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An excellent adaptation that gives accurate representation of the book and homage to the old movie
29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
****SOME SPOILERS**** When I first heard that War of the Worlds was going to be released into theaters, I immediately thought, "Great. Someone's remaking the old classic and turning it into the action movie of the year. Pshaw." However, then I saw the trailers and realized that it wasn't remaking the movie--it was adapting the book. The book itself is a thrilling, eerie, frightening story of human nature and it's reaction to a hostile alien threat. Things that were left out of the original were the red weed, the black fog, the alien tripods, and the main character himself--a man, desperate to get back to his wife, whom he'd sent to the hills for safety.

This version of War of the Worlds is the most fabulous and faithful I've seen. The few changes that were made were perfectly acceptable--modern times being the most obvious, as the book was set in 1890s England. What few items were left out--like the black fog the aliens used to suffocate the humans--was all right, as they made the aliens invincible instead of vulnerable, like in the books. Also, the aliens themselves were changed, but were still perfectly awful--also, it paid homage to the old movie, with the eerie suctioned hand dragging itself out of the ship as it died.

The mobs in the movie had to be the creepiest and scariest part of the movie, simply because they were a little too close to reality than one would like to think. People like to imagine that they'd be rational if something like this happened, and like to think that they wouldn't be so animal as to attack people and turn upon them just to get something that they didn't have. However, history has shown the opposite. The brutal nature of the mobs in the movie was chilling and frighteningly accurate--quite possibly the scariest moment of the movie Morgan Freeman as the narrator was an excellent choice--he had already proved himself to be a marvelous narrator with his performance in The Shawshank redemption.

Tom Cruise portrays a tortured man, desperate to save his family and get back to his ex-wife--everything was perfectly in line with the main character in the book.

Tim Robbins was a combination of two of the characters and played them excellently--a man driven insane by the loss of his family and the prospect of being completely drained and used as fertilizer.

Overall, I give the movie nine stars--it was an excellent source of entertainment as well as horror. Very well done.
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A movie for the slasher fans
1 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers

FvJ is definitely made for people who love slashers. Pitting the two decidedly heavyweights of the slasher world together, it delivers the gore and keeps the plot visible. Not only that, it asks the classic question that every fan or even hater of slashers wants to know--"Why won't you DIE?!"

What would a slasher be without sexuality? Amazingly, this one manages to lace it into the movie, but not brutally. It doesn't beat us over the head with the sex, even though it does have it.

Language, particularly strong. Most unnecessary--but hey, slashers are meant to have lots of things be unnecessary.

Blood content--oh yes. That's what they are loved for--intense, copious, somewhat unrealistic amounts of blood spurting out of people. Wonderful--loved it all. Every scene with blood was very much well worth it.

Played the slasher rule "You smoke pot, you are going to die immediately" very well, as well as the "You have sex, you are going to die immediately" rule.

Favorite line? Tie.

"Oooh!! Tilt." "The first time...tends to get a little...messy."

Favorite scene?

The battle on Jason's home turf. Freddy's face when he realizes that he doesn't exactly have advantage anymore is marvelously done.

Overall, I give it a seven--it's a slasher, so it is, of course, not going to be like "The Godfather" or "The Matrix." But, as a slasher fan, I must give it a good rating.
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Arachnid (2001)
28 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Um, may I have that hour of my life back?


You know, for a spider that doesn't even move its legs when it runs, it's pretty dang speedy. And it's's made of a trashbag? Or, what? And it looks like an ANT. A big, giant, badly made ANT. So much for giant spiders.

Three cheers for laying eggs in people. Huzzah, huzzah.

This movie is worse than a bad porno. Please, if you like your eyes the way they are, don't watch this movie. To quote Larry the Cable Guy, "This movie could make Ray Charles flinch."
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"Ooooh, GREAT."
21 July 2003
Yup, it IS great! They had the line exact!

In the ten years it ran, not one of them was a dud. They should have let it last longer, and I'm sure many will agree with me. Any person I show an episode they are instantly hooked onto the series. No one I have ever met and shown it has thought it pointless and stupid. Everyone laughs, especially at Space Mutiny and Pumaman, two of their best. I'm still trying to find The Mole People, my favorite. Watch the show! It'll make you cry laughing.
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5 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, here are some serious spoilers, so don't read this if you are really anxious to watch this...though I truly doubt you do.

Hank and his girlfriend Tina are having problems. He decides to bring her to the beach. You know for a date. Well, while they are there, she decides to show her true ambition to Hank and these sissy bikers, one of which is a French guy (Crow: "It made sense to surrender. The Germans were very very mean."). She wants to be a stripper.

Well, while this exciting plot piece is unfolding, a boat is dumping radioactive waste into a quarry. They sink faster than anything I've ever seen, one falls over, and the lid falls off. The stuff leaks out and gets all over skeleton down there, he breaks out, grows hot dog weenies out of his mouth and becomes a horrible, terrifying.....thing. We're working on the name of these....things.

Meanwhile, Tina is ready to audition for her dream. She proceeds to take it off in front of the lead biker, and Hank is not amused. He throws her away and the lead biker gets all mad and they fight. Gay men are thrown around and eventually the fight ends. Tina tries to make amends with Hank but he won't have any of it. So she runs off to a small island just off the coast near, you guessed it, the same place the radioactive...stuff....leaked out and made the.....thing.

While she's out there, Hank hits on a dubbed girl, this band plays dumb music and all the beach people, one of which looks like a Romulan, dance a really stupid dance. But Tina isn't doing it. One point for her.

However, she's about to lose them all, because our terrible thing comes crawling up and attacks her, slowly moving down on her while she screams and sits there, waiting patiently like a good victim. He smears paint all over her stomach and kills her.

There's some stuff that I'm sure was important, but I was too busy ignoring it and waiting for it to be over, so I'll just go on to the next part I remember.

Hank goes out with his dubbed girlfriend, who has a maid who believes in voodoo. They go out to the beach, where everybody's cranky because Tina's dead and there's no action. How dare she get herself killed, we still wanted to have FUN. Well, things pick back up, while people get picked off the face of the earth by the...things. Yes, there are more things now. They don't say how more things come about, but they do.

Eventually they are all killed by sodium, which you can touch now without protection according to this movie, and everybody lives happily ever after the end and don't watch this unless it's on MST3K because it's funny.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Fun fun fun!!!
4 May 2002
I went and saw Spider-Man opening day, at 4:00. I took five of my friends with me. And every single one of us left the theater after the show was over grinning and talking about how cool and good that movie was. It was excellent. I'm not a Marvel comic person, heck, I've never even read the original comic book. But I liked it all the same. Amazing graphics, and the HobGoblin had the most fascinating twist in his character.

Go see it and see it soon. It's a great action movie.
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Future War (1997 Video)
Future? War?
6 March 2002
Please e-mail me if you find them, would you? Cuz I sure as heck can't.

Okay, um, plot line, plot line...I'm casting about here and I'm not finding that either. Remind me to count that in the list.

Let's move on to special effects, shall we? Okay, I think I might be able to tell about those. Forced perspective puppets. Dang it. That's not special effects. That goes on the list too. Moving on.

Actors. Surely that can be found! Surely those are on the list! And I'm searching for a good one and...checking...duuhhh...shoot.

Script? Nope. Good sound? Nadda. Good choreography? Definitely not.

Okay. Here's the list of things I need to find in this movie: script, future, war, plot line, special effects, actors, good sound, and good choreography. Wait a sec. You need those things for a good movie! Meaning THIS WAS NOT A GOOD MOVIE. But, I think you probably figured that out by now, so I'll stop rambling and tell you just watch the MST3K version. It's a riot, especially when his shirt just kinda falls off. It does. It was tucked in and buttoned, but it just falls right off.

Urgh, this was a bad show. Insult to Jurassic Park (whose sound effects were stolen in this film) and The Terminator.
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Them sireens did this ta Pete!
25 February 2002
They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad! God, that gets to me every time.

This is a great movie. Memorable lines, from "Thank God your momma died given birth; she'da seen ya she'da died of shame" to "I don't understand, Big Dan." Great scenes, from the opening train scene (laughed so hard I cried) to the bluegrass.

Watch it. It's good, it's great, it's funny, and it's based on a famous story. Worth your while, believe me. Don't watch this if you have a weak bladder, for you will definitely wet your pants laughing.
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And the point of this film would be...?
20 February 2002
If you know, do tell me. I'm confused already. I got lost in the restaurant of EAT. So, um, let's see, a summary. I suppose I should tell you what this movie is about, and it's about...we'll come back to that.

It's stupid. It has no plot. It has no actors. It has no, well, NOTHING. The dancing is simply woman jerking their bodies in a way that I think is supposed to be suggestive, but all it really gets across to me is how untalented they are.

Dumb. Idiotic. And three cheers to Mike, Tom and Servo!
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Devil Doll (1964)
20 February 2002
...were you shaving your legs with this again? Courtesy of Michael J. Nelson, there. But, I'm not Mike. So, I'll give you my summary.

This guy, however you spell his name, has himself a dummy that he calls Hugo. Hugo can walk about all he wants cuz he has the soul of a guy inside of him. I guess he doesn't like being the dummy, because he can't have wine or ham. He complains that he wants wine a lot, and that he wants processed meats. Weird.

Anyway, that guy I referred to, he wants money. So he plans to kill this woman to get it, through the use of transferring her soul into another dummy (is this guy nuts, or what?!). However, Hugo rebels and gains the upper hand, for as Mike states it when he tries to hit Hugo with a chair: "Ha ha! That chair is made of wood, and all finished wooden products are my brethren, and they will protect me!"

Hugo somehow puts HIS soul into the evil bad dude. Don't ask me how; I don't know. And the end comes, thank the Lord.
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Ready, get set....
17 February 2002
And turn into a whiny guy! Yeah, the whiny guy as usual turns into a monster when he gets hit in the head with a rock. Now, I've been hit in the head with a rock and I remain pretty human. Hmm. Well, he must be weird.

It's dumb, so don't watch it, but the MST3K version's pretty good. Here's some lines.

Servo: I'm stuck to the shay's lounge! *sckklllup*

Crow: Um, sorry, but, um, who's arm is this?

Mike: Kid's can bring their go-carts down to the Track of the Moonbeast!

Tripe. Pure tripe. Need I say more?
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Oh, wow...
22 December 2001
Geez, it doesn't get much better than this. I managed to get tickets opening day, saw it and was in a state the rest of the day. The next day, my sister and I took my mother to see it and I was in yet another state for the rest of the day. The next day, I took a friend to see it and was in yet another state for the rest of the day. I wanna see it again. Three times is not enough.

This has got to win all the awards this year. I don't understand why people are calling it overrated. It is not. This is the best adaptation of LOTR ever. Period.

Go see it, then go see it again. Oh, and don't get anything to drink or eat and be sure to visit the restroom BEFORE you even sit in your seat. You will regret it if you do.

Magnificent and moving and exhausting. However, 10/10 does not describe this movie. I'd give it infinity stars out of ten.
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How cute!
12 December 2001
I wasn't too thrilled when this first came out. Of course, I wasn't thrilled about The Matrix either and now it is my second favorite movie. And once again, it happened. My sister had it on her laptop from a bootlegged Chinese import and I sat down and watched it. I loved it! It was so funny and cute. I am pretty pleased that I hadn't read the books to find out what they left out or how they messed up or anything like that. I thought it was great. Just plain fun, not altered or done up or sexed up. It's just something fun to rent for the whole family to watch on the weekend. I may read the books now, but I think I'll wait until they all come out.
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The Matrix Revisited (2001 Video)
Something to tone me down...
27 November 2001
I am salivating for the sequels. I needed something to keep me from going insane with tension, anxiety (what if it isn't as good?!), and constant lack of information. I needed something to calm me a little, something to pass the time, other than, of course, The Matrix. This was just the thing.

I found it informative (like the part about Keanu's neck...) and some of it was funny. I pitied Carrie-Anne soooo much when she said there was only one bathroom and all those guys. I found only one problem with it. Given that 95% of the people there were as a matter of fact male, they just kinda let their mouths run wild, and there was language in it. It's not near as bad as The Shawshank Redemption's cussing runs, but that one scene were Keanu is describing a bad day, plug your ears if you are little. >

It was entertaining and was just what I needed. It is what all Matrix fans who are going nuts need to keep them quiet. They mention a tiny bit about the sequels, and someone almost gives something away, but he catches himself in time (shoot!). It gives you almost no spoilers, but it is great to have if you are a Matrix Head like me.

There is no spoon.
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Anaconda (1997)
An insult to anacondas...
4 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I am a snake lover. I love snakes of all kinds, even when they are in my house. It pains me to kill them or see them killed. And when I heard this movie would be out, I thought "Uh oh." But I watched it anyway. Please beat me. Allow me to point out everything that went wrong with this tripe. And these are spoilers, by the way.

1) Anacondas have never gotten any bigger than 40 feet on record. How big was this one?

2) An anaconda is a very muscular predator. It can kill a crocodile by SUFFOCATION NOT BONE CRUSHING. Any snake, as a matter of fact, does not have the power to crush bones or pop veins. They just don't. They just suffocate their prey by compressing their lungs and windpipe.

3) Although they are very stong, it is impossible for the snake to pick up a human being, lift it up, and swallow it upright. They can't. It has to do with physics and biology.

4) It takes a snake a very long time to swallow its dinner. It can take up to an hour for it to swallow a crocodile. And that means that it would take nearly 3/4 of an hour to swallow these people. If it felt compelled to go after them, first of all.

5) A SNAKE IS NOT A FISH. It cannot stay under water for that long, and it does not go after the smell of blood. A snake hunts by sight and the smell of the animal. They made this snake out to be a shark. And even if they did go after blood, that monkey was dead. They go after movement.

6) A snake will vomit its food if it feels threatened. It serves a confusion tactic for enemies. Did this snake feel threatened? No. And when they do vomit, it does not fly out like that guy did.

7) Do you know how long it takes a snake to digest a meal? When a python eats a boar, it goes without food for almost a year. That means that that anaconda would be pretty well-fed after the first victim.

8) An anaconda does not kill for the fun of it. They leave that to humans.

9) An anaconda will not let go of its current prey, which is still alive, and go after something dead. They know better.

10) An anaconda can climb trees and move very quickly. They do not fly up pipes.

11) And, lastly, an anaconda is not invincible. I think shooting it in the head will do it in. You will not need to torch it and take a pick-axe to its head.

This was tripe, as I said before. Do not watch this. Just to tell you how bad it is, I think that it was pretty worthy of the MST3K bunch.
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Brave Sir Robin ran away...
4 November 2001
This is their best. Definitely. It is a comedy worth seeing, and even if you wind up hating it, WHO CARES!!!!

From the Trojan Rabbit to the Killer Rabbit, the Legendary Black beast of Agggggggghhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeee... to the Knights who say Ni. This film is definitely one of the best movies of all time. Just the other day a friend of mine and myself were just sitting at a table, reciting the lines from the movie. Everyone I know always knows a line from the movie, whether it be from the French or the Black Knight. All I can say is go watch it. You'll die laughing.
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28 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Actually, there is no invasion.


One day, ole farmer whateverhisnameis and his drunken wife saw a meteor come crashing down to earth. Well, they saw a lot of red light flashing and a big wind. They went trapesing along through their field, where it landed, and found a bunch of dead cows. And these weird round rocks, that look like oversized rabbit-pellets. Anyway, they found a big hole in the ground that had something glowing in it. Naturally, they ignored it and went inside to crack open one of the rocks. They did, and inside were diamonds and Boris the Spider. Boris somehow managed to crawl away unnoticed, while the guy and his drunk wife collected more of the rocks. Well, soon, their were dozens of Boris's wandering around the house, making webs and causing trouble.

Well, one night, the drunk wife was home alone and there was a giant Boris in her sock drawer. She ran to the place where certainly there would be no spiders: a damp dark place! How odd it was that there, in the rafters, was Big Daddy Boris. He ate her.

Well, her husband didn't care, more diamonds for him anyway, and went along with his business. Odd none of the townspeople took notice. Anyway, while he was digging around for more rocks, Big Daddy Boris decided that the drunk wife was not enough, and, with the help of pulleys and wheels, devoured the husband too. Well, THAT wasn't enough either! He attacked the dang house too. Big Daddy Boris isn't very happy, is he?

Well, while all this was going on, there were some dippy scientists working on a theory on why there was a weird, uh, thing going on around the place. They soon discovered that the cars with giant pipe cleaners and pom poms, aka Big Daddy Boris, was coming from a black hole caused by the meteor! Ah ha!

So they went to investigate the hole in the ground. Unfortunately, Big Daddy Boris wasn't fast enough in devouring them and ending the movie for us. But, he did give us a good hill-rolling scene.

So they decided to try and stop them (finally!). But, Big Daddy Boris wanted to cruise town and look for appetizers, so he did. He did the most outlandish thing and smeared red paint all over everybody and had the nerve to bite into somebody's ink pen! But, he decided that he'd had enough and went home to his hole. The dippy scientists were waiting. However, there is something funny: the woman's scream. It'll make you roll. She screams because in the toolbox are a bunch of Boris's. They had taken up residence and not told anybody. But, in the end, Big Daddy Boris turns into a big heap of what looks like rotting ice cream.

Don't watch this. If you do, however, feel compelled to do so, watch it with Mike and the Bots only, please.
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Shrek (2001)
I laughed the whole way through!
24 October 2001
My sister and I went to see this show about two months after it had been released, so the theater we saw it in was one of the cruddiest quality. Did that spoil the content?


I had no idea it would be so hilarious! I have no idea how they made a donkey, of all things, look like Eddie Murphy. Or how they made some of those shots with people look real. Computers are incredible, aren't they?

It is a great parody on Disney. I have been waiting on one of those for a while. They have them on everything, but never has there been a spoof on Disney. Well, ha!

Go see it. It is hilarious and has humor for all ages. Oh, two notes. One, there is no animal abuse in the show. Two, I loved the bullet-time...
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Hobgoblins (1988)
Dear God...
4 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Good Lord, what were they THINKING??!!!!!! Here is your spoiler warning, even though I don't think it'll really matter. You won't be seeing this piece of trash anyway.

A group of handpuppets go chasing after a group of really stupid people, who go on a really stupid hunt for them to try and kill them, and the puppets complicate things by letting them live out their really stupid fantasies. In other words, the whole thing is really stupid.

You KNOW it has to be bad when even Mike and the Bots can't save something!! And they didn't! I know, some of their lines were funny, like what to add to the sign "HIT" and the hand comments, but, geez, this was pretty dang sad.

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I am John, the pompous a**!
4 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, he is indeed!


Pompous Agar and Ward and The Load go down in a hole and get trapped when a guy gets hit in the head by falling rock. They find themselves in front of a cavern that isn't natural, or, as Tom puts it, "a perverted UNNATURAL cavern!" They go down it and a mole hand pokes out of the wall, which, of course, they don't see, because the Load has the vapors. They have to practically carry the fat guy all the way down to a big 'ol painted backdrop where they take up residence right where one of the moles pops up to say HEY HO. Well, after a good shot of Venus the Nothingo, moles come and put sacks over their heads, dragging them into the ground and putting them in a room where they will be nicely kept docile. Well, here's three lines from the greatest MST3K episode to ever hit TV that explains the next scene.


Tom: Oh, you never would believe where those Keebler cookies come from!

Mike: Santa will see you now.

Yes, the terror elves come down with their little wooden swords and Peter Pan outfits and take the three away to their king, Lieutenant Crown-Roast and his priest, Alfred the Butler, who wears a snood. They decide to kill them, and the three don't take partial to this idea. Well, John the Pompous A** shines a flashlight on 'em and melts some elves, because they run away from 'light that is slightly brighter than what [they're] used to, NO!!!' Uh-huh, they do. And so that begins the fact that they now think that the three are gods and John the Pompous A** loves to cultivate this image. Anyway, yadda yadda yadda, there is some stuff in between all that, but it really doesn't matter, does it? Just remember that John knows everything. He does, he can explain things just like he's known it forever. Interesting, no?

I gave it three stars, partially because it is the genre of B movies, and it deserves it. And, I give it **********/***** for the MST3K version. This has got to be their finest. It has hilarious lines, especially about the entire Load section, and, well, to sum it up, it is a da** fine thing to laugh at. You gotta see it!!! Watch it with Mike and the Bots, but only with them.
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Werewolf (1995 Video)
2 October 2001
Jeepers, can a movie get so bad? Well, they must have spent all their budget on the movie cover, because they sure didn't use much on paying actors, if you could call them that, and the sets, if you could call them that.

First off, what is the point of the skeleton of that whatever-it-is? Just brush off the sand, it ain't embedded or anything. Yeah, just came out of the ground easy as pie. And, Foutain O. Hair says that the bones, or things, are delicate, yet he beats our hero with the, um, skull?

Our evil werewolf, wurwulv, or warwilf, as it is called in the movie, bears a suspicious resemblance to a bat-like bug-like cat-like bear-like fur-covered rubber hand puppet. Nuff said about that.

And, of course, there is our hero, Pol. Pol is an idiot. He must have trouble passing gas, because he often looks like he is stopped up. And he once changes into a warworm, and after that goes stumbling and galumphing over to a girl screaming with multiple voices and gets bogged down in one centimeter of mud. No joke.

Pol has a, um, average, shall we say, chick who is stupider than he is. She seems to have not taken English, because she discovers that the two bad guys, Fountain O. Hair and Grandmapa "is in it for the money." Yes, they is indeed.

Words cannot describe this movie. The only words that come to mind are words like cr**, bad, awful, terrible, stupid, ridiculous, the whole lot of em. So, the characters are Fountain O. Hair, Grandmapa, I. M. Anna Idjit, and Pol. Huh. Watch this one only if you're a mistie. They really spice it up, especially during the 'transformation' scenes. That really cracks me up. Snausages!

I have given you your warnings. Do not watch this unless supervised by Michael J. Nelson, Crow T. Robot, and Thomas Servo. ONLY. Period.
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The Matrix (1999)
What can I say?
1 October 2001
I mean, really, WHAT CAN I SAY??? How can words describe it? Maybe Neo put it best: Woah. When I first saw the trailers, my first thought was "Who are all those people?" My second thought was "All effects, no plot-line." Boy o boy, was I wrong. Yeah, it had the effects and they were SPECTACULAR, but it also had one h*** of a plot. It is my type of film. I can't give out too much info, or else it wouldn't be nice for anyone else. I just have one message to you all: THERE IS NO SPOON.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
"God help us, we're in the hands of engineers."
1 October 2001
This has got to be the single most BRILLIANT movie of all time. I am a long time dinofreak/Pro-Life person, so this is right up my alley. I ADORE everything about it, and, even though a lot of people say this, I think even the scenes without dinosaurs are great. They just add to the plot and the suspense. I don't care what anyone has to say about this movie, because it is my favorite movie of all time, even better than my second favorite, "The Matrix." Enjoy, fellow dino-lovers.
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Sheer Brilliance
1 October 2001
When I first saw this, I couldn't believe it. Yeah, I can see why it got four stars!! The acting is marvelous, the plot is incredible, and the script is a masterpiece. I love everything about this film, I mean EVERYTHING, and can rightfully say that it is a see and see again suspense movie. I can give you who haven't see it the main difference between Dr. Hannibal Lecter and 'Buffalo Bill." Lecter makes you all squeamish and scares you. Buffalo Bill (what a naughty boy he is...) makes you feel very, very dirty. 'Nuff said.

GO SEE THIS MOVIE NO MATTER WHAT!!! It is a definite worth while for you out there who have been unfortunate enough to have not seen this yet. Oh, one other note. Send the kids to the grandparents before poppin' it in.
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Space Mutiny (1988)
We'll need both horsepowers on this thing!
1 October 2001
Indeed. Driving 3 mph in floor waxers. Can it get anymore tense?! Most certainly. I think three nameless parties, whom I am certain thousands of you wonderful people out there watch every Saturday, put the entire thing best. Here are their comments.

Mike Nelson: Now all we need are some marshmallows. So we can stuff 'em in our eyes and ears and never have to see or hear this movie!!!

Crow: Sherry Louis, no!

Tom Servo: But what of all the children and their toys?

Don't watch this. If you want a sci-fi action film, go watch "The Matrix." If you want a FUNNY sci-fi action film, watch this movie with Mike and the bots. Only way you can stand it.
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