
68 Reviews
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Some things are true whether you believe in them or not
4 December 2023
To many, this is upsetting.

They believe truth exists only when supported by facts. However, truth exists whether or not people can establish or discover the facts in support of truth. Truth is! People don't create truth, they gain (or fail to gain) knowledge. If it's the latter, then the truth is kept from them.

In essence, most believe Truth comes to be only through the facts established by man. A rather arrogant claim from a rather fallible species such as man.

The fallacy in such thinking, the gross negligence in such thinking, is that it ignores the deceitful nature of man, the sinful nature of man, the finite capabilities of men to understand. It ignores the inability of man to fully understand anything!

It's no great mystery why such people choose to separate themselves from Christ. Theirs are reprobate minds, hating the things of God, fully rejecting the Grace of Christ, willfully mocking Him. They say such things as "Prove to me God exists !" A remarkable challenge, with petulance and rebellion as its basis, acceptance of self-deceit as it's fuel. We are surrounded by the very proof that they demand be provided, yet they cannot see it, though it surrounds them in nature, by deed of man, by the nature of man, by the word of God.

This movie opens the door wide for a discussion on this most important topic.

I thought the movie to be an unusually thoughtful presentation on the topic of demonic possession.

It's certainly a worthwhile movie for all to see. The acting is solid, it's not a topic for the faint of heart. It's frightening for sure, as it ought to be given the topic.

However, I'd caution the viewer to understand that demonic possession does not always manifest as such an outwardly apparent presence as documented in this film.

Holy Scripture describes satan as The Deceiver.

Therefore, he operates entirely to deceive. Through subterfuge, obfuscation, lies and equivocation. Therefore in reality, those possessed by demons will have a subtlety surrounding their demonic possession.

At present, most of the world is deceived, as prophesied by holy scripture.

Christ does not separate Himself from the deceived. They choose an eternal separation from Christ, either knowingly or unknowingly. But it is their choice, They in effect choose to be deceived. They deny The Holy Spirit.

Philippians 2:12

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

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A True Masterpiece
14 July 2023
This is a masterpiece. Wonderful.

The storyline and presentation are beautifully composed in this film..

I found this movie to be peaceful, relaxing, reflective and unusually thoughtful. There is much wisdom and meaning in the script, much beauty in the cinematography. A very realistic time period story.

The acting was superb throughout.

A modern day classic of a more innocent time period.

And if you enjoy the outdoors and perhaps fishing, you'll love this movie all the more.

Tom Skerrit gave an outstanding performance, as did Craig Sheffer and Brad Pitt. Really all the acting was quite good. Loved the narration by Robert Redford. I really enjoy all his movies but I like this one the most. Horse Wisperer is a distant 2nd.

The subplots are thoughtfully interwoven with the main theme throughout.
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On Suffering
14 February 2023
A poignant look at schizophrenia and one man's lifelong endeavor to overcome it.

Overcoming something as abstract as schizophrenia does not mean eliminating it. Rather to accept that it is there, always will be there, yet exercising dominion over it regardless. Being it's master instead of the far more common opposite approach that the psychiatric profession tends towards.

John Nash in this regard is beyond admirable for this achievement more so than his achievements in mathematics, including that for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

In this life, the very best testimony we have as individuals is rooted wholly in how we answer the following question honestly:

How did I handle my trouble in my life ?

This is who we truly are. This is our integrity. The essence of who we are.

Anyone living a trouble free life, or better stated, a life devoid of challenges, can point to this, that or the other. These really aren't achievements though. It's the overcoming that paints the picture of who we are.

And it's the overcoming that enriches us.

This movie presents an outstanding historical account of this beautifully.

Our problems are our belongings. They are ours, each of us with their own set of problems. Our property. Ownership of these troubles is the beginning of the road to overcoming and gaining mastery over trouble. Even when the trouble will stay with you for your entire life.

I highly recommend this movie. Beautifully acted, well put together, extraordinary movie on a topic that is rarely the chosen theme, and even rarer yet, portrayed properly and vividly.

May Jesus Christ, whom personifies all suffering and tears, bless each of you with the strength and the courage to be overcomer's in this life, to know His grace, and to understand why it is a necessary good to declare all out war against your own personal pride. Never let the beast win. Make an enemy of pride!
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A Fascinating Paradox and Contradiction
3 February 2023
This is a movie about a man, Charlie Wilson, who is a political member of the Anti-Gun Anti-Freedom Anti-American Communist Party who himself funneled money and arms (guns, and a bit more) to the Afghans so they could defeat communists, treat women like livestock, and turn around years later and attack the United States of America on 9/11.

You can't miss with good material can you?

This movie paints Charlie Wilson as a hero! Aaron Sorkin does it again. If there were justice in this world, Sorkin would be smeared across a wad of toilet paper and chucked into a swirling toilet.

This movie glosses over the obvious and proceeds to gaslight the ignorant illiterate masses. People too stupid to breathe on their own lap it up.

I'm glad 9/11 happened in New York City because this city is ground zero for the type of thinking forwarded in this movie.

There is no such thing as kharma. There is only the wages you receive for your works. When the paychecks are cut and by whom is entirely insignificant. But they are your wages.

And now, at this writing, look at where the USA is?

This particular pay period will leave Americans drop jawed. When will we learn?
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Psycho (1960)
Substance is Quality
13 November 2022
And less is more. Films like this are true gems. It's a cliché but it's true: They don't make them like this anymore. Today's horror movies lack even a hint of subtlety. Subtlety, when properly delivered, can increase a horror film's credibility, it's suspense most of all. Today's horror movies are devoid of subtle suspense, frankly they make me laugh, and that's not horror. They jump the shark invariably. Nothing is left to the imagination. This film is different.

The first time I watched this movie was at the Pittsburgh Playhouse in 1980. I was 11 years old and ready for some horror. The playhouse itself was an older affair (dated to the 1800's) and rumored itself to be haunted. The viewing was old style reel to reel. The die was cast. What a magnificent setting for a young boy to see this particular classic horror film. I swear I can still recall the seating and the popcorn in that old theatre, and being intrigued by this film.

Enough about that, back to the film.

Anthony Perkins (Norman) acting in this movie are astonishingly top shelf. The script and Perkins' delivery portray a creepy shut-in schizophrenic to a tee. His acting is superb and compelling. The character of Norman Bates was realistically creepy, a real strange fellow.

The role of Detective Arbogast is very well portrayed.

I'm deliberately going to leave a lot out of my review here because I don't want to spoil it for others.

If you appreciate the old black and whites, this movie is highly recommended.
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Masterpiece of Dry Wit and Quirky Neurotic Humor
30 October 2022
I absolutely adore this movie. I've seen it dozens of times. Definitely ranks in my top 10 movies, and is the only comedy to do so. I guess that makes it my favorite comedy ever. It is !

This movie is packed with funny scenes and script, quirky characters, neurotic dialogue perfectly crafted, well thought out. It even has some parody and satire mixed in. Clever storyline.

John Cusack's character delivers a smorgasbord of quirky dry wit, understated sarcasm and neurotic banter. His best performance ever in my opinion. Great production also. He co-produced Grosse Point.

The opening scene had me in stitches, and the movie did not relent straight through to the end. Thoroughly entertaining.

The character played by Joan Cusack (John's sister in real life), albeit a minor character role, was hillarious. Joan killed it in this movie. Bravo! She was made for this movie.

Even Minnie Driver was funny in this film. Didn't know she could play this role so well. She nailed it.

Dan Akroyd!!! Ok, that's like ringing the dinner bell to my funny bone. Frankly, all he has to do is to appear silently, just show up in a movie and I'll start laughing. He was his normal funny self in this production, which is to say excellent. He and John Cusack work so well together.

I loved the storyline. Clever and witty without trying to be too clever or annoyingly cerebral.

The soundtrack was outstanding. Great selection of 80's hits.

I highly recommend this movie. This is the'comfort food' of comedic movies.
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Scarface (1983)
"Say Hello To My Little Review"
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of my favorites.

It's authentic and cheesy at the same time. It's cheesy because 1980 was a cheesy time period. This movie nailed this characteristic.

Pacino's acting was superb as always. Loved the scene where Pacino's character Tony Montana cuts his teeth in the cocaine underworld by going up against some ruthless Columbians. This scene is bloody and involves chain saws. Wicked!

The drug dealers he eventually hooks up with in Bolivia are some really rough characters. The actors portraying these characters did quite well. Especially the drug overload character. Excellent actor. His name I do not know.

I thought Michelle Pfeiffers character portrayal of Tony's girlfriend and then his wife was for the most part weak.

Overall the acting in the film was solid. The dance club scenes were a bit corny. But it's the early 80's right? The storyline was quite interesting.

I highly recommend this film.
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Joyeux Noel (2005)
On It's Message Alone - 11 Stars
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
More so than other wars, World War 1 deeply saddens me. They all sadden me, but this particular war more than the others.

As a history buff, with a focus primarily on wars, and events leading up to wars, WWI is about as up close and brutal as a war can get. The mindless offensive tactics used in this war (used hopelessly against superior defensive tactics....this war favored the defender), the silly reasons for the war (jealousy, paranoia and nationalistic fervor, especially amongst the governments of the warring countries....dozens of defense treaties and alliances), the widespread use of poison gas and the machine gun, massed artillery barrages lasting for days or longer, the bayonet, dagger and the trench club, the rats, the trench born diseases, the advent of shell shock, the flame thrower, uboats and unrestricted warfare against merchant shipping, the domestic economic hardship brought on by this war, using corpses as sand bags for cover, the Spanish Flu, and the numbers slain. Tragic so tragic. Lives wasted is such prodigious numbers. Life so cheapened.

Of course the manner in which the aftermath of the war was conducted all but guaranteed the deadlier 2nd world war, of which we had incendiary bombing of civilian population centers and the use of the atom bomb.

But yes, WWI was more up close and personal.

I found this movie to be very accurate in period detail. It is a movie that was thoughtfully assembled, the acting was quite good, believable. This is a genuinely great film.

The central message of the movie begets many questions for most. For many it will be an opportunity to misassign good to numerous creeds.

Creeds or politics is what started this war in the first place and all other wars. But we must have our creeds. And our wars. We must hate so we must kill. And if you think religion is different than politics, you'd be mistaken.

Christ warned against the religious. Shocked? Yeah, the world doesn't tell you that truth. There are many deceptions, many deceived.

The historical acts depicted in this movie occurred because men of that time and place in the trenches did what Christ commanded us to do: Love one another! Even when politicians demand we kill one another.

THIS is what this film is about. Read 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.

And watch this film.
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Kevin Breakfast's Best Performance
31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Do you know what's in your basement? Do you? Really?

Mwahahaha 😩

This movie was as if Edgar Alan Poe rose from the grave and made a movie.

Eerie suspense thriller that's worth your while.

I recommend watching it alone in the dark with your back towards the basement door. Trust me on this...
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Threads (1984 TV Movie)
Dreads ! This was thoroughly dispiriting...
5 March 2022
This movie was just...wicked. Meaning: It depicts the wickedness of man towards himself on such a cataclysmic scale it's really quite beyond measure.

This movie, alongside Passion of the Christ and Schindler's List are 3 of the most heart wrenching movies ever created. And not by a little.....

Braveheart was a sappy soap opera when compared to this bloodbath of a movie. The first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan was a chick flick compared to this meat grinder of a film.

This movie was of a lesser budget than most and not nearly as well cast as it could have been. But then it didn't need to be either of these. Entirely Unnecessary. It's just as easy to slaughter, melt or burn alive unknown actors as it is well known actors. And this particular stupidity of man is not a complex topic, requiring elaborate scripts, and great expense.

In fact, this specific topic does not allow for an elaborate script. This movie is about the wholesale destruction of civilization. Destruction is not a complicated topic. It can happen quite easily.

I would have given this movie a 9 or a 10 for accomplishing it's intended mission of illustrating the results of nuclear warfare, and how such warfare could unfold. But I can't give such a high rating to a movie that made me come close to vomiting. I just can't.

THIS MOVIE IS DARK, plus a bit more.

Do not watch it if you are exceedingly tender hearted, gentle or meek. You will be folded up, crumpled by the end of it.....mentally, spiritually.
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Amish Grace (2010 TV Movie)
I FORGIVE The People Here Who Gave This Movie A Bad Review
16 February 2022
Even though some things are unforgivable


Seriously people lighten up. Especially you Amish experts. What did you expect from the "English" over at Lifetime? No it's not authentic. But the acting was quite good.

The lack of authenticity, and more specifically the reasons why Lifetime would deliberately make it unauthentic is probably another reason why the Amish don't have TVs. It's all bs.

Eventually the TV people will come out with an Amish Rapper. And then have him do a Super Bowl halftime show..

"Come out from among them" is making more and more sense every day. Isn't it?

A mess.
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Courageous (I) (2011)
A Movie That Needs To Be Seen, A Movie This Sick World HATES
25 January 2022
My headline tells you everything you "should" need to know.

But I'll dive further into it in the event it doesn't tell you what you need to know......and if you don't know it's ok. I didn't know once either. That I do know now is absolutely NOT MY ACCOMPLISHMENT. By the grace of God now I do know.

If you think what this world tells you is Good, Just, Wholesome, Truth, Peaceful, dare I say Holy, then you in particular should still watch this movie!

Because there are 2 choices in this world, and ONLY 2 choices. You either believe in Christ and follow Him or you do not. For those that do not believe in Him and accept Him into their lives, they knowingly or more often unknowingly follow satan. And whether they believe in satan or they do not, it makes no difference. A truth does not require your acceptance to either become a truth or remain a truth. Some things are true whether you believe in them or not. YOU are not God! God is God and He is truth and He is good! So ditch the pride or at least attempt to. Empty yourself of yourself and empty yourself of this world and replace that poison with Christ. Humble yourself.

Humans murder, cheat, steal, lie, rape, squander, pillage, commit adultery, perjury, march off to war with each other, smashing each other's property, foul mouthed, irresponsible, blaming others for the results of their actions, puffed up with pride, vexed by jealousy, going on and on about their so-called "science", yet not one of them can create a grain of sand ! Always taking sides, always digging in, self-centered, arrogance that can slice through diamonds, each their own little god.

PRIDE! Ditch it. The world is broken, wicked.

Those that do not believe me in Christ, after watching this movie and the Christ based message it delivers, will either choose to remain with satan, knowingly or unknowingly, or they will at least become interested in what Christ's message really is ~ not the lies and subterfuge this world has fed you on who He is.

That He is AVAILABLE first most. That He's informal. A Father and a Best Friend in proportions that are supernaturally staggering! Eye opening!! That following Christ is a lot more than entering a building every Sunday morning. It's about worshiping Christ all day every day, finding out who He is. What's more is it's joyous, always.. Altogether different than what this world claims Him to be.

This world is a mess ! Am I wrong? What do you make of it? Honestly? You see the nonsense being disseminated by this world right? Who's in control right now in this world? The world is actually trying to normalize this garbage at your expense and requiring that you agree with them or be outcast or worse. Had enough?

Where or Who do you think this garbage comes from?

So if you are not a believer or if you're on the fence, give this movie a try anyway. See if the doctrines it forwards are good, sound, just, true, responsible, loving in the sense that tough love is also love! That love isn't easy, takes work, some of it uncomfortable.

This world HATES this movie. Hmmm, if this world is wicked, should we be surprised by what it hates? Maybe you'll love it !

God Bless You.

Ps: there are a growing number of good Christ based movies out there for you to watch. Look into these. Give them a try to. Give HIM a try to! This world, Hollywood's ever increasing negativity and foul disgusting movies, their message ~ haven't you heard enough from the people controlling this failed world? Everywhere their message predominates there's failure and every sort of wickedness.
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Based On A True Story !
20 January 2022
Ok, it's sappy and ridiculous. No arguing that.

I give it 5 stars for the musical scores. They were better than expected.

The acting was about what you'd expect. Lousy. Christopher Plummer was the only real actor in this movie. In this supporting role he did well as expected. Ebon Moss-Bachrach, largely unknown, did well also. The rest of the acting was fast food.

The storyline, putting the sappieness aside, was average.

I wouldn't. You can see worse though.
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Nell (1994)
Imagine Yourself Trying To Play The Character Of Nell
16 January 2022
Jodi Foster crushed this role! This is by far her best acting.

The movie is reasonably scripted, could have been better I suppose.

The other characters and all other acting was between subpar and slightly above average.

This was not Liam Neeson's best work (Schindler's List), not his worst either (The Grey).

I think the casting for this movie was askew. For Natasha Richardson's role I would have chose Helen Hunt. For Liam Neeson's role I would have chose Jeff Bridges hands down. This guy was made to do drama.

Jodie Foster and the character she played carried this movie. She alone earned the 8 stars I'm giving here. The rest get 4 stars.

This is an interesting movie and plot, unique, intriguing angles of thought and perspective. Great storyline.
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Stillwater (2021)
Not what I'd Expected
5 December 2021
This movie was scripted and directed much like an indie film, of the European type.

More specifically, the movies feel and structure are understated, common to indie films, which is to say boring.

I thought the acting was quite average. The screenplay, and the idea of this movie was blah, stodgy.

The little girl in the movie, Maya, she was a sweetie.

Matt Damon's character portrayal was superficial, stilted and terribly cliche'd, painting Oklahomans with a broad brush.

Small minded people constructed this film. The writers must be truly ugly people. Stereotypes, I suppose in the minds of socialists, are completely acceptable as long as they are at the expense of a "non-protected" group of people.

The alternative reality the makers of this film live in smacks of elitism. Not surprisingly, this movie takes place in Marseille France. Shocker!

It's like a fixation for these jokers: France.
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The Net (I) (1995)
The Nyet
14 November 2021
This movie was pretty bad. Don't bother.

It has the typical plot with minor variations to details, a lack luster cast and a predictable plot.

This movie is a waste of time, overrated.
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Cliched American Fake History Meh
25 October 2021
The characters were not compelling.

The storyline was less realistic than Winnie The Pooh

Wall to wall cliches, stereotyping and leftwing profiling designed to forward a false narrative.

In all my years, I've never met a skinhead or a klan member.

The movie was thought diminishing, moronic, meant for slow witted people who are unable to fog up a mirror, feed themselves.
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Soylent Green (1973)
I Was Going To See This Movie....BUT...
20 September 2021
...then I thought it easier to just go outside 🤣

I can get Soylent Green anywhere in America today!
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A Good Year (2006)
A Cliched Year
11 July 2021
Weak storyline (been there, done that)

On the whole, a cliched movie.

The acting was reasonably good.

I found the movie boring.

You might like it. You might not.
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Heartwarming Story, A Very Pleasant Movie
1 July 2021
I really liked this movie a lot.

Fabulous storyline about redemption and forgiveness, grace even. Great acting.

The bear did a good job to.
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I Really Liked This Movie A Lot
27 June 2021
This was a movie with a reasonable amount of depth, comfortably entertaining, well put together.

Russell Crowe and supporting actors all had above average performances.

I particularly enjoyed the historical aspects a lot, even if not entirely accurate.

The song during the closing credits gets 10 stars and deserves an 11th.
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15 Minutes (2001)
15 Reasons To Not Watch This Movie
27 June 2021
Actually I've already wasted enough time on this movie by watching it. But I will name a few reasons why you shouldn't:

The plot was L A M E

Robert Deniro's absolute worst performance ever. Slow day in the movie business Rob ?

Ed Beigley had a moderately good performance. In fact, he's the only reason why I gave this movie, as it were, 3 stars. All other acting in this movie was pathetic.

The screenplay was laughable, predictable and meant for morons.

This movie is your run-of-the-mill Hollywood low budget bow movement, devoid of talent, thought and creativity.

Pure crap I.
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"I Could Fall Down Into A Precipice...."
20 June 2021
This is one of those rare instances where the sequel is far better than the first movie of the series (Pet Detective).

When Nature Calls is hillarious from the outset straight on through.

It's a brand of over the top humor that takes a special set of skills to pull it off. Jim Carrey is uniquely that sort of actor to make it work perfectly.

So many funny lines in this one, verbal and visual.

This is the belly laughing movie of all time.
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The Deer Was Magnificent
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing that could have been done to improve upon this movie is to include a scene where Jane Fonda makes a cameo appearance in the bowling alley and is subsequently pistol whipped for no good reason by Stan near the shoe racks. Or maybe one of those old Russian hairnet honies in the wedding scene could have went old-school on Deniro's character by placing him in an unrelenting scissors hold during the fight scene.

The writers dropped the ball in this regard.

Perhaps it's a lack of artistic creativity that caused such a glaring omission. Or maybe just cinematic laziness.

I put this movie right up there with Forrest Gump, Batman and Ace Ventura everyday and all day.

It's a worthwhile movie....sit down with a warm beer and a bowl of burnt popcorn....the way ya do, relax and enjoy a good movie.
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Serial Mom (1994)
Thought Provoking, Inspirational, Uplifting, a Primordial Cinematic Bow Movement
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was hillarious....did I mention this movie is also thought provoking?

I feel obligated to include that assessment so as to free myself of additional IQ points.

In all seriousness, I highly recommend this movie.

This is the perfect movie to kickback watch while enjoying a large bowl of burnt popcorn.
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