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Interstellar (2014)
Special Effects + Ignorance + Urban Legands = Instellar
3 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would normally not comment on a film that I didn't like, because it would be universally panned. But when I saw how high the ratings are on IMDb, I was astonished. Are there that many people who actually do not believe that men went to the Moon, or that somehow education for the masses is a bad thing? Are there people who think that somehow having more farmers means more food production? If the food supply were to be tittering on depletion it would most likely be because education and scientific research had been discouraged long before there was any food crisis. This film begins with the absurd and then proceeds to the unbelievable. That down home farmer with the rebellious daughter just happens to be the long lost astronaut who is going to save the world. It's here that the movie switches from social criticism to fairy tale. It is just so disheartening that a film so full of misconceptions and false premises appeals to so many people.
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Opus Dei Plot?
20 May 2006
Excuse me, but I wonder if the bad reviews this movie has gotten are an Opus Dei plot? --I am kidding about this, but who knows? I read the book and liked the book. I just saw the movie and I liked the movie. I can't understand all the bad press the movie has gotten. It's a great film.

Every criticism I've read seems preposterous! No chemistry between the stars? What's up with that? Were the critics upset that there were no torrid love scenes? That the movie dragged out and was too long? It sure held my attention till the end. Maybe those critics have attention deficit syndrome? That Ian McKellen stole the show? He was very good! Is there a problem with this? That Tom Hanks had bad hair? Give me a break!

And the Catholic Church is upset about the theme of the movie? Why were they not upset with movies like The Omen? That was a horrible depiction of the Church.

The Da Vinci Code is a wonderful movie! Go see it!
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Fun Movie!
10 July 2005
I went to see this movie with no preconceived notions. I never read the comic books, I had only seen the previews of the movie.

I thought it was a fun movie! It seemed to move along well. It explained why the F4 got their powers and the affect it had on them. It also had a pretty nasty villain for them to overcome.

The thing I disliked most about the movie was that "The Thing's" wife left him. I thought that was a pretty crappy thing to do.

I say: Go to the theatre, buy a bag of popcorn and enjoy yourself. And, please, don't over analyze this movie. For heaven's sake, it's escapist and it's based on a comic book!
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A problem with this film
1 August 2004
This new film called "The Manchurian Candidate" is very good on its own. The acting is excellent, it is well directed, and its subject has been made timely.

However, I do have a problem with the film. My problem is with the title. I believe the only reason it is titled "The Manchurian Candidate" was to benefit from the aura and popularity of the original 1962 film. In the new film it is a different war, a different era, a different manipulative international force, a different method of control, and more than one assassin.

The way they managed to include the name "Manchurian" in this movie was a real stretch. I think it would have been far better and more honest to title it "The Corporate Candidate," or some name that fit this particular film.

But hey, I liked the film. It rates at least an 8/10.
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V (1983)
Nazi Lizards from Outer Space!
23 January 2004
The first few minutes of this bomb offers hope of a really good science fiction story. But then it all starts to fall apart.

Considering all the obvious similarities to events which took place during World War II: Storm Troopers, Symbol reminiscent of a swastika, recruitment of a youth corps, Gestapo tactics, use of the Big Lie; This film could have been titled "Nazi Lizards from Outer Space."

The special effects are as good as could be expected on television in the 80's. Generally the acting is mediocre, although most of the character actors do a good job. The plot is so predictable that it hurts.

Just a typical piece of exploitative garbage.
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A beautiful example of goodness, understanding and love.
4 January 2004
This is a really beautiful film.

It's a lot about love, a lot about caring, a lot about compassion. There are moments that are touching, and moments that are very funny. I found it to be a satisfying cinamatic experience.

I also happen to love the music of "Mama Cass," so that was a special bonus.

A real upper!
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The Pianist (2002)
Questions? Answers?
7 February 2003
What does War do to the fabric of a society?

How bad can War be?

When is good news not good enough?

When are friends, friends?

When are friends, enemies?

When is good fortune a misfortune?

When are enemies, enemies?

When are enemies, friends?

What does War do to the fabric of life?

This movie does not try to answer all questions or portray all occurrences related to the experience of Jews during World War II. It focuses on one man in one city. By its focus on one story, it makes contemplation of the entire story more frightening.

This is an excellent movie.
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27 January 2003
I very much enjoyed this film. My only request is for at least one intermission during its three hour length. It's hard to concentrate when your legs are crossed.

My rating ***** out of *****
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Chicago (2002)
Would probably have been better with a broadway cast.
18 January 2003
Great songs, good plot, clear message. The women were great, and Richard Gere was charming. The movie lacked something, though. It seemed to really drag. Numbers that should have had zip and pizzaz seemed paced and somewhat flat. I especially wonder about the "Razzle Dazzle" number. It seemed to move at a near geriatric rate. It made me wonder if someone other than Richard Gere could have played it bigger, bolder, and at a more lively pace.

I certainly enjoyed the stars chosen to headline this film, but I can't help feeling that a professional Broadway troupe would have pumped more life and spontaneous action into this production.
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Signs (2002)
Disappointing, illogical, hackneyed. Joaquin Phoenix the only plus.
11 December 2002
Disappointing, illogical, hackneyed. Joaquin Phoenix the only plus. There is hardly more that I can say. Maybe the proper way to describe it is CORNy. Apparently the Producers did not know that crop circles are a well-known hoax. The Producers apparently also felt that it would be no problem to ape visual effects used in many other movies. bad call.
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