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Definitely will make you laugh!
13 October 2003
Its more than just a gas gas gas, Whoopi Goldberg gives out, I think, one of her funniest roles of her carrer, in this Penny Marshall film ( her directorial debut as well). This movie didn't exactly got the critics raving, but that doesn't matter. Because this movie has a lot of humor, and just a touch supsense, and action. I defintley recommend this for you, and Whoopi Goldberg is what makes this one a must see!!!!!!!
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Chicago (2002)
Five Six Seven Eight!!
18 January 2003
This is one movie I reallly recommed to anyone whose into musicals. The set is really stylish, Alot of dancing(of Course), and it has a surprising sining and dancing Richard Gere!!! How many awards this movie will win remains to be seen, but one thing is clear, theres lots of color, stylish dancing productions, and a hip plot up till the end.

This movie may not be the best of musicals (I give that to The Sound of Music, and Caberet) but this is one thats defintely not one to miss, whether you like these type of movies or not, you really gotta give this a lookin, theres of course lots of dancing, superb acting ( I think so anyway), and lots of colorful designs, A real treat from begining to end! 9 out of 10!
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Dinosaurs (1991–1994)
great concept
5 July 2002
This was one of the many (or so) great shows that ABC had on in the late 80's or early 90's. It's still fun to watch the reruns, and laugh at the simpsons like dinosaur family, too bad ABC decided to do away with the show. But like many great shows it will live forever in rerun heaven.
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Into the Night (1990–1991)
It was no Letterman, or Leno, but still worth some Laughs.
13 June 2002
Before Politically Incorrect dominated ABC's late night parade, This show was ABC's answer to Johnny Carson, and Letterman, at that time. It's been a while since I saw this funny but short-lived shows, but one thing I remember was all the goofy gimmicks like handing out a mold of clay to the audience and one by one shaping to some gross figure of their own. It was funny, but nothing to attract a large audience, still worth watching if one of the networks deicded to put this into re-runs.
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Who says 3-D isn't fun?
7 May 2002
I remember going to this show, and watch the muppets cause all sorts of mischief and commtion in and around the theatre while there movie is going on. There is fun all around, with the crazy muppets, the gags, and a nice surprise at the end, this is a must for not just the muppet fans.
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Popples (1986–1988)
One of the best cartoons to "pop out" out of the 80's.
7 April 2002
If you want to see how cute a cartoon can get, this is it. For one, there's no evil villan whatsoever in this series, and it still was able to sell. All this show was was a bunch of furballs that only appeared to 2 kids (bonnie and Billy). All the Popples did was get into trouble, and looked cute while doing it. The cartoon was all right when I remembered it, and there was also, if I can remember correctly, a live action Popples too. I wish I had a tape of this show, if I did, I defintely would let my kids watch it. A wonderful, but very simple show.
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Popples (1986–1988)
One of the cutest cartoons to "pop out" of the 80's.
3 April 2002
This show, which showed a bunch of cute little furballs popping out of balls, and getting into mischeif. It's been awhile since I last saw this, but just like most cartoons of the time, it was just simply cute. But what I found interesting, was there were no villans involved, but still held a resonable audience. Right up there, with, The Care Bears, and the Smurfs, ads the cutest cartoons of the 80's. There was also a live action Popples episode, as well as the cartoon series I fondly remember, featuring a live boonie and billy, and of course, those cute popples. I wish I had tapes of this show, if I did I would defintely let my children it. I'll always cherish shows such as these.
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MASK (1985–1986)
A slice of the cool 80's
27 March 2002
This was one cool cartoon show for anyone to remember, it had cool animation, and the theme song rocked! (though I didn't remember it that much, only when I downloaded it from a web site recently). They have to air the reruns on Cartoon network or any other tv network out there, they can't leave shows like these collecting dust!
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Wonderful! The best movie of the anti-establishment era.
26 March 2002
A wonderful, gripping, powerful, and inspiring movie about a rebel faking insanity McMurphy (Jack Nicolson in his oscar winning role), becomes cooped in a looney bin controlled by the villanious Nurse Ratched (Louise Flecther in her oscar winning role as well) and her two "thugs" henchmen.

This is one movie not to pass out, even though it has a strong anti feeling, and of course the viloence and strong language, everyone should get a chance to see it, even if it doesn't suit to your type of movies, it's till an excellent achievement in fliming and directing. This movie has a unique feel to it, and the cast does an excellent job through out. The point of rising over such a cold leadership, is timeless!

It's hard not to notice a young Christopher Lloyd and Danny Devito in this one. In short, even if you don't like the movie's feel, at least you can't hate the acting, perhaps one of the best ever to asemble in one film! You can't miss this one, a perfect 10,
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abstract Star Trek
16 March 2002
The general storyline, is O.K. typical for any sci-fi movie, but the whole flow seemed pretty hard at times to figure out, and the overall feel of this movie, didn't seem to fit in with the original cast, I think.

But, the special effects are perhaps the best in the whole movie series! next to Star Trek 6.

The musical score is also a treat to the ear, worth noting, is Jerry Goldsmith's unique score handling during the scenes with V'ger.

All in all, the special effects and all the wonder I just describe are the one reasons to see this movie, don't let the storyline confuse you too much, but hey its a sci-fi movie, and it's a trek, give it some credit. 7 out of 10
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This show was awesome in its day
13 March 2002
This has to have been one of the best cartoons to remember in the 80's not just because it contained adventure, but for the interactivity that it featured.

The series showed a very harsh looking earth where pretty much every traces of civilization is gone, with the exception of Lord Dread, who wants to rule whats left. But Captain power, is the only thing that can stop him.

It was a pioneer in those days with its computer generated graphics and best of all, of course, the TV Interactive use. Any kid with a Captain power airplane could actually use it to help Captain power fight evil doers on the screen as if it was actually happen.

Captain Power was a first step in using the TV Interactive use with its merchandise, it's still as exciting today as it was in 1987, I wish they bring back this form of TVIneractive.
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Kidd Video (1984–1985)
Another great 80's saturday morning cartoon to cherish.
13 March 2002
This was saturday morning's answer to MTV. Get a rock n roll band make them into cartoons, stop the villan that sent them there, and you have what has to be a cartoon show that helps symbolizes what the 80's were all about! music videos cartoon style! I wish they air reruns of this show, it was way cool when I remembered it, and now that the 80's are coming back, they should, if not, must bring it back on T.V. Maybe so another new generation of kids will enjoy this the same way we did almost 2 decades ago!
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Garfield and Friends (1988–1995)
A Saturday Morning classic
11 March 2002
This show debuted in 1988 as part of Garfield's 10 years in the funny papers. This show was just as funny as he was in the comics, and the show never seemed to age, as the years went along. I think it should rank right up there with the Smurfs, Bugs Bunny, and Scooby Doo, as one of the greates saturday morning cartoons ever! even though the show lasted 6 years, it would have been nice if it would have lasted just a couple of more years. But this show shall run in re-run heaven along with all the other greats, and being a garfield fan, I wish they would make another new garfield show sometime in the future, this show cannot be missed!
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Superman III (1983)
Superman and Richard Pryor don't mix!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 March 2002
What were they thinking when there hiring Richard Lester? Richard Donner had everything going great until they hired Mr. Lester and fired Donner for "creative differences"(?). I can see what Mr. Lester was trying to do when he brought along his humor to this movie, but let's face it, Superman is a man of steel, camp humor just isn't the name of the game in for a movie like this. It might have worked for his Beatles films, but this isn't a movie about kid rock n roll bands.

The overall humor is so bad, it even seems that the movie is making fun of itself! Camp humor is exactly what Richard Donner wanted to avoid. Richard Pryor is the same clumsy, humorous character he plays in all of his movies, but combining his elements with a Superhero capable of dishing out all the goods, just doesn't seem plausible, even though, this my personal favorite Pryor movie.

Without any much of a star studded cast with the, exception of Christopher Reeve himself, this is a very unbalanced movie all around, though it pleased me when I was little, this movie is like watching paint dry now. The special effects were a nice try, but are way out of their league. However, if you want to spend time to watch this, go ahead, this is actually a great film for all ages, just don't take anything seriously.
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Fortress (1985)
This Thriller isn't that bad.
25 February 2002
In this movie, A group of crazed Aussie group of thugs, kidnap a group of students in a school house and hold them hostage. A movie, with a plot that doesn't look promising at first, manages to stabilized itself with all the suspense. It maybe isn't the best of movies, but all the thrills, and chills are all in the right place, and it isn't such a bad movie to watch. *** out of ****
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TaleSpin (1990–1991)
24 February 2002
This was one good cartoon series for anyone to remember. As usual, the great people at Disney, always have to come up with up something fun and new every year to regain its magical touch. Just like Ducktales, and the other cartoon series that came before it, this show had everything worthy of excitement and wonder a child wants, it had adventure, comedy, action, and, yes, some romance kicked in.

This time Disney took on the "jungle Book" approach after tackling Chip 'n' Dale the year before. For this, they used some of the cast from The Jungle Book, Baloo, Louiee, and Sheer Khan, who ruled Cape Suzette, like a czar.

There's Baloo, and his sidekick, kit Cloud kicker, who work for the deliverly company "Higher for Hire ( I think that's how I Remember it)and would always stumble into some kind of adventure when their boss, Miss Cunningham, would send them to make some kind of deliveries to other places. Then there's Wildcat, a zany character who somehow memorializes every auto part known to man, and it was with that logic, that enabled him to work for Higher for Hire, as a machininc. Also there was the sweet little, Molly, Miss Cunningham's Daughter. Their enemy was Don Karnage, the pirate that traveled through air rather than by sea.

The main reason I loved this show so much was that contained adventure, clever scenes, and running gags throughout the show. The setting was around World War II, it seems, and featured a lot of technology, it seems for that time period, execpt of course for television. In fact, in one episode , the professor, decides to come up witha new invention, "radio with pictures" he called it, with Baloo, and Cloud kicker, laughing it off, as just another flop! In conclusion, this show is a must see for kids of future generations, and I wish they would make more showzs like this in the years to come.
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100 years old, and it still looks great! An achievement in early movie-making!
23 February 2002
I saw this short but excellent silent film, when I was little, and it still looks great after a century of age. Despite the very primitve special effects, and the obvious phony description of the moon itself. Heck proably this movie can be made by any eight year-old today, but the overall plot and theme of the movie is well understood.

The movie's director Georges Méliès, knew how to arouse people's imagination's and thought this project would work, and it did!

Too bad, he didn't earn a cent on American expenses of the movie, which he wasn't expected. They even feature this movie on the famous HBO series "From the earth to the Moon" complete with an archieve interview of one of the person involved, I forget his name, but all fans of the wonderful film, should catch the last part of that series, they show how in great detail how the film was made and all the troubles they went through.

In all, anyone can enjoy this, who knows? maybe people will think the same of our movies, 100 years from now!
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Awful, but can still be enjoyed.
21 February 2002
This film is in truth a terrible movie, there is hardly any credible acting, even with a average cast involved. The humor is even more awful, and the film is a carbon copy rip-off of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. But this movie can still be enjoyed by just about anyone, even with the whole family. When I watched this, when I was little, on tape, I really didn't care how bad it was, and I enjoyed it, I still do, but now only to a certain magnitude. This movie is for anyone who loves cheap film flam movies, like godzilla, or the famous cheap kung-fu ones made during the Bruce Lee era (not saying of course Bruce Lee movies are this bad). In truth, I saw this movie before the King Solomon's mine one that precedes it, and this makes THAT movie look like a actual wonder of a movie, and if you like one star movies, give this one chance, it really isn't avoidable in appearance only in content. My rating a VERY respectable 2 out of 10.
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Reds (1981)
Warren Beatty as a communist? he makes you think that way.
21 February 2002
This movie is one of, if not the best movie of the Russian Revolution of 1917,next to the wonderful works like Doctor Zchivago. This movie is a great epic, but falls just short of duplicating the success of Doctor Zchivago. Still theres plenty not to hate about the film, even if the focus is about the rise of communism in the former Soviet Union. Warren Beatty's tyrant-like acting is great, and under is own directing too, which is proably why Beatty got the oscar for Best Director. This movie was nominated for 12 oscars including Best Picture, but round up wining only 3 (Best Director for Beatty, Best Supporting Actress for Stapleton, and Best Cinematography). This film depicts how uneasy America was feeling about the rise of communism, during the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. This is another excellent movie to any historian wanting to know about Russian Revolution, and oh yea, Jack Nicolson isn't too bad in this too. My rating, 7 out of 10.
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Blockbusters (1980–1982)
A fun game show
20 February 2002
This wasn't a bad game show. It was this game show, that got veteran game show host, Bill Cullen, his first and only emmy award, and he was great in this, too.

The concept of this puzzle game was great and original. I would recommend this to any game show fan. I hope they will make a modern update of Blockbusters.
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Full House (1987–1995)
Too Cute to bear now, but still one of my favorite shows.
18 February 2002
True, this show is baby faced all around, but I tend to disagree with anyone who says that this was an awful show, which it wasn't. I liked this show when it was at it's peak in the early 90's, and it showed all the right morals and lessons about everyday life, in every episode. I recently watched the very first episode of this show from 1987 on TBS, and it's pretty funny how the whole cast got started, and how they handled, Michelle, back then just a baby. I would recommend any fan of that show to watch that episode,in particular, when you can. My personal favorite episode was when Steve Urkel from Family Matters showed up as a guest. Another reason I like this show is Bob Saget, he was funny in this show like he was in America's Funniest Home Videos. Even though I'm more grown-up to like this show like I use to, it never bothers me to catch a rerun of this show when it's on T.V. once and a while.
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A Great Family movie
18 February 2002
A wonderful movie. It's always a pleasure to see this movie on T.V. or on tape, time and time again.

It's a good example, of a movie that shows how anyone, who is constantly being an nobody in life, can rise up to greatness. All of this just by believing in yourself, having great people rooting for you, and taking good advice from someone you trust.

Pat Morita got an oscar nomination for his role as Mr. Miyagi, rightly so. I was surprised to find out that Ralph Macchio (Daniel) was 23 years old when this movie was made.

I recommend this movie to anyone, it should be a wonderful film for the whole family to enjoy, not a bad way to learn what karate is like too! my rating, 7 out of 10.
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