
14 Reviews
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Not very good
19 August 2013
Pros: Ashley Greene, Malfoy; Cons: Nearly everything else This is a horror movie that is lacking. There isn't anything new, it just seems to be a hodgepodge of old films. I think the actors and directors did what they could with the film but the story is just a little stale.

I really wish Tom Felton could snag some better roles. Since HP he seems to be floundering a bit, but I guess that's because HP called for him to be an obnoxious goober for several years. He's a decent actor so here's hoping he gets some better shots. Ashley Greene on the other hand is terrible. She's great to look at but that's about it.

Apparition needs some liveliness injected into it. It could've been a bit better if the storyline had taken some different turns but as is it's just...dead.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Wow! Fantastic film
26 April 2013
I generally find myself enjoying Tom Cruise movies, and even remarked that I was going to go see 'generic Tom Cruise movie' when I went to see Oblivion. Couldn't be further from the truth! There are some general things that always seem to be in every movie of his - action, riding a motorcycle (seriously, is that in his contract? to always ride a motorcycle?) - but this movie had a lot more depth to it.

It was really a fantastic movie, well-written and well-made. The scenery was absolutely beautiful (they shot at the top of Hawaii's tallest volcano for a 360 view). The effects were great.

Whoever came up with the concept had a great imagination. Although there were definitely some things that were straight out of Star Wars (if you've seen both you'll get what I mean).

I really really enjoyed this movie. It was a joy to watch and whoever decided on the soundtrack deserves major kudos. Procol Harum! There are some plot holes and inconsistencies, but nothing that will bother you too much. It was a great movie - at the end, I wanted more!
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Rabbit Hole (2010)
Can't decide...
6 April 2013
This movie definitely hits you right in the feels, man.

But even after a bit to reflect, I can't for the life of me decide if I liked it or not.

I'm not a big Aaron Eckhart fan. He was decent in this movie, though his character wasn't very engaging to me (again, biased!). Nicole Kidman is simply wonderful, and really breathes life into her character.

That story is, of course, very very sad and moving. It is really powerfully written and directed in that it - mostly - gets you to feel what they intended you to feel.

But after watching, I feel a bit apathetic about the movie. It was really well done, I can understand others really loving it, but I would never watch it again.
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30 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all: what was with the singing? The Hobbit was very much parallel to the LOTR trilogy in regard to storyline and setup (meet, different battles, let's meet the dwarfs, let's meet the elves). There are also a lot of instances that are cheeky nods to the originals (i.e., Gandalf sending a butterfly instead of a moth to get help). Fans of the series will probably get a kick out of them.

I haven't read the book, so I don't know how similar in story arc its supposed to be. To me, it seems a little tired and "hey, this worked last time, let's basically follow the exact same thread but change up the characters." The animals (inc. a dragon with a gold hoard that would make even Scrooge McDuck jealous) are simply AMAZING. To me, they were by far the coolest aspect of the movie.

If you liked the LOTR, you'll like this. You probably won't be as blown away by it (or maybe you will) but you'll find it enjoyable.

But, seriously, fire whoever wanted all of that singing.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
Pretty good
22 March 2013
I wanted to love this film, as I'm a big fan of Liam Neeson.

This was a pretty good movie. It was overall enjoyable to watch, and it had good twists to the story. It was action packed, and as such Neeson delivers. January Jones is, unfortunately, a terribly cold actress and is the same character as all of her other films. I do like Diane Kruger though, and she was fairly charming in this.

I enjoyed watching it. It's a good weekend, sit-down-and-enjoy thrill movie, as one would expect from its description. It is by no means a movie I'd recommend for its artistic merit, but it definitely delivers in the traditional thrill-seeker movie. The plot is pretty good as well, and well executed.
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19 March 2013
Finally got around to watching this gem over the weekend. Absolutely stunning, both visually and with the story and characters.

I'm impressed! Foreign flicks are killing it right now. I'm surprised this didn't win an Oscar to be honest. It was really well done - superb, really! - and stuck to history very well (well, from the little I've researched it online!).

I highly, highly recommend watching this movie. It was like being transported into a completely different world. It's been a long time since I've watched a movie, and what was 2 hours felt like 15 minutes.

Definitely worth your time!
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Hollow (I) (2011)
Thoughtful found footage flick, interesting concept
18 March 2013
I'm always amazed at how polarized the reviews are for found footage flicks - people literally either love or hate them!

I thought Hollow was clever and overall a good movie. There is a lot of dialogue that is a wink to outside media, like the Beatles, and foreshadowing (as another reviewer mentioned with the knots).

I thought that the concept of Hollow was very interesting - I think my only qualm with the movie is that I would've wanted to delve even more into the mythologies and church's involvement.

The nod to cults, demonic possession as a result of sins (in this case, lust!) and the church was really interesting and I enjoyed watching it.

It was a good found footage horror flick and I would recommend it.
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12 March 2013
I'm not a Clooney fan, so maybe I'm biased (hey, I liked Batman!), but this sucked. It really wasn't much more than drivel, and unoriginal drivel at that.

If the intention was to make the viewer creeped out by politicians, then I guess mission successful! If the intention was to make a good movie that was thought-provoking - please try again. Well, actually, please don't.

None of the characters were remotely endearing. The content was lacking and the acting wasn't strong.

I can't recommend this. Even if you're a political junkie, it's ho-hum.

For lack of a better term, it just made me feel icky afterwards.

Watch Margin Call instead.
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Good movie, long-winded at times
7 March 2013
I was pleased with this movie. It was good, and the acting was very good as well. It did get a bit long-winded at times, and I found myself occasionally glancing at the run time and wondering 'OK, now can we get to the fun parts that were in the trailer?' and, to be honest, given what the movie is, I don't really know if all of the lead-up is really very necessary.

It is what you expect it to be, given the trailer. To an extent, I would add, because I was expecting a lot more action (was expecting Taken-esque writing), and while the storyline and development was pretty good, the action kind of fizzles. Since that's what I was watching for, maybe that's why it was kind of a itty bit of a letdown. But, really, that may just have been my expectations.

Still a good 'un.
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Compliance (2012)
Twisted, good - sad representation of society's regression
3 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is executed as well as possible given the storyline and interest in maintaining truth. It's based on real-life events at a McDonalds, and the fact that this happened is really, really pathetic.

As such, the movie does a good job at shining a light on the seeming inability for people to think for themselves these days, let alone challenge authority. Especially when said authority is absolutely ludicrous.

The movie follows Becky (Dreama Walker, of 'Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23' fame) as she is the victim of a "prank" in which her manager is misled into sexually assaulting and demeaning her. The "pranker" is someone on the phone pretending to be a cop. And she listens to this guy. Seriously. Doesn't this fill you with distress that people are this gullible? Each day there are people with info. on you in companies such as banks, etc., and there are people like this that will mindlessly listen to a random phone call.

Kudos to the producers, directors, and actors for taking on such a role. It is definitely something that is not enjoyable to watch given the content, but that is the whole point. It's well done, just not amazing.
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Troll Hunter (2010)
Surprisingly good!
1 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was recommend to watch this film, and I was a little dubious. Trolls? Trollhunters? Trollhunters that replace dead troll carcasses with dead bear carcasses?

To my surprise, it was a pretty good movie! It was clever in the right places, and funny. It had a lot of interesting details that made the movie. It is found footage, so if you don't like that genre, you probably won't be a big fan, but I think that applies to any found footage film if you feel that way (and then you're missing out on some real gems).

Overall, I would recommend watching it. It was an enjoyable movie and I felt happy I gave it a shot.
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Monsters (2010)
28 February 2013
This movie sucked, plain and simple. Maybe it could have been better if they hadn't done a horrible - and I mean HORRIBLE - job casting. How does anybody even like the two main characters?! The dude is a sleazy-looking sleazebag with no endearing factor (think: the terrible Jay Baruchel, who is truly awful but Hollywood keeps trying to stuff down our throats), and the chick, while fairly hot, is incredibly annoying and a walking cliché.

Yes, why have any woman in any horror movie be more than a daddy's girl who can't do anything without a man helping her out. Drivel.

Anyway, shoddy-ass character development aside, this story and movie blows. And I think it pisses me off the most because the basic storyline is interesting and with proper execution it could have been GREAT.

As it is, it's awful. Don't waste your time. It was, well, a MONSTER (and not the good kind!).
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Dream House (2011)
Y'all crazy, it's good.
26 February 2013
Am I the only one that really liked this movie? Am I the only one that thought it was insanely clever, with a sick double-twist ending? Maybe not, but from the other reviews it seems like I'm one of the few! I agree with the other review - I watched this because I thought it was a horror movie, and it is much more of a psychological creepy awesome movie. But it's good, enough said.

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz are great, enough said.

Written really well, and directed well. Once you think 'ah, nice, cliché, I see the ending' - nope! Give it a shot, it's a really great movie. I feel like with a few modifications it could've been even better, on par with The Sixth Sense, but it was still great. I'd watch it again.
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Taken 2 (2012)
First half blech, second half reminiscent of orig. Taken
26 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers

This could've been great if the writers hadn't fallen to half-assed movie clichés such as: - ex-wife now someone else's ex-wife so naturally will be wife again. - 30-year-old woman as 16-year-old trying to get driver's license - thinking you could get away with hiring Borat's wife for the final scene (not the writer's fault, but didn't stop me from laughing) - making the daughter consistently make the dumbest moves (really? You couldn't move your dumb ass flip-flops from the window?) - daughter dating nasty ass scrub who lives in a frat house, much to dismay of father ... and more.

That being said, once this movie got into the 40 min. mark and got to what it does best (namely, Liam Neeson kicking ass) I let go of all of the laws of logic and enjoyed the movie. Sorry, doesn't get much better than Liam Neeson being clever and kicking ass.

If you liked the first Taken, you'll like this after the 40 min. mark. Try to suspend your disbelief that the daughter can actually accomplish anything.

Sidenote, the '10 things we learned from Taken 2' in the message board thread is hilarious.

Food for thought: Why didn't gang boss man's other sons join the fam. biz? Espec. if they would avenge daddy boss man?
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