
26 Reviews
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Mammals (II) (2024)
An exercise in propaganda
9 April 2024
An exercise in propaganda. Mr Attenborough is at his pompous peak, pontificating about human damage and impact on mammals (mammals only - I guess he is saving this subject for other species for new series). You would think that this is about mammals but no! Sea lions in a Chilean city, otters in Singapore, elephants in a city near Victoria Falls. It goes on. And on and on. I am clear that this is an exercise in propaganda and the current rhetoric that is clearly part of the BBC's mission along with Mr Attenborough to convince viewers that the human race is the enemy of this planet. As many who believe that the jury is out on man-made climate change, the climate emergency, and all the rest of this nonsense, I believe that this is offensive preaching.
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Marriage (2022)
Misfires on so many levels.
4 March 2024
I really appreciate the courage of this production to dwell on the minutiae of family life in such naked, bare-bones way. In many ways it felt like you were in room with them feeling the embarrassing silences was quite powerful. Secondly, all the cast were superb and in the first episode it really did feel as if the lines were being improvised.

I agree with one reviewer who described it as Mike Leigh gone wrong. My main issue is that there seems to be a need focus on the mundane to an obsessive degree as if it would add something. It didn't. As an example was a the scene where Ian (Sean Bean) is in a supermarket looking for shampoo which didn't add anything and I don't know why it was included. This scene also included conversation between two shop assistants on the same subject but I've no idea why.

I suppose one positive is that I watched the whole thing.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
An excuse for a dialogue play.
1 February 2024
An excuse for a dialogue play. First of all the writers clearly had an agenda concerning racism and white privilege which would have been fine had they not shoe-horned these memes in like the way they did with amazing clumsiness. I felt patronised and insulted. While I have loads of time for Peter Capaldi, his role in this production a complete cliche - and he almost doesn't need to act while he plays this archetypal tough copper as if being miserable makes him seem tough. It doesn't. Cush Jumbo is great but her performance is let down by the writing. And on the writing many of the lines belong in Life on Mars or The Sweeney. Either because they needed to spice it up or or to add to the preaching element of the script.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Dull and far too long and drawn out
30 January 2024
Dull and far too long and drawn out. The almost total lack of pace is in my view the most significant issue. I found it quite difficult to follow and at several times became bored and disinterested probably as it is too slow. It seems to wander about all over the place with the plot seeming to be without direction at times. In many ways it looks as if the producers had been given eight episodes and then struggled to fill them. Many such productions work precisely the other way round and weed out superfluous scenes for the sake of pace and brevity. Adheel Akhtar steels the show for me and was one of the few characters I could identify with.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Great Fun
7 January 2023
This is pure and simple great fun. Ignore all the bad reviews - these are from those who dearly wanted a repeat of the original. It is not a sequel and it is not meant to be and those who are confused about this are mislead by the 'knives out' inclusion in title. It is immensely colourful in terms of the set- which is worthy of a James Bond finale scene, the staging, the cast and the script which is fast, punchy and arresting. If I have an issue it is that it is a little slow to start but once the action kicks off fully it doesn't stop. The final scene is as good as any I have seen, visually exciting and extravagant.
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The Rig (2023– )
Wooden, clichéd, predictable
7 January 2023
Wooden, clichéd, predictable. I would like to criticize the acting but I don't think that is really fair with such a terrible script. There is no action other than shaking scenery and bits of random CGI. What tension there is comes from the main characters shouting and arguing over nothing - just arguing to try and inject something into the terrible plot but this is pointless. It is clear that there is a climate catastrophe element to the plot which is so thin, weak and unconvincing it gives the show a comic-feel without the speech bubbles. I would add a quotation from the show 'a collective failure of imagination'. Complete rubbish.
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Turgid, wooden, boring
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great story ruined by this production. Wooden lines, wooden performances. Let's skip to the sinking where it is clear that the whole the was filmed in a swimming pool. It's supposed to be the middle of the ocean but not a wave in sight. It gets worse: through all the terror and fear of being on a sinking ship there are no raised voices - sll the conversations are just as if the actors were sat in a drawing room. Tension: none! Excitement: none. So disappointing.
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Funeral for a Dog (2022– )
Strangely Addictive
21 March 2022
I'm just about to begin ep 3 and feel like very little has happened but for some reason I'm irresistibly drawn in. Slowly, very slowly, we get to know the characters but are unsure of the relationship between them. If there is a story, it's only partially revealed at this stage. Whatever happens from here on, I am fixed, strangely attracted and fascinated. More later.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
27 February 2022
Just delicious! The kind of murder mystery I love. The main thread is about an author who publishes his latest murder mystery novel with the last chapter missing an then dies. The publisher, Lesley Manville, then sets out to find the missing chapter. However, this plot is very cleverly merged with the plot of the murder mystery itself in a way that keeps you on your toes and keeps you guessing to the last. Both Lesley Manville and Tim McMullan are superb and I must include the wonderful Conleth Hill. The pace is brisk and the writing is razor-sharp. Oddly, this premiered on Britbox only (as far as I am aware) which may limit its audience but I urge you to watch it if you can. Fully recommended.
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The Duke (2020)
27 February 2022
Jim Broadbent is absolutely wonderful here and with a consummate Helen Mirran make this movie a must-see. The writing and direction are faultless and deliver pure entertainment. While I do think that this can be described as a comedy, there are some great comedic moments particularly in the courtroom scenes. But fundamentally, this is a great feel-good movie.
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Anne (2022)
I am in bits!
6 January 2022
I am in bits watching this amazing drama of the outcome of the Hillsborough disaster. Maxine Peake is amazing, simply amazing: Maxine Peake who played Twinkle in Victoria Wood's Dinnerladies, as a moody, sarky, awkward, bolshie young lady with some of Victoria's best lines. But here she is absolutely fully convincing as Anne Williams, the distraught mother of her son, Kevin, who was killed at Hillsborough on that fateful day. The drama is riveting and convincing helped of course by the truth which has subsequently come to light regarding the attempted police cover up. The scene in ep2 with PCSO Martin is off the scale in terms of emotion.
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The Last Bus (2021)
A Feel-Good movie (in its own sweet way)
13 December 2021
Any movie that brings tears to my eys is worth watching. It's a simple and harmless film with a wonderful soul at its heart. The story is told through and by virtue of a bus journey which is the vehicle for a source of sadness not revealed unit the final few scenes. The script is sparing and essential and there's no subplot unless you include the many encounters on the journey. Many of these encounters, even the briefest are full of poignancy and charm. A wonderful Feel-Good movie in its own very sweet way.
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Pitch Black (2000)
Maybe the best B movie ever
16 October 2021
Thoroughly enjoyable, great fun, great tension great concept, dubious scripts with some good one liners, in a sci-fi horror that beats many others. I recommend you watch this with a few beers on a Friday night. Excellent!
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The Larkins (2021–2022)
Almost Perfick!
11 October 2021
It would be an impossibility for any show to be as good as the Darling Budds but this comes pretty close. Please ignore all those who are blinded by the racial mix and unable to appreciate the acting, the writing, and the production which are all wonderful. Joanna Scanlon is superb and a complete shoe-in for Pam Ferris; Bradley Walsh, Peter Davison, and Sabrina Bartlett are all amazing. Shame it wasn't filmed in Pluckley though.
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Ridley Road (2021)
5 October 2021
I think the writing and plot is weak, unconvincing and unbelievable. No problems with the set, scenery and the use of archive film of street scenes of the period are great. The performances are good too but it it ends there. The plot is thin, superficial and full of holes and appears to be lossely constructed to present set scenes.
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Foundation (2021– )
Review of episode 1
24 September 2021
First of all: forget this is based on Asimov's works. Yes, I have read and thoroughly enjoyed them, but i believe you have to judge it on its merits as a standalone piece of work that is inspired by Asimov only. If you know anything about this business you will know that there are no rules. As a sci-fi it's pretty good, and quite watchable. The acting, script writing, dialogue, and special effects are well above average. And I'll watch almost anything with Jared Harris in. Looking forward to the following episodes.
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Treme (2010–2013)
A complete work of Art
21 September 2021
I watched all of this when it was first released and was completely blown away. Watching again in '21 and it seems 10 times better. It's all great: the music (oh the music), the writing, dialog, acting, cinematography, the whole production from start to finish is awesome.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Very silly but great fun
27 February 2021
I think that this movie falls into the category of being great for 14 year-old boys but I loved it. I loved the action, the over-egged CGI, the silly plot, the two-dimensional characters, and, most of all - no sub-plot. Great fun!
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Thoroughly Entertaining Crime Drama
3 February 2021
This is a Thoroughly Entertaining Crime Drama!. I've just finished episode 5 and blown away by the writing, the sets, the camera work, photography, and the acting. The level of violence, although not gratuitous, is reminiscent of GOT with many of the same actors. The plot is complex and interwoven and always surprising, keeping the viewer on their toes. One other thing that surprised me is the almost total absence of expletives from the script. And while not being a prude in this regard, I really appreciated. It's all as if the script doesn't need it.
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Manhattan (1979)
Very possibly the best B&W movie in the modern era
15 January 2021
First of all I have to say that I am biased. I just love Woody Allen movies. But what is different about this movie, the thing that sets above most other Woody Allen movies, is the B&W photography. While the writing and then dialogue is wonderful, this is a movie that you can watch with the sound off. That is with the exception of the Gershwin score which is wonderful.
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The Undoing (2020)
I found this Distinctly Boring
11 November 2020
This is poor. The characters have no depth. Mostly two-dimensional. The writing is just ordinary - I cannot say it's good or bad - simply uninspiring. The two main characters are great actors but neither the writing or the plot does them any favours. It's quite clichéd and predictable.
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T-34 (2018)
Pretty bad!
19 June 2020
Good plot totally ruined by cheap clichéd and cheesey Americanisms. The clichés don't stop there: the main German protagonist has to have a scarred face. Multiple plot holes and descrepancies - too many to mention. What saves this movie from no stars is the photography which isn't too bad.
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Cobra (2020–2023)
Lazy and clichéd writing.
19 January 2020
Most of the characters quite black and white in terms of extremes. The writing is very clichéd and lacks complexity and intelligence. It is lazy writing. I feel quite sorry for the actors (superb actors) particularly Con O'Neill, David Haig, and Charlie Carrick whose characters are so extreme they are simple characatures. And then there are the subplots. I want to know why, when they don't add to the story? As storylines go, this one has so much potential and yet this story has three separate subplots none of which materialy contribute to the main plot.
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Very poor direction
7 December 2019
The cast is amazing, the writing is good as is the photography and the art direction. But what let's this movie down in a huge way is the direction. The plot does not emerge until the movie is halfway through. Scenes just appear with random characters for no apparent reason. I had recently watched the original which was wonderful so arguably the main players did not need much character building. But - in a massive lost opportunity - I did not care about these characters at all.
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No Offence (I) (2015–2018)
Very different, very original.
22 November 2019
I've lost count of the number of police dramas I've seen, good, bad, and indifferent, but No Offence is very different and very original, very dark, and very enjoyable. Joanna Scanlon is brilliant in the role of DI as are the whole cast helped by excellent character building. But what keeps this show so very watchable is the writing which is top notch.
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