
54 Reviews
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Big promise; little reward
8 May 2024
I was really looking forward to this series. I read the book when it first came out (at LEAST twice), and I must have watched the 1980's mini-series, though I have no memory of it. I watched the current series but I am giving it two stars, and that for the production values only. It's much tooTooTOO much ado about nothing. It's basically about internal Japanese politics, and it's just not very interesting and no one enjoys history more than I do. The grafted-on love story is unconvincing. The actor playing Blackthorne is totally lacking in charisma: I could care less about him. The actress playing Mariko is so wooden and emotionless that there's nothing to hang on to. I suppose that she made an artistic choice to represent Japanese women of that time and social class as stoic and internalizing all emotion but it doesn't work in what is supposed to be an enthralling drama. I waited until all ten episodes were shown with the intention of doing a modified binge-watch of one episode a night. But I found myself in the middle of the third ep saying "I don't care for this" and the show-a-night for ten nights stretched out, because it seemed such a chore to put the time and effort in. I watched episode five and I finally decided that that was enough. I broke my cardinal rule and read reviews before I finished the whole series. I must say that the negative reviews really nailed it. What were the positive reviewers watching? I'm giving up and deleting the rest of it.
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Helen of Troy (1956)
I'm STILL impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this as an unsophisticated 8-year-old "spectacular-movie" fan. This was the time of "The Ten Commandments" which I saw twice, getting each of my mother's (separated) parents to take me to see it. (They both fell asleep BTW.) I loved it, cried over Paris' death, pined over Helen. I'm sure I saw it again, in the intervening years but this time I watched it with different eyes, different expectations, different experiences. I stillStillSTILL love it. The production was truly impressive: you could get a lot on the screen when making a film in Italy in the 1950's. The initial attack on the Walls of Troy was amazing: with hundreds of extras all choreographed perfectly (no CGI, but real people doing real movements.) I loved the sets, particularly the doors, some of which were MASSIVE; loved the shape of the Trojan shields. Truly wonderful costuming, set design, and use of the wide screen (BTW "The Ten C's" was NOT wide-screen). As a movie experience it was great. Of course the dialog was often stilted and unconvincing, and the acting was (also) often stiff. But the joys of such a spectacular visual treat are many.

Now to the accuracy of the film to its historical and literary roots: I just finished a really wonderful book "The war That Killed Achilles" by Caroline Alexander. It is a fairly detailed examination of the main points of "The Iliad" (I waited until I finished before watching the movie) and the idea that the Greeks were NOT THE GOOD GUYS is actually the basis for the saga. The WERE after loot: it's mentioned many times in "The Iliad". Achilles hatred for Menelaus and Agamemnon (my first cat I named Agamemnon) was accurate. The return of Achilles to the war was because of the death of Patroklos was there, though the movie ignored the almost-certain physical relationship between them. Achilles was the hero, though often petulant. And surprisingly, Priam was a very admirable character, courageously petitioning Achilles for the return of Hector's body. So I'm glad I recorded this, glad I read the book, glad I waited until finishing the book to watch this. It enriched the experience for me. Even more I'm STILL impressed. Don't fall for the negative reviews, they are. . . . . Well. . . . . Petulant!!
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Hamish Macbeth: Destiny: Part 2 (1997)
Season 3, Episode 8
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really sums up my feelings toward this series. The first season was truly enjoyable. The quirky towns-folk were endearing and quite believable, and Hamish's rationality was a strong anchor. The stories were not silly or patronizing, just amusing light drama. However the quality of the writing and the story lines deteriorated, though the actors maintained their competence. The third season was hit-or-miss: the singing competition episode brought tear to my eyes, though the repetitive shinty was just a filler. However the last two episodes were absolute drivelDrivelDRIVEL The acting was terrible, the whole concept was nonsense. As a person who is 3/8ths Scotsman, I expected more. I watched all the episodes though it had become va chore. Was I glad that this was the last one? Well, absolutelyAbsolutelyABSOLUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A decent attempt....
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this, despite my reluctance to watch anything with Kiefer Sutherland in it. I have loathed him since the unbelievably overOverOVER-rated show "24" where if gradations of screaming were the sole criterion for judging an acting performance he would win an EGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, here he was better than okay, though no Bogart: I actually choaked up at the end of his courtroom scene, muchMuchMUCH to my surprise!

It compares well with the original movie (1988) of the court-martial alone if not the 1954 film. The acting was pretty good: the presiding officer was excellent, as was the prosecuting attorney. The Maryk role, as well as the Keefer role are under written and not sympathetic.

Now a sidetrack to the reviews. I really am astonished by the mindlessness of some of them. For the person who said it was too stagy, well IT WAS A PLAY. This person wanted more action to understand the end. But more action was unnecessary to get the end. And for the m*r*n who complained that there was a black character in charge and a woman (OMG, a woman in a position of responsibility) actually had noNoNO idea it was updated. I think we all know who he voted for in 2020, or would of if he were old enough.
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29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just awfulAwfulAWFUL. I watched it because I watch every film on TCM's Noir Alley. I always start with the hope that I'm going to be rewarded with a gem, and sometimes I do see an excellent film, usually one I didn't expect to be. On the other hand, sometimes I watch and I am disappointed. This piece of tripe goes beyond disappointment. Jack Palance is passable, but no Bogart. And who ever thought Shelley Winters could act? She does the same thing in everyEveryEVERY film of her I've seen: a whiney, angsty stupidity that really gets on the nerves. The other actors were fair to "phone-it-in". It was fun to see Nick Adams, and Dennis Hopper, but they bring only mild relief to the over-all terribleness of the whole enterprise. The best actor by far was the dog. The script was poor and predictable, the directing pedestrian, the scenery nice (BTW did the have to airlift out the guy who SHOT HIM IN THE BACK like the helicoptered him in? And two of my favorite aspects of 50's films doing contemporary stories is seeing great cars and actors who also appeared in Perry Mason. This film had only minor pleasures in those areas. I'd have given it a 1 but for the dog.
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Many positives.....
9 November 2023
I really enjoyed this film. It's truly low budget, and consequently I had low expectations: but they were greatly exceeded only fifteen seconds after the credits ended. The first visual was of a glass-paneled door with the name of the main police character. It said Det. R Chasen. But the narrator (Chasen) called himself Dick. I had a good five minutes of a true belly-laugh when I put the two names together. Do it yourself, say it out loud and you'll see what I mean. Unintentional humor? I think notNotNOT. I also enjoyed two things that I always get a kick from in mid-fifties films. The great cars, all of which had style. They were identifiable quickly. I grew up in this era so these cars were familiar to me. I realize they were toooooooo big and wasteful, with tooo much horsepower. But they looked different from each other. Not like today's wonderfully (and thankfully) efficient and aerodynamic cars, that really all look pretty much the same. The other joy to seeing the actors and saying "There's a Perry; he was in Perry. Oh there's another one" multiple times. I'm referring to Perry Mason, and the huge number of actors that had roles, either major or minor in that arguably the most resilient of 1950's-1960's shows. They still hold up today. There were at least sixSixSIX actors that I found were in PM's. This movie was so much fun to watch, and compared to the parc (not an open space in Paris) that they produce today, which for the most part, are not enjoyable. I want to add a shout-down to all the negative reviewers. You're nastiness is unwarranted. Get a sense of humor: you'll be happier, and we won't have to read your bile-filled rants.
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DCI Banks: Piece of My Heart: Part 2 (2014)
Season 3, Episode 4
A disappointment.
6 November 2023
I like these in general, though it's a cool like. I think they're kind of flat and uninspired, but I watch them. This one, however, has almost nothing going for it. I suppose that I'm exposing my prejudice here, but I find that any show that has a rock band theme as the main story line loses me. The characters are usually one-dimensional and self-obsessed with shallow motivations and goals. It has been true (to me, at least) whenever I see one. I don't remember any specific episodes to cite, but I know that I'll probably be unsatisfied. This was no different. It's dullDullDULL. I may stop watching these altogether.
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The Irrational (2023– )
What a piece of parc..............
10 October 2023
And that's not a green area of Paris. I wasted two hours, minus commercials (the only time I was ever glad there were so many) on this drivel. It is unbelievably shallowShallowSHALLOW, with insipid plots, terrible dialog, and phone-it-in acting. It's slickly produced (NOT a good thing) so there's money behind it. But I wonder how the writers, producers, and actors sleep at night with their obvious contempt for the American public. I stopped watching network television about five or six years ago. I did look in on the revived Law & Order. And it was exactly the same as it was in 1992. My mother and I looked forward to it every week. But entertainment has advanced and network television has NOT. The tripe they foist on the audience is mind-boggling: it's no wonder the viewership is so small. Cable TV is so much better. Almost anything on AMC, FX, and especially PBS is better than EVERYTHING (admittedly not a fair statement: I haven't seen much of it so I'm projecting here) on over-the-air networks. And don't get me started on the markedly higher quality of British show. If you have respect for your time, mind, and taste, avoidAvoidAVOID this patronizing nonsense.
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But is it really a....
30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
True noir? Just because it's in black-and-white and is contemporary to the second half of the 1940's doesn't make it a noir. A noir film has a conniving, duplicitous woman taking advantage of a man weakened by his unhealthy attraction to her. And this weakness almost always brings him to do things he would, in all probability, never do. Here the man is the duplicitous one, though marrying someone to give a child a mother figure is not really a bad thing, is it? She would have some say in the treatment of little Phillip, and I doubt that she would let the starving continue. The absolute contempt for what we recognize as holistic medicine is quite revealing. I remember that chiropractors were reviled by the main-stream medical profession. In the mid-50's. Chiropractors were considered unethical and dangerous. I do recall actual films of the horror stories of people whose health (and LIVES) were destroyed by failure to go to a "regular doctor". That is an early example of the societal cost of the almost over-weaning adulation of the medical profession in the USA.

In any event, the "bad guy" never threatened the main character and treated her with respect and a kind of aloof affection. You have to question her motivations in marrying someone she knew for such a short time. In fact, their meeting to his death was about ten days. The acting was good, the transformation of negative characters to good ones was pretty well done. I enjoyed the movie. And the banister on that grand staircase was gorgeous. I wonder if that was created for the film. If so, kudos to the set designer. I do have another nit to pick. When I read these reviews, I see that no one uses hyphens. Sentences have words that make no sense without connecting the meaning with hyphens. I guess they don't teach grammar any more, and texting dumbs down people even more. Just a rant from an old man who mourns for the loss of such a simple sign of real literacy.
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It Follows (2014)
Astoundingly UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 September 2023
Let me preface this review by saying that I oppose censorship of any kind, so I have no trouble with this being made, in theory. That being said, why would anyone think that this is needed? I really question the sanitySanitySANITY of the director and writer of this loathsome film. Why are we, as an audience, subjected to the film manifestation of his childish nightmares? What arrogance it takes to believe that the rest of us deserve to see it. But nothing offends me more that the 95%?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Of critics that gave this bilge positive reviews. That's why I recorded it. I suppose that there is some sort of critics' ideal of giving everything some thoughtful contemplation, but I reallyReallyREALLY question their taste. I gave it a two because there was some excellent cinematography. But for the story, it rates a minus.
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Black Snow (2022– )
What a slog.....
9 September 2023
To watch this. I stuck with it though I was always unenthusiastic with the prospect; I found that it was almost my duty to finish it. It truly seemed absolutely endlessEndlessENDLESS. The acting , as noted by several others was adequate to dismal. And the story just wasn't that interesting: I could care less for any of the characters. I guess there was history that I learned: not really up on my South Seas knowledge, and I don't particularly mind that. Add the pervasive sanctimoniousness of the christianity {sic} and the show was a true effort for little reward. On the other hand, to the posters whining about it being "woke" GET OVER IT. You hate anything that has non-whites in major roles.
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A wonderful experience if......
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You enjoy a film full of unintended laughs. This one has so many that they are legion (yes pun intended). Let's start with the main cast. Rhonda was absolutely terrible, there can be no other description of her performance. She has the range of, well, no range at all. William Lundigan has all the sex appeal of mashed potatoes, without the gravy. And Gaymond Burr, must have dreaded those kissing scenes. Actually there was an undercurrent between WL and GB near the end, but perhaps I'm viewing it with after-knowledge. And they had a middle-aged actor playing Octavius who was only about 20 at the time. The choreography was absolutely breath-takingly awful. I laughed until I almost cried: especially Julie Newmayer's {sic} golden performance. And the man in the bear suit was also pretty unconvincing.

The sets, of course, were co-opted from another film, and were quite beautiful. There was a scene where WL is fighting a pre-Cochise Michael Ansara where they were in steps and the was was painted pale lavender and unblemished, but later, for no reason, the wall is scraped and chipped with many white spots. MA was actually in a Perry Mason: do you think they has several good laughs remembering? Rhonda's costumes were quite nice: thanks Jean Louis. To those giving it such low ratings, lighten-up it was truly entertaining. My rating is of course way to high if I'm being serious, but I stick with it.
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Utterly moronic
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is an astoundingly terrible movie. The acting is awful, especiallyEspeciallyESPECIALLY by Claudette: entirely unbelievable and overOverOVER-the-top. The rest of the cast was Okay, and I got to see a few actors who appeared in Perry Mason (the fake justice-of-the-peace, the lawyer) (all RKO films of the late 40's, early 50's have actors who were in PM's); and of course seeing Vivian Vance as somebody other than Ethel was a treat.

One more thing: the reflection of "monsoon" in the water would be "wonsoon"; it would be upside down, not reversed spelling. If you want a good laugh at how not to write a script, this is for you. I see this is going to be on TCM's Noir Alley in September. If I waited until then it would be another in a long line of seriously over-rated films shown in that series.
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Julie (1956)
28 July 2023
This is a terrible movie. The onlyOnlyONLY reason I give as high a rating as 3 stars is because of the wonderful mid-50's cars. That Chrysler Windsor was just beautiful: of course too big, too heavy, too powerful, but it sureSureSURE had style. Otherwise the film was moronic, from the opening driving scene (watch how many times she turns the steering wheel, how it turns without any apparent resistance, and the car barely changes direction in front of the rear-projection screen. But the worst thing was D. D.'s absolutely awful acting. She is so over-the-top in her hysterics that I just laughed multiple times. I never liked her, and I'm pretty sure I avoided anything with her in it. Two more points: first, I do admire her animal "rights" activities, though I don't see any cats; second, there were several actors that I recognized from Perry Mason. I look through their filmographies and almost always see that they were in Perry's. Watch this if you want lots of unintended chuckles, and like 50's cars.
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A 5 until the finale.
2 July 2023
I am sorry to say that this is a terrible series, which unfortunately, I watched to the end. The scenery is nice, but all (almost) else is just not worth your time. The story was uninspiring, at best, with episode-ending red herrings slowing things down. The acting was pretty much paint-by-numbers, with no one exceeding dullness by much. There was a bit of humor, that was OK, but otherwise mehMehMEH!!!

As a food person, only a couple of recipes were of much interest, and Maria's supposed good heartedness, expressed by allowing a chicken to range freely over the surfaces where food was being prepared was disconcerting at best, and disgusting at worst.

Still I would have given it a 5-of-10 rating, primarily because the naturalness of the positive inter-racial interactions was uplifting. But then came the finale, a 45-minute saccharin, toothache-inducing exercise in ABSOLUTE insipid drivelDrivilDRIVIL That made me regret the hours I spent watching the whole thing. And to all those who gave 10 ratings: you really have to raise your standards for entertainment.
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Zodiac (2007)
A piece of parc and NOT a........
13 March 2023
Place with trees in Paris! When I saw the 90% rating I thought that this had promise. How wrong I was, to the loss of 2:40++ hours of my well-past-the-mid-point life. It started out OK, but at about 45 minutes I thought "How can there be 2 more hour of this?" But I stuck with it, to my ultimate dismay. I was in the Navy near San Francisco from 1970 to 1976, and I honestly do NOT remember the Zodiac case. I hoped the movie would jog my memory. Nope. I love procedurals, especially British TV series. They have life and suspense and connection. This drivel had none of those attributes. I thought that the acting was, at the most generous, flat and boring, and Jake G. Was TERRIBLE. And these design, and location filming did nothing to evoke San Fran. Truly, do yourself a favor and AVOID this.
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Surge (I) (2020)
14 February 2023
This film is just stunning. The acting is absolutely believable. I have rarely seen a more compelling, disturbing, horrifying, exhilarating performance. Ben Whishaw is completely in control while depicting a man (almost) totally out of control. And the supporting cast is excellent, as well. The camera-work is an essential component in portraying the madness of the situations. The jumpiness is necessary. I think that this was filmed on real streets with little preparation. You can see passers-by looking at "Joseph" in puzzlement. They almost certainly were notNotNOT extras.

All the negative reviews show a real lack of perception. I am not much of a movie person. I usually can't wait for a film to end (Another 45 minutes of this?) I didn't feel that al all with this: I had no urge to take a break: I couldn't stop watching. The negative reviewers probably think the Marvel Universe is "Great Art." Anything with real value, (other that box office receipts) is beyond their understanding.

Watch this.
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24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched many "Independent Lens" films over two decades, but I have never been so moved by one, as I am by this. As a lover of classical music, I imagined that this would be an uplifting story of music raising the spirit of young Venezuelans; and it seemed to be doing just that. But the introductory narration hinted otherwise. What was the real point of the film was the deterioration of the country's economy and social order as the governmental mistakes piled up, and how it affected the lives of the three young people featured. It is hard to imagine, here in the USA, what real systemic poverty looks like, but this is clear and demoralizing. That these huge masses of people live in such poverty, and survive without showing unquenchable bitterness, is a tribute to their spirit and moral courage. No one who watches this can come away from it with anything but respect and admiration. The tiny problems of my life, things that I moan about, are nothing compared to what many millions face and survive every day.
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What's My Line? (1968–1975)
10 stars for the original
24 December 2022
I wait with real anticipation for the two weeks that "What's My Line" and to a lesser degree "I've Got A Secret". Is on GSN in the early morning. So my disappointment is acute when I see episode after episode of the version. That is entirely due to having to look at Soupy Sales. Was there everEverEVER anyone with less talent foisted upon the American public? In his world everything is about him: his mugging at inappropriate times, his almost endless smarmy sexual innuendo, and his terrible "jokes". I'd be willing to bet that he was highly disliked by his co-workers. My visceral loathing of him can't be mine alone.

I have another criticism about this show. Who picked the women's clothes? They're ghastly. It that what passed for style in the late 60's? I realize that gowns and tuxes were not a viable choice for a daytime syndicated show, but there should have been some gay guy to say, "Not THAT, darling, you have a career to think about."
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21 December 2022
I watch TCM's Noir Alley every week, with much anticipation. About half the time I'm pleased. The other half?: Let's just say Eddie Muller over-sells what he's hosting. This time, however, not even he has much good to say about this: and he's over-sold it with his bland nonchalance. This is a trulyTrulyTRULY terrible movie. I watched about 35 minutes, and could take no more. The hybridity of it fell completely flat: the romance insipid; the sanctimony insulting to anyone with self-respect for the true spirituality of the holiday; the noirishness jarring. Please do yourself a favor and pass on watching this maudlin pr*c.
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Red Eye (2005)
19 December 2022
I am chagrined that I actually watched this to the end. I might have rated it higher if I had listened to my (almost always correct) intuition. I kept stopping the recording to see how much longer it was before this was over. At 53 minutes I said to myself "How can there be another 30 minutes (minus endless credits) of this?" The last third was sooooooooooooo idiotic and unbelievable that I just laughed at it and mourned the waste of my time, but, sadly, I did stay to see how much worse and ludicrous it could get: it did and was WAY beyond my expectations.

Terrible script, with so many holes that Swiss cheese looks solid in comparison. One of the trivia items said that the writer spent years polishing this before someone bought it to film. I'm thinking there must have been some sort of tax write-off anticipated. No one with the slightest artistic (or, more to the point, common) sense would green-light this piece of moronic drivel. Toi those giving this a '10' you rally need to examine your perceptions.
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A gem!!!!! And I laughed out loud!!!!!
17 December 2022
This was titled "How To Be Likeable in a Crisis" I had no idea what this was about, but I trust that my PBS station is usually right in their programming choices (there have been a few less than stellar series, but only a small percentage). The title was intriguing so I recorded the 5 episodes shown one after the other. I was impressed. The very dark humor highlights the real social and ethical commentary at the heart of this series. The writing is excellent, the cinematography very clear, and the cleverly-composed cheerfulness of the music added an often hilarious counterpoint to the action. But is the acting that makes this so watchable, even for a Western audience. The main character is played by a young man with a real depth to his performance: I was never in doubt that this was a real person he played. I expect if I knew more about current Japanese television and cinema, I would recognize the actors playing the older characters. In the English introduction it is implied that they are well-known actors. If you have a chance, watch this.
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A mixed Bag
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I happened to turn to this by chance, and began to watch at the baby (full- frontal nudity!!!!) spitting scene. As a child of the 1950's I was always enamored of epics, but this one I had never seen. I watched for a few minutes, mightily impressed by the incredible beauty of the visuals. That film stock was something else with gorgeous colors, giving an almost palpable density to the feel of the movie. They don't use film stock like that any more. The sets were really great: the doors of the temple HAD TO BE at least 40 feet tall. Gina's costumes were fabulous, and the climactic battle scene was amazing, though it was obvious that those were dummies rushing over that precipice. That had to be even more obvious on a huge screen, but people were MUCH less concerned with things like that then. I worried about he horses: was any care taken of them in the Spain of the loathsome Franco?

However, I found myself making mocking commentary on the story, with all of the pseudo-reverential and ridiculous religious mumbo-jumbo (and Y*hw*h even spoke at the end).

So to sum up, quite ravishing to see, but quite giggle-producing to a rationalist.
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The Last Out (2020)
Unbelievable sad
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I expected an ultimately uplifting story about the sport that I love. This is not that. It is a revelation of the pain and the terrible trials of these three young men, who left Cuba full of hope that their talent would serve them well. But the obstacles that they faced were over-whelming and none of them achieved their goal. One of them had to run the gauntlet of getting from Costa Rica to the US, with constant mental and financial strains. He was taken advantage of repeatedly. But so were the other two, one of whom disappeared by the end. The biggest advantage-taker was their supposed ticket to the "Bigs", a real slime-ball. Why he ever agreed to be filmed is mind-boggling, because he as revealed as a predator of these dependent, lonely and frightened young men. I started crying about half-way through, and did not stop crying even after the film ended. I recommend this, but only if you are willing to be saddened.
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Irma Vep (2022)
What drivelDrivelDRIVEL.
13 June 2022
I had no expectations about this show. That it is on HBO is usually a good recommendation, though they have put on some parc ( The Time Travelers Wife is the most recent), but my cable description lists it as a drama, so I decided to try it. I read no reviews (I NEVER read reviews before watching something, so that I'm not prejudiced one way or another), I didn't look at RotTommies to get any info. So on it comes. First thing is the opening credits with the insipid cutesy music the belies the "drama" designation. Then the episode starts and it is even more insipid than the music would suggest (and I've LIKED the star!!!). It's a story about self-important egoists with muchMuchMUCH too much fame and adulation than they deserve.

So I did a first. I went to this site and read the reviews. The negative ones matched almost precisely my take on this: the authors of the positive ones seemed awfully smug. Went to RT and saw 100%!?!!?? Positive This is another example of group-think by an unaccountably lemming-like reviewers: not one (how can that be?) negative or even neutral comment. Why are these people given the platforms they are on? I watched the whole episode, an hour (plus the time spent here) that I will never get back. Do yourself a favor: Avoid this in all respects.
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