
4 Reviews
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My 3rd comment in about 50 flicks
11 June 2009
OK I've only written 2 review prior to this film, and I only write on flicks that really impress me. I have written on 2001, a space oddysey, and baraka, and now... on lucky number slevin. This... I guess it has to be called a thriller if confined to one particular category has twists that only the most experienced thrill-expert could have foreseen, and I did not see what was coming! Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis should set off some automatic *must see* bells, but just in case, if you haven't seen this flick you need to if you enjoy thrillers. Once I saw the cast I knew it'd be unpredictable, but about 2/3 of the way through the movie I was thinking to myself, 'wow this is incredible even for this high caliber staff!.' It's well worth a rental, so give it a shot thrill seekers!
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Baraka (1992)
Powerful, but not uplifting to me
28 April 2009
First, I agree with everyone else that this is a very moving film and had some of the most beautiful photography I've seen. I didn't find it uplifting however. Going from the tribal shots to the city shots really shows what direction the human race is going in. We have gone from tight-knit communities with close kinship and communal bonds to a society of distant looks and self-absorption. Specialization of labor has stripped many of their sense of purpose and mundane and repetitive work have crushed the souls of so many. We're headed towards unsustainability, and for me this film highlighted with alarming effectiveness just how much we've lost touch with our roots and our respect for everything else around us.
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Little evening up to do
13 April 2009
OK just for the record I do not think that this deserves a 1 out of 10, I would give it more like a 5, but there are SO MANY people who voted it 10/10 out of religious fervor instead of the actual quality of the film that 1 one star review is not enough to bring it to what it should be. I'm not disclosing my religious views, but am trying to be honest in terms of the film itself. It evokes emotion, which was the point of it in the first place, but if you're looking for something historically (and biblically for that matter) accurate then look elsewhere. It's a great movie to watch on Black Friday or Easter to get in the mood, but if you are looking for an overview of Christ's life then this is not the thing to watch. Historically speaking Jesus was very complex, but this film depicts him very one-dimensionally, which is too bad. It's sad to see that Jesus has become synonymous with violence and bloodshed, when it has little to do with his primary message.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

Picture Jesus in today's world, and practically all of the religious right would describe him as a girly, sissy man, but just because the religious right claims to be the 'way the truth and the life,' it doesn't mean that they are correct. I urge all of you to take an earnest look at Jesus' actual message instead of what is crammed down your throats by your peers.
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Philosophy of a Knife (2008 Video)
thank you to the last reviewer
7 March 2009
The past reviewer was spot on, so much unnecessary footage. If you're going to pretend that this is an honest interpretation of what actually happened then keep the ratio of snow-white-perfectly-proportioned-westerner victims in check compared to the normal domestic test subjects who were vastly underrepresented in this picture. They claim that they weren't trying to demonize the Japanese in that incredibly pretentious let-me-tell-you-how-to-interpret-this-movie segment at the beginning, but It sure seemed like the majority of horrors of war were apportioned to one side. War is dirty, war is nasty, war is savage. The Japanese did many evil things, and had many evil things done to them by Westerners, a little balance would be nice.
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