you not !!

This is seriously disturbing movie if you think about it.
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Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
10 April 2023
Well.... I must say that when I watched this for the first time about 25 years ago I was utterly gobsmacked. Nothing that I had watched prior to this come close (well, may be a particular long sequence in Tarkovsky's "Solaris").

On the surface of it the movie tries to make a point that Western Men have lost their way and plunged into life out of balance that will result in miserable and punishing outcome as predicted by ancient Hopi's legend.

That does seem so on the first watching. I rewatched it a few times. And once just recently so. Something other stuck me. All the controlled chaos of human activity where you get an impression that all this movement serves some elusive purpose. And then, it is juxtaposed with portraits of people who blankly stare at the camera. These are so haunting. It is like they look for an answer, they look for some hint as to "what to do". Yes. I get it. I real life they were just asked to look at the camera for few seconds without any particular instructions, hence the result. But what a powerful result. Feeling of aimlessness and futility of existence.
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overrated pretentious stage play
28 March 2023
Well, this one is overrated for sure, but an interesting study of Tarantino's development as a director. It has all his hallmarks - dialogue, "the speech", violence, out of sequence narrative. It only lacks Uma Thurman's feet. In fact, it feels like a test run for Pulp Fiction.

I guess the idea of a heist movie without showing the heist and ultra violence was novel at the time.

What is the main issue? It feels like amateur stage play with characters' lines rather long winded, acting a bit over the top, especially Mr. Pink and Mr. White scenes that take good part of the movie.

All in all, I think, cinematically the movie is carried by Mike Madsen and Chris Penn whose characters feel natural and thus more believable.

What is this film about? It is about male insecurities and homosexuality. The theme of big dicks and homosexuality is all over the movie. Even starting with their black suits/white shirt/Ray Ban glamour getup. But particularly interplay between chattering Mr. Pink and others and especially between Mr. White and Mr. Orange where it is frankly hysterical.

TBH apart from the torture scene and some mildly entertaining but overly prolonged dialogue in the beginning it is a boring movie.

One thing struck me tho. There is a scene with Mr. Orange on a roof top. I wonder - had "Disaster Artist" famous "Oh, Hi Mark" scene been inspired by that one.
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Excellent movie. Not happy with the ending.
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is great. An aging gangster, Johnny Hallyday, arrives in dreary November to a French village with a goal of robbing a local bank. By chance he ends up staying at dilapidated, stuffed choke full with antique furniture, house of retired literature teacher, Jean Rochefort. They develop a strange affection for each other that can be summed up in "grass is always greener on the other side". The gangster longs for stable, uneventful, leisurely and "settled" lifestyle of the teacher. Meanwhile the teacher longs for adventurous and adrenaline fueled life of the gangster.

Beautiful, brooding cinematography, strong character, two-hander, play. Conversations about aging, decline of masculinity and general futility of life and cosmos. Almost like old men grumbling, but they do make good points. Chekhov kind of quality. The two characters are almost moving in opposite time directions. An old teacher gets invigorated while gangster gets less and less enthusiastic and brooding and "older".

This goes on for 4 days in a run up for big day Saturday when the teacher is scheduled for triple bypass surgery and the gangster is supposed to rob the bank with 3 other accomplices.

Rather predictably the teacher dies while being operated and the robbery goes south - somebody tipped the police and the gangster is shot by the SWAT team. Both are dead at the same time. I would think that would be the end of it. BUT...... Both seem to open their eyes and the next frame we see the gangster seem to be leaving prison, teacher throws his keys to him, gets on the train and is gone, while the gangster takes the teacher's place in the old house by the grand piano. The "trading places" completed.

That did not make much sense to me.... I would think if this is what happened - both survived and the gangster got a jail time, he would be there for a very long time. Whereas they did not seem much changed in this key exchange sequence. So, I guess, it is open to interpretation as to what really happed with usual cop-out - it was all just a dream.... So, beautiful move. Felt a little betrayed by the ending.
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Interstellar (2014)
This is what you get if Steven Spielberg decided to remake Odyssey 2001
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Frankly I am absolutely dumbfounded by glowing reviews this movie got.

To me it was overly long, pretentious, trivialized, insulting to physics snoozefest.

So we have humanity on Earth on a brink of ecological catastrophe due to supposed food crisis that is exacerbated by some "blight" consuming oxygen. So whoever did not starve will suffocate. We see perfectly healthy, green corn crops being pounded by some dust storms to emphasize this idea.

We have our hero, McConaughey a farmer, who has two children, somehow deciphering that bands of sand in some abandoned library represent binary encoded coordinates! (how he come up with that idea is anybody's guess). So he drives his truck on the location with his daughter in tow and discovers brightest minds of humanity working on a clever "save humanity" plans to bring a bunch of frozen fertilized eggs to some wormhole that appeared somewhere in the vicinity of Saturn. Why? Who knows, there might be inhabitable planet on the other end of the wormhole. Anne Hathaway plays a nerdy scientist. A daughter of a genius behind the affair played by Michael Caine who has a couple of blackboards filled with gibberish equations pulled from general theory of relativity. So, our farmer, who just randomly discovered this, is somehow crucial to the plan and they want him to pilot a spaceship to the wormhole to establish contact with missions sent there previously. McConaughey believe that's the goal, but apparently he is deceived, and the real goal is to deliver the eggs to a fitting planet to continue humanity with Earth population left to die (or something like that).

So he parts with his family, his brat daughter gives him hard time, but off he goes to space the next day. So far the movie is kind of OK. But then nonsense starts. Once they dive into wormhole and arrive to some system where you have a planet and what appears to be a blackhole nearby, They are orbiting that planet and they need to go on the surface. And here we learn that if they land in that planet where gravity is just 30% stronger than on Earth each hour spent on the surface would be equal 7 Earth years. WHAT!? As one of the fellas zings "That's relativity for you"..... That kind of difference could have been caused by gravity force that sure would have shredded them to pieces due to tidal forces without even landing on the planet. OK, fine. So they land in the weirdly shallow ocean and see the previous mission floating face down in the water. How? You go through a wormhole, you land on random planet, random place and you smack get to the position of the previous expedition. Then some huge (like a mile high) wave is about to hit them (where is all this water coming from on a shallow ocean is yet another guess) so they have to get out in a jiffy, but before doing so of course, for dramatic effect, Hathaway gets stuck and save by some ridiculous looking robot in the last moment. So off they go back to the orbit where 23 years has passed. And are greeted by their aging colleague who was left behind on the orbit who diligently waited for knock on the hatch all these years. And then, check it out, on the other end of that wormhole they get reception from Earth and read the messages that have accumulated over 23 years!

After that follows more nonsense of visiting another post, where they are cheated by Matt Damon character. With mandatory fight between two alfa males. McConaughey gets his helmet visor cracked and does not die almost instantly in the atmosphere saturated by ammonia. Then Damon makes a dash for the mother ship and ends up almost destroying it and then finally McConaughey and Hathaway get int the ship, realize they have no fuel and somehow they decide to fall into a blackhole AND "ingenious" McConaughey utilizes 3rd law of Newton to undock from mothership at some "right moment" so that he falls onto blackhole and Hathaway magically gets a boost to end up on some 3rd planet where the love of her live was left stranded from previous mission. Meanwhile McConaughey instead of being torn to pieces by tidal forces finds himself trapped in some sort of matrix behind that library wall back on Earth! And he proceeds to give clues in Morse code to his daughter who, using these messages, corrects some of the gibberish equations on that black board, yells "Eureka" and humanity is somehow saved after that.

And then we see McConaughey waking up in a hospital (A better plot twist would have been that it was a psychiatric hospital and the whole ordeal was his crazy dream....) some 120 years later and having witnessed his daughter on a deathbed off he goes to the planet where Hathaway is stuck sitting at the pile of stones, a shrine to her apparently dead lover. Mind bending.

NONSENSE like this. And of course you get to listen to cheesy Hollywood music at every critical junction.

It is unbelievable pile of hot garbage with elements of the movie lifted from "Space Odyssey 2001". I am seriously concerned about collective state of mind of the viewer audience who gave this "gem" glowing reviews.
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I liked her acting
11 December 2022
Think the movie follows similar mold as "Uncut Gems". Similar pace, camera work and a feeling how the main protagonists just spirals into abyss.

I liked Aubrey's acting, cinematography and pace of the movie. You get to sympathize with her character seemingly forced to make split of the moment decision out of desperation.

But I am sorta on the fence with the whole message of the movie..... To sum it up - a young, creative, with somewhat "Aubrey Plaza" like personality (dead pan and kind of direct) female is discovering that being a criminal is her true calling. And of course we have society to blame for this. A little flat.
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It is OK
25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So there is a hippie commune somewhere out there in the Universe and they live, as hippies should, in peace and harmony with Nature. Agrarian society. Communicating with each other by telepathy, attending "silent concerts", and do interplanetary travel in some sort of egg shaped bubbly crafts. For reasons I did not quite get they travel to various planets, Earth included and marvel at silly things the earthlings do - like money, wars, cars, tech. Etc. You know, the evils of civilization. As we learn deeper into the movie Jesus and JS Bach had been also the messengers from that planet. So, I surmise, they sort of monitor Earth and try to influence it of sorts. So, the main protagonist Mila, wants to go to Earth for no other reasons but because her mother was an Earthling. Just to check out on Earth. So she gets into egg-shaped bubbly thing and gingerly travels to modern day Paris. Where of course she discovers a few things that are wrong like air pollution, water pollution, inedible food or food made from animals (strong vegetarian message). In process of communicating with Earthlings she proceeds to screw with them so that they "open their eyes", start hugging trees, ditching their shoes to walk barefoot, discover disgust for meat eating or start throwing stale cookies at the evil cars. You know, the hippie agenda. Then things start to get a bit random, as I think at this point the director ran out of ideas. Since she can't consume inedible processed food she gets herself into maternity ward and grabs a baby who was conceived as the result of a rape of a Bosnian woman by Serbian soldiers. The baby was abandoned and being cared for by a nurse. So holding a baby "charges" Mila somehow. She falls asleep to be awaken by the nurse who like "WTF?". While they are talking the head doctor barges in and starts giving them hard time. So Mila does that mindf* thing on him and he turns into an idiot who realizes that he, as a man, has no idea as what is it to give birth to a child. Mila tugs along with "enlightened" Doc to his apartment. Sleeps on a balcony. He has out of control impudent brat son and a wife who stays with him only because of money. All these revelations are triggered by Mila's trickery. So random stuff like that. Add to this that she communicates with her planet by sitting ankle deep in the water and by holding her hands to her temples and flapping them funny. Now back to the baby. She need the baby, the nurse is conflicted because the baby will be taken away soon by Child Protection Service and she apparently is attached to the baby. So they steal the baby and go to their flat where there is also nurse's sister. Both rather attractive. While there, Mila, ankles in the bathtub communicates to her sons just to say "Hello" and they get a glimpse of two sisters and immediately want to go to Earth to get to know them. They convince their local sage commune leader to send the to Earth and they land in that egg shaped bubbly thingie somewhere in Australia among aborigines who live just like them on their planet in harmony with Nature so they are surprised to contrast that to all the bad rap their mother was giving them about Paris. So sooner or later they take a flight from Australia to Paris pulling similar mindf* on airline and customs personnel. Having arrived to Paris they meet the sisters, the Doc's son who is getting all better without watching TV all day long, they drive cars, have fun at soccer field by getting both teams perform silly ballet and then kiss and hug each other (gay theme). And then they just go back to their planet with the sisters and the baby in tow! And that's it! So how silly does that sound to you? IMO it is pretty silly.

So, enlightened hippies stole 2 hot girls + baby from that stupid planet Earth and everybody is happy. And that is basically it.

I hope that may be a lot was lost in translation and the French dialog must have been witty and full of zingers. I could only hope.

I would not say I totally did not enjoy the movie. But it is a silly movie.
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Top Gun (1986)
Totally agree with Tarantino's character in "Sleep with me"on this one.
30 August 2022
So, I have never seen this one. So I just did. As far as dialog and story are concerned, it is very cheesy and formulaic. Plus, I totally agree with Tarantino's character in "Sleep with me" analysis of this movie. Look it up on youtube.

That having said. The aerial dogfight footage (and sound effects) is mind blowing. Especially if taking into account that the movie was made way back in 1986. This is where it stands out. In general, the camera work is great.

Overall feels like a great US air force recruitment commercial. Captures the eighties Regan America with its superficiality in full display.
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Staple of the time and well made
30 May 2022
IMO this movie fully deserves its cult status. Besides being the right movie at the right time and director, Richard Linklater, managing to create such a wonderful time capsule of 1976 everything about this film feels "right". So, we live through the last day of school in a small Texas town back in 1976. The characters go through the business of that day - seniors hazing of freshmen, driving around, mailboxing, getting high, getting drunk and making out. Nothing particularly remarkable, but somehow it works very well and feels quite natural. Even despite the fact that the cast is a bunch of nobodies at the time. A new crop of actors whose fame was still in the future. I loved the acting, especially Mitch Kramer. Only just one bit was a little over the top - the convos that the 3 "intellectual nerds" had. A bit contrived and, I guess, I generally dislike Adam Goldberg as an actor. The rest of the dialogues and character interactions were done very well.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Still like it after many years
2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First time I watched Taxi Driver was back in 1987 and it left me fascinated. Just rewatched it with my son (he found it to be an "OK" movie). I still enjoyed it, granted, partially it stirred up some nostalgia.

To the point of the review - great cinematography, camera work, music, ambience. You see the grit of 70s New York thru the eyes of a disturbed taxi driver and feel the alienation of urban society. Granted, there is definite homage to Jean-Luc Godard, but it is lovely made.

Robert De Niro is great portraying a disturbed insomniac descending into madness. I see some reviewers commenting about quality of dialogue... Yes, the dialog is lacking. But it feels so real! It does not sound contrived or forced, or you feel there is a writer behind it who is jumping over his head trying to impress viewers with his intellectual prowess. And .... I should say this was rather typical for the movies in 70s. Characters just talked to each other like you do in real life. Less pathos.

There are some questions about the plot. Indeed Travis does not come across as an idiot. The speech he gives to Betsy to win her over is rather sweet and endearing. So, how could he possibly take her to a porn movie on the first date? (BTW some research shows that the movie was actually a Swedish sex education video!) While Travis' devolvement into a paranoid psychotic is shown very well, that whole assassination plot execution is rather cringe worthy. And the carnage scene at the end is a little over the top - circus like.

To sum up. A canonical Noir movie from the 70s. A movie that cannot be made today. A must watch.
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12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I rewatched the movie recently with my son. I found the movie quite unremarkable. Mostly because it is rather primitive and schematic. There are sadistic guards, crooked boss, camaraderie of fellow prisoners, a almost messianic story of Andy, a wrongly imprisoned former banker who overcomes the adversity and ends up winning the lottery so to say.

And movie slowly goes through the motions of torment, dispair, opportunities, hope and revenge.

And it has that kind of theatrical feel to it and quite slow pacing. Like you already know what Brooks is up to, yet takes forever for him to hang himself. Or it felt that way.

Another cringe worthy scene was when Andy escapes. When he sheds prison attire and spreads his arms lifts his face to the rain. It was almost funny.

Another thing, the life in prison, despite sadistic guard and corrupt boss, looks like some kind of summer camp. Like life there is almost great, just a bit monotonous. No grit. Everyone clean shaven, washed and neatly dressed. You know, like it is a drama play by rich students in college drama club.

I think the movie is popular because viewers get trapped in their indignation at the injustice leveled at Andy, they root for him and get rewarded by the happy ending. So it feels good, satisfying. But to me it was boring and predictable at the same time.
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Groundhog day was more entertaining
6 March 2022
Anybody who played FS video games recognizes what this movie is about - you save, you play, get fragged, you re-load from the saved position, you do it again until you win.

Someone has decided to make this concept into a movie. Over the top CGI and some weird story about Alpha and Omega alien life forms and blood transfusion. (I failed to even get this one too much). Plus some corny dialogue. A movie for 12 year olds. I don't get why this flick has such a high rating on IMDB.
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Verbal Kint did not have to talk to the cops at all, right ?
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Verbal Kint did not have to talk to the cops at all, right? I mean there wouldn't be a story then but I real life he did not have to. Just wait for his bail to post. I fact he was subjecting himself to risk of being discovered to be lying had the cop connected the dots earlier.

Another fun fact - except the taxi heist and the very first scene of the movie where Keaton got killed - nothing we know that that really happened.
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Troy (2004)
It is OK
20 February 2022
I have mixed feeling about this one. Overall, for such a massive epic movie it is well made. Particularly battles scenes. Acting by Brad Pitt, Peter O'Toole and Eric Bana is great. Draws you into it. But. Overall there is little passion. Except may be the scene where Priam sneaks to Achilles' camp to pick up Hector's body.

It more looks like actors are there to deliver their lines and proceed to the next scene.

Particularly Paris and Helen. You would think that if a nation goes to war because of these two, it must be worth it? But, there is no much passion in their relationship, no chemistry. Helen is out of place on the set really. And Paris (Ken Bloom) has no character (other than being a coward). IMO, the film would have benefited by showing more personal drama, better dialogue and acting when trying to show the turmoil the characters were going through. So less massive epic battle scene, more character development would balance the movie and bring it to the next level.

Then, for an R-rated movie the "gore sex and nudity" part is rather timid. Especially "sex and nudity" part. Sort of tokenized. Show chiseled Pitt's body for female audience and a couple of beautiful women's behinds for male audience. The two sex scene (that I recall) are laughable.

IMO, you either do not include these at all and make it PG-13, or go full hardcore. Else it is boring.

Overall, I think, it is a good movie a whole family can watch. The kids too. They couldn learn about Trojan war without having to read Iliad. Who reads books these days, right ?
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The Room (2003)
This movie is a litmus test of the idiocy of today
14 February 2022
Well, I heard about this flick alot from nerdy college students. Then I watched Disaster Artist, and then I tried to watch the original. I could not do it. At least I did not pay a dime for the privilege.

Given the budget, and shady persona of Tommy Wiseau, only two things come to mind. That this has been some sort of elaborate money laundering activity, or a general study of human idiocy financed on a bet by some whimsical, bored and shadowy figures who just happen to choose Tommy to run the experiment. Given, that by some accounts the movie brought in $30M in revenue, the experiment was a success. You can sell anything! I am wondering that nobody is curious enough to investigate Tommy Wiseau (privately of course). To find out some basic things like how old is he, where is he from and the source of his fortune. May be he is from another planet? May be on that other planet he watched "Mulholland Drive" and decided that he could do the same?
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Pile of hot garbage
24 January 2022
Style over substance. Steampunk overload and stilted, unnatural acting. Yeah, I guess all the props, interiors and the sheer coked up flight of fantasy are hallmarks of this movie, but this is it. It is like 10 for visuals and 0 for everything else. With all the fancy props you get claustrophobic feeling that the whole movie was shot in one small room.

I watched Delicatessen previously and it had a story, humor and decent acting. This movie has nothing going for it really.
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Excellent social commentary.
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that Hitler is a sensitive topic for Germans, so a German comedy (dark comedy alright) about Hitler waking up in the modern time Germany must be breaking many taboos. A movie that makes you sympathize with supposedly the most evil person ever lived doubly so!

Well, I did not expect much but the movie drew all my attention and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This movie makes you think, makes you laugh, makes you cry and leaves you terrified. Imagine Hitler, his world view justapoxed on modern day PC, self centered, narcissistic culture. The fella who played Hitler did a terrific job. The idea of the movie is that Hitler wakes up in modern day Germany and embarks on a discovery trip while subjecting what he sees through the critical mind of the Fuhrer. Then, having realized the propaganda power of TV, he gets on the live TV show and delivers a speech. OMG, this was the climax of the movie, that whole scene starting from the pregnant silence that sent chill down the spines of the people in the audience, the speach itself, the eloquence if the speaker and the shocked faces of the listeners. Brilliant.

I only had one issue with the movie. To remind us what an evil monster Hitler was the authors of the movie couldn't come with anything better than having Hitler shooting some pup that was attacking his shins. Real Hitler would never have hurt an animal....
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Thoroughly enjoyed the movie
22 January 2022
Compared to a flood of drivel on Netflix this one is an uncut gem indeed. A little rough on the edges, but I loved every minute of it. I never liked Adam Sandler in the comedies, so I was pleasantly surprised with this one. The story of a downward spiral of self destruction played brilliantly. All supporting characters were a great match. A little contrived, but you don't have time to think about it glued to the screen watching the train wreck unfold.
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10 for the story 5 for the filmmaking
24 December 2021
The story is great. The mood, surroundings, elements all together creep you out and keep you at the edge of the seat as you are on a rollercoaster along with Leo's character and you do not know what happens around the corner until the very end.

BUT. My the major complaint I have - it feels like 90% of the movie was made in front of a green screen with background added later. This is so obvious and awkward that movie loses its realism. Feels very weird and distracting. Reminded me of early movies of the 50s. You know when say characters "ride" in car in front of a screen showing footage of a moving road.

Another point - Leo alone carries the movie. You feel his angst and torment. The rest of the cast - not so much. It was like Leo and a bunch of extras. May be with the exception of George Noyce character.

Overall - great movie, disappointed at the shooting technique used.
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Paterson (2016)
12 December 2021
Well, this was overrated for sure. The problem I have - I just can't connect with the characters, the acting is so stilted as I am wondering why Adam Driver, who plays, you guess it, a driver, is an actor. Like why is he an actor? He plays some detached introvert who follows the same routine and writes crappy poetry. To the point I felt relieved by the demise of his secret notebook. He has an extrovert GF of exotic (Persian?) origin who is obsessed with black and white patterns and who is gushing over his poetry. And we enjoy watching a chronicle of one week worth of their unremarkable life.

I watched "Night on Earth", "Dead man" and "Broken Flowers" and enjoyed all three, but this one is way too self indulgent and derivative (from his previous work).
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