
131 Reviews
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Awful Movie - Avoid
30 March 2024
We all make mistakes and I made one when deciding to watch this. I like to give 'new or unknown actors' a fair shake but that's only on the assumption that they CAN act but it started off.badly when it was 20 minutes or so into the film before we knew whether or not the "removers" were going to keep up their end of the contract. The three 'leads' are ex-cons who are starting up a removal service and unfortunately their characters don't blend together. I don't want to mention too much about the plot because I don't want to give the game away. However , I don't think anyone will naturally guess what happens because there's no real lead up to it. There is plenty of gore but I actually think that a certain percentage of the viewing public won't appreciate the subject matter or content and I couldn't help finding it offensive and unnecessary.
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REC (2007)
Over-rated Rubbish
9 August 2023
The only reason I made a "User Review" on this tripe was because I had seen it years ago so knew what it was about but having watched the film "Veronika" recently, I was truly amazed of the bad reviews that film received then astounded when many of the people stated how inferior they thought 'Veronika' was when compared to Rec, how frightening they found Rec was when compared to Veronika which was based on true, checkable incidents. Having AGAIN sat through Rec I can only say I found it offered nothing more than a hundred other Zombie films made. They ALL tend to have the same pattern of the Living Dead wreaking havoc, lots of very high pitched screaming and shrieking generally all at the same time and the necessity to be physically fit to cope with the continuous running up and down stairs. The ability to act is secondary. The hand held camera was used but justified as the lead is a reporter and "hand held" is her cameraman. I honestly cannot say I found anything positive to say about this film from the acting (very poor) to the boring story line.
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One of Ritchies best and some!
1 August 2023
I read several of the critics reviews of this film and quite frankly most were well off track with regards to exactly what the viewers actually want from a film. Jake Gyllenhaal and Dar Salim play US Army Sgt Kinley and Interpreter Ahmed. Numerous gunfights with the Taliban, Ahmed's unique ability to know when someone is lieing pr laying a trap. Salim has wonderful screen prescence. Though NOT based on a real life incident it's easy to read through the lines and it gives you a good idea how the hundreds of REAL Interpreters of the US Army felt when they and their families were left behind and at the "mercy" of the Taliban when the USArmy pulled out of Afghanistan. Everything about this film seemed right, beautiful photography and landscapes, good and convincing acting from all concerned.
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One saved or two die?
30 July 2023
An account from famed New Zealand Mountain Climber Mark Whetu of his attempt in 1997 to conquer Mt. Everest for the 3rd time by way of the North Ridge, recognised as one of the most dangerous routes but this time in the company of 53 year old Aussie friend Mike Reinberger who had tried to reach the summit of Everest 6 or 7 times previously which ALL resulted in failure. Reaching the summit had become an obsession with Mike but at each attempt he had become a year older, muscles and bones began to ache earlier in the climb and there was now a definite feel for Mike, that perhaps time was running out so this latest attempt was like "it's now or never" time. So what happened? What went wrong. Were they succesful in their goal?
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Good, fast moving film
26 July 2023
First, to me it made a real change to see Gerard Butler having a bit of the "butt end of the stick" instead of the story being Gerard Butler saves the World as many are. I thought the plot was well put together, well acted and believeable. It must have been pretty good because I was quite tense at times wondering if Butler was going to survive so much so that I re-started nail biting which I had stopped! Jaimie alexander played the wandering wife and she really seemed to have some weird idiosyncrasies because she appeared to have a pretty comfortable lifestyle but still wanted more It was a pretty even paced film throughout.
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Bad script, acting and all
15 July 2023
I thought the story was a bit "hackneyed" and far fetched. Typical "Americas Navy Seals have singlehandedly won another war" - swoon. Do Yanks actually believe this crap? The acting was laboured, the storyline or others very similar have been done 20 times before and even JKSimmons played his part comedic. There was little of a serious story to it. No wonder it lost more than 60 million at the box office. Apart from 'JK' I can't say I knew a single actor and was it so necessary to have the local whore play such an important role. The ENTIRE storyline was unbelievable, far.fetched and by the finish, boring and nonsensical.
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Oliver's Deal (2015)
A Story of Life.
13 May 2023
A huge financial deal 2 years in the making, cancelled. A nurse who finds ulterior means to help her Mother who desperately needs an operation. A young boy whose Father behaves like an ogre towards him and a good man who is torn between his position,loyalty towards his people and his best friend, and with all this in the mix "something" has to give and when it does the price will be heavy. Excellent acting from the greatly under-rated David Strathairn, Stephen Dorff, always watchable and this time he plays against type as a man who is prepared to tread on as many toes as is necessary to get what he wants - but has he a redeeming factor? Watch and see. Elsa Olivero who is faced with a really life-threatening decision just when she believes she has at last succeeded, Alberto Ammann as Riccardo. I really enjoy these types of dramas where so many irons are in the fire at once and they gradually ALL come together but NOT always in a good or happy way.
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Bad, Bad and Bad.
7 May 2023
I realised after the opening few minutes that this was going to be bad BUT I would never have believed HOW bad it would be. Totally dysfunctional story, the "acting" was so amateur and I'd estimate the Budget for making this, including all wages etc would be about 30K. And to think it was advertised as "horror" in the category section. The film lacked any realism, was NOT dramatic in any way and I would like toknow where there was ANY that could be classed as horror? How this film has an IMDB rating of 5.2 I don't know, I hope that where the 'ZERO' is shown in the RATING that it truly gives ANY reviewer the opportunity to rate it as such. For me, this is unadulterated rubbish.
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Bon Voyage (2006)
Holiday from Hell!
30 April 2023
If for no other reason I would watch this to see Daniel Ryan. Here he plays an English Father, Simo. Whose two children aged 16 and 12 drowned while at the families second home in France. He told his wife Linda (Fay Ripley) it was an accident but there were no witnesses so anything could have happened. Another couple, Neil and Lizzie on holiday with their own kids , are "poles apart" in everything from the first couple who continually turn up exactly where Lizzie and Neil stay for the night, on route to Lindas' sister home and THEY ask themselves "are we being stalked"? If so "why"? As a drama it's OK, even if Neil and Lizzie are bickering throughout while trying to save their marriage. The other two creeps more than make up for it.
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Good all round Crime drama
30 April 2023
Direction and screenplay for this film from Netflix was very good with a fair mix of racism, corruption, crime and greed therown in. The cycle begins with the two protagonists a Supt and Sergeant stopping a car for speeding and being more interested in how much they were going to be offered to let the driver go they accept the bribe and let the car continue on its journey with its hidden cargo! The film is packed with various acts of violence and at times is more like "Gunfight at the OK corral". Stars Mothusi Magano and Frank Rautenbach. Good music through the movie , in English, Afrikaans and Twansbo (local language)
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In the Forest (2022)
BAD in every department
29 April 2023
Where do you begin with such a movie as this? The story, screenplay, plot - whatever you call it doesn't make it any better, the so-called acting was in most cases peurile. I always wonder HOW any of these people make a living! Plot - totally nonsensical and it was played as if neither the director, writer or producer had made up their own minds if it was a black comedy or drama or what genre it actually fitted into. It certainly wasn't TERROR or HORROR. Was there ANYTHING that the character Emily wasn't afraid of? Didn't like blood, descending into the basement, guns. Just the type of person you want to stake your life on in a life-threatening situation and every time a situation cropped up that she didn't like she went and found herself a cupboard to hide in.

This is one that needs to be given a wide berth.
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The Alpinist (2021)
Why, Marc-Andre?
28 April 2023
An exceptional film about an exceptional person and group of people. I can never make up my mind whether they have nerves of steel or none at all. Many of the most famous climbers in the game appeared, Meisner, Honnold and others but this belonged to Marc-André LeClerc who appeared to knock-off the World's most difficult climbs almost condescendingly. He came across as being a little "arrogant" at first but then as the film moves on he shows a completely different side, one of respect and humility. He followed his dreams and lived life on an edge. He and his fellow climber pushed the limits and raised the bar.
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Great White (2021)
Middle of the road
25 April 2023
Many reviewers here seem to have expected this film and every one that they have seen or that's been made since 1975 to be another Jaws, which apart from "Bruce" and what we know about from docus etc STILL holds its own. The plot may have been following a well tried and tested formula but it wasn't as bad as many of the reviews on here say. OK, it's true neither theactors or support crew are going to win ANY awards anytime soon but there WERE SOME quite exciting moments. The locations were quite nice and I loved the final music when the cast etc was running up, quite catchy. One things for sure - I've not felt the urge to either fly or journey on a boat again, large or small for many years.
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A totally POINTLESS waste!
23 April 2023
This rubbish would definitely be in my "All Time Worst 5 Films". After it finished I wished I'd NEVER bothered to watch it and had continued with the much more interesting job I WAS doing, of watching paint dry on a wall. I feel sure that somewhere down the line IMDB. Com must have an interest in this because when I checked out the reviews BEFORE I watched it, the reviews didn't exactly scream out " avoid like the plague" which it should have done - it is absolutely DIRE! First, the plus-points. The location looked quite nice. Now, the minus's. Acting, amateur and weak. Small cast, I especially wonder how Peter Berwick has survived "nearly half a century" in THIS cut-throat business? Story and script - there IS NO story, not an interesting or believable one anyway. The ending was the absolute worst - WHO or what were The Wolves? Why was the protagonist being threatend? What happened to Mort? What happened to Sam at the endand why did she appears as she did? Why did Michael behave the way he did towards her? It¡s way past time IMDB. Com gave a "Zero" option.
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Killer Bees (2002 TV Movie)
One of the WORST!
16 April 2023
Just how can anyone really be expected to use 600 letters in creating a "review" about a film with such a really bad plot and what there is has been done so many times already it's like a loaf of stale bread. I can only blame the actors so much because the plot is so old you can see what's going to happen about 10 minutes before it even arrives. C. Thomas Howell is a wimpy sheriff who is bossed around by the Mayor of the town instead of telling him to poke his job where the sun don't shine. A problem arises concerning 'Killer Bees', no one accepts it even though everyone if affected and people are dying quicker than the residents of Wuhan. Tracy Nelson (Father Dowling Mysteries) appears so amateur, all the other actors doa poor support job. Waste of time, money and effort. The bees outshine the human actors.
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Had me riveted!
26 March 2023
A great story about a cadet who commits suicide, the theft of body-parts, love interests and duplicity. Good cast includes Christian Bale with yet another strong performance as Landor, Harry Melling is brilliant as young Edgar Poe, Toby Jones, Gillian Anderson, Timothy Spall almost unrecognisable as the camps Commandant, and Charlotte Gainsbourg who actually manages to keep her clothes ON? It's an eerie film, that has a solid story and good acting, scenery and direction and doesn't deserve so many bad reviews and it's hard to fathom exactly WHAT viewers want these days. Hiistory shows that Poe was actually at West Point and that he kept a promise made to Landor in the film andreal-life. Interesting.
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I want to give this rubbish 0
24 November 2022
I read the storyline of this film and that alone put me off. Sometimes it's good not to know any of the actors however that usually only works if the film has plus points in all or most of the other departments, which THIS TRIPE doesn't, NOT in a single one. I watched the first 29 minutes because I was hoping something, anything was going to happen to put some life into it but nothing did. More life exists in a morgue believe me. So, acting was excruciatingly bad, not even at amateur level. Script awful, juvenile behaviour throughout. Photography by way of landscapes, etc non-existent. The characters were like 20 going on 70. Horrid backing music. Give this a wide berth even if someone offers you money to watch it - DON'T.
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Overdose (II) (2022)
If you like violent drug films this is for you!
19 November 2022
Well, I certainly don't agree with the majority of reviews here. OK, this is as far as I know the first film directed by Olivier Marchal that I have seen BUT I can compare this with some others of a similar nature like Heat. I'm not saying this is as good as I personally thought that was though this was fast-moving. Had a good plot/storyline and was without any CGI or similar. Drugs received/transfered/undercover cop/ unnecessary murders/investigation. A few sex scenes - nothing excessive but a violent film but nothing really gratuitous, although it did receive an R18 rating. Stars Sofia Essaidi, Nicolas Cazalé, Alberto Ammann. Dubbed into English from French Original.
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The Mule (2018)
Crime, comedy, musical entertainment in one!
13 November 2022
Great film, lots of wisecracks in the script mainly from the man himself. I've watched Clint Eastwood since the late '50's although he wasn't a 'star' then and of course to me he was just another cowboy but over the decades he's been in many of my favourite fims, most were hits, most I enjoyed but not all. This is an ideal film that you really don't have to think so much about to follow. Old guy, a horticulturalist has a foreclosure on his home. Then with the introduction of the Internet his business soon follows, so he needs cash and ends up making lots of it by inadvertently becoming a "drug mule" for a cartel. (follows a true story) As a family man he's been a disaster but sort of comes up trumps in the end. Good cast including Dianne Wiest in one of her best roles, daughter Alison, Tassia Farmiga, Michael Peña, Bradley Walsh and more. Recommended if you like easy-going family orientated film with a good story.
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Jamaica Inn (1939)
Just bad in so many departments!
9 November 2022
I was so looking forward to watching this film and was left absolutely deflated having done so, it was so awful and yet there are some very good actors in it and with one of the great directors in Cinematic History at the helm, how could it fail. I didn't want or expect to see CGI and I accept it was made a few decades ago but everything seemed so amateurish? Featured: Leslie Banks (Went the Day Well), Emlyn Williams (The man who knew too Much. He also wrote one of the best books on the Moors Murders, "Beyond Belief") Robert Newton (Oliver Twist) Wylie Watson (The 39 Steps) Charles Laughton (Mutiny o the Bounty) and more. The Production Management and Sets were easily seen to be painted in and huge rocks in the sea moved when the actors leant on them. The landscapes and panoramas were nice whether Cornwall or not. Really, the whole production was very "wooden".
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Rogue City (2020)
Fast moving film and plot
31 October 2022
Sometimes it's difficult to guess what some viewers expect. Personally I loved it. OK, there may have been moments when it all seemed to come to a stop but that was simply to give the audience time to gather themselves and recover from any of the many shoot-outs between rival gangs, gangs v police or something else. The story itself came about due to a real incidente in Marseille in 1978 when a number of people were murdered in a bar. There is a high body count in this, a lot of violence etc but there is a good plotline running through te film even if sometimes it's hard to follow. Written and Directed by Olivier Marchal, one of Frances' leading Directors, stars among others Lannick Gautry, Stanislas Merhar, Jean Reno, the photography is directed by Denis Rouden and he's donea good job. If you like crime films, plenty of gunplay, violence, corrupt cops and the resulting retribution then I RECOMMEND this.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Fresh as a Daisy!
27 October 2022
Easily one of the best ever Crime series, the characters are so likeable - even dear old Moses, Money Chandlers office "boy" and general gopher. I really love the closeness between Harry and Maddie and with her now the Rookie in LAPD, he has even MORE to worry about. I also like the way that several of the actors from the original series have been written into 'Legacy' even if their respective part only adds up to a more or less walk-on or few lines and I hope this family manage to stay together. Titus Welliver, Madison Lintz star. There HAS TO BE another series planned, it can't possibly end like this?
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The Nun (2005)
Very poor in every department
19 October 2022
I liked the first 5 or 6 minutes of this film, where the Nun lost the plot with the girls in the classroom but after that the story just seemed to be drifting from one crazy clichéd segment to another. I know the film was billed as a supernatural/psychological movie but I expected there to be just a little claret. Similarly, there was no sexual inuendos or nudity which must have been difficult to avoid when you have 5 or 6 really hot chicks in the lead roles - and I use that term rather loosely. The plot seemed to be one which was based on various events which were then knitted together but in reality the ideas never took off. Terrible acting, little gore, few screams and for me at least, absolutely no chills or thrills. Watch this if you have a bout of insomnia.
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The Forgotten (2004)
A really good conspiracy
19 October 2022
This film ticks most of the boxes as a conspiracy movie, not too convoluted a plot but not much is given away so you have to work at it. Good cast with Julianne Moore and Dominic West as the protagonists, one can't forget a child and the other doesn't remember at all. She's a patient of a shrink who tells her she is suffering from various psychotic problems and he is treating her for her refusal to accept her son died in a plane crash. None of us really know what is or may be 'out there' for certain and this seems to have a degree of plausibility. I can't prove of course I am right BUT can anyone else prove I'm wrong? Linus Roache, Gary Sinise and the brilliant Alfre Woodard are among the line-up.
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Wonderfully slow film
18 October 2022
I really liked this film for the acting and actors, especially Donald Sutherland who I've followed from a distance since his pre-"Klute" days, a fantastic, reliable actor who I'm sure when his time comes to depart this mortal coil will be in full makeup and on the set. Jaeden Martell who I've never seen but boy, I'm sure he's going to be a huge success. Kirby Howell-Baptiste, so convincing that I was just wishing she'd been at MY school. The story was believeable and sincere, with the aged wealthy old man Mr. John Harrigan who imparts some of his life experiences to the young, innocent young man. Mostly sad but a great "coming of age" film. Recommended.
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