
18 Reviews
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Timeline (2003)
Not a good movie, but a fantastic guilty pleasure
29 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I came by this movie now, that poor Paul Walker died. I found him a very likable guy and a good actor. I decided to watch as many of his movies as I can lay my hand on, to honor his memory. I never heard anything about this movie, and its by no means a good one. Some of the actors (the dad and love interest of Walker especially) turn in laughable performances, the plot is very thin, and the science of it is not very well explained or sound.

First they say, you need clear space to use the teleport thingy, than a guy teleports in the middle of the woods surrounded by trees. Than the whole beginning with the guy, who appears in the desert...How can he appear in the desert if all the teleport thingy does is gets you back to the machine in the present? Also if he had misaligned veins and bones (as they make a point to mention specifically) how could he live? If your veins is not in the right place you will die from internal bleeding...

BUT these all doesn't matter. I quickly sunked into a mind frame, that I am watching a totally enjoyable B-movie, and I looked at it as that, and nothing more. I loved building castles from bricks and legos and pretending to fight around it with my toy knights when I was little. And I loved my shiniest armored knight toy to rescue the lady of the tower in the end...And this is precisely that in a movie, so my inner child was absolutely entertained :) Plus the white knight who gets the lady in the end is played by Gerard Butler, who I simple ALWAYS enjoy watching kicking butt....

I am the first to admit I am VERY biased toward this movie, I can not review it objectively, BUT i can surely say: if you were like me and as a kid you enjoyed playing sieges and stories about knights and ladies of the castle, than this movie will not disappoint you :)
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Martyrs (2008)
Requiem for the death of art
26 December 2013
The farthest from me is to bloat about my education, but here it is relevant. I indeed was a student at a Hungarian ART college. The farthest from me to bloat about this is also because actually an art degree is worthless in today's society, i should have learned economics or law or something,which is actually respected somewhere and are not the butt of jokes :)

And this movie and its kind is part of the reason why saying in a social environment: "I graduated from art" is something that will only be followed up by raised eyebrows or laughter and jokes.

This is garbage. The worst kind. The kind that is the creation of a sick mind who just wanted to see his sick fetish realized without going to jail, and had the smarts to opt to faintly disguise it as art...And the flock gathered and applauded, because its oooh so dark and edgy, and meaningful. Newsflash: Its not...

The subject matter of dealing with torture and abuse, the questions about afterlife, and how far people are willing to go to fill the void of uncertainty in their heart was observed and expanded upon in many-many movies before...And much more intelligently. Even if I agree, that this movie had some themes and thoughts, it was 10 minutes out of almost 100.

If 90% of your film is nothing but torture and gross out stuff (which also in this day and age is pointless after sooo many torture porn flicks...) you can NOT use the Joker card of it being art anymore. Anybody with a brain gets the point after 2 minutes, than it gets repetitive and you realize you see what i described, someone's sick fantasy. 2 minutes. Its enough. After that you are NOT deep, and profound and whatever fans of this garbage think this is...You are empty and meaningless, and repetitive and boring.

To put it in contrast: Imagine a cooking show, where out of 10 minutes 9 is devoted to showing you washing the ingredients, one after another, and 1 minute showing the actual process of making the food...Is it a good cooking show? Anyone can wash a tomato just as anyone can show violence. Show the meaning for 90% and the torture for 10% than I will agree, it is meaningful...

This is NOTHING but a glorified and even more over the top Hostel and has two type of fans: gore hounds (which group i can understand), and pseudo-intellectuals who will say to everybody, who doesn't like this movie, that they just don't get it, and should watch Michel Bay movies instead...Ironically Michael Bay and this director has a lot in common...they are both good at shooting excessive and meaningless violence, although even the Island has more meaning and human emotion than this...

Most likely half of the above mentioned pseudo-intellectuals condemn Hostel for being a mindless Hollywood piece of trash...Funny thing this movie even has the same antagonists: rich white people hunting innocents for their means, since this is sooo original......

I am really sad i can not give 0 stars

And the saddest part is: this movie is available at the most known video sharing site in full length, the uncut version, without age restriction...I hope no 5-10 year old will stumble upon it because from that point on, the director will be not better from his antagonists one tiny bit. Because for a young mind this is REALLY torture and dangerous, and i extremely rarely say this...And don't anybody dare to say to this "its the responsibility of parents", and all that...we are on the internet...we know how it works...and we know most kids know more about the net than their parents...
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Dredd (2012)
Breath of fresh air for true action fans
27 December 2012
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When i completely gave up on the action genre, along came Dredd. In an age when almost all studios go for PG13, almost all action movies are devoid of grit, grime, blood, suffering and guts, along came Dredd. This movie is genius. It takes me back to my childhood, when I watched Bruce Willis as he punched and shooted people in the face and smoked a victory cigar in the end, in his completely blood drenched t-shirt. I saw the Raid and while there are some similarities, this movie is more like the first Die Hard. And this is a huge compliment. The character of Dredd is absolutely awesome, kudos to Karl Urban, because there is no vanity involved, he never removes his helmet. The rookie is very human, fragile, but kick-arse at the same time, we can relate to her, and her story-arc is really satisfying. Not to mention Olivia Thirlby is absolutely gorgeous, and what makes her even more charming, that she is not pretty in the typical Hollywood-kinda way, but in a very unique way. Mama is a good villain too, they gave her a sad backstory, and a very graphic and satisfying demise. They did not shy away from gore which is good, this is a hard R and be very-very thankful that they still make these kind of adult movies for adult audiences, not just watered and dumbed down PG13 movies (Taken anyone? some comedian said: 3rd taken will be a g-rated movie and its title will be: Taken... to the zoo....He was joking but i can sadly see that happen). In a nutshell: please see this in cinema, buy the DVD, blu-ray, support this movie, because hopefully studios will realise, that this is how an action movie should be done!
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Best horror remake by far
22 November 2011
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Best, and most faithful horror remake so far. And by this I only mean the remake's of the "classics", which ones I saw: Dawn of the dead (it was OK, but nothing really interesting or new compared to the original), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which felt almost like a parody, a cheap movie with every cliché in the book, and tons of annoying jump scares), Nightmare on Elm street (which is by far the worst, managed to almost completely ruin Freddy), and Rob Zombie's retarded Halloween...Oh my.....Michael Myers, the unstoppable silent killer is nothing more than a messed up emo kid, who eventually shouts: DIE!!!???? What the......).

After watching all those other remakes, I lost all hope. I didn't even check out this one until now. I was expecting nothing, and I ended up with a very pleasant surprise.

This one felt they were putting actual effort into it. It felt it had at least a bit originality, or at least tried to bring something new to the table.

For example the opening scene was interesting, it was nice to see the conversation between Mrs. Voorhees and the girl she tried to kill. It was short but suspenseful and believable, I think in real life this conversation would be pretty much the same. And it went surprisingly fluently. And gave a slightly different backstory to Jason, since this time he actually saw his mother's decapitation instead of just jumping out of the lake in the end. The original worked on a different level. It gave us a supernatural and shocking twist in the most unexpected moment, at the end of a movie, in which nothing supernatural happened before. this worked, because I was guessing eagerly: Is Jason a "zombie" this time, or not? He felt more vulnerable this time, which was a welcomed change, because in the latest movies it was certain he is unstoppable zombie anyway, and everybody will die. Here I had thoughts that they might have a chance against him.

The next somewhat original thing was, that they tried to introduce the first set of characters, as the main characters, and they built them up, they actually developed them a little, and had a little fun with them, before they killed them off. Just when I started to know them, and feel we will stuck with them, they died. Its an old horror movie trick, most recently the first Scream did this, when they built up Drew Barrymore as the star of the movie, then killed her off after a little chit-chat. But it was something new to THIS franchise.

And I saved the biggest reason I liked this movie for the last: It had LIKABLE characters. Yeah we had the typical douche character, the typical air-headed, easy going girl, they were the least developed, but the rest of the cast had at least some sympathetic moment. The "black guy"-stereotype character was really funny, and even a little bit self-ironic this time, not just plain annoying or "in-your-face". The "asian-guy" stereotype was a likable loser and his scene in the tool-shed was really funny, with a few good lines (for example: this is your tool-shed? more poor people would call this a house....I liked this one), and the girlfriend of the douche was helpful and nice. And the guy who was looking for his sister, and the sister both were really also very interesting characters, I could really cheer for them. Most of the horror films today use only one-note, annoying characters, who you don't care for. Thus you feel no suspense. This time when Jason chased the remaining three sympathetic characters I found myself actually involved. I was interested what will happen, something I did not feel watching all the other above mentioned remakes. Only the ending was lame, but it was REALLY, really lame.... But overall this was a well-worthy addition to the Friday 13th franchise and didn't just feel that the makers wanted quick bucks with zero effort. They actually cared enough to make Jason "cool" again, at least for me.
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How to ruin a good idea.
20 August 2011
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This movie actually has an interesting story, a not entirely, but at least partly original idea. It should be a good movie about aliens hunting down other aliens on earthly settings. Well its not a good movie AT ALL. Oh boy is this one baaad...., this made me really angry... First of all, the main character is a totally unlikable little sissy boy. The actor has no talent at all he has like three facial expression: the "I am messed up"-look, the "I am angry"-look and don't forget the "awww I am totally like a cute puppy, are you girls feeling hawt already?"-look and that's about it. Not just the actor, but the character is unlikable too. He is supposed to be a survivor, a teen from another planet, who is super-duper strong and one of the last of his kind. And does he have a sense of nobleness or class? No. Does he have a sense of danger or urgency? No. When it is established that the same race, which destroyed his home, is out to kill him, does he listen to his mentor's advice and stays home? OF COURSE NOT. He keeps whining, that he needs to blend in and stuff. When an entire group of outer-space assassins are out to kill you, and they already killed almost every single one of your race, don't you have more pressing matters, than go to school and try to be the "kool" jet-sky flipping kid?.... For example, like... I don't know...Planning to escape the situation? Train yourself for battle? Plan a revenge? Oh come on, that's not so interesting for teenage girls......They want to see the UFO go to high school and jet-sky, because he is so hawt......So he shall do that...Its pretty bad when the only thing you can think of to do with your main character is blatant fangirl-service. Go ahead little fangirls get offended and rate me down for this, but this is PATHETIC. Oh and if you want to make another crappy "nerds and jocks and love in high school with odd girl and hawt boy" its okay, fine by me, BUT don't LIE to me with a trailer like this movie had. The trailer promised an action packed sci-fi movie and 40 minutes into the film I had to listen to god awful dialoge about odd-girls photographing habits and even more awful scenes with odd-girls parents having little family dinners with UFO pretty boy...What the....??? I am sick and tired of these holly-jolly pink teenage love stories, please don't try to force them down on my throat when I am promised to see a movie about aliens fighting for their lives. I could go on about how unimaginative all the aliens (good and bad alike) were, or how this movie had the most awkward dialogue I heard in years, or how stupid it is that after UFO boys little light-show on the beach or in the class-room nobody really cared. In reality after a show like that on a beach at night during a party, well it would draw much more attention and it would be in the news for days... But why talk about these things, this movie flat out lied about its intentions and it is sad and pathetic.
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The Orphanage (2007)
An unexpected gem, but its far from perfect
22 June 2011
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I was looking for some horror to watch, to turn off my brain for a hour and a half, and I heard nothing about this one so far, I figured, I give a try. Well, I haven't cried because of a movie since Wall-E almost had me in tears, and before that...I don't even remember. Maybe Requiem for a Dream. My point is, this movie is not a horror this is a drama. There was maybe one scary scene, the ghosts are friendly, and all the murders either happen because of an accident, or already happened in the past. But it is as emotional as it gets. I never saw a movie this cruel and yet this tender at once. The sad fate of the little orphan kids, their tragic and meaningless death, the struggle of the couple, who lost their adopted child, and the search for him is really heart-warming/-breaking. I hated that Benigna character with a passion, I understand, she lost her child because of the prank of the other orphans, but they meant no harm (unlike the ones in Friday the 13th but more on that later...), and killing them made her a disgusting character, it was a real pleasure seeing her get run over by a truck and die. And yes it was so predictable that she murdered the kids, I already know it when she got run over, however it was a good 30 minutes before the movie admitted that she killed the kids. In fact I think even the makers of the movie knew the bigger half of the audience will already know she was the killer of the orphans by the point when she will be killed, because there is only one scene, which has gore in it, and it is her death. Why kill her in a gruesome and cruel manner and show her face torn apart, if the audience still believes she is innocent, and if it is otherwise out of the character of the movie? But if we only care about the emotional side, the drama, this movie should be 10/10. But as a movie it is far from perfect because of three little facts: - the first part should have been scarier in my opinion, because it was too easy to find out, that these ghosts mean no harm, and it killed the later scenes, which tried to be suspenseful. Why worry, if I know, that the ghosts of the children mean no harm? - the whole story of Thomas was a huge rip-off of Jason and the Friday 13th movies. A challenged kid, with a disfigured face (even looking VERY similar than the young Jason) dies because of the prank of other children and his mother kills the ones who are responsible. Sounds familiar eh? - the ending was a rip-off of The Others. Strange fact, that the Others were directed by a Spanish director too. And in the end of both, the mother realizes the ghosts were friendly (but in the others there is a way more scary build-up to this revelation), she and her kid/kids are dead, and she decides to stay in the house, with the other ghosts. Heck, it even turns out in both, that the kid/kids died because of the mother... But rest these things aside, this is a very emotional and good movie. I recommend it to everyone who like drama.
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A great comedy but a terrible horror
21 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It was a long time since I reviewed anything, cuz I am too lazy, but I just finished Drag me to Hell minutes ago, and I simple want to write about it. I never ever had such mixed feelings about a movie. It was a terrible horror. First of all, this gypsy curse thing is really outdated and lame. I happen to live in a country, where there are a LOT of gypsys (around 20% of the population) and they don't run around cursing people... And didn't Stephen King already do this? A whole lot better I might add.... This was rather disgusting (all the scenes with the old gypsy woman, especially after she died) or downright funny. And the demon, Lamia...right...more like LAMEia, the oh so evil spirit, who DANCES around in a fire, vomits a cat, laughs in a more over the top manner than a minor James Bond villain, speaks through a goat, acts like a high-school bully and not like a friggin demon. The scene with the obviously fake, CGI talking goat, and the possessed flying henchmen of the medium takes the cake.... i almost p1ss3d my pants laughing. On the other hand it was undeniably funny. As a comedy, this movie totally works. Somehow, at least for me, even those scenes, which were not meant to be funny, turned out to be just that. For example the scene where Christine met with the parents of her fiancé. The dialogue was so out of the character of the whole movie, so unrealistic, and the whole scene was so obviously only about somehow forcing a "romance" and some "family drama" moment in it for the ladies in the theater seats, that i laughed throughout its entirety. The "fight" in the grave with the dead woman was also hilarious. As a horror this is no doubt 1/10, but as a comedy it is at least 7/10, hence my vote: 4/10. I only recommend if you want to laugh and you don't have a weak stomach. If you want to be scared, look elsewhere.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
What happened to Tim Burton?
29 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Oh...the irony of it. As probably many know, Tim Burton started as an employee of Disney. But his work was considered too frightening and surreal, and soon he was fired. Now this movie marked his return. This alone should tell the story. Face it, we never liked Tim Burton for his amazing skill to write dialogues, for the deep characters he create because (not counting Edward Scissorhand) there were none. We liked him because he was a big kid, with a fascinating, dark, twisted imagination. He had style and creativity. Now the kid is all grown up and became a money-hungry prostitute. Sad and harsh. But true. Sweeney Todd was the first sign and this....this piece of...

By the way i really had enough of Disney too, they "evolved" completely into a regrettable monstrosity. Poor Lewis Carroll. And poor other artists you ripped off to make ridicoulus amount of money lately. You really have no shame left? When it comes to nowadays Disney i always imagine a scene from an average high-school movie. You know where the strong and dumb jock terrorises the nerd and when the nerd asks why, he says: because i can, you cant stop me. Yes congratulation Disney, a dead artist really cant stop you from completely destroying, ruining, nullifying his work. You really have no shame left? Sadly the answer is pretty clear.

The only decent scene was the one with the execution. The other were only eye-candy without any hint of meaning or depth. Oh and congratulation for one more thing, you even managed to completely ruin even the ending credits with that ear-raping dumb teenage-pop-rock whatever piece of trash song too. Its not everyday when a bitter and sour cake is topped so nicely with such a disgusting topping, you really done something extraordenary, but at least it was fitting. Tim Burton will never read this sadly, but for what it worth, i admired his work, now i officially turn my back on everything he creates and let the little goths drool about it, they are still young they might grow out of it someday too.
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Hellsing Ultimate (2006–2012)
So close to absolute perfection.
10 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think my summary says all. Especially if i add i mostly despise anime-culture. At least Naruto, Death Note and the other meaningless and tasteless popular no-good waste of moneys anyway, with their really, beyond words pathetic "OMG cosplay is my life and Kira is sooo hawt" fan girls and even worse fan boys who are just like Alucard's nickname "no life king"....... Oh and before anyone questions it, i did watch those and a lot of others like Full Metal Alchemist and so out of curiosity and pure boredom, so i don't just say that, i actually really saw them and i still think so...So chew on my words all you fanatics and sentence me to eternal torment for it.

For the reasonable people i continue and say Elfen Lied and Rozen Maiden were the only ones which entertained me, which made me feel emotions, think, etc, everything what a good piece of art shall do. And oh yeah i liked the old Hellsing. I am not really into mangas, kangas and those sort of Japanese things, I was and am a real comic-book fan, and by comic-books i mean Batman, Sin City, Hellboy, Constantine and sort. For me a good character, a clever plot, and a REAL fight for example between Joker and Batman is more exciting than the average "we look into each others eyes for 20 minutes than we shout meaningless things and insults toward each other for another 20, then we fight for a., 1 minute (like most of the fights in the original hellsing and in this one too, i must admit), b., for an eternity(dragon ball anyone?)". And i could never get over the "we sacrifice everything, EVERYTHING just to look stylish and cool" attitude either. Which Hellsing Ultimate does too...

So why i love this so much? I don't know. Honestly. And i think this is the best compliment i can give. This is even better then the old hellsing series was. This is so breath-takingly amazing, every scene, every word is believable, likable, you can almost imagine them as real people around you. Especially Seras Victoria and Pip Bernadotte. Their romance is the perfect example to show what i mean: It is so smooth, it never makes a big deal about itself, its not rousing but arousing, its so delicate and yet it explodes with such fierceness and emotions in episode 7, that i dare to call it the most touching thing I might ever will see in my life. The whole scene is so unearthly bloody and violent and still it is more kind and gentle then 99% of the chick-flicks you see. Why? Because it is real. It feels real anyway, in that moment you really believe that the mercenary-captain is glad the way he dies, protecting a sweet girl, and you feel the pain of Seras, you see the hatred and the anger rise within her, which leads to her decision to finally drink blood, which is a thing she was afraid to do, because she thought she will lose her humanity, but right now you see and understand why she does it.

All characters are obsessed, not black and not white, but all different depths of gray. Even the craziest and most evil Major has his soft moments when he jokes around with Schrödinger about him being fat, or when she praises and salutes for Rip Van Winkle, and also Integra can be an ignorant, violent fool driven by her hatred and anger (for example when she orders Alucard to massacre in episode 3) I rambled too much already so i close this review now, with the conclusion: Even if you are an avid hater of animes or a real fan, this is beyond that argument. This is beyond the question, what it is, because the answer is really simple: pure genius ART, intentionally with all big letters.
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an amazing movie with an irking ending
2 April 2010
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I avoided this movie for a long time, I dunno why, because it looked like a really good one, but i had some prejudices toward Ben Affleck as a director. Turned out i shouldn't have had any. This movie is really good, with awesome and very well written dialogues, suspense, and drama. The kidnapped little girl cliché was done so many times, but this was one of the best in this genre. But a bit predictable thou, when the old captain retired after a monologue, how hard it was when his little girl got killed, and after they didn't find Amanda's body in the lake i was sure Morgan Freemans character kidnapped her somehow. I was right. When the haiti drug-dealer showed up, i knew he will be blamed, killed, but turn out to be innocent in this case. I was right. But in one thing i was wrong. I thought when they found Amanda, that the private investigator guy will eventually see, she has a better place there and leave it be. I was wrong and i am very angry i was. I know this is just a movie, but seriously, can someone really be this stupid? I mean the whole first half of the movie was about how bad person the girls mother is. How she is a crack-addict, no-good, mean, dirty-languaged imbecile. How could the main character think she will be a good parent? Why shouldn't he just left the girl and that poor old cop to be happy? That scene was heart-breaking, and i think if there really are people who are this ignorant, blind-folded, driven and fanatic that this guy was, well that is maybe even more sad then the kidnapping itself. Otherwise, excluding this great unpleasentness in the end, which is just MY opinion, so no need to crucify me for it, this film was great, and very-very thoughtful. Mr Affleck, congratulation, you have one more fan for what it worth.
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Avatar (2009)
A good and very shiny movie. A bit too shiny thou to be perfect
20 March 2010
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First of all I really wanted to dislike this movie, when i sat down to watch it. I thought it will be only about the effects, because all i heard in these weeks, was: "OMG Avatar is so mind-blowing, all those effects wow, it was awesome." I thought this will be a dandy little eye-candy nothing more. And i was wrong, i give it that much. It managed to entertain me, and made me realize it has soul and brain too. But it also made me realize that Mr Cameron wants to be an UFO, more exactly a Navi too. Because he neglected everything human in this movie. All the scenes with REAL, flesh and bone actors were rushed, you could almost hear "get over with this quickly, so we can add another CGI bush or somethin to the next scene", and almost see how unconfortable he probably was when it came to REAL things... All the shiny effects... It sure was mind-blowing. It sure was fun. Once. But if this is the future of movie-making, i am not interested, i am still a HUMAN not a Navi or alien or anything, i would like to see REAL things in a movie. At least once in a hour..... But i really liked how slowlike and smooth the movie went. It took its time to discover the fauna and flora of the planet, even a National Geographic or Discovery Chanel movie couldn't do that better. But the conflict was too simple. I mean all the navis, even the one who looked aggressive at first, turned out to be nice, and all the leaders of the humans (corporate-guy, marine chief-guy, etc) seemed completely heartless. Well all things said and done, this is a good movie, but i still prefer human emotions, actors, real, flesh and bone things over aliens any day. And i am an avid sci-fi fan....Nuff said.
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Star Trek (2009)
I am very angry...This had so much potential
7 March 2010
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Seriously, i am not an avid star trek fan, in fact this was the first time i saw something related to this show. But i am a huge fan of sci-fi. I saw and read literally hundreds of sci-fi's in my life, and somehow i always avoided star trek. Now that i finished watching this movie i say 2 things: 1. I think i understand now why so many people like the original series. 2. I think the world really gone mad, since i cant explain otherwise how on earth this movie can be rated 8.2 on IMDb. Come on people is taste and expectations really this low nowadays? Have you ever heard about Philip K. Dick or for example Neil Gaiman??? I don't think so. You never saw them in commercials or IMAX theaters, so they don't exist huh? They don't sell giga-mega sized popcorns with quality. Too bad. Everything, which was great in this movie, the uniqeness of the characters, the feeling of companionship, friendship, and caring amongst them, which you almost could touch, it was great. But i suppose, it was great, because they already existed in the series. Okay the special effects were good, but. BUT: did you stop thinking for one minute? Did it occurred to you how incredible stupid the plot was? How easily everything got solved?

Just one example: They throw out Kirk. He lands in the same planet into which the bad guys threw out future Spock. FUTURE SPOCK i repeat slowly... An ape thing chases Kirk. Then a giant bug-like monster kills the ape-thing for no good reason, and don't eats it. No. Why eat tons and i mean TONS of good meat when you can eat a strange, 80 KILOgramm man too. So the monster chases Kirk. And what a miracle...they ran into future Spock, who scares off the GIANT monster, with a little fire....Yeah sure....And then they go to a station, which is more like a junkyard...And what surprise, a mad genius lives there, and future Spock, who came back from the future (129 years)know him. Hey hy! You are the mad genius who will invent the only one thing that can help us. Can you please hurry and invent it like right now. Of course he can. In a station, not a lab or something, in a station, where they don't even have food. But they have material to build intergalactic lightspeed jumping machine.....YAY!!!! Do I really need to go on?

Did you ever stopped and thought about how childish, stupid, incoherent this all thing was????? Wait, i didn't even say childish, because some people will say, this is a sci-fi what do you expected...Which is bullc..... by the way, because there are plenty of intellectual sci-fis too. Not because of it is childish, but because a sci-fi is good, when it makes a world in which you can believe. Even if it has other rules then our own, it has LOGICAL, BELIEVABLE rules in their own surroundings...Now that is the thing this movie fails terrible at.

This whole thing is a big own goal. It really has so much potential. It was good for one thing thou. I will download and watch the original series. And i am sure it will be fun.
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The Hangover (2009)
Average. In every possible way.
15 February 2010
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Lemme explain. First of all i don't understand why people love this movie this much and i also don't understand why others hate it so much. It just don't worth the big fight over it. Its just a 80 minute goof-around. I watched in now, i finished like 10 minutes ago. And if someone would ask me, to tell him/her what happened in it, i surely would miss some details, cuz i already don't remember everything. It was OK while it lasted, but its not likely i will remember any of it in a few days.

The Asian bad guy was NOT funny, all the scenes he is in are extremely unnecessary, annoying and uncool. The stripper the dentist married was cute, and likable, but she had no real purpose or at least a good line to begin with, she was just there to show that the nerdy dentist can be a man too. The broom and the bride were dull, they had like 10 lines in the whole movie combined.

The scene where they mixed Doug, with a "black Doug" was the lowest point, completely unnecessary, and unfunny too. Actually i felt embarrassed for that scene, it was so bad, and poor guy who needed to play the wrong Doug, he was only there to have one more "Wow look how stupid that man is haha" character in the movie....

Alan's character was OK, at least in my opinion, he had the best moments in this flick. But the "bloodbrother" scene went to far, in that one he felt more creepy than funny, and i don't think it was meant to be that way....

The Hangover had its moments, but even so i expected much more, cuz i was fooled by the hype. Bad movie? No sire. Golden Globe winner movie????...You got to be kidding me...Averageness all around.
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Zombieland (2009)
A fun ride, nothing more, nothing less
9 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie got hooked me in in the first 5 minutes or so. The beginning was brilliant. I am not really into zombie-movies, the only decent i saw was 28 days later maybe, but even that doesn't impressed me, it was just OK. I never really liked this genre. I always laughed so hard when i came by a movie like Resident Evil, or Dawn of the Dead, where they wanted to be serious and scary. Well, they never achieved it, at least not for me, it was still funny. I thought if there is a place zombies belong to, it would be in a comedy. And this one is a very good comedy.

Not that kind of comedy in which you will laugh every 20 seconds, but the kind which will make you constantly smile with a couple of real laughter if you get the atmosphere and the tone. And Bill Murray's scenes were hysterically funny.

Yes it had faults, plot holes, stupid things (why do the 2 girls need to STEAL a car when there is plenty around, since the zombies don't drive, how on earth were the zombies able to kill all the army and police and everything when they aren't able to penetrate a small kiosk made of most likely plastic or thin metal), but HELLO everyone, this was a ZOMBIE-COMEDY you know. It wasn't created for and by atom-physicists, this was created for the purpose to entertain, to shut down your brain for 1 hour and 20 minutes. If you seek that kind of entertainment tune in, otherwise why do you even bother with an (i repeat slowly...) Z.O.M.B.I.E-C.O.M.E.D.Y???....

And beside that it had a little heart and a little brains in it too. The rules (don't get fat, exercise, know your way out, ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS, etc.) and the final message (don't be a loner go out sometimes and have friends) were very-very important and positive, because many-many young kids will see this movie, and i think this is a way better message then for example: eat fast food and play WoW don't you think??? And the romance wasn't so annoying either, it wasn't really good, but it was bearable. And the characters were great too, one-sided: YES, but still very likable.

This movie will not "make life simple or innocent again", but if you want some easy fun, I strongly recommend it.
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Bang your head into the wall, it will be still more fun.
2 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Awful, just plain and simple awful. In some level it is even worse than Transformers 2. Well at least for me. I am a huge fan of the original comic-books, and i almost felt this movie is a personal insult towards the fans. But i will not brag about how unfaithful, how disrespectful it was towards its root, because most of the people aren't fan's of the comic, and even aside this it is so much to criticize.

First of all, the acting is terrible. Okay i know superheroes and villains aren't the most complicated roles ever. But i expect at least a little empathy, a little sign they care about their character or the script or anything.

The whole thing with the 2 old people was so out of the movie and out of reality for example. Yeah right if you are old, and you see a naked, confused, weird-looking guy in your property you will be best friends with him in 2 minutes, just to get shot in the head a day after it with no real reason, because the bad guys wasn't even after you anyway...Yeah sound so clever.

Not to mention this is one of those movies i thought they finished making in the 80's. You know in which the bad guys shooting out like 10 million bullets, but never hit the good guy, but the good guy kills everyone with one shot.... Watch out, even more cleverness.

But to top it. Remember the scene when Wolverine learns the truth about his beloved one? Well the bad guys tried to catch him in the whole movie. But when he stands there, and after he talks with the girl, he just walks away while the bad guys are watching him and letting him go. Off he goes broken hearted, he seems not to care anymore about the girl or anything. But oh noes the girl screams and he suddenly like "oops i forget my car keys there" or something because he goes back. Why? Why after he thinks he was played for a fool, and he is such a mean guy anyway and he walks away? Is everyone in this movie retarded?

Speaking about character development: Wolverine: I am mean-----I am meaner-----Who the f i am?

Sabertooth: Wolverine and i are the only ones for each other, we can count only on each other oh and of course i am mean-----Wolverine is not as mean as i am, he doesn't kill innocents, so i need to kill him, no matter we fight together and trust each other since 100 years or so.---Despite i wanted to kill him all the movie long we need to team up again and kill Deadpool. Why he helps Wolverine anyway? He is the self-centered bastard in the movie, why doesn't he just disappear?

Wolverine's love interest, Silverfox: An object to show that Wolverine is not so mean after all----typical damsel in distress, with save me written all over her face.

I don't even bother with the rest of the characters they are non-existent.

Cheesy dialogue, the worst special effects i saw in a blockbuster, hands down, and the bitter feeling after you watch it, you know, when you feel someone made big money with ripping off on someone elses creativeness and idea and work.

Don't watch this movie unless you have masohistic tendencies.
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I was disappointed by Batman Begins, was expecting the worst, and i got the best.
1 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all things i should say i am a comic-book fan. From Eastern Europe. Why is this important? Because here its something really different then in the USA. In the USA comic-books are part of the everyday life. Here it is not. Here it is an underrated genre, and most of the people still think it is something sissy for small children and contains only fighting and dialogue no higher level then Kapow and Boom-Boom. And it was even worse when i was little. It was always a little treasure hunt to get some. And most of them was bad rip-off, cheap junk from the above mentioned category, and it was only Batman, who continually represented quality and was available for a kid like me too. And i was amused and loved it. Not Batman in the first place, but the amazing villains. And especially Joker. He was the best of the best. Maybe the most complex, interesting and remarkable character ever created.

And to tell the truth, i wasn't entirely satisfied with either one of the Batman films made up to the Dark Knight. Especially considering that there was an absolutely brilliant animated series: Batman the Animated Series, check it out if you like Batman, well worth it. They first 3 movies were okay, but the Batman and Robin and Batman Begins both sucked big time, but for different reasons. I lost hope i will ever see a really good and faithful adaptation of this comic. Then along came this one.

Yes it has some overdone parts, some flaws here and there, a bit rushed and corny ending, but its good, meaningful, and Heath Ledger (who i disliked before i saw this) is the absolutely perfect Joker. When i saw the casting, i thought it is a disgrace. After i saw the movie i thought he was unearthly good. The film has suspense, great acting, emotions, and a very interesting and coherent plot which is very rare in Hollywood blockbusters. Well worth watching for anyone and everyone. Especially for people, who think comic-books are sissy things for little children...
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WALL·E (2008)
Pixar should rest now, they achieved perfection.
1 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well I don't even know where to begin there is so much in this one.

Well maybe if i say i am usually cinical and disdainful towards love stories (at least those type of love stories you see nowadays...), and i usually see them only suitable for girls who wanna cry a few tissue full, and i prefer a Shakespeare-like ending, where every major character dies or loses something (sanity, beloved one etc) over an usual corny happy ending, and then i add, that i still LOVED this masterpiece so much i myself cried in the end, and i was cheering for Wall-E to remember to Eve, to get repaired and to see them "live happily ever after".

I was browsing on a video-sharing channel some day and i stumbled upon a video where a guy says the following about Wall-E: "I am a cinical bastard, but even that little piece of rotten, black glass i call my heart was warmed by this movie"

And i don't even get started on how delicate and clever the symbolism in this animation is. Or on how sarcastic, yet true all the scenes are, which ones are featuring the humans, who became more like a senseless pigs tied to their chair in front of their computer.

The whole thing feels so gentle, so classy and uplifting i cant even tell. If humanity will extincts one day and some other intelligent species will find the ruins of our culture i want them to find this movie, and remember us as gentle, warm-hearted, intelligent beings, which we weren't most of the time.

And i am not exaggerating. This was really truly this good. At least for me. Sayonara
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Horsemen (2009)
A really good thriller (except the ending..its still lame)
1 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this is my first review here, and my English is a bit limited, so sorry, if this will contain any grammar errors.

I was thinking on creating an account here since a long time, but i was always lazy to do it. But today i watched this movie, and as usually after I saw a movie, i came here to see what others write about this one. (The reason why i check the site after a movie and not before, is that i don't want to be affected by anything, i want to judge all movies by my own taste and opinion) And i almost laughed. It gave me the final push towards registrating, so thanks for that :D Okay first thing first: this movie had Michael "friggin imbecile" Bay's name on its credit list. Considering that it was awesome! other then that it was still more than OK.

1. Yes the ending was pretty predictable. I know it after 10 minutes too. So? Not like they really wanted to hide it. I think it WAS the POINT, to make clear towards us how much that cop neglects his family.

2. Yes its not as deep and good and dark as Se7en...So what? It deals with a whole other kind of problem, just because this has a Bible-based serial killing theme too, does not mean automatically it is intended to outshine Se7en or anything. It just wanted to be a good 1 hour and 25 minutes thrill-ride with a little brains. In my humble opinion it just did that and the message it wanted to deliver is pretty actual too, even if it was delivered to us in better movies and in better ways, but still. Oh and by the way: If you want every thriller to be just as Se7en or every sci-fi to be just like Alien and etc why don't you just watch those movies over and over again? 3. The acting is bad? hmmm i dunno, Zhang Ziyi's character gave me the creeps and still I felt its erotic side too, just as it was intended. Dennis Quaid looked tired and depressed, just as intended, and his son looked like a messed up smarty-pants emo teen, just as intended. You really believed when you sat down to see this movie it will have Oscar-prize winning acting? Well then i have bad news. It didn't have that. But again it was decent, and believable.

4. For those people who think the scene with the gay dude was bashing on gays: You so missed the point of the whole scene... I laughed so hard on your comments that my stomach hurts. It was intended to show us how bad it is when we do not accept someone, how bad is to discriminate, and to what sadness and tragedy it can lead.

5. The ending was corny, old hat, done a million times and it doesn't even fitted the movie as a whole it was so bad i cried out in anger how can someone finish something really promising so lame. The movie is literally a piece of junk from that moment when the cop wakes up in the theater.

I might overrated this, this is actually a strong 6.5 or 6 out of 10 but i wanted to uplift it a bit after so many people underrated it. Sayonara
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