
24 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
Hopeless & Terrible
14 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This move was terrible. It isn't a parody, but with little effort could have turned out to be a decent one. Instead, it tries to be a serious disaster-themed movie, and fails terribly at it.

The characters in the movie are so stupid, it's laughable. Picture this - the earth as we know it will cease to exist in 2 hours; we have 2 astronauts and a conspiracy theorist hovering over the moon in a space shuttle they just got out from a museum, the non-astronaut is busy taking pictures of the moon with his phone with one of the astronauts grinning and smirking at him! None of the actors, although accomplished, seem to feel their characters - it looks like they did it for a paycheck.

I remember watching an episode of Scooby Doo when I was a kid that was more believable.
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A masterpiece
17 September 2022
What an experience!

The first one is a classic and I was doubtful this would live up to the expectations, and even thought they shouldn't have attempted a sequel, but boy, was I wrong! This is a masterpiece and one of the finest films I have watched.

Tom Cruise goes on to show why he is still one of the best in the business - everything about this movie was great - the cast, the story, the humor, and the bonding - all so well done. But above everything else, the scenes with the jets in the air, the formations, the attack, the maneuvers are stellar! It was such a joy to watch!

This will, in my books, go down as the best sequel ever made!
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Dabangg 3 (2019)
IMDB should allow negative ratings
4 April 2022
Couldn't get past the first 20 minutes. If I could rate this -1, I would love to do so. Please do yourself a favor and skip this movie.

This could be one of the worst movies I have attempted to watch.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall a good movie. There are some good scares as well.

But the one thing I don't understand is the need for the main character to continue walking around the house in the dark when he knows/suspects that there's someone/something else there! Is he trying to save on his utility bills? Doesn't make sense.
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Could have been so great!
23 May 2021
The premise was great! But they decided to make a comedy out of this. Utterly pointless and ridiculous. Twenty minutes remaining before a small scale nuclear detonation is going to wipe out all city, and the cast is engaging in sappy stories. Bah.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Excellently stressful!
15 July 2020
This was a great movie at the end! The first few minutes of the movie make you wonder if you'd rather be watching something else, but then it gets you hooked in, you start feeling anxiety. You feel like you want to take a break because there's just too much commotion. And then when you come back from your break and resume watching the movie - you get to the point where Howard wants to reconcile with his wife, make things better - you start to wonder that this would turn out to be another one of Sandler's turnaround movies where he seeks redemption. Wants to do better; but the way it pans out instead is just perfect! This is followed by what could have only been a near perfect ending to this chaotic movie!

All in all, a great watch! You are either going to love it or hate it! Like many other reviewers have said, the people who have rated this movie as being terrible, stressful and chaotic in a way acknowledge of a successful plot - this movie was made to be so.
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Seriously bad
2 February 2020
I quit watching half way through the movie. I had really liked the very first Godzilla movie and was quite excited to watch this one, but gosh have they done a terrible job with this! There are some ridiculously stupid scenes in the movie which I won't talk about here should others wish to watch this.
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Creed II (2018)
Everything but boxing
20 November 2019
This movie had everything but for boxing. Sure there were a few scenes where the protagonist is boxing and is training, but that just makes up maybe ten percent of the overall movie. The remaining 90 percent is some pure drama, the wife's profession as a musician, how husband and wife Talk about relocating to LA to make for a better career for the wife, conducting tests on their new born kid, the hero throwing a fit every now and then, and more. Now, I wouldn't have had any problem if this were to be any other movie, but this was supposed to be a Rocky movie! Growing up, it was one of my favorites. Just the training, the simple relationship he had with Adrian, the intense boxing prep from both drago and rocky.. that was just so awesome! It was ridiculous to see the wife sing a song when creed is making his way to the ring! Very disappointing.

When creed wins the fight at the end, and rocky just sits on a chair by himself outside the ring, it felt like even Sly was pretty disappointed himself.
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Face/Off (1997)
Great Movie, but only back in the day
25 October 2019
I remember watching this movie when I was in my teens and had been thrilled by it! Recently, I decided on rewatching it and it left an impression very different from my first time watching it. It seemed pretty ridiculous, and the acting seemed subpar after the faces get swapped. Overall I didn't really enjoy the movie the second time. Guess it was a pretty good movie for when it was made.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
Good, but annoying
25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The overall theme of the movie is good. What makes it annoying is without a doubt the mother! I think at times, the intensity of annoyance supersedes the scare factor due to the mother! She is so ridiculously irritating in the movie that at times I was just thinking of not watching any further. But I am glad I endured the suffering and watched all the way till the end because it made for a decent ending and tied the many events during the course of the movie together. A few other things that could probably not have been there in the movie was the many things that the son indulges in doing every time the family stops for on the road for whatever reason. I know the son is supposed to be an obnoxious one, but still...

Overall, a decent movie. You could do without watching the movie, but you still could give it a try for a decent plot (that becomes more apparent towards the end). But just prepare yourself to endure some pain during the movie.
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Such a lovely movie!
14 October 2019
I started watching this movie after having run out of options, but I am so glad I did. This is such a beautiful movie! The casting is just perfect. The kids, the grandfather, and everyone else's performance was just perfect! I can write a lot more about how good this movie was, but I would rather end this review by saying this - if you decide on watching this one, do it; you will be pleasantly surprised at how nice of a movie it turns out to be.
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Hot Rod (2007)
Ridiculous, Senseless, Hilarious
6 October 2019
This was a lot of fun to watch! The movie is just so ridiculous. It looks like the creators set out with the idea that they would try and make this movie as ridiculous as possible, which in turn let them add scenes that wouldn't have made sense in a make-believe movie otherwise. The result is that right from the start, there's the understanding that nothing of what will be seen would make sense - and that helps the audience in embracing the ridiculousness, thereby finding the whole script rather funny. I for one thought that this was a very funny movie, and loved watching it!

Give it a watch if you haven't already, you will be glad you did.
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Decent watch
5 October 2019
I liked this movie. I can also see how some reviewers here thought that this movie was a drag and not worthy of all the high ratings. It could have been a tad shorter, sure.. but I think the movie talks about the struggles about being a star, one with a complicated personality with an inner, untold, incomprehensible trauma from his childhood; and then the dysfunctional relationship between the two of them. I think the movie did a pretty good job depicting these aspects.
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October Sky (1999)
Excellent Movie!
25 September 2019
Excellent movie! This was such a nice movie to watch. Great acting with some splendid storytelling!
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Had to quit halfway!
18 September 2019
This movie turned out to be so annoying that it got increasingly difficult to watch each passing minute. I am a big fan of Steve Carrels, but I just didn't like his role in this movie - maybe he did a good job with his role and that's what was intended. Regardless, his role as an idiot in the movie was overshadowed by how annoying he turned out to being! Anyway, I couldn't watch this movie past the halfway point.
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Senseless, Violent & Entertaining
15 September 2019
This was a lot of fun to watch. This movie requires the viewer to go into watching it for just all the violent, senseless and technical action sequences; while not trying to find any bit of reality - some being why aren't there no cops to be seen during the entire movie, or how could John Wick survive an attack, the same of which seems to kill anyone else in the movie, or how could one man possibly kill over 300 other armed, skilled men with infinite resources, what is the likelihood of something like that happening? Accepting that this movie is purely fictional and that you paid to watch this one for the fun factor would make this truly entertaining! There are really nicely choreographed fight sequences, and Keanu doesn't fail to impress as John Wick for the third time.
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7 September 2019
This was such a nice movie! I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie!

Firstly, Ben Stiller delivers probably his best performance in this movie, and also to know that he directed this one as well, made me appreciate his performance even more. It's not the typical goofy, slightly dull-witted Ben Stiller we have so gotten used to from his other movies. Now, I do enjoy his other movies with him playing such roles, but we get to see a performance that's so unlike the other typical ones we have so gotten used to. It's a much mature character with a very complex personality!

This movie was very thought provoking. The music, the camera work, the locations, the cast, pretty much everything was just top notch!

If you haven't watched this one, you are missing out on a great movie!
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Hunt to Kill (2010)
Hard to Watch!
6 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Oh man, this one was hard to watch!

Growing up, I was a huge huge Steve Austin fan! But guess that was because he was an amazing wrestler! But as an actor, he probably isn't good enough. The whole movie had actors struggling and trying hard to fit their roles!

Also time seems to run differently for Austin. He could fall off a clip and get washed ashore by the river, but he would still be back atop the mountain in the same time as it would have taken for the bad guys to maybe take a few steps or cover a mile's hike! This is a recurrent theme throughout the movie.

The main bad guy and his crew were super super annoying. The only person I seemed to start being okay with towards the end was Dominica - she was somewhat better off the rest.

Overall, I wouldn't have missed much had I not watched the movie either. And to top it all, not a single stone cold stunner was dropped either.
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It's alright
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This one had some really good actors, but what didn't really work for me is the "motive" for the bad guy to go all out nuclear, and then the simplicity of the portable nuclear weapon and the technicalities of its build.

With regards to his motive, sure, I understand he is in a lot of pain from having lost his dearest ones - that's very sad. But in retaliation, he decides to carry a portable nuclear weapon in a backpack? His dearest ones died, so he wants to wipe out an entire city or state?

And then that weapon has a layer 1 "regular bomb" and a layer 2 "nuclear bomb"? And so Dr. Kelly can just cut the wiring to layer 2 so that although layer 1 explodes, the layer 2 nuclear bomb does not go off? Weren't these the same people who kept yelling to not shoot bullets at the truck that had been carrying nuclear warheads earlier in the movie?

Seemed quite silly overall. And then the 90s cheesy dialogues were fun though - "I want a soldier who doesn't mind taking orders from a lady" or "I am not scared of the man with 10 nuclear warheads, I am scared of the man who is carrying one and can use it".. or something like that.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
Such a nice movie!
1 September 2019
This was such a nice watch! Great acting by the entire cast, but George Clooney's performance appealed to me the most! There are times when no words are spoken, but still a million things are said or felt! Though the movie has somewhat of a sad ending, it still turns out to being a feel good movie overall. I'd definitely recommend watching this one!
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Average movie
31 August 2019
This wasn't as fun as the original. At times, it seemed a little forced and a little too silly. Overall, an average movie.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Very well done!
30 August 2019
This movie was a lot of fun to watch! The time travel aspect is interesting, but more so it's the effects it has on the mind - in knowing what really is reality, when it is the present, the past or the future based on from where in the timeline you are at.. Bruce Willis once again delivers a great performance in this one.
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Hart's War (2002)
Decent movie
26 August 2019
Good movie, seemed a little slow, but was a decent watch overall.
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What the ending?
26 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book this movie is based on. So I went into watching it without knowing anything at all. It was decent up until about 80% into the movie, but then to just see why all that meat was being made ready in the train was quite disappointing, and actually made me lose all interest in watching it any further.
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