
13 Reviews
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The Countess (2009)
29 December 2010
Wonderful costumes and great sceneries. The plot - acceptable. The acting - poor and dull. All actors have the same tone in all situations, the same mimic, no gestures. They're like robots. No body language, no voice inflections at all. Like a drawled song. In the second half I managed to get used to those dialogues, but at the beginning they sound quite ridiculous. And fake. Not one natural reaction or conversation in the entire movie. Maybe this is because of the way people were back then - very calculated and calm. But there are several ways of being calculated and I think the characters chose the wrong one.
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2 November 2010
Wonderful, relaxing, a bit crazy. This movie is great. I can't believe how underrated it is. Normally, I'd have given it a 9, but I chose 10 to rise up it's mark a little.

The plot - twisted, crazy, chaotic. And this is exactly what makes this movie so great. The characters - I just fell in love with them. They're so witty and spiritual. At the end, I was thinking 'Oh one acts like that; no one, after all that, keeps having fun; ...but actually, it would be SO nice if people were like that...'

I think beneath all the chaotic stuff that happens throughout the movie, there is a very simple idea: you just have to take life as it is and enjoy every second of it.
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I want my own dragon!
31 August 2010
Loved it. They took clichés and overused ideas and made them watchable, interesting, catchy. Therefore, this is a good movie not thanks to the plot, but because of how it's coated in an innovation veil. Not the plot is what gives this animation a fresh appearance, but the details. They made dragons look so adorable, friendly and helpful, I almost forgot they're not real and started to think during the movie that I should buy me one of those.

A good distribution of the action scenes, comedy ones and emotional ones. Not too much or too little of any of these. Not a very forceful outburst of the climax, but can't complain, either.

I don't quite understand why the name of the main character is Hiccup - even though there is an explanation given at the beginning of the movie, it's not enough for me. But that's just me. These being said, I think 8 is an appropriate mark.
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17 July 2010
The film presents the compelling story of the friendship between a teenager and a blind, old man. The sense of justice the boy possesses conquers the former colonel, who up to him, no longer believed he has any reason to live. He had lost the respect for humanity and no longer hoped there are still just people left in this world. But the boy proves him wrong by standing besides him when no one else cared. He risks his life to save an old man he has only known for 2 days. Thus, a babysitting job turns into a friendship-reasoned help.

The film captures the weekend the two of them spend in New York, which was supposed to constitute the last days of the colonel. But with Charlie's help and encouragement, these two days turn out to be the labor of a new life for colonel Slade.

The climax is the scene when the colonel wants to shoot himself and suddenly decides to shoot the boy,too. The fight between the two men -as well as Charlie's attempt to convince the colonel give up his plan- is full of suspense and very well structured, so it's impossible to anticipate how the things will work out.

After all this tension, the film's ending emanates hope and puts a smile on anyone's face. Two and a half hours that pass in no time.
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15 July 2010
Powerful, thrilling, full of life. It introduces you to the very simple, yet full of emotions life of the gypsies. It outlines their raw behavior, their spirited way of being, their unique way of dealing with problems and pain and, most of all, their charming culture (those scenes with dancing gypsies made me crave to learn dance like that).

The plot isn't very consistent - just a French guy who is looking for his father's favorite singer. But this is not the kind of movie in which the plot matters too much. Here, the plot is just a plea for the director to send Stéphane, a Paris citizen, to a Romanian gypsy hamlet in the middle of nowhere and get the chance to discover a whole new way of living.

The relation between Stéphane and Sabina does not turn the film into a romantic story. It covers just the right amount of the scenes; it's the salt and pepper the movie needs.

All this being said,I can only add Gadjo Dilo is surely a film worth watching.
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Nunta muta (2008)
It made me proud
15 July 2010
An incredible tragicomedy, which brings tears into one's eyes, both of laughter and grief.

The film appeals to the whole set of emotions a person can feel. It embraces the Romanian spirit into its smallest details and its deepest inherent leitmotifs, from the town's mute to the town's whore, from the typical Romanian town saloon to the typical Romanian wedding. Sudden transitions from funny situations to tragic ones and back to comical throughout the film give you a roller-coaster sensation. And all this is 'garnished' with apparitions of death represented as a bride, inserted in the most discreet way possible. These apparitions are the only clue that you receive about the ending. And you don't need more.

All I can say is this film made me proud of Romanian cinematography.
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The Prestige (2006)
Good movie
15 July 2010
I'd have given it a 9, but I gave it an 8 because of the lack of the climax. It was a good movie; very good,I'd say. But I can't seem to find out what moment is the peak of the action. It's all too flat; not insipid-but flat.

Now that I've mentioned the only problem this movie has, the good parts:

Interesting mix of history and magic. It successfully recreates the XIX century atmosphere; not like a glance of the past though, but like a glance of another dimension. And this maybe because of the fact that -unlike other magic-based plots- it let's you take a look at the methods they use, it let's you see the magicians world not as an intruder, but as if being one of them.
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Mary and Max (2009)
Sad, but makes you smile
12 July 2010
It's interesting to see how a friendship can be so deep and so well outlined, without the actual meeting of the two main characters. Even though pen friends, the bound between Mary and Max takes shape quickly, due to the lack of friends that both of them struggle with. But we can easily understand that this is not because of them, but because of the society: they are both caring and willing to give their advice to whoever wants or needs it.

Brief, this is a story of two underrated members of two superficial communities who have the luck to find each other. The plot is sad and the ending is even sadder - but it makes you smile in the end, thinking that anyone can find a friend, exactly when they less expect.
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Interesting storyline,powerful characters
20 July 2008
One of my favorite movies.I've seen it 5 times and I'd still see it with pleasure.I think the characters are the ones who give the movie the flavour it needs.The Lady - a strong,independent woman,rarely met in those days;Cort - a sexy priest;John Herod - a cruel,tyrant mayor of the small village,who controls everyone through his money;The Kid - not too well defined,more like a cherry on top of the cake.It is not an artistic movie,but it has nice colours and several well done sequences.It may sound a little weird,but I think the colours of a movie are very important.I also like the fact that in this film,every character has other purpose than all the others.One may say there's nothing interesting in a shooting contest,but i think it is.
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20 July 2008
It bored me.A lot.No story,no climax,no anything.I think it's Norton's worst movie.I watched it with my friends,and,at the end,after approximately 2 hours of waiting for something interesting to happen,we looked at each other...and laughed.Why?Because this movie is not interesting at all.I could say it's idiotic and senseless.A lot of unfounded actions,a lot of exaggerated gestures.And the ending...just as disappointing as the rest of the film.It makes you wonder it the film even has a storyline.But it's not the actors' fault.It's the directors'.The actors are good,especially Edward Norton.He really does his job.And since he is my favorite actor,i'm going to give this...thing...6/10
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Fight Club (1999)
Simply the best!
20 July 2008
There are several reasons why I think this film is brilliant:

1.Every time I watch it I discover little,but significant details I hadn't seen before.It's so minutiously made and every second of it has a crucial role in understanding the plot.

2.The storyline is fantastic. Completely unpredictable. Every time you think you got it, didn't.

3.The characters are wonderfully outlined .A flawless Edward Norton,a funny Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter in her best role,I believe.

4.Numerous great monologues and dialogs.The sequence when Tyler pours sulfuric acid on the Narator's hand is marvelous.Each line seems to have been attentively written and no line is there just to 'fill in'.

6.It is one of the few movies which are actually better than the book.I have read 'Fight Club'.I liked it.But the movie is 10 times better.

7. This may be a spoiler but it may be useful,too: Watch out for the subliminal messages! And I think I'll stop here, know...'First rule of Fight Club is:you do not talk about Fight Club.'
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The Mist (2007)
20 July 2008
One of the most moving,shocking movies I've seen lately. I haven't read the story,but I don't think the movie is disappointing,related to it.A mix of fatal,unfortunate choices.The way human nature is presented,the violence people can make abuse of when they're in panic,the way some of us go illogical in tough situations...all of these are fantastically emphasized.

The end is disturbing,and it makes you think that in some situations,death is way better than life.I think the drama of the ending stands in the fact that XXX can't even choose between life and death.You realize if he hadn't done this,or if he hadn't take that,this or that wouldn't have happened.It's all about decisions,and not any decisions,but decisions their lives depend on.It's a 'game' of life and death.And it's sure worth watching.
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quite good,but not funny
19 July 2008
The movie is quite good,quite entertaining,but i didn't laugh at all.The actors had great performances,but their roles were just not..spicy.This is the kind of comedy which is supposed to be spicy...but it is not.I didn't get bored,but I didn't laugh,either.And the scene with the cop...too exaggerated.Its place just wasn't there.It would have been better without it.I think the director realized the movie was too short and thought about something else to fill in the empty space.Good actors,poor storyline.VERY poor storyline.The movie has not a climax whatsoever.All in all,I think this is your average Sunday afternoon movie.It deserves 6 out of 10.Although i'd give an 8 to the way the characters were played...
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