
17 Reviews
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Nope (2022)
22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think Jordan Peele should stick to Comedy and the phenomenal Key & Peele series. Beyond that, he is trying to prove himself that he is a good writer/director and that he can do something more than that. I never understood why some people while they are talented on one genre they try something else to prove that they are artsy. And this is the story here. We have a BORING, SLOW, story of a horse ranch, where the owner (father) Keith David (a great actor) says only 2 lines in the script as he DIES suddenly after 2 minutes of acting. Why??? You had ONE good actor in this movie and you killed him instantly. The MAIN character (Daniel Kaluuya) is a brain dead character, that pisses me off only by see him acting. I don't know if the script is more boring or his acting. BAD CASTING. Also we have the TERRIBLE amateur VFX (the bullet drops/objects from the sky hitting the ground), the blood spilled on Kaluuya after his dad dies (looks like someone spilled ketchup on him). The blood in the first scene with the monkey (also the blood looks FAKE and like someone spilled it with a nuzzled bottle. The car STILL has the blood after his dad died. His sister is OBNOXIOUS, cannot stand her either. OMG, the selection of the characters. EPIC FAIL. Stopped watching at 30 minutes!!
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The Batman (2022)
Stars great, ends up being super boring
10 March 2022
3 hours is long. This movie should NOT be that long. Robert Pattinson was ok as a batman. Paul Dano was terrible as the "bad guy" riddler. I never liked this actor. I like that they showed the other side of batman, vulnerable with phycological issues and some super creamy bokeh night scenes. Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, SUPER meh! Also there where too many mumbo-jumbo scenes that favored the scenario of the movie that didn't make any sense. Skip this movie. Christian Bale was the best Batman ever and the The Dark Knight (2008) was the best batman movie ever.
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So and so.. most reviews are not biased and are from VLDL group members
15 May 2021
If you are a VLDL fan you do not need introductions. Most of VLDL stories are really funny. Especially FPS logic, which was amazing, the story, the production quality and the acting was spot on.

Baelin's route story is pretty basic. It is mainly based on Baelin (Rowan) that can say only one line as an automated NPC he is. The story doesnt tell much and the is not much depth in it. Even though you can see the effort they put to the production (costumes, CGI etc.) BUT this short film was funded by a kickstarter and that raises the bar. Unfortunately the shallow story and the poor selection of Baelin as a main character of this episode was a crucial mistake. They should make a NPC man stories with high production instead, they had so many good ideas (like NPC finally loses it, bare minimum, stealth, side quest) all were amazing. I also don't like that the VLDL group members do not like constructive criticism and bash everyone or dislike reviews here. Sorry guys. Thats a 3 out of 10 for me here.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep! The best title name because I fall asleep to half of the movie
1 January 2020
A failure/similar vampire story but instead of drinking blood they sniff "souls" in order to keep them selves alive. Boring script, shallow and weak acting in combination with the shallow storytelling creates a really long and boring movie. Its one of the few times I could not finish a movie. I do not understand the score of +7 that this movie has.
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Us (II) (2019)
This movie is so bad, it made me write a review again
5 August 2019
Where can I start? The bad "cloned" characters acting? The lousy script? The horrendous ending? I really do not know what is worst. If you really want to waste 2 hours of your life and never have them back then you should watch this movie. I cannot believe that this movie was also nominated for something, maybe it should be nominated for Golden Raspberry's. If there was a ZERO score I would select it. The story is boring, slow, predictive and wrapped up with the terrible acting (yes I said that before) it makes a "horror" movie that tries to scares us with mental cloned people dressed dressed in red suits with scissors and Luniz "I got five on it" as background music.
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Kauwboy (2012)
Slow, boring and without purpose.
15 October 2017
Do you like dull and boring movies? If so then this movie is for you. Same European low budget film which is based on deep meanings where only sophisticated audience will get. Also considered art, not for a shallow thinkers and audience like us. Acting of a 10 year old and a bird. Actually this movie is so boring I could place it in the top 10 boring movies of all time.
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Fascinating a the beginning, slow and boring as it continues
12 October 2017
So you are a scifi lover. Then blade Runner comes out, so many critics, reviews such an amazing score on IMDb (8.6), fantastic trailer, great and promising cast. BUT? There is a big "but" in this whole movie. When the movie starts it is amazing, CGI's are great, fantastic atmosphere of the destructed world of the 2049 keeps you going and everything seems so interesting. There is one problem, even if though the story progresses, there are MANY points which are so slow and dull that destroy the whole movie. The movie should have moved forward faster in some points and have more action instead. Most action scenes are amazing but we needed more. At the end of the movie I had a sore butt because the movie was long and boring. Sorry but this is the truth.
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Worst Fast & Furious film
18 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely boring. Except from the scenes where Vin Diesel & Jason Statham are escaping from prison ALL THE OTHER FILM is crap and boring. First of all the story does not make any sense. Vin Diesel (DOM) is betraying his "Family" because "bad woman" Charlize Theron kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and his... kid? Sooo, Dom decides to betray everyone, kill almost everyone of his "Family" just for an infant that he never knew it existed??? instead of preparing a rescue mission for his ex-girlfriend and kid (Which BTW he never knew it existed before but he suddenly started crying for this kid). Such a horrible story & scenario. All the stunts are unrealistic in all the series but this time its a joke! They try to get away from submarines, Russian soldiers, and stopping torpedoes with their.. hands. Try to win sympathy with Jason Statham looking silly with an infant and doing stupid grimaces. FAIL movie!
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A ridiculous horror film
24 October 2015
Green inferno. Such a big anticipation for this movie release. I have been waiting since 2013 for this movie. Unfortunately I watched it today. This movie is a joke. Every event is a joke. Its a disgrace of horror & gore films. We all know the story of the film so I am not going to discuss about it. Acting is lousy with low class actors, gore effects are absolutely ridiculous and all death events happen like its some comedy. The man-eating cannibals they have been styled by some pathetic hairdresser and their acting is also horrible. I expected to see something like Apocalypto with much more gore. I was fooled. Top ridiculous spots of the movie: funny deaths, chopping a man easily like its butter, darting captives with sleeping poison and felling down instantly, shitting inside a cage by a captive woman, ridiculous deaths, stupid & predicted typical scenario. Avoid and watch something else.
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Ex Machina (2014)
Mumbo jumbo non-sense in a low-budget sci-fi
13 June 2015
I am not going to analyze like the other bad reviewers the android, the construction of it and the intelligence. Look you watch a movie. You go with the flow of the movie. As a sci-fi lover I go with the flow of the movie, I do not ask so many questions or analyze the film, I try to relax and enjoy. BUT! This movie never blew my mind. I LOVE SCI-FI movies but this movie, even thought signed by Universal is a low- budget movie with just 4 actors. No action, no special effects for you Sci- Fi lovers. This movie is blunt and based on the pointless scenario and low-class acting. Sorry guys I only got more horny from the Japanese actress than the rest of the movie. To summarize this pointless movie is about a multi-millionaire who builds a robot and selects a programmer to be his tester. Wow this multi-millionaire OWNS a company like go ogle and writes on POST-IT's (which we never got an explanation about that). Also this Android (Ava) has an internet search engine (go ogle) as a mind/database and asks silly questions. Oh yea. I forgot AI got dumb. This movie is very similar to "The Machine" (2013); same depressing music/atmosphere/concept. Sorry this is a no-no from me. Sci-Fi lovers stay away an save your time to watch something else.
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So many fine actors in such a bad movie (supposed to be comedy)
8 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If IMDb had a negative scoring I would give it to this movie. This movie is so boring and depressing that I find it a completely waste of time. I thought comedies supposed to be funny. Well is definitely not a comedy, more like a sci-fi stupid drama about a loser actor in Broadway that cannot find a proper actors to cooperate with and he is by the way a superhero. Movie is boring (did I say that?) music that plays during the movie is completely annoying (with this stupid drums like its some sophisticated comedy). If you like wanna-be comedies and you are over 80 and have nothing else to do with your life maybe you will like this crap. DO NOT WATCH A COMPLETE WASTE OF YOUR TIME AND MONEY!
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Empty scenario, awful acting!!! Should NOT score more than 3!!!
28 December 2014
I wish I could get back the time I lost watching this movie. Unfortunately by the time I watched it, it scored 6,8 IMDb and 78/100 in meta-score which made me think that this movie was worth watching. I was wrong. Dreadful scenario & low-class bad acting are the main features of this movie. Meaningless acts try to build up a scenario based on a psycho narcissistic main character with bad haircut with failed hair dye (Yes the main actor has ORANGE HAIR !!!! ***SPOILER***) surrounded by also low class actors who fail to do what they where hired to (ACT!!). A typical story about a man who is not what he seems to be. Of course I should not forgot to mention the ugly look-a-like of Gwen Stefanie which is the second leading character of this meaningless movie bad acting movie. For example after some horrible happening to her, she cries like she was cleaning onions. This movie sucks so bad that I wanted to WRITE A REVIEW FOR OTHER USERS TO AVOID WATCHING OR WASTING THEIR TIME!
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Fast Five (2011)
Great Action movie for Fast & Furious fans
5 December 2011
Great action scenes, destroyed cars and mayhem. These words describe the movie best. More or less you know what's gonna happen at the end but there are key facts that this movie is a successor. The direction of the film is great, even in the most unrealistic scenes you can feel the tense in which case you feel certain that you're actually physically there. I think that the fun part begins on the second half of the movie. And of course I must not forget to mention the epic fight between Luke Hobbs "The Rock" & Vin Diesel "XXX". (I wish Luke Hobbs wore less Sun Tanning Lotion & Baby-Oil. A personal remark to Mr Hobbs: "You look too shiny dude.. relax!! We know you got muscles!"). Besides some minor mistakes and some bad acting I think that this movie is worth watching.
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Watch this ONLY if you are fan of Woody Allen movies...
28 November 2011
Do not be tricked from the high score of IMDb. People that have voted that high are probably Woody Allen's movies fans. This movie is horrible, it hardly gets 3 out of 10 points. As you have guessed I hate Woody Allen's movies. I was tricked from the high rating of this movie but after I watched it I found it shallow, boring, with no-taste and without any purpose nor meaning. The main character is a boring-writer that has been castrated by his woman and is living in a boring-dreamworld. I forgot to mention the annoying music that keeps playing in the background and the endless background scenes of Paris. Watch this only if you want to waste your time.
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Unthinkable (2010)
Slow & Irritating!!!!
24 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so irritating that made me write a review! You can tell everything from the beginning. Samuel Jackson really disappointed me on this one, I really liked his movies - but this one is absolutely worthless. We have an FBI Agent, the terrorist that has placed NUCLEAR (!) bombs around US and of course Samuel Jackson as Mr."H". Mr. "H" is so dangerous that even the FBI,CIA, Army or even God does not frighten him. He likes to torture people and his rapped-by-neighbors wife gets him salad so they can have a picnic during the breaks of the torture (while talking to his kids via SKYPE). We have an American-CITIZEN-Muslim-WANNA-BE-TERRORIST that has a wife & kids (how convenient for the script). He WANTS to be captured in order to be tortured (nobody explains that either - only Allah knows). Mr "H" & professional staff makes the torture while Carrie-Anne Moss is trying to play good cop. The UNTHINKABLE was finally to bring over the Wife, Samuel to cut her throat (noone explained that to us) - the kids were suddenly saved from Carrie-Anne Moss because they were too valuable than the nuclear bombs & the lives of million peoples. The terrorist confessed after sawing his children were in the chamber with Mr "H" but he did not speak when Mr. "H" killed his wife! Oh he forgot to mention one bomb.. BOOM! What a waste of TIME!!! I am doing a favor for Samuel and I give a 4 out of 10 to this MASTERPIECE of slowness & dumbness!!
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Another Alien intrusion.... and of course US marines will save our asses
9 July 2011
Skyline was voted with only 4.5 of average voting and this movie gets a 5.9. I don't get it. OK, OK this movie is for all of you fans (I am also one of them!) that like movies with Aliens trying to colonize of our planet and our precious resources bringing our worst nightmares in reality. No close combats with aliens, some blurry images of aliens moving. You will also witness an anatomy of an Alien with a Rambo II knife and you will find out that they die if you shoot them in the heart; amazing discovery. Boring, boring, boring! Marines with psychological problems saving the day again. Did I mention boring? Oh yes and with lack of imagination! Do not watch it; it is just a waste of time. What a disappointment!
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The first human clone (Mike) was robbed during a cigarette stop in NY. In order to escape from mafia he travels to Karditsa to change place with his clone (Grigoris)
20 January 2010
Full Summary: A Greek scientist in the early 70's cloned the first human (Grigoris Kanias from Karditsa). His clone was Mike Kanias which lived in the US. One night during a cigarette stop and he is being robbed . Having lost 30 million dollars, mafia starts to hunts him down. In order to save his life he travels to Karditsa to change places with his clone. But Grigoris, a typical lazy guy with many love affairs tries to find a way to earn easy money. A sexy blonde with a big check is the perfect bate...

Review: Dear Greek movie friends, do not even dare to see this movie. Unbelievable stupidity during the whole movie and a waste of time and money. Even if you see this movie in order to see Mrs. Papoutsaki naked, I have to inform you that she did not show much. The film has no plot, it is repeated the whole time and it is not worth watching. This "great" acting is continued during the whole film. You can only hear everybody swearing, cursing and insulting each other in order to create comedy acts. If we had "Rotten Tomatoes" or "Razzies" awards in Greece I am sure this film would be the winner! Films like this make us feel nostalgic for old Greek movies. Cheap with lack of humor, that would be my description in 5 words. Another Greek mediocre film, with lack in scenario and originality. Not even Mrs. Papoutsaki can save this film with the nude scenes, this is just a proof that she is a bad actor.
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