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The Day (I) (2011)
above average but still flawed
17 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
_/_/_/ Warning: Some Spoilers _/_/_/

I must say that I'm glad I wasn't put off by the negative reviews. This is a worthy post-apocalyptic horror/thriller set in the near future.

Production Values: good. Acting: good. Plot: simple but effective, interesting twists, never sure who to sympathize with as all parties are both innocent and corrupt. So it's not a simple, black and white choice as to where the viewer should put their alliance with. All the characters are flawed but that's also what makes them human and puts this movie above the average fare.

Greatest flaw was how careless the leader and the "bandits" were with their lives. A little more attention to detail in the area of strategy for the assault and this movie could have been great instead of just good. If this really was a trap and they had caught others many times before then they would proceed in a much more thought-out and devious manner. e.g. have a secret tunnel already built that leads into the cellar of the house or maybe just drug the food to make the prey get too sick to fight but not too sick to be eaten! Bon appetit!

Overall a definite "must see" for fans of the genre. Don't be fooled by the low rating.
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Surrogates (2009)
Bruce Willis Action Sci-Fi movie
7 January 2010
What are you expecting from a Bruce Willis, action/sci-fi flick? Tough-guy cop caught between the bad guys and the government.

In the near future people no longer live vicariously through their computers they project their consciousness to a robot in their own (only younger and more buffed) image.

Conspiracies, action, fist-fights, hot chicks, explosions, car wrecks, and intriguing sci-fi plot all amount to a passable popcorn movie worth checking out if you're a Bruce Willis/action/sci-fi fan.

Don't expect Shakespeare and you won't be disappointed.

Why do they make you write ten lines of text for?

I could see five but ten seems a little excessive.
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Everyone should see this!!!
1 July 2009
I gave this movie 10 out of 10 not because it is a great documentary or because it is written so well or because of the editing, etc. but because IT CONTAINS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT YOU MAY EVER FIND IN A DOCUMENTARY! This does not mean it is a pleasant experience. On the contrary, I don't think most people can handle what this move has to say. It is an unflinching look at the dominant culture currently in place on Earth and how we are on a collision course with the destiny of our own making.

This movie is similar to "An Inconvenient Truth" in that it discusses climate change but it also talks about Peak Oil, Population Growth and Mass Extinction. Do you think that this is all bullsh*t? See the movie, read up on the people who were interviewed and what they have to say. Read Ismail by Daniel Quinn, read anything by Derrick Jensen. Make up your own mind, talk to people about what this movie has to say.

This is the most important thing you can do with you time. Drop everything, find a copy of this movie and watch it now! No, I'm not associated with the film-maker. I just watched this film and it blew me away!
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don't listen to the dumb-ass critics who trash this movie
16 April 2009
I'm getting really tired of having to wade through the piles of self-promoting crap that people on the IMDb leave nowadays in the guise of a review. I just read a review on this movie by a guy who wrote paragraph upon paragraph of bullshit about how lousy this movie was and then signs it at the bottom (not forgetting to type in his middle name) with a link to his website. (And the site is down by the way.) Everybody is entitled to their opinion, alright, but don't trash a movie when you clearly are either A) only doing it so that you can practice some form of cerebral masturbation or B) don't get it at all.

Yes this is a remake and I think it was a damn good one! It took the ideas from the original and adapted it to today's political, social and environmental climates. That's what a good remake does. It doesn't copy it imitates, there's a difference.

Some people say that the message in the movie is heavy-handed. If the world wasn't full of pollution, War, Famine, and Death... if the Earth weren't dying because of us, I might agree. But seriously, you've got to be kidding. Heavy-handed? Jeezus! It's not heavy enough! I suppose that some could view this as propaganda by the peace-mongering, tree-huggers who care about the future of mankind... but I digress. This is first an action/sci-fi popcorn movie with a pretty serious theme. It also has just the right mix of suspense and intrigue to keep it intellectually interesting as well as lots of CGI effects to keep it visually exciting.

I thought the acting was good; Keanu Reeves played the part as well as anyone could. He's an alien who views the human race as a cancer that needs to be treated. (Isn't there some irony here as that is what Agent Smith said to Morpheus in the first Matrix?) He's suppose to act indifferent and almost a little bored. He can because he holds all the cards.

The bottom line is if you like a movie with topical social commentary, lots of action and special effects, aliens and cool, out-of-this-world technology as well as a good plot and good acting then check it out.

no name, no website
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Big Stan (2007)
Great movie if you're a Rob Schnieder fan
13 February 2009
Too funny! Don't listen to those people who say it's crude, rude and ignorant, of course it is... it's a Rob Schnieder movie. My only complaint is that it relies too much on gay being funny. Seeing so many MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighters like Randy Couture, Don Fry and Bob Sap all portraying gay characters is a little much (unless they're all really gay and this is some sort of Rob Schnieder coming out of the closet with a bunch of MMA fighters also being gay kinda movie) or R.S. is just using the prison stereotype of prison rape as some sort of twisted way of exploiting violence in prison and the sad state of affairs in the penal system as a way of making a movie that is somehow funny because it's so sad... but also a social statement so therefore it is actually funny because it's a satire.

It's funny if you like crude and clever humor. Watch it.
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Otis (2008)
Diamond in the Rough!
17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was compelled to write an entry here only because of all the negative reviews I read BEFORE I watched this movie. I almost didn't bother with it because so many people put in their two cents worth and gave it a thumbs down. I'm so glad I watched it regardless.

This movie is highly underrated and I believe the reason for this is that there are so many people who don't get that it is a Black Comedy. It is a social satire with a statement about the desensitization of the American white middle-class to the violence that is so pervasive in their (our) society.

Either that or it is just plain funny as hell but also very sick and disturbing. It's a fine line between black comedy and bad taste but the director manages to pull it off.

I would have rated it higher except that the ending was unfulfilling, but sets things up nicely for Otis II (which I will be hoping to see soon).
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Why bother? Just because it requires effort to understand doesn't mean it's good.
3 October 2008
Yes it's deep and if you really try you can understand it, but why bother? This movie is part political satire, part comedy, part action, part sci-fi, part drama, etc., etc. but... not good at any of them. To get the humor you need to understand it but the movie clips along at such a frantic pace that, as a viewer, it just becomes annoying very quickly.

I think Richard Kelly is very creative and talented but he has to understand that he is making movies to ultimately make money for studios, distributors, movie theaters, and video stores.

He is asking too much of the viewer to invest time before watching the movie to read the graphic novel prequels and then expecting the viewer to be knowledgeable about the Book Of Revelations and then expect the viewer to watch the movie a couple of more times to try and glean the meaning of each scene and each character in the movie. But the reality is that people watch movies to be entertained. They don't watch movies so that they can then go home and study the film so that they can try to understand what the director is really trying to say.

Yes there are some people who will study the film and the graphic novels and uncover a lot of subtle and deep meaning in the film but they are a vast minority.

I think that Richard Kelly's formula is this: present a film to the public that is chock full of hidden meanings and people will be so intrigued by it that they will think I'm a genius. For this movie it presents two problems, first: not many people have the attention span or the esoteric knowledge to appreciate what is being presented and second: even if it does contain deep hidden meanings and parallels to the Book Of Revelations it just was not enjoyable to watch.

This film was SO convoluted that very quickly the average viewer becomes first bored and then irritated and then finally really annoyed because they don't know what is going on.

Why should I care what Richard Kelly thinks? Why should I appreciate a movie just because it requires a lot of effort to understand. Many people mention that this movie has multiple layers but that is not really true. It has one layer that is very difficult to follow. A better movie would have been something like the first Matrix movie. It can be enjoyed as a straight action movie but it can also be appreciated for it's deeper philosophical meaning. This is what Kelly needs to strive for. It is much more difficult to create a film that can be appreciated on several different levels. This movie isn't that deep it's just obscure. You can understand it if you take the time and effort but why bother? A true masterpiece is something that both a novice and an expert can appreciate, albeit on different levels.
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Grossly underrated and unappreciated!
22 September 2008
Perhaps only those who can truly recognize the comedic talents of Ben Stiller should watch this movie. The plot and additional actors were really only there to provide a context for Ben to showcase his particular style of comedy.

He does what he does best by playing the average guy who continually gets sand kicked in his face but keeps on struggling ahead despite the odds... with often disastrous and hilarious results.

Jennifer Aniston looked great as the sexy but strange girlfriend however she didn't have to do too much other than look good.

This is a diamond in the rough for Ben Stiller fans. All others probably won't get it.
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of course it's Bad, it's a 'B' movie!
6 June 2008
This movie is suppose to be bad. It was made that way. The actors knew it was bad, the director knew it was bad, the producers knew it was bad, that's why they made it... and that's what makes it so good.

If you like 'B' movies, especially zombie 'B' movies then you should have no problems appreciating the over-the-top soft-core sex and head-exploding gore in all its glory.

All you need to know about the plot is that ex-hard-core porn star Jenn Jamison and her stripper buddies get infected by a government super virus that is suppose to make soldiers continue to be able to fight... even after they're dead. In effect, making them Super Soldiers. Well this works for the girls making them into Super Strippers, except that their dead. So their Super Zombie Strippers.

Gratuitous sex and violence, exploding heads, zombies, strippers, gore, T & A. What more could you ask for? As for those who have rated this movie so poorly... they just can't appreciate the genius behind Zombie Strippers.

P.S. Look for a cameo by Jenna Jameson's long-time boyfriend and UFC icon Tito Ortiz as the bouncer/doorman.
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The only reason it wasn't better was because it was too short!
5 June 2008
Great short film!

My complaint is the same as anyone else who has seen it... it's too short! I would love to see a full-length feature film based on the premise presented here.

The marriage of computer graphics and live footage was done well. The acting, direction and story were very good based on what little was presented here. Although the whole "movie" was only about five minutes in length the atmosphere, character development and tension were bang-on (no pun intended).

I don't know who is behind this short production but I hope this is a prelude to future developments.

Good work!
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The Strangers (2008)
Contrived exploitation film that was just plain stupid!
3 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
May contain vague spoilers but not really. Besides, if you're thinking about seeing this movie #1 don't, #2 any spoilers you may find here (or anywhere else) won't ruin the movie for you since it's so full of plot holes and is so poorly written that they just won't matter.

If you are looking for a cleverly conceived, well written movie with plausible situations that will creep you out and give you genuine scares... look somewhere else. This movie will only appeal to those with little appreciation for quality horror and are just looking for cheap thrills. In other words, if you think a guy with a burlap bag over his head who wheezes worse than Darth Vader is scary then this movie is for you.

There are so many trite and contrived attempts at eliciting tension in this movie that after a while I started to yawn and look around the dark theater looking for something more interesting like maybe some gum stuck to my shoe. A typical example is the old, cliché "you stay here by yourself while I wander around outside for a while" routine. Yes, this NEVER gets tired even though it's been in just about every teen slasher horror movie ever made... and this is just scratching the surface.

This movie is bad because it's just plain dumb and I am only writing this because somewhere people are producing crap like this and making money off of it. This is the real horror behind this movie! Avoid at all costs.

Better current options are "REC", "The Orphanage", or anything else.
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hilariously funny!
10 January 2008
I'm not a big fan of British comedy and I was expecting a movie with subtle, dark and dry wit. While this movie is full of this type of humor -- almost every scene contains material that you could stop and think for a moment then grin to yourself as you get the underlying jest -- it's the cumulation of the pieces that build to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts!

That is the true comedic genius of this picture. At first you will snicker, then grin, then laugh out loud and finally you'll be guffawing at the uproarious hilarity of the situations as the clever writing, excellent acting and outrageous situations build to a gut-splitting climax!

I won't bother with describing the plot. Just watch the movie and discover for yourself.

I can't wait to watch this again with some more friends who haven't seen it yet. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie!
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Bubble Boy (2001)
in the same vein as Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Rat Race
7 May 2006
You have to be in a certain mood and have a little bit of a skewed sense of humor to enjoy this diamond in the rough. If you liked Pee Wee's Big Adventure then you'll like this movie too.

Rat Race tried hard to capture the inane and superfluous humor of Bubble Boy and Pee Wee #1 but couldn't pull it off. Bubble Boy succeeds because it never takes itself too seriously. How can it? A movie based around a guy who crosses the US trying to stop his girl friend's wedding... in a plastic bubble.

If you want something quirky, funny, and silly, but kinda clever, give this movie a try. Yes, it is very stupid, but it's also fun. Lighten up and enjoy. You'll be glad you did. There's more than a few chuckles and a couple of outright laughs, and a few places where you'll be scratching you head and thinking "who could come up with this and how could they make it into a move?". Not because it's bad, but because it's so weird. Ice cream and curry? Who'd a thunk it?

Don't let the low score on IMDb fool you. This movie is only for certain tastes, but if your funny bone is a little bent, then I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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Troy (2004)
Contrived, plodding, almost comical...
24 July 2005
The story was contrived, unbelievable, the acting silly.

The battle scenes were rather gory and intense but most dramatic scenes felt contrived.

Eric Bana was the only redeeming factor.

Brad Pitt was completely miscast as one of the leading characters. It was hard to believe him as Achilles.

The final showdown was well choreographed and I was surprised about the outcome.

In one scene Achilles slave-girl friend as him "when does it end?" and Brad Pitt answers "It never ends"...

exactly my sentiments.
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Way ahead of its time!
5 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was released in 1995 and is way ahead of its time even for today.

It is a Japanese Anime but plays out as if it is a live action movie. The production values are top-notch, the action is intense, the story intricate, and the characters complex.

*** Possible Spoilers ***

The only drawback for this movie is that some of the concepts are so advanced that the average user won't be able to grasp all that is going on in one viewing. At the same time the director spends too much time lingering on the animated breasts of the main character which lessons the credibility of the film. At points the genious of the film is cheapened by the gratuitous soft-core T and A content.

This is an R rated film that will appeal to young adult male computer hackers and sci-fi fans who accept that, in the future, it will be commonplace for people to be mentally and physically augmented, that your brain can be hacked, and that computers can become self- aware.

There is one scene where a criminal is apprehended by special law enforcement agents. The agents comment on how sad it is when someone's brain has been hacked and they no longer know who they are and that they have been used as a pawn by the real criminal behind this person's actions; The Puppet Master.

The plot is intricate and requires the viewer to pay attention or you'll end up wondering what it's all about.

Overall an excellent effort and a must-see for anime/sci-fi fans.
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Undead (2003)
Hold onto your lunch...
28 June 2004
There has been some some derogatory comments about this film in that it is not original and that it copies from every classic zombie move out there. My response is to say that the movies creators were not plagiarizing but paying homage.

Of course they had similarities to Evil Dead, Brain Dead (Dead Alive), Night of the Living Dead, etc. but this was obviously intentional. Most of this film is tongue in check and contains a large dose of humor (as well as brain splattering gory goodness). It was all done in good fun. If you didn't care for the above mentioned films then don't watch this but if you are a fan of the horror/comedy/zombie/alien genre that sit back and enjoy. It's worth the rental.

Of course it was over the top but that's what makes it so much fun!

I thoroughly enjoyed it and plan to watch it again when I need good dose of gore and a laugh or two.
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Versus (II) (2000)
The Japanese Matrix
8 April 2004
It has been said that mimicry is the highest form or praise.

The writer/director, Ryuhei Kitamura <>, obviously loved The Matrix and also enjoyed the occasionally George Romero living-dead flick. He also pays tribute to traditional samurai movies.

The budget for this movie must have been fairly low as most of the movie takes place in the forest yet the attention to detail with regards to the direction, editing, etc. clearly shows how the production was more a labor of love than something done just for the sake of doing.

After reading some of the other reviews here I had the impression that this movie had no plot and was pure action from start to finish. On the surface this would appear to be true but if you dig deeper there is some substance here. I believe it tries to illustrate the continual battle between good vs. evil and the balance that must exists so that one never has a large advantage over the other. Roles change, perspectives change but the conflict continues ad infinitum.

This film plays out like a comic book. The scenes are full of quick cuts and zoom-pans, where the lens zooms in on the subject while the camera physically

moves further away. This keeps the aspect ratio of the subject the same while making the background appear to move closer. The director uses as many techniques as possible to add style to the film without the addition of special effects.

This is no Citizen Kane but it is a good effort and the cast and crew obviously had lots of fun. If you enjoy creative cinematography, loads of style, tons of guns and martial arts acrobatics (and don't forget the zombies) then this movie is for you.

I'd like to see what the director does for his next project.

*** out of *****
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Secret Window (2004)
nothing interesting or unique here
31 March 2004
I have read the reviews of this film done by "professional" reviewers and am left with the opinion that these people must be influenced by the movies producers. Are they given special perks? Do they get to have lunch with Johnny Depp if they write a favorable review?

The only redeeming aspect of this movie is Johnny Depp. His acting ability almost makes this film worth watching but other than that I fail to see why anyone would care.

This film was cliche, contrived and very predictable. There was nothing new or interesting in the story other than a few scenes between Depp, his ex-wife and her new lover. Other than that it's all been done before... only better.

Unless you are a hard-core Johnny Depp fan I'd advise looking elsewhere.

** out of *****
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I love the Dead!
31 March 2004
If you are a Dead fan then this movie is for you.

Just about everyone reading this already knows that this is a remake of George Romero's Dawn of the Dead but beyond the title and the fact that the dead have a hankering for munching on the living the similarity (for the most part) ends there. This is an improvement over doing a scene-by-scene remake as was done for the original Night of the Living Dead. I am pleased that the producers decided to add their own interpretation of the genre.

Judged on its own merits this is destined to become a classic "Dead" movie. The Romero movies are classics, especially the first because nothing like it had ever been done before but the action, direction, make-up, and special effects of this (re-)incarnation make this film a must see. The Romero series is looking rather dated and low budget compared to what can be accomplished with the special effects these days. Do special effects and a bigger budget make a good film? Just refer to the most recent Star Wars films and you'll see that that is not the case.

I won't bother with the plot because, let's face it, these movies are about putting ordinary people into extraordinary situations and seeing how they respond. In that context it is easy to understand their appeal. How would you react? Would you just give up and accept your fait, would you fight back or perhaps fight your potential allies for control? This movie covers those aspects similar to how the Romero films covered them, with intelligence and insight into the human character.

The bottom line is if you are a fan of the Dead movies than it is worthwhile to see this in the theatre. The production values are good, the action is good, the suspense was a little lacking but overall this is one for my (Dead) dvd collection.
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RoboCop (1987)
Far Better Than Given Credit For
20 December 2003
This movie is full of symbolism, social commentary and political satire, it is worth watching more than once. It is far more than a typical action movie and is in the same league as other classics like Highlander, The Road Warrior, Aliens and Terminator (1 & 2).

I won't go into detail about the plot because if you are the type of person who enjoyed the above mentioned movies you should run, don't walk, to your nearest DVD store and buy it immediately.

This film is so well written and directed that it could be used in a film school to show students how it should be done. Yes the acting is over the top, yes it is extremely violent, and yes the story seems outlandish but this is a real diamond-in-the-rough.

If you don't agree then you just don't get it and never will, you're not a sci-fi fan and think this is just another action movie. If you do agree, you probably already own it and have seen it at least three times.

Far superior the the sequel which is still worth watching but pales in comparison to the original. If you haven't seen it in a while, watch it again... and pay attention to the details.
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