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The Shield: Streaks and Tips (2004)
Season 3, Episode 4
Streaks and Tips
25 October 2011
SPOILERS This is it, the climatic episode to the slow building tension between the feuding Detectives Shane and Tavon. Here's the play-by-play:

As Strike Force cohesion and effectiveness in the field are at stake, Mackey asks Tavon to "take one for the team" and be the bigger man and extend the olive branch to Shane. With a Latino Captain and a Black Police Commmissioner, Mackey recognizes the obvious placement and importance of Tavon on his team.

Its evening time Shane arrives home to see Tavon's hand on Mara's belly feeling the baby kick. She excuses herself to do the laundry so that the men can have words. The conversation starts amicably with "I think we got off on the wrong foot." However as Tavon is ready to leave Shane advises "as long as you remember your place" on the team, which to Tavon equates to "back of the bus" mentality. Shane retorts with a "I'm not losing my place in Strike Force to some darky!" The two men are now in a full out no holds barred brawl, busting through the coffee table, stereo stand, into the wall, lying on his back Shane has Tavon in a headlock, but Tavon has no choice but to bite his arm and quickly gains the upper hand leveling blows on Shane. Mara gets back and yells stop, she's ignored, she grabs the iron and one time bashes Tavon in the back of the head. It is the crippling blow. A stunned Tavon gets up and is about to attack Mara who is ready to swing her iron again. Tavon is badly hurt but decides to walk/stagger away. A crawling Shane screams get back here. This fight is over.

Tavon gets into the van and drives away. As he touches his head, which is bleeding badly, the van is swerving on the road towards oncoming traffic. His injury overcomes him and he collapses unconscious on the wheel as his van smashes full speed into a parked car.

I gotta feel for Detective Tavon who always tried to do the right thing by Mackey and the Strike Force, but truth was he was an outsider. Whether its interrupting a heated Money Train discussion, Tavon entrance to the clubhouse always stopped conversations cold, and he knew it. Conversely Shane will forever be a pitball marking his territory. And yes, in the heat of the moment things will be said that just can't be taken back and underlying racial perceptions will overpower ego which will have catastrophic results.

This episode was a intense and insane explosion. And just like poor Det Ronnie Gardocki who was horribly burned in Season 2, it is Det Shane Vendrell turn to be irreparably scarred. The consequences for Shane, Mara and Mackey and the fate of Tavon are left to unfold.
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Inception (2010)
6 Words: The Best Film Of The Year!
22 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just as the Dark Knight exploded as the ultimate adult vision of the comic-book story, Inception emerges as the sci-fi thriller masterpiece painted on the canvas of imagination.

With the astronomical expectations set by TDK, Christopher Nolan's Inception is a strong follow up that doesn't disappoint, and depending on your taste just may be a more satisfying film experience. I really shouldn't compare the two, other than they're both stem from the mind of Nolan. In the first case, avid fan appeal resides with Batman, the vigilante detective with 70 year history vs. his ultimate adversary which thanks to Nolan has finally been done right. But in the second case, the fan forum and discussion over Inception's concepts will long transcend.

**MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD** Nolan begins by introducing the concept: Inception is the ability to enter another's subconscious to introduce a thought via dream invasion. The creative possibilities are now limitless, which helps explain why it took Nolan over 10 years to get Inception onto the screen (which is probably fast considering his Batman commitments). The foundation of this multifaceted story is showcased then layered and structured so high, that it challenges the audience to keep up on its cinematic ride. I am interested to know if Nolan took inspirations from the Matrix (there are striking similarities) but in all fairness there's enough originality in Inception's own architecture and its storytelling.

Inception has a strong ensemble cast that are defined in purpose and precision. This team is effectively led in execution by Leo Dicaprio who himself delivers an intense and captivating performance. Ironic that Cillian Murphy, the former archenemy with a speciality of inflicting hallucinations, has been recast as the subject mind to infiltrate (I digress but is a monstrous grotesque Batman the only think that would lurk in the recesses of the Scarecrow's twisted mind?). I won't spoil plot points and character development further, as your first viewing should be largely untainted (other than reading favourable reviews) which will hopefully prove to be ultimately rewarding. And yes, Inception is one of those rare films that must be experienced again.

Over the years, Christopher's Nolan has earned the trust of fans with his continued command as a cinematic visionary no matter the subject matter. IMO I liken his film's success to Pixar's track record of "knocking it out of the park" with its original features and sequels. But in Nolan's case, consistently amusing and entertaining adults is arguably the more challenging and difficult task of the two.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Get Ready North America Because IM2 Rocks!!
6 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Are you awaiting a review from a Canadian avid comicbook fan? I caught an advanced screening and Fans, SHELLHEAD returns with a Fury (bad pun)!

If you can forgive some of the creative liberties Favreau and Theroux have taken with Marvel property, then you may agree that IM2 has met and in ways exceeded No 1. While some reviewers lambasted the dialogue and pace, this reviewer welcomes this Popcorn Recipe: its a (familiar) solid blend of humorous banter, intense action sequences, and character development of heroes & villain who are morally conflicted in the face of adversity.

New characters: The story picks up from Col. Nick's infamous visit/request at Stark mansion, to witness an angry Russian physicist Ivan Vanko who plots revenge in the name of his birthright. Rourke even brings a little swagger from his Randy the Wrestler persona and presents a formidable and deadly foe.

Hammer the rival arms and munitions dealer is ever bit the wormy snide opportunist that only Rockwell can deliver.

And you just can't take your eyes off of Rushman aka Romanov aka Black Widow who steals the scenes as the sexy legal PA and a SHIELD operative you don't want to mess with (or maybe you do). Those martial arts lessons paid off Scarlett I'm both impressed and turned on.

Old Friends: From Pepper's reining in her newly appointed duties, to Hogan flexing some bodyguard muscle, to Agent Coulson the patriotic SHIELD journeyman, to Jarvis the omnipresent companion, to Fury continuing his Project Avenger recruitment, and to Rhodey finally seizing his opportunity to arm the big guns of War Machine, the cast of IM are back and larger than ever. Paltrow, Favreau, Gregg, Bettany, Jackson and NKOTB Chedle all excel with substantially stronger material for their key supporting roles.

If RDJ first turn as Stark was a home run, then his return is a bottom of the 9th slam. RDJ further tailors the role he was born to play by showcasing the billionaire playboy as an egomaniac genius, a megalomanical god, a self destructive narcissistic, to finally a superhero reborn. From that moment Stark declares his alter ego thereby accepting the weight of accountability and responsibility, finding his balance when everybody wants a piece of the action cannot be easy. Its no small wonder that the comicbook storyline Demon in the Bottle is explored here. Ultimately, discovering his legacy will illuminate the answers.

IM2 has succeeded by expanding the "bigger universe" and paved the way for continuing Marvel chapters namely Thor, Captain America towards an epic culmination of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Welcome to Summer 2010 First Blockbuster. And you already know to stay past the closing credits.
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Welcome to the Salvation
20 May 2009
With the unmistakable collision of metal, the barrage of artillery and ordinance, the scorched temperature of engines, the burning stench of gasoline and rotting corpses, and the precisioned whirling of mechanized parts...the Machines have returned (cue Terminator Drums).

It is 2018 and the land lays waste from the nuclear toll of Judgment Day...mankind's legacy. But amidst these ruins are the hubs of Skynet assemblers and hunter killers vs. the pockets of Resistance tacticians and strategists.

The New Machines T800, Harvester, Aerstat, Hydrorobot, MotoTerminator and the familiar HK are varied in their capabilities and arsenal but all programmed towards the collection and eradication of humans.

On land, sea and air the Resistance is well armed with conventional weapons. Although they are seemingly fragmented and scattered, they are committed, organized and held together by the band-aid transmissions of Radio Free Resistance. Huddling around the warmth of burning drums and radio broadcasts, the freedom fighters listen to the messages of hope and guidance which strengthen their resolve.

Over the years we've endured the rambunctious growth of the juveniles Furlong and Stahl but now is the time of the prophet warrior. From the wired intensity of Christian Bale's performance as John Connor one can appreciate he's acting on an adrenaline edge, and just a hair trigger away from his infamous off-screen tirade. If Jackman's method of preparation was a cold shower, then Bale must have submerged in the ice of an adamantium pool (my bad). Nevertheless as the Leader of the Resistance, Bale/Connor preaches the anthem and might of the indomitable human spirit.

The secondary players hit their mark strong. On his quest towards the Resistance is the nomadic enigma Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington). Along the way he encounters a brash and young Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin) of the LA Resistance Branch. Decent supporting performances also by Common, Bryce Dallas Howard, Helena Bonham Carter and Moon Bloodgood. But I could have done without Michael Ironside, like the 80s relic mad dog Richter, barking out his unheeded commands.

The action and chase sequences are frantic and visceral as the carnage ensues. The special effects of the unrelenting and menacing Terminators were amped up to both impress and frighten. We've all seen many action scenes of this genre before. But McG's culls the best together painted with a fresh coat of metallic vs. flesh, cold steel vs hope and desperation. His film respectfully pays dues to its iconic origins with familiar soundbites, albeit too cute, but the fans roared its approval. Since Cameron's groundbreaking T & T2, we have waited long to witness this story of the apocalyptic battleground for man's survival.

Kudos to McG, Bale and Co for finally delivering Salvation and this vision.

Note: IMO negative reviews compare too much with predecessors or genre bests. Surely The Road Warrior (great film) did not invent the car chase scene. Nevertheless Terminator Salvation faithfully supports the core franchise's arcing story and timeline.
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Raison d'etre...just want to watch the world burn.
17 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Heath Ledger's edgy portrayal of the Joker is a frightening and macabre vision of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Sure his costume is the right colours, but shades of purple and green have never looked so muted like he's been dragged through the filth of alleys and gutters. His makeup is a halloween gone wrong: applied blood red over torture scars, smudged & cracked white wash, blacken sharks eyes of death, capped by a entangled toxic green weave of hair. While his lip smacks and tongue snakes, his many quotable psycho babble tirades on chaos and madness had this preview screening audience in silent shock and awe. As fans, we wait to finally hear the Joker's maniacal laughter...we are rewarded. But it is a chilling laugh that plays on our nerves with a subliminal shrilling echo that will haunt us long after the film. His facial twitches and deliberate gestures work to induce a hypnotic and mesmerizing hold on Gotham/audience. His weapon of choice (not the lint or veg peeler) is the knife, for both it's ability to inflict a visceral cold kill and likely because it was an instrument of his own twisted grinning origin. The lack of origin story is also effective as an open book for the imagination. The hand held cam scenes of Joker 1st POV filming his prey and the off cam torture is a stark reminder of the realty of terrorist footage. From the sick punch line of his disappearing pen trick to becoming a masochistic punching bag for The Batman, Joker can certainly dish out as well as he gets.

The Joker casts pure fear into the minds of Gotham by testing the citizens beliefs and moral lines of good and evil. This Mad Dog of Chaos thrives in a world without rules, where even the Good of Gotham can succumb to corruption and conflict. Hence his handiwork in the transformation of Gotham's White Knight to Harvey Two Face Dent.

The eerie background "music" is like a deaf tone barbed-wire noise that rings through Gotham's cityscapes as a harbinger of the Joker's evil to come.

In all fairness Ledger cannot be compared to Nicholson. Its Apples and Oranges. Burton's 80's film delivered a comic book to screen, thug turned clown which was hammed up with the flair and suave that's stamped with Jack's vintage trademark. Ledger has redefined the role and delivered a nightmare Monster that won't let you awake or escape. All truly memorable screen villains are able to forever get into the mind of the protagonist and audience. It is with this performance that Ledger/Joker joins the ranks of the top three cerebral cinematic killers, namely Hopkins/Lecter, Spacey/Doe.

This is a tour de force Oscar worthy performance that lives up to the hype (rare thing) and even raises the bar (even rarer). So kudos to Ledger/Nolan and TDK Team for unleashing the perfect villain for The Batman. And remember, the next time you're playing a card game your hand may come up with the Joker's signature calling card. RIP HL.
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Iron Man (2008)
Shellhead is Summer's First Blockbuster
1 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Attended an special advanced screening last night. This Movie Rocks! Kudos to Jon Favreau and company for Iron Man! IMO, JF joins Singer and Raimi in the top 3 pantheon of Superhero Directors.

The casting is so MONEY! Stark the Playboy/Iron Man the Avenger is a tailor-made role for RDJ...welcome back and enjoy the Cristal. Supporting actors/actresses all portrayed well too. LOL Bridges' Neidermayer scene wailing on poor engineer who's no Tony Stark (is that a pledge pin on your uniform?)

This movie has the perfect balance of humour, action, story, character development, but what steals the show is Mark 3, 2, 1. Even though we've all seen numerous trailers and spoilers (can't avert our eyes), seeing Shellhead finally assembled before our eyes on the Big Screen is a MARVEL! Mark 3 is everybit the kickass Avenging arsenal that die hard truebelieving Marvel comic fans have long waited for.

It would have been good to see a classic comic supervillain, aka Mandarin, instead of a power hungry Obadiah Stane in his corporate takeover bid. It also would have been interesting to explore Stark the alcoholic, but again this impacts the movie flow/mood/tone.

Nevertheless don't wait for DVD, get in your "FunVee", see it on the Big Screen and get ready to be blown away!

JF/RDJ Green Light for Iron Man 2!
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10,000 BC (2008)
Epic Disaster
6 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Went to a preview screening last night. Thankfully I did not have to pay for this one, but had to endure it. Yup, the negative reviews are right on the money. This movie is plagued by weak dialogue ("we are tired, we sleep here?") weaker characters (laughable old mother, Diva Plavalaguna ripoff...aww c'mon get real), and the weakest most predictable story (recycled from vastly superior Apocalypto, Mel should get a cut or an apology).

The SP effects were inconsistent, needed more sabertooth (or even more "cowbell" for that matter...see how crazy this movie has made me) and what was with those laughable attack chickens (again another apology owed this time to Ice Age).

Heck, even when D'Leh makes his big Leader speech to the tribes before the final battle, didn't we already see this scene in 1996 with President Whitmore declaring our Independence Day? Want more about King Leonidas spear throw on Xeres? Seen it, seen it, seen it!!!

Maybe Roland was paying tribute to the genre, but I seriously doubt it. Makes us miss Astronaut Taylor & Nova, heck even Beastmaster Dar & Kiri all did it so much better.

Anyway the 1 star is for Evolet for teasing us throughout.

After 2 hours the audience was groaning having endured 10000 clichés.

And if you're thinking about waiting for the DVD, save your hard earned money because nothing can save this Mammoth Razzie!
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Rent it
4 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I finally saw Hot Fuzz yesterday.

As the HF filmmakers want to point out "from the guys who created Shaun of the Dead", audiences and critics will naturally compare and critique against the success of SOTD. I love SOTD, preach and advocate it, and often carry a copy (to lend to others who haven't seen it of course). As a fan I had high expectations for Fuzz, maybe too high as Fuzz misses the bar. Reasons: the Fuzz homage seemed more like a tribute/reunion to SOTD than to the police/buddy cop genre (unsure why gore needs to be in a comedy cop movie...unnecessary excess), too many characters that weren't that interesting, weak storyline, the overall pacing was too slow, to the point that even the few funny parts wheren't all that funny (I found myself hoping that Simon/Nick would get funnier), and the big climatic gunfight was pure fromage.

It was interesting that "the guys who created SOTD" chose to reference Point Break and Bad Boys 2. Royalties...hmm? Nevertheless the references were so played up that the upcoming scenes became predictable (keanu shooting/emptying his gun in the air when he couldn't fire on fleeing swayze...actually watching Nick in this scene was kinda funny).

I wanted to like Fuzz and although it was good to see the chemistry of Simon and Nick together again on the big screen, that only gets you a 5 rating. Disappointing boyz.
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don't believe the hype
3 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Finally got around seeing lms, and i'm glad i didn't pay for it. this movie did not live up to the tremendous hype and left me wondering if i saw the same movie as the rest of you who seem to think this is an 8? wtf? imo the story wasn't interesting, the acting was average, the casting was a selection of who can we get to do a cheap indie film. but the kicker was seeing the routine that sicko grandpa taught innocent olive as her talent competition. a final laugh at life from the grave. if he wasn't dead he should be locked up. horrific its not comedy folks. although it was nice of her family to stick up for her, the subject matter was very inappropriate, as the only audience applause came from the av guy and the biker. was not impressed.
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Masters of Horror (2005–2007)
Imprint Review **SPOILER alert**
2 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Finally picked up the "Banned from Broadcast" DVD. As a Miike & genre fan, I have some mixed feeling about Imprint: THE GOOD: Miike gives his fans an equally horrific needle torture scene a la Audition. On top of that he throws in some taboo abortion with floating fetus scenes. I know, sick stuff. The cinematography and colour Red were strong and equally memorable. Also the prostitute castings were great. THE BAD: Billy Drago, yeah he looked the part, but his acting is something to be desired. Some of his lines and delivery were pure fromage. I understand the creative reasonings behind having the dialogue in English, but I think it should have been shot in Japanese, with Billy struggling in English and basic Japanese. THE UGLY: I get the whole brother sister inbred produced the deformed daughter(s) thing, but a hand with a talking little face coming out of the head, c'mon now, that looked really lame. (Reminded me of curling your index finger around your thumb, drawing little eyes on the top and making your hand speak). Lame! THE FUNNY: Anyone else thought the Japanes brothel midget looked like DeepRoy from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory? Overall its a mixed bag with obvious strengths and weaknesses, I generously rate this one a 7. But essential viewing for Miike and MOH fans with a strong intestinal fortitude.
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The Eye (2002)
Okay I guess
12 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I finally rented the Pang Brother's The Eye. IMO, The Eye has gotten a little more hype than it deserves. Not to say its a bad film, but its not the scariest thing you'll ever see from Asian Horror (like Ringu, Ju-on, Odishon). The elevator and calligraphy scenes provided the scares and the explosive ending helped increase its appeal. But in retrospect, the Eye 2 was a better thriller as Qi Shu portrayed her lead role much better than Angelica Lee. The Eye is okay for 1 viewing. But judge for yourself to see if it lives up to its hype. Note: I'm not exactly sure about a 2007 Cruise's version, and especially the casting choice of Jessica Alba. She's got great screen appeal but not necessarily the range. Maybe Cruise can offer a big budget for scarier couch jumping ghosts.
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Solid Action Flick
12 September 2006
Having read numerous reviews praising IA, I finally watched the DVD. I'm not going to rehash the numerous favourable reviews, but simply, the praise is deserving. IA is a very well made HK action thriller. It's well casted, acted, directed and scripted. At times it did remind me of John Woo's Face Off with the goodguy/badguy vs. the badguy/goodguy. But there is limited action in IA as its more a character development building up to an inevitable confrontation between the leads. I can see why this is being remade, but I recommend you see the original before the Departed. Note: Prior to viewing, I was tempted into watch the trailers. My suggestion is don't. It will make the sequences that much more powerful and enriching on your first viewing.
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The Grudge (2004)
Directors Cut
21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The sound of the Ju-On attack never sounded creepier!! I saw the original US Grudge a couple of years ago and thought it was solid remake. But I recently returned for another viewing on the Unrated Director's Cut. If you haven't yet seen The Grudge, this is the version you want to see (or at least rent). What's different? SPOILER ALERT Extended scenes: were more graphic scenes: original family murder (poor black cat), jawless Yoko care centre return, and stairway descent.

Deleted scenes: quite a few that add more dimension to the film, including a scene of possessed Matt hair-dragging dead Jennifer the same as Takeo/Kayako, Susan's apartment visit.

Short Films: Shimizu's early work 4444444444 and In the Corner are decent but looked like audition tests for Ju-On (those ghosts get around).

Overall, the original Japanese Ju-On is still the best probably because it was the first time I saw this story and those freaky ghost eyes, but I recommend the Unrated Director's for a viewing. Based on the new version, I upped the overall rating to an 8.
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The Cave (2005)
Rating on IMDb is about right
17 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Do these creatures kill or simply attack and infect a human host so that the evolution process can begin again?

Just saw this on DVD and I agree this movie is average at best. For me there were just too many pretty boys in this movie with not much character development hence they were indistinguishable. There were not enough of the Ladies, although the Piper and Lena were fine. SPOILER ALERT!! In fact the best scene in this movie was tomboy Piper rockin the sh*t on a Cave Critter and backwards on a cliff-face...a little blade work and torching combo...nice work. C'mon she deserved to live or at least to say some final words to the team. Piper's come a long way from coyote. go girl. Did the movie really have to waste Daniel Dae Kim? Since there was speculation that the creatures were evolved from parasite attacking human host, it would have been nice to flashback and show the "cold war" team evolving into the cave creatures. Ending was predictable but effective (i guess) to set up a part 2, which i would only see on DVD as part 1 was as i mentioned average at best.
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I Liked this Remake
14 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
TCM 2003 is one solid remake. Its all about the monster and trust me this Leatherface delivers as the freak of a madman. I'm sure lots of you like me can still see his mug in your head well after the movie's finished. I originally saw this one in the theatres and again recently on DVD and its still got its shocks and gore value.

SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT: But the ending with the fictional footage of the police documenting the basement then out of nowhere getting attacked by Leatherface while the camera's still rolling will definitely make you scream (one of the best ending since blair witch)!!

END OF SPOILER Note: If you look at actor Andrew Bryniarski's credits (Leatherface / Thomas Hewitt) in 1992 he was Christopher Walken's son, Chip Shreck who gets smacked by Penguin in Batman Returns. lol.
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Don't bother
13 August 2006
Finally saw gits. It was disappointing and way over hyped. Understandably it is about 10 years old so I'm probably wrongly comparing it against CGI and anime that I've recently seen. But hey this is my honest review. I've seen enough anime and sci-fi, Japanese and American to know the difference and sorry to say this one just doesn't cut it. But nevertheless i watch this story to the end, i found i was just not interested in the story and characters, and the dialogue were simplistic and insulting at times. yes there's a cyborg chick running around battling naked, which i didn't get, and was frankly gratuiuous. If you still feel urge to see this, probably because of the hype, just rent it. but i warned you.

oh i remember it actually reminded me of my childhood watching G Force Battle of the Planets shows, which were entertaining as i was in grade 2.
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Audition (1999)
The Sound of Torture
3 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I finally viewed Odishon on DVD last night. Some quick comments:

The GOOD: 1) SUBTLE: scene of Asami sitting and waiting through day and night for Shigeharu to finally call. As the phone rings, we see the first glimpse of psychosis in Asami's slow and menacing smile through her dark matted hair. It also looked like a bit of drool too. 2) SICK: the dog bowl bit. Sorry read about it elsewhere because i don't even want to write about it. 3) HORRIFIC: the torture scene. Miike's long developed narrative delivers its punchline with a 10 on the shock meter. Asami looks like a demented school girl taking great pleasure as she wire saws her troubles away. We can still hear echoes of her shrilling "kiri kiri kiri" through the pleas of mercy. And wonder how far would the dismemberment would go if Shigehiko hadn't come home?

The BAD: 1) WEAK: with the element of surprise on the son, how can such a strong psycho killer miss her mark? If she could slay, maim and imprison so many men she's definitely got some inner strength and fortitude. Also, she should have chosen a more formidable weapon than chasing him with the tiniest can of mace. A little unbelievable that Shigehiko could defeat Asami with his blind kick down the stairs although it made for a great neck twitch scene. 2) DUMB: the dumbest line of the movie, "Dad are you okay?" I hope that wasn't just poor translation.

OVERALL: RECOMMENDED: More Good than Bad. Miike's Odishon truly left some great disturbing horror moments that will stay with me for a long time.
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Hostel (2005)
Too Hyped
31 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Finally saw Hostel on DVD last night.

Yes its got T&A. Thanks for the the Eurotrip. Yes its got lots of blood & gore. Achelles tendon my flinch moment. Yes its unrealistic. Japanese girl walking around without an eye, c'mon she'd be unconscious from shock. Yes it was better than Cabin Fever. But I didn't think much of CF. Yes, I'm glad I borrowed the DVD. But Yes, ELI when you make H2, I'll be sure to borrow that DVD too, looking for more gratuitous scenes and overthetop carnage.

I think the 4 Stars is generous for the schlocky entertainment.

If I want horror again, I'll screen SAW I II, at least there's a decent story and a well developed villain.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Darkest Dark Knight
23 June 2005
Forget what you know about Films 1-4. They were a start but in the end those films needed an enema.

BB lives up to the hype for the comic book fan who identify The Batman with his modern day creation/persona post 1986. The film brought images of comic legends Frank Miller, Bill Sienkiewicz and Alex Ross, as well as classic Blade Runner.

The mythology of Bruce Wayne as a grief/angered soul forever running from his demons, transformed and personify his fear to Gotham's evil was absolutely brilliant.

Casting was perfect. Bale is The Batman! Bring them all back, but Katie you've served your purpose.

My one point is that many fight scenes were too fast and POV was too close quarter combat. Distinguishing which combantant is hit/hitting was difficult...and fans want to see The Batman kicking ass.

Kudos to Nolan & Goyer and whole production company. Hey studio sign all these folks up for sequel and give them a raise. Good luck casting Dark Joker, and you're right CN do not even go near Robin.
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
Bloody...Bloody Awful
29 March 2005
I watched this bc of favourable reviews posted. Did I see the same movie? It sucked. Where do you want me to start? The cover says Jaws, Predator, American Werewolf in London. What a Rip Off! Do not compare this movie to these classic well made movies. As for DS I've never seen such obvious man-in-a-monster-suit with fake werewolf attacking hands. Cheap special effects, weak plot and character development. It reminded me of low budget high school student movie production. Hoping the movie would get better, I tortured myself by watching to the end.

But if you still want to watch this movie, I warned you. Me, I want me 1hr 45 min back.
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28 Days Later (2002)
L.T.M. Lasting Terror Moment
26 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For me a truly great horror movie will always leave you with a Lasting Terror Moment. For me the LTM in 28 Days Later was the opening scene with the Rage Monkeys in the primate research centre. There's just something so primal and feral about seeing those trapped and diseased monkeys in their claustrophobic imprisonment, smashing and screeching the plexiglass. And then given an opportunity, one monkey lashes out and savagely attacks a human. The monkeys get their ultimate revenge: to wipe out the human species that infected them with Rage in the first place.

This is true terror featuring some Dumb ass Activists and a bunch of frightening monkeys (strangely I felt sorry and scared of the monkeys at the same time).

My zoo experience with the chimpanzee will never be the same again.
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