
15 Reviews
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An outstanding movie
27 January 2006
I have seen trailers for this movie over the years, specifically the airplane scene. I had never seen it until last night. I cannot believe I missed such a good movie all these years.

It kept me in suspense the whole time. It was a thriller and a mystery at the same time (and a love story too.) I highly recommend it. I plan to buy the DVD and see it a few more times to make up for all the years I missed it.

I loved the train scenes; I miss the old beautiful passenger trains. I thought the house in South Dakota was magnificent; it looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright house, or a Mies van der Rohe possibly.

Eva Marie Saint was lovely in the movie. I cannot recall what other movies I have seen her in. I may try to find out what other movies she played in.

Rent it or buy it; but see it.

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An excellent movie.
16 June 2003
I saw the movie twice and thoroughly enjoyed it both times. Since I have not read the book, I was not prejudiced by it. Gregory Peck played the role of Atticus Finch very well. It is a captivating and serious movie. I highly recommend it.
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The Yearling (1946)
A very good movie.
16 June 2003
I just read the book for the first time then saw the movie. It was a fine movie, but as usual did not come near the quality of the book. Gregory Peck played the role of Penny well. Jane Wyman was just like the character in the book. I was sorry to see so much of the book left out, as usually happens when movies are made from books. Overall it was very good.
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Chicago (2002)
A good movie in the tradition of the 40s musicals
2 April 2003
I liked it very much. The costumes and choreography were excellent. It kept up a good pace. I lived in Chicago for a few years and hoped to see some Chicago scenes; they were rare. It reminded me of the musicals of the 40s and 50s. I highly recommend it.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Probably the worst movie I have ever seen
2 April 2003
This movie is miserable. The plot stinks, the acting stinks, it was stupid. Morgan Freeman is probably thoroughly ashamed to have his name associated with it. I was warned by everyone, even the girl at the box office that is was bad. I wanted to see for myself. Please don't waste your time or money. I got in free with Regal's frequent flyer card and still feel cheated.
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A very good movie, just as the first one was.
2 December 2002
This was an excellent interpretation of the book. Usually it is very difficult to make a movie that is faithful to a book. Obviously the movie cannot include everything without being 11 hours long, but it captured the essence of the story. The effects were superb. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book and the third movie.
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Flirting (1991)
A very good movie. Intellectually stimulating.
10 June 2002
I enjoyed this movie. I particularly liked the way they referred to Camus and Sartre in such offhand ways. I think this is the type of move that you must see again and again to get the full impact. I plan to see it a few more times to soak in all the nuances of the plot and character formation.
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Spider-Man (2002)
The special effects were excellent but it was too violent
9 May 2002
The movie was very good but I only rated it as a 7 because of the violence. I realize that the whole idea of the movie is good versus evil and good triumphs over evil, but the kind of violence it portrays is the kind that I believe causes young people to become insensitive to the feelings of others and to the idea of death and suffering as being the ultimate bad ending. I will not take my 10 year old son to see it because of the violence. It is the kind where the villain laughs while he visits his evil on innocent people. Movies like Jurassic Park where the violence is another species attacking man is different. It is kind of the survival on mankind, man against nature. But violence by man against man is a whole different kind and the kind that I think is bad for young minds.

I would like to see more movies where man is seen as good. Where the conflict is directed in a more positive way; not just kill or be killed. Not just retaliate against violence with more violence.
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The plot was weak and the acting just as bad.
2 May 2002
If you get a chance to see it, pass it up. It was supposed to make you go Ooo and Aww in the end over the romantic plot; it just made me happy that it ended. I felt so cheated out of my $4.75 (old farts) admission price that I sneaked into another movie in the multiplex theatre (The Panic Room) to get my money's worth.
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Panic Room (2002)
A good entertaining thriller, though quite violent.
2 May 2002
It was exciting and suspenseful. It kept my interest through the whole movie. Jodi Foster gave her usual very good performance. The bad guys were very distasteful (gave a good performances as bad guys.) The plot was quite interesting and unique. So unlikely in fact that winning the lotto has about as much chance of happening as this plot has of occurring in real life. It did not reflect a scene that we can all relate to as something that could happen to us, or to almost anyone.
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Cast Away (2000)
A good movie
4 January 2002
I saw it at a theatre when it first came out and rented it again last week. It is not a great movie, just a good movie. Tom Hanks plays his role well as he usually does.

It is worth watching a couple of times but not worth buying and taking up valuable space in your video collection.
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It followed the book very well. It was well done.
27 December 2001
I read all of the books with great enthusiasm. The books were well written adventure stories. The movie followed the book quite well. Of course a lot had to be left out to keep the movie under 6 hours. The deletions were quite acceptable to me. There was not a major character or scene that was omitted. All movies made from books disappoint a little (or a lot); they just cannot be as good as a book by the nature of the medium (audio/visual representations)as opposed to the limitless possibilites of the human mind and imagination. Some movies do a very good job of representing what the mind imagined; this one did a fair to good job of it.

I would recommend the movie unequivocally.
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I thought it was boring just as I found the books.
27 December 2001
The dialog was so quiet that I missed a lot of it. Movies are usually so loud they knock you out. There was too much dialog and not enough adventure. I was disappointed at the end when nothing happened. I expected the ring to be thrown into the chasm. I guess they are planning to make more movies of the trilogy. I won't see them.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
It was an excellent movie; my all time favorite.
27 December 2001
It is an extremely good study of human character. The lives of the 12 jurors are encapsulated in their views, prejudices, thoughts and actions. The movie had a lot of strong feelings shown with no strong language. It shows what good writing, acting and directing can do to show people's feelings without resorting to vile language. It showed as much anger as was necessary and not a trace of R rating language was necessary.
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A good old classic movie.
29 October 2001
I first saw this movie when I was a kid in the fifties. The movie stands out in my mind just as if I saw it yesterday (in fact I am going to see it in the next few days, whenever I can find a place that rents it.) It was interesting and entertaining just as most movies based on H. G. Wells stories are.
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