
11 Reviews
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Penelope (2006)
this little piggy went to the movies
30 July 2008
My summary is slightly confusing as i actually did not see this film in theaters. I recently noticed penelope in a video store and thought it was a new release. to my surprise, it was released in 2006. that is about two years ago to the layman. all in all it was fairly entertaining. ricci was mostly convincing as a girl who'd spent her entire life with a pig's nose. i did notice that at the beginning of the movie when she was shown as a newborn she also had pig ears. later in the movie she pig ears were not longer present. although, it was also stated that her carotid artery went through her nose and said nothing of the ears so perhaps she had them fixed. the movie had all the feel of a fairy tale, and... um... well, i really enjoyed mcavoy and witherspoon. apparently this was momentous for witherspoon since it was her first movie to have a big role as the producer. i don't know her name, but the mother in the movie was somewhat terrific. she is the kind of person i would want to be one of my friend's mothers. the end of the movie contained a worthy moral. a moral that transcends culture and belief.
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Made of Honor (2008)
keep your Friday night open
5 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really decent film.

When I initially saw the trailer my first thought was, "Hey, I will probably never watch that movie." However, upon entering the movie theater on a first date I immediately acquiesced when my date said she wanted to see the film. She wanted to know if I would be mad at her for making me watch the movie, and as it turns out this movie was the second best film I saw that day, right behind Iron Man, so I definitely was not mad at her.

Still, I had my doubts as to how well I was going to enjoy the movie. We had a Zohan preview, and also a preview for a movie about a girl who didn't know who her real dad was because apparently her mom slept around when she was conceived. With these previews in mind, I still hadn't a clue as to how the movie would turn out.

The guy from Grey's Anatomy turned out to be pretty funny. Actually, I don't know if it was because he was really funny, or if it was just that he was so handsome that I got lost in his eyes and hair, and then laughed at random moments when others began to laugh. The main chick was pretty good, but I've liked her better in other roles. The Scottish Duke would have been better played by Gerard Butler IMO.

I'd also like to note that there is really a sad dearth of movies which involve a man being forced to be the maid of honor to a woman he is in love with. I hope there are more to follow. Such as, if they hadn't wrapped up this movie with the marriage of the two main characters, they really could have a squeezed another movie out if she had chosen the Scottish Duke to be the maid of honor in the sequel. And thus.
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no trouble finding something to do tonight
28 March 2008
if you want to have no trouble finding something to do tonight, then maybe you should go rent Big Trouble in Little China. heck, you'd be better off buying the dang thing cause i know you're gonna want to watch it for years to come. between the fastest character developments i've ever witnessed in a film, and kurt russell's on screen chemistry with kim catrall, there are other aspects of the film that are just as good. there are plenty of incredible fight scenes and also a bigfoot-esquire monster that is quite scary; although, it took a mere kick to the glutes from a petite kim cattrall to quiet the beast. actually that was the only part of a film that was a little difficult to swallow. at least Chinese black magic has some mythical foundation, and while superhuman ninjas sliding down from the sky on lightning isn't commonplace, i have never seen any serious scientific studies published that prove that this is impossible. ever. i don't really want to give too much away so i'll stop here.
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Never clarified what the ultimatum was
13 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this movie was easily enjoyable. it stayed true with the quick cut fight scenes. the fast paced chases are also paramount in the bourne trilogy. somehow they don't really get old even though this is the third installment of the same idea.

i'm also simpleminded, so i took no mental strides to make an abstract possibility out of what this ultimatum might have been. it wasn't really stated at all in the film.

somehow julia stiles is cuter and cuter in each movie. early in her career i didn't think she was that cute and now i think she is that cute and maybe more. there was not much more to say about this film.
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Jurassic Park animals not from jurassic period. derrrrrrrrr
11 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that is basically about dinosaurs, and their relationships to the forests around them. I can remember back to my younger years as a student when I played this dinosaur game on the computer. It pretty much showed you every dinosaur there ever was. It had real videotaped footage of the dino's in action. There was an Allosaurus chase among many others. In this movie there are more dinosaurs than some people had thought before. They dinosaurs eat a few people and some dinosaurs are nicer than other dinosaurs. The real thriller here is that Sam Neil somehow has a black daughter. By black I mean African-American and not like Gothic. I could understand if he had a Gothic daughter. Always telling her he's going to "study dinosaurs." I'd be Gothic too if my parent told me he was studying "live dinosaurs." Anyway she is black through some way or the other and he is not black; however, he occasionally has black in his wardrobe. A focal point of this movie is that they kidnap a baby t-rex and in maniacal crazy killer t-rex fashion they try to eat the people that took the baby. The baby soon learns to speak English and translates to the parents who are still not impressed with the whole situation. The black daughter is also a gymnast and manages to woo the t-rex's with back flips and toe touches. Harelik plays a nice role as someone I can't remember. I think he was more in the background as someone you aren't supposed to remember, so I think he did his job because I can't remember exactly what he did in the film.
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Hot Shots! (1991)
movie was "hot as hell"
4 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The "only you" song/ love scene montage sequence was so hilarious that I literally broke three ribs laughing, metaphorically speaking that is. i did cry a little. i just couldn't stop myself. when topper is dressed as rhett butler and he grabs ramada telling her she won't be 'putting him out tonight' or something like that, and the picks her up and carries her up the stairs, but then as he reaches the top he loses his balance. it shows his face as he realizes he can't maintain much longer. it's just that knowing look of hilarity, you know something awful is going to happen and just can't help it. of course, you never want it to be you, then he goes careening down the stairs with his love. it was just too much. the guy that was in charge was amazing. i can't remember his name. i'm just too dumb for something like that. at one point he is addressed my his name but nothing else and he goes, "wow, that's my name too." just awesome. he also claims they will be bombing 'the toast.' when someone corrects him 'the coast' he says that's OK it'll just take a little more planning. too genius really. it's just the right branch of idiocy that very few people thing inside. pure idiocy, i loved it.
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A Perfect Fit (2005)
Wow, anyone who enjoyed this was completely psycho
14 September 2007
you'd actually have to have experienced this weird crap in your real life in order to enjoy it. it was just a weird movie about some killer idiot. he was always thinking about murdering his therapist and it was constantly flashing back to scenes, but it was one of those lame flashbacks where they don't tell you it's a flashback and you think it's happening now. it's kind of confusing, but not in a deep sense. it's more like a sense of idiocy and waste of time. like, "why am i still watching this crap?" i'm actually at a loss for words as to why i finished the film. the grenier fellow really needs to try a new hair style. i mean, he has nice hair, but he only has one haircut and that's just retarded. he could get some corn rolls or a bowl cut even. i think the movie was retarded.
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E.T. (1982)
E.T. proves he is indeed an alien
12 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this is the first in a trilogy (three movies that are part of one story, usually with the second and third films sucking) where e.t. plays an alien which is not hard for him since he is an alien. his second role in aliens is somewhat different than e.t. because he had to train for many months at a killer monster camp on a moon of jupiter to get ready for the part. the third in the sequence is close encounters of the third kind with is partially a play on words since it is the third part of the trilogy and a close encounter of the third kind is when you see an alien and make direct contact with it. seeing a ufo is of the first kind and seeing an alien from a distance is the second kind. if you happen to make out with an alien you shouldn't tell anyone as no one has of yet so there really isn't a tier for you. e.t. is stranded on earth and he is an alien botanist. the plot is basically that his species had never heard of a pine tree and they came to see one. they had not a clue that the pine cones were sharp and could cut and they ran onto the ship. e.t. had inadvertently found a pear tree and was eating the delicious "pine cones" when his friends left him. i don't want to ruin anything so i won't let go of the rest of the story.
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I just couldn't put down my remote
10 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie left me hanging at every turn and i couldn't put down my remote because i wanted to change the channel but i just figured it would get better because of the caliber of the actors involved. Viggo mortenson was superb in hidalgo and gweneth paltro was hard to beat in a movie where she was a flight attendant whose test was stolen. she had to live in some dump like cleveland as a result. quite frankly, this is primarily a film that focuses on the aspect of the female as a serial killer. first she takes down viggo and later she is given a chance to run away from her husband but instead makes a mockery of his attempt to hire someone to kill her and then she pulls a gun on him and proceeds to kill him. this was actually better than monster and i believe most people that watched this film and even the people that made it did not really notice that it was in reality about the notion that female's are just as adept at killing their fellow humans as their male counterparts.
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Smallville meets The Jerk
10 September 2007
Steve martin plays a Mormon exile who has many wives and many more kids in this family movie about the epic battle between fundamentalist Mormons and Jews. Eugene levy plays a sensational role as a land owner who also has a lot of kids and a wife played by Carmen Electra. a key contradiction i noticed in the film is that martin's wife is played by someone who was in jumanji whereas levy's wife was married to Dennis rodman. i will never understand the casting director's decision in this regard. i also noticed that martin's oldest son is superman but he refuses to own up to his powers. you can easily understand this when you watch the part at the end where the familes have a tournament to see who is genetically superior. tom welling is in the egg on a spoon race and drops the egg and then trips and thusly falling to the ground; however, i have seen many episodes of smallville and i know for a fact that welling has impeccable balance and that his reflexes are so fast that he could have caught that egg even after it fell. probably the moral of the story is that they have a pet rat who steals all their stuff (another allusion to the common practices of Jewish people) and yet they find all the stolen stuff in a wall. it was very emotional and dare i say shakespearean.
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Dark Water (2005)
total waste of life
10 September 2007
this was basically the ring 3 with an uglier actress. i don't know how this ever passed as a movie and even then it made it onto the big screen! plus, i was fooled by the douches in advertising into watching this piece of crap. it totally sucked. i can't believe they actually got good actors to play roles in this movie. i mean, john c. reilly was amazing in the good girl and that jennifer chick played well in a beautiful mind. apparently someone tricked them into this heap of junk as well. the little girl's career will probably be ruined due to dark water. anyway, there is nothing scary about water that is darker than usual which was the basic theme. there was a dead girl involved as well. she was obviously a killer ghost. what a surprise! i really don't understand how she fell into that water thing on top of the building with her backpack on and then she drowned but somehow the backpack was on the roof and not in the water thing. how does that happen? the backpack was secure and she fell a good couple of feet down.
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