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Fight Club (1999)
The Perfect Movie!
8 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Fight club is directed by one of my favorite film directors David Fincher. The film based on the novel written by Chuck Palahniuk. I absolutely adore this film for its philosophy. It's one of those films that I happen to watch once a year. It's close to me and motivates me in my life.

Let's get something off first, people whom never seen Fight Club get mistaken to what this film is all about. To those who never seen Fight Club, This is not a movie about guys pounding each other up until there is a winner. No, Fight Club is essentially about particular and Cultural Revolution inside a corporate consumer civilization that abolishes the humanoid life. The film stars, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bonham Carter, and Jared Leto.

Story:- This is a story of Tyler Durden. Edward Norton (Narrator) is a public bodily human being who subsists an uninteresting life. He spends money on everything of which he sees an advertisement; however, he realizes that nothing is worth buying. He is jaded of his dull life. On one irregular day his house was caught on fire, which therefore he was depressed on things he paid money for is now all gone. He shared his grievance with Tyler Durden to whom he has just met in an airplane. This was his greatest moment that completely changes the narrator's (Norton) life as a whole. Tyler was clever, energetic and entirety that Norton (narrator) has constantly hopes to be. Tyler was unrestricted from all kind of responsibilities. Norton (Narrator) joins forces with Tyler and starts a club known as Fight Club. Fight Club is the method to break free. It is a club where two people will fight with each other. It is a club with the certain set of rules. Members of fight club are obliged to these rules. Tyler was the guru, persuader and stimulus for the club members, they respect Tyler. This conveyed Tyler and prospect to pledge Project Mayhem. Project Mayhem was all about annihilation; it was all about economic balance.

Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt is one of the greatest characters in the history of films, and Pitt has brilliantly described the character of Tyler Durden. Pitt has specified a certain style to the character which was needed. Durden was innovative and completely different from characters you'd see on screen. Most of the famous lines in this movie were said by Tyler Durden. In the film itself, he becomes a Godly figure, hence the say, In Tyler We Trust.

Edward Norton is an amazing actor; he has the ability to get into the skin of the character. In this film he has plays the storyteller and story was said from his point of view.

David Fincher is a great storyteller he had his ways to tell this complex story with such a chic and sophistication. This film is based off a novel; however, Fincher still put his own style in this film. The reason I say this because one of his previous film that came out four years before this Seven had same kind of style. Fincher as well put a lot in- depth detailing in the script alone and as well the characters, which is what made this film what it is. It boils down to this; Fight Club is truly an amazing film. I highly recommend it, and I also recommend the book.
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower trembles with the thrills and fear that looms in of being a teenager and finding your means.
27 June 2015
This is without a doubt one of the best pictures to contain the tests and harms of being a teenager in America that is. The Perks of Being a Wallpower does an ideal job of doing that; it also creates this incredibly real representation of important supreme teenage characters. I will say this that this movie did not feel like typical teenager/high school movie where it is mostly focused on partying and going completely wild (Euro Trip, Super-Bad). The focus of this movie is seeing high school students struggle and going through a tough teenage time, which bring in the realism to this movie. This movie is an adaptation of the novel with same name written by Stephen Chbosky.

A quick little of summary of this film without giving too much detail because it is movie that I consider to a must see. Charlie (Logan Lerman) is entering high school as a freshman but there is something strange about this young man. He's shy, socially awkward, and has a hard time making new friends. He's not a bad student; as a matter of fact he's a great student. He connects well with his English teacher, Mr. Anderson (Paul Rudd). A little along the road Charlie meets with two characters Patrick (Ezra Miller) and Sam (Emma Watson). The two take Charlie under their wing and begin a new set of adventures. How does Charlie react to his new set of friends? Does Charlie become different from whom he was in the beginning of this film? Those questions will all be answered until you see the movie yourself.

In terms of acting I must say the three main performers gave an excellent performances. There's this instant likable connection with each of these characters. The acting is what made that happen. The rest of the cast did a great job too. I hope y'all enjoy this movie and experienced it the same way I did.
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Alien (1979)
Over thirty-years-old, yet it remains to still be the one of the greatest sci-fi movies off all-time.
2 July 2013
Ridley Scott's Alien is without a shadow of doubt one of the greatest sci-fi movies made. Starting from the dreary opening credits you know for a damn fact that this isn't going to be a charming journey.

The films start of with bringing in the crew of the Nostromo, who are returning to Earth. Along the way they receive a signal of an unknown object. They were ordered to check it out and which they did. It's best to stop here, don't want to give too much detail. I want the audiences like myself to be surprised when they see this the first time.

The script is amazing and it must be talked about it here. The majority of creature movies nowadays, the characters that are being implied mean utterly nothing to the conclusion of the story, and by the end, you (the viewer) don't mind about the final character left standing since he or she has not impacted themselves emotionally to the viewer. It's okay if they die. Alien in the other hand, the characters are extremely important. They seem like real people, and you will understand what they're going through. The script provides itself to an appealing, and frequently counts of entertaining dialog among the crewmembers, and for that reason it's huge news if one of them dies.

The acting as well goes damn good with script. Everyone is at the peak of his or her appearance in this film. Sigourney Weaver symbolizes the power, the brains and slight sexuality of the character Ripley. She is this standing out character. Tom Skerritt, John Hurt, Ian Holm and Veronica Cartwright all struck the success level bars with their roles as Dallas, Kane, Ash, and Lambert.

Overall, if you're a fan of sci-fi, suspense thrillers, I vastly recommend Alien to you. It's crafted to be nerve-racking suspenseful, and it's one of my favorite sci-fi films of all time. I also do like Alien more than Aliens, but nonetheless Aliens is also a superb sequel.
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Terminator 2: Judgment Day, is an absolute remarkable film, and personally my number one movie of all-time.
22 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Terminator 2: Judgment Day pulls out the stops, setting the gold standard for expensive, explosive summer blockbusters. T2 delivers a feast of pulse-pounding action, elegantly visualized and finely tuned. Marvelous stunt work, jaw-dropping effects (which haven't aged a day in over a decade on the shelf), and emotional groundwork combine for a sharp, smooth, creative science-fiction action movie

Story: While Sarah languishes, her offending, teenager son John (Edward Furlong) suffers under difficult foster parents. This not likely hero as Terminator fans well know is apparently destined to become the hope of civilization as the leader of the rebel resistance against cruel artificial intelligence in a post-apocalyptic future. But for now, he's ripping off ATMs to fund video game binges at the mall. So there, nagging parents your lazy son really will amount to something one day! As sensitively played by first-timer Furlong, John Connor is a sensitively wounded spitfire on the peak of young adulthood.

Before long, the two Terminators are hunting for John. One is by the machines, wants him dead. The other is a reprogrammed hope of the rebels, has been instructed to protect the boy. In a clever spin on the star's career and the juiced-up sequel's status, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the good cyborg this time, Model: 101, while Robert Patrick plays the faster "advanced prototype," the T-1000.

Visuals: Escalating the unstoppable image of Terminators, the T-1000 is the gift that keeps on giving, made of a copied poly-alloy that allows flawless disguises and quick renewal. The T-1000 takes repeated lickings like being riddled with gun blasts and split in two--and keeps on ticking. He can turn his arms into metal picks and pull neat parlor tricks like instantly making his back his front in a fast-moving brawl. A terrific presentation by Patrick firmly sells the effects. The actor sprints like a machine with a burrowing, level glare and perfectly balanced movement. The dream sequence with the nuclear explosion is still equally as haunting today as it was at the time. The visuals are absolutely amazing and over 20 years later still stand the test of time.

Overall: You've got a great story, characters you care about and a great writing. Overall the movie is an absolute blast. The first time I saw it was when I was four years old and instantly fell in love with it. Terminator 2 is my most watched movie, I've seen countless times. It truly is a remarkable film, and a must see.
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The Prestige (2006)
A film that left me impressed and amazed, and made me want to watch it again and again.
1 June 2013
The Prestige is about two magicians whom have been friends and co- workers in the past, but this rivalry begins with the two and ends up destroying their friendship. Magicians are known for scamming the audience into believing something that's not real. Well, that's exactly what the Prestige delivers.

Hugh Jackman was outstanding as this irritated, fixated magician gaining back his life by revenge. Christian Bale was just as impressive as the baffling and mysterious showman. The rest of the cast ended being acceptably and well done as their characters

Christopher Nolan in fact has a contribution at directing. The way this film delivers the scenarios between the different places and times is well done and smart. It is a possible to some viewers that the film, Prestige, will leave the viewers confused, and might not actually like it, but there will be others who will enjoy the film entirely and be adored by it. It is not for everyone. The film remains into this world of presumption the entire time until the end. It will keep the viewer guessing and wondering what's going to happen next.

The script, acting, surroundings, support, and everything were a superb.
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Bad Boys (1995)
It is best to say Bad Boys is nothing but a watchable action comedy.
30 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Bay's Bad Boys is Bay's first feature film and it may probably be his finest film. Unfortunately it's not saying much because Bay happens to prefer the road of over-stuff and senseless rather than clear and capable.

The story is simple and easy-going, Marcus Burnett (Lawrence) and Mike Lowrey (Smith) are two detectives for the Miami Police Department (MPD), who are called to search a one-hundred millions dollars' worth of heroin that was stolen from a protected vault. The main anti-hero Fouchet (Karyo) plans out the heroin high-jack. Julie (Leoni), the protagonist just happens to be in the wrong place at wrong time, and becomes the key witness for the MPD. It is up Lowrey and Burnett to capture Fouchet and his men, and be sure Julie is in protective custody.

Lawrence and Smith did a fine job occupied together as detectives; both men have characters and an understanding that delivers the moving drive to the script. Fouchet in other hand was lame. He was the leading villain, but he didn't seem cool, badass, or even interesting. Through-out the entire film, the guy seemed boring and unexciting.

Though Bad Boys was not perfectly completed, but it is best to be said that Bad Boys is entertaining for those who are looking for it. It's no-where near the best example of ludicrous popcorn flick, but the flick does have the viewers that will surely be pleased with the entire film.
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Wonder Boys (2000)
A unique comedy with likable characters and a great plot.
25 April 2013
Wonder Boys is a unique comedy that lets you see what the characters are going through. The movie presents itself a pleasant and strange characters and see what is about to occur in every little bit. Wonder Boys achieves to be both a delightful character study and also a stunning success directed into a nice joint piece. It is fairly uplifting to see characters cooperate, contrast,connect, laugh, and mostly do things that appear in full honesty. While it's not a flawless movie, Wonder Boys is applauded for its sharp and smart script and bountiful of great acting.

Grady is having a bumpy day. His wife left him, his girlfriend is pregnant, he has an attractive looking student whom rents a room from him, and his editor shows up at his city with a transvestite, and one of his students shows up at a party with a gun. As the viewers, we're in for one hell of entertaining ride.

When a flick like Wonder Boys works in nearly all sizes, the greatest attention is rewarded to the actors and actresses. Michael Douglas was pleasant to watch in this movie. Frances McDormand modestly glosses. Katie Holmes was all-out excellent in her character. She's relaxed and smart, and a harsh one as well. As continuously, Robert Downey Jr. is funny and hazardous. He accepts much jeopardy as an actor. The one who mounted out the most for me is Tobey Maguire, smart, shy, weird, and funny was the type of character he played. The kind of guy you stay away from if you were to encounter one in school.

Wonder Boys prepares what any upright film would do: It provides characters to like and a script that expresses a charming story.
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It doesn't live up to greatness, but it is still a good comedy worth renting.
11 February 2013
30 Minutes or Less is an action comedy starring Jason Eisenberg, Aziz Ansari, Danny McBride, and Nick Swardson.

Summary: Nick (Jason Eisenberg) is a pizza delivery boy whose life changes when he gets kidnapped by two wanna-be criminals Dwayne King and Travis Cord (Danny McBride and Nick Swardson). The kidnappers force Nick to commit a bank robbery. With ten hour for detonation on the bomb, Nick asks his best friend Chet (Aziz Ansari) about situation he is put in and anxiously asks him to help him rob the bank. As the timer ticks, the two must deal with the police, a hired assassin, flamethrower, and robbing the bank.

30 Minutes or Less handles to be a good funny movie. It offers various kinds funniness and cruel violence. A young man strapped in bomb around his chest, in order for him to survive is to rob a bank. It's a harsh way of seeing it, but it is amusing in some degree.

The cast in this film is pretty good. Danny McBride's does a fine job as his character. He plays a role of a straight up wanna-be thug. Eisenberg, who indeed does a fine job playing a pizza delivery boy who was caught up at wrong place at the wrong time. Imagine yourself strapped with a bomb around your chest. Your reaction will obviously be scared shitless. Eisenberg succeeds in that role. Last off their partners in crime, Nick Swardson and Aziz Ansari, supply the comical side with enough appealing character fancy and plot moments to lift them up on top of the typical sidekicks.

Overall: In the end 30 Minutes or Less is what I call a good comedy. It offers many amusing moments, plays a decent story with well thought out acting. It is definitely worth as a rental.
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A superb thriller...
5 February 2013
Summary: A massacrer disappears from Shutter Island's hospital for the wickedly insane. Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) an appointed WWII veteran and his partner Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are called upon to solve the case. Unfortunately, as Teddy becomes deep in thought in a cyclone of mystery and clear privacy, he becomes bit by bit more haunted by his alone demons, from his disturbing encounters in the war to his own sorrowful personal life.

While being visited by nightmares both appearing in his sleep and throughout his daily schedule. Teddy battles to move onward from his dreary past. While the nightmares are alarming in nature and tramples on Teddy's strength to carry out business. Scorsese positively accomplishes peace between the thrilling and often times disturbing dream cycles and Teddy's "reality". In fact, the bizarre dreams are some of the capable moments in the film .

Acting: Once again, DiCaprio clearly proves himself to be one of the greatest actor of our time. DiCaprio plays a man who is loaded by close demons but struggles to stand by an eye-catching look of the man he once was. His skill portray a man overpowered by the circles of human emotions is what makes him a rock solid in some of the greatest films to appear in the last decade or so. DiCaprio's alignment of extremely acclaimed films includes Gangs of New York, Catch Me if You Can, The Departed, Blood Diamond, and Titanic.

Keeping in equal with the standard set by DiCaprio's credited performance are the many other actors/actresses that made the film both dependable and at the top of the chart. Michelle Williams cunningly plays the role of Teddy's deceased wife Dolores, a woman struggling with uncontrolled depression. The actors who play the psychologists at Shutter Island do a superb job of filling up the already troubling and frightening nature of the film, particularly Ben Kingsley and Max von Sydow, playing the roles of Dr. Crawley and Dr. Naehring. Even the quick scenes bringing interviews with the patients of Shutter Island are described by strongly hair raising performances. Mark Ruffalo as Chuck does a fine job as playing as an investigational partner for Teddy.

Overall: Shutter Island embodies the end-all of a true thriller, from its engaging mystery to its plot twists. The energy to discover the true good guy and bad guy will keep moviegoers involved from the very beginning to the final scene. The movie is not Martin Scorsese's best but I do consider it to be one of DiCaprio's best performance.
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The Departed (2006)
One good cop and one bad cop but the two cops equal as rats.
2 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers

It isn't until later on in The Departed that you realize how important and well-crafted its beginning is: Two Bostonians, Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon), nearly cross paths when they're interviewed in succession by Sgt. Dignam (Mark Wahlberg) and Capt. Queenan (Martin Sheen). Costigan is chosen to infiltrate the mob in order to get to Boston's most feared boss, Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson), and he'll have to put in some time in the slammer and on the streets before gaining a shred of creed; meanwhile, Sullivan, clean-cut and articulate, is pulling the ultimate job for Costello by infiltrating the state police department and alerting the mob boss of their every move. As the two moles become more involved in their undercover operations, the groups they're infiltrating begin to smell something fishy. And so commences the chess match between Costigan and Sullivan to reveal each other before their respective non legit-colleagues do.


For any actor or actress who truly enjoys the art of his/her job, more so than the sexy brink of it all, something as come together as The Departed must seem like the customary "candy store." Maybe that explains why DiCaprio, Damon, Nicholson and Wahlberg all signed up instead of carrying their own separate blockbusters for likely a much bigger payday. DiCaprio and Damon do what they do in every movie: give their best performances to date. Each plays completely against type, flaunting the fact that genuine movie super stardom isn't born out of good looks alone. For Nicholson, his career nearing the half-century mark, it's no longer easy to qualify and rank his performances, but Costello is one of his high points in a career pretty much devoid of anything but. Wahlberg steals the funniest lines, especially with his in born Boston accent, but Sheen often catches them before they're allowed too much laughter. It doesn't end there, though: Alec Baldwin (as a fellow officer), soon-to-be breakout star Vera Farmiga (as a police shrink who ends up playing a central role), Ray Winstone (as Costello's right-hand man) and Anthony Anderson (as a young cop familiar with both Costigan and Sullivan) all shine. Unprecedented chemistry among an unprecedented cast is as much a theme here as revenge!

The Departed is with no doubt a total masterpiece and it is easily my top five movies of all-time. The directing was total piece of wonderful art and the acting is beyond outstanding. This is the kind movie I recommended to an older audience, who will love a movie that offers crime drama like no other film has ever before. It is must buy on DVD or Blu Ray and a must see film
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