Hellsing Ultimate (2006–2012)
So close to absolute perfection.
10 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think my summary says all. Especially if i add i mostly despise anime-culture. At least Naruto, Death Note and the other meaningless and tasteless popular no-good waste of moneys anyway, with their really, beyond words pathetic "OMG cosplay is my life and Kira is sooo hawt" fan girls and even worse fan boys who are just like Alucard's nickname "no life king"....... Oh and before anyone questions it, i did watch those and a lot of others like Full Metal Alchemist and so out of curiosity and pure boredom, so i don't just say that, i actually really saw them and i still think so...So chew on my words all you fanatics and sentence me to eternal torment for it.

For the reasonable people i continue and say Elfen Lied and Rozen Maiden were the only ones which entertained me, which made me feel emotions, think, etc, everything what a good piece of art shall do. And oh yeah i liked the old Hellsing. I am not really into mangas, kangas and those sort of Japanese things, I was and am a real comic-book fan, and by comic-books i mean Batman, Sin City, Hellboy, Constantine and sort. For me a good character, a clever plot, and a REAL fight for example between Joker and Batman is more exciting than the average "we look into each others eyes for 20 minutes than we shout meaningless things and insults toward each other for another 20, then we fight for a., 1 minute (like most of the fights in the original hellsing and in this one too, i must admit), b., for an eternity(dragon ball anyone?)". And i could never get over the "we sacrifice everything, EVERYTHING just to look stylish and cool" attitude either. Which Hellsing Ultimate does too...

So why i love this so much? I don't know. Honestly. And i think this is the best compliment i can give. This is even better then the old hellsing series was. This is so breath-takingly amazing, every scene, every word is believable, likable, you can almost imagine them as real people around you. Especially Seras Victoria and Pip Bernadotte. Their romance is the perfect example to show what i mean: It is so smooth, it never makes a big deal about itself, its not rousing but arousing, its so delicate and yet it explodes with such fierceness and emotions in episode 7, that i dare to call it the most touching thing I might ever will see in my life. The whole scene is so unearthly bloody and violent and still it is more kind and gentle then 99% of the chick-flicks you see. Why? Because it is real. It feels real anyway, in that moment you really believe that the mercenary-captain is glad the way he dies, protecting a sweet girl, and you feel the pain of Seras, you see the hatred and the anger rise within her, which leads to her decision to finally drink blood, which is a thing she was afraid to do, because she thought she will lose her humanity, but right now you see and understand why she does it.

All characters are obsessed, not black and not white, but all different depths of gray. Even the craziest and most evil Major has his soft moments when he jokes around with Schrödinger about him being fat, or when she praises and salutes for Rip Van Winkle, and also Integra can be an ignorant, violent fool driven by her hatred and anger (for example when she orders Alucard to massacre in episode 3) I rambled too much already so i close this review now, with the conclusion: Even if you are an avid hater of animes or a real fan, this is beyond that argument. This is beyond the question, what it is, because the answer is really simple: pure genius ART, intentionally with all big letters.
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