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Funny and action packed
20 May 2015
Many people are disliking the movie for the wrong reasons. If you are not a movie elitist who likes to say things such as "Hollywood is ruining movies" or "there are too many superhero movies today", you will most likely walk away entertained by this movie.

The central cast is yet again great here. Whedon is clearly the man, when it comes to writing and directing an Avengers movie (although I do have high hopes for the Russo brothers). The dialogue and interactions between the main cast is excellent and the actors have great chemistry with each other.

Ultron might be an understandable let down for some, but for me he was an excellent villain. The trailer painted him as a totally menacing and scary robot, but that is not the case here. The best way to describe him is that Ultron, is essentially an evil and robotic version of Tony Stark. He has many one-liners which makes him a very funny villain to watch, but he still does evil things. James Spader was the perfect actor to give voice to this iconic comic book foe.

A common and strange critique against this movie is the romance angle. It takes at most 5 minutes of the total movie length and it raises the question if The Avengers can have normal lives. This did not bother me at all.

The movie did have ACTUAL problems though. One of which was the abundance of action scenes. Don't get me wrong, they were all very well done, but there were too many of them, which left little room for more character interactions like the ones from the previous Avengers movie. Also, Nick Fury should have died in Captain America: Winter Soldier. His presence here was too long and he contributed to a very annoying deus ex-machina moment. There are also many plot holes in the movie, which will lead a lot of people questioning what is going on. Age of Ultron also had too many story lines too jumble, which could bother a lot of people (especially if they are not up to speed with the comics).

Overall Age of Ultron is a solid superhero movie. It is not as good as the first one, but it is not bad either. I watched the movie twice and I did not regret a single euro spent.
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Awesome and a disappointment at the same time!
1 May 2013
This movie is hard to review since I am a comic book fan and I do not know how to look at this picture. Reviewing it as an objective viewer there are a lot of stuff to like in this movie. Robert Downey Jr. kills it again in his role and his comedic timing is excellent. I even enjoyed Gwyneth Paltrows performance. Guy Pearce also plays a pretty awesome villain and Ben Kingsley nails it as the Mandarin. Don Cheadle however is a different story. He does not have a lot of scenes and he does not have an important role in this movie....Jon Favreau had more of a role here than him which is a shame, since in the comics War Machine actually becomes Iron Man for a time. And Some humor does not always work in this movie because it feels like fart jokes a lot of times. Also do not expect to see a lot of Iron Man in this film and even when he you do the suit breaks apart almost immediately. The reason why I give it a 5 is because of a scene during the 2nd half of the film which ruins everything about the Iron Man saga which the comic book fans came to expect. Its a scene that truly ruins everything you know from the comics and it does not make sense why the creators of the movie went down this path. But if you can swallow that scene then the rating is an 8.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Predictable, but very entertaining
30 April 2013
You will benefit a lot if you do not watch the trailer I noticed. The trailer shows too much and it makes the obvious twist in this movie even more so obvious. First lets go through the cast. Tom Cruise did an excellent job as Jack and Olga Kurylenko also delivered as Julia. Their chemistry worked in the movie and I believed in their part of the story. But other actors chiefly Morgan freeman and Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau (Kingslayer in Game Of thrones) were criminally underused and had just a few bits of dialogue. It would have been better to cast lesser known actors to fill their role. The story itself is very interesting yet as most people will notice, highly predictable. Still there is enjoyment in this film since it is very beautiful to look at. The cinematography is excellent and the special effects are top notch. I was never bored during the movie and there are some plot twists that surprised by the time I was done watching. It might not be the summer blockbuster you were waiting for but you will not go out of the movie theatre disappointed!

My rating: 7.5
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Not for everyone (though Will Ferrell fans will love it)
13 March 2013
Like Tarantino movies, Will Ferrell movies people either love or hate. It is a specific type of comedy that you either like or do not. I personally am a big fan of Ferrell and his works. In this movie he plays a nascar driver who is obsessed with winning. He a lot of screen time with John C. Reilly who plays his best friend. With every victory his ego rises and his skills are tested when he is beaten by a french F1 racer who is played by none other than Sascha Baron Cohen. The comedy in this movie is pure Will Ferrell. There are many scenes you will laugh out loud but of course only if you liked his previous works. I have watched this movie with different people and the ones who liked Ferrell laughed others did not. But even if we discount the humor the movie still has some depth to it. There is an actually character development on Ricky Bobby's side which I found surprisingly well done. The acting is top notch in generally, the star being of course Will Ferrell. Reilly and Sascha Baron Cohen also deliver an excellent performance, especially the latter whose character is very funny.

I definitely recommend this movie to all Will Ferrell Fans!

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A fitting conclusion to a great trilogy!
1 August 2012
So After 4 years of waiting we finally got to see the third installment of Nolan's Batman Saga. After the huge success of The Darkn Knight, Nolan had big shoes to fill and even I questioned the fact if the 2012 Bamtna movie could top The Dark Knight.

So did it? NO... but tat does not mean the movie is bad. The movie is spectacular I am just saying most people who saw all the Nolan batman movies will feel the same as I do.

Lets get this review through then. The whole story is well awesome. You can actually see how Wayne and ergo his alter ego Batman are in a rough shape. Batman was not needed and Wayne was in a deep depression and wants his life to just end. All of that changes when a new villain threatens to disrupt the peace that Gordon and Batman have created based on the lie (Harvey Dent). That villain is Bane- a grotesquely strong mercenary with great intelligence. The pacing in this movie is superb, never once did I feel the movie was going to slow in fact sometimes I felt that the movie had such long and action packed scenes that you felt tired after those scenes (that is a good thing). Never once did I feel bored during this movie. There was action, drama and great set pieces.Not to mention that in every scene the acting was superb which is now a standard thing for every Nolan movie. Christian Bale again delivered a great performance as the caped crusader and so did Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine (his role was especially great because he gave the most heartbreaking speeches in this movie) as Gordon, Lucius Fox and Alfred respectively. The newcomers to the saga like Joseph Gordon Levitt , Anne Hatthaway and Marion Cottilard also gave a great performance especially Hatthaway as Selina Kyle (Catwoman) who surprised me the most out of all.

But what about Bane? Tom Hardy gave a solid performance with his character and he looked pretty badass in every scene he was in. Yet one cannot help to think he is not the Joker. Of course you cannot compare the two because they represent two different things. Though he is not as terrfying as the Joker he is still pretty menaceble. I was worried about his voice a little bit but you could still understand him if you put an effort to it... like trying to tune in to the radio station you want to hear sort of speak.

And the only thing else that I did not like was some plot holes that you felt like "wait that is not right, that does not fit together". Still those are minor flaws.

So in the end we got an excellent Batman movie with great acting, action, suspense that wraps up the Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy (i believe even comic fans will appreciate how it all wrapped up). It was better than the first movie, but not as good as the 2nd in my opinion. Lets hope that whoever else tries to make another Batman movie will learn from Nolan because as it stands the trilogy he has made was a masterpiece. Lets also hope The Oscar Academy will give some recognition to this movie next year!

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Captain America- the last before The Avengers
9 August 2011
So Captain America!... the last superhero movie before the Avengers

And how those this all America movie fair? pretty good to be honest. Even though this movie was pushing the whole American war propaganda a little over the edge I never quite felt the "america" in the movie which is a good thing. The sight of Chris Evans portraying Steve Rogers before the super-soldier serum was hilarious but it kinda felt real and non cgi. Kudos to Chris Evans playing a wimp for a change even though only for a short while. Chris Evans was perfect for the role of the young and brave Steve Rogers who later became one of the first known superheroes Captain America. Kudos also to Hugo Weaving who very convincably portrayed the antagonist The red Skull. Both characters were believable were so different in their roles that they actually balanced each other out. As for the rest of the cast. Well Hayley Atwell and Tommy Lee Jones did not contribute much to the acting department. both characters were super underdeveloped especially Atwell who was the romantic interest to Rogers. And Tommy Lee Jonses character was also super clichéd. The movie had some pacing issues with feelings that some scenes lasted for too long but the action scenes were excellent especially with Captain Americas shield which made a nice ding sound when it hit an opponent.

Overall Cpatin America was an excellent superhero movie which kept me wanting for The Avengers movie even more :)

I give this movie a 8 out of 10
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A pirates life for me indeed!
20 May 2011
So it is 2011 and finally we got ourself another Pirates Of The Caribbean movie. The movie starts in London with the probably most iconic movie character today Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp again delivers with his portrayal of the swashbuckling pirate Captain Jack Sparrow with some great humor and several well thought one liners. Although I do feel that some of his jokes felt that they were used before, fans of Jack will not be disappointed.

Jack is on a quest to find the mythical fountain of youth. But he is not the only one. On the same path are also the British Empire (party led by the newly pointed privateer Captain hector Barbossa), The Spanish Kingdom and the infamous Black Beard with his daughter Angelica who was Jacks lover in the past. Geoffrey Rush excels as the retired pirate without actually loosing the pirate swagger and mannerisms. He steals every scene including the ones with Jack. Ian Mcshane on the other hand is not actually bad as Black Beard but as far as I know the story behind this person, Mcshane was not so terrifying at all. Penelope Cruz as Angelica was a perfect match for Jack Sparrow and she did an excellent job of portraying a heartbroken former lover of Jack.

But, people who were hoping to be free of a new romantic Will-Elizabeth tale were sadly disappointed. Again we have 2 characters who were flat on their performances and I did not care if they died or lived. So in conclusion Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Strangers Tide was a great picture. The action scenes were great, the story was also less complicated then the last two films and the lenght of the movie was also adequate. Not as good as the first film but better than the last two. Not a bad movie to start the summer season!

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A true prince of Persia movie!
11 June 2010
I have played all 3 prince of Persia games (that last one is not with Dastan so I will not count it) and when I watched this movie I always said during the picture "Hey that was in the game too!"

When the movie finished I said to myself "is it that hard to make a decent movie inspired by a video game". The answer is obvious and it is hard, because it is not easy to make a movie for fans and for people who like movies at the same time. But if someone thinks they cannot do that just do not do that (we all remember street fighter and mortal combat). Mike Newell did a solid job in directing but the cast was a mixed bag. Jake Gylenhall surprised me in his role, because I thought that he would suck, but he did not and he portrayed the acrobatic Persian prince very well. Gemma Arterton however failed to deliver. Her character changed from a noble princess to an annoying snobbish girl in a blink of an eye and I did not like it. But I have to admit she was very beautiful in this movie. But the biggest surprise was Alfred Molina! He portrayed the tax-avoiding sheik who delivered humor in this tale and it helped the score I gave a lot. Who would knew he still had it in him?! And the special effects were also very decent and up-to date.

Overall, this is one of the best video game adaptations so far and is rivaled only by Resident Evil (the first one anyways). I suggest this movie to a hardcore Prince of Persia fan and to someone who likes Pirates of the Caribbean type adventure movies.

my score: 8/10
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Remember Me (I) (2010)
A drama for dudes too?
11 June 2010
OK! First I want to say that i am a guy and I am not gay! Thats it! Now i went to see this movie with hesitation I admit, but only because I knew what a lousy actor Pattison was and how those vampire movies sucked! I went to see it with a friend of mine, because of two reasons: 1. I felt bored and 2. It was a drama and not a romantic flick and 3. Pierce Brosnan. The first moments of the film showed me that this movie might be interesting and it was. Robert has finally showed some skills in acting and I cannot imagine someone else in his role. The problem was that his role shaded all of the other ones including the one of his girlfriend. That is a big flaw but it is one appreciated giving how he used to suck in acting. The movie felt very modern without any kind of cheesy chick-flick moments and the drama was very intense! It rose from the very sad beginning to the very sad end. A guy can watch this movie with ease I promise that. In the end you will just say WOW!
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
Historical accuracy+ FUN
10 June 2010
I heard about this show not too long ago. But I had my doubts of watching another Rome wannabe. Well after watching all of the 13 episodes (very fast) I can honestly say that "Rome" has an enemy and it is Spartacus: Blood And Sand!

First let me get rid of the bad things. I feel that the nudity does feel a bit forced at times. And the actresses are all too beautiful. In "Rome" there were some that were not but in this show every girl gets nude and they are like supermodels (though seeing the ex XENA star Lucy Lawless topless is a good thing in this section)!

Now for the good things. every actor plays his role perfectly! I especially like John Hannah who plays the "dominus" in this show. He was arrogant, eccentric , cruel yet likable. Andy Whitfield also did a fine job portraying the man who eventually led the slaves to freedom (not a spoiler, historical fact). Lucy Lawless was also good and the role suited her. Even the characters like Crixus and Doctore were very well portrayed. The visual effects were brilliant though the amount of blood spilled can be bothersome to some. But what really makes this show great is the historical accuracy. Every known fact about Spartacus is in this show (from his wife being a prophet to Crixus and Doctore) and this is a new thing because it is rare to see a show with such historical accuracy to be that good and interesting.

Sadly only 13 episodes have been aired, but the creators are promising more! Watch this show and be amazed!
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Give it time to grow and it shall
10 June 2010
First things first!

I am a hardcore SG fan! I loved SG-1 and Atlantis and the movies.

This show is a step towards a new direction. It is not a bad show. Not at all! But I do believe it needs time to reach its potential.

The actors are all great in my opinion. especially Robert Carlyle. What I do not like about this show its the "LOST" theme. Stranded in a place unknown, food,water and air a thing of luxury. It bothers me that this show is not original. SG-1 and Atlantis were original and one of a kind. But if you look past this the show is not that bad. Its new. This show focuses on a entirely different approach, and in mine opinion it works. But the first episodes were a disaster. Starting from episode 10 the show started to get interesting. It became more action orientated and surviving was a thing of a past. I personally cannot wait till episode0. Just give it a chance.
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