164 Reviews
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Cop Land (1997)
Great but not perfect
3 May 2022
Why does the film not score higher? Goes on average scores. You all love the film but rate the film seven or eight bringing the score down a lot! Your fault.

The youngish writer and director decided to write this script, which was good enough to lure so many top Hollywood macho actors. The mistake he made was the movie script was very good, the quotes and Stallone and Rays acting; but the issue was the movie lacked quail or action and should have been longer. The director then has to take responsibility. I love all the actors that were cast. But there should have been a touch more to get the film overall to do better. The characters were so believable and we understood the background and motives of each character but the ending was anti climax.
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Lot more needed.
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Remembering how I felt when watching the original ghostbusters in action with Bill Murray, the on screen chemistry and humour was unbeatable. Then like with other franchises they pass onto... kids. Finn who played Trevor was a very good fit for the role. I loved seeing the original busters in action towards the end. But the rest, flat, lacklustre and very disappointing. Phoebe's performance which the writers and viewers loved I think was especially poor. Much more needed from her even though she was under pressure. She might have a big fan base off screen with her max factor but on screen her acting and skills lacked perhaps too young or out of depth. More from her next time more depth rather than just emotionless. As far as ghosts this packed too. A famous director doesn't mean a great one.
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The Informer (2019)
Was alright in end
27 April 2022
Last act was much better especially the end. But most scenes were a bit silly and lacked the cutting edge. Done good reviews nice to know the film was alright. The movies ending saved this movie from being a total shambles.
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365 Days (2020)
Shame on viewers
27 April 2022
Blame Italy, or Poland, or Netflix? No just blame people. Nowadays it's about a thrill, not a story meaning the movie was a cringe fest and a laughing stock. Now it's not the dialogue that was bad, the woeful unrealistic story, or the acting, what's bad is the fact people can make excuses for this throwing lot of clever cinematic views and shall we say steamy moments. A movie isn't about the thrill. It's not about filters and fancy clothes, being spoilt as a woman and loaded as a man. No actually that actually is all this is. Netflix throws this at us because of the demands to please the audience with this sort of thing. Any pathetic, girl power, snap chat fish for likes love myself type of person will adore this. As too will any unhappy coupled or bored individual. Point blank doesn't matter how disgusting the male lead is, how bad the story or dialogue, how bad the female leads acting is, it's all about what is pleasing on the eye. That's why a Netflix original cannot be trusted or half of the reviews left by these so called adults. Many of whom are probably underage by the way or only care about a good time and no doubt have everything easy. This isn't about an escape and it's not about putting yourself in the polish girls shoes, or underpants, it's about what is wrong with the every day person these days and how so long as they're enjoying their life nothing else especially not this stuff matters. Shame. A woeful woeful film.

Need to be in one of my clubs in two hours? Ha ha. Cringe. Just shut up.
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Had enough.
27 April 2022
Blame Italy, or Poland, or Netflix? No just blame people. Nowadays it's about a thrill, not a story meaning the movie was a cringe fest and a laughing stock. Now it's not the dialogue that was bad, the woeful unrealistic story, or the acting, what's bad is the fact people can make excuses for this throwing lot of clever cinematic views and shall we say steamy moments. A movie isn't about the thrill. It's not about filters and fancy clothes, being spoilt as a woman and loaded as a man. No actually that actually is all this is. Netflix throws this at us because of the demands to please the audience with this sort of thing. Any pathetic, girl power, snap chat fish for likes love myself type of person will adore this. As too will any unhappy coupled or bored individual. Point blank doesn't matter how disgusting the male lead is, how bad the story or dialogue, how bad the female leads acting is, it's all about what is pleasing on the eye. That's why a Netflix original cannot be trusted or half of the reviews left by these so called adults. Many of whom are probably underage by the way or only care about a good time and no doubt have everything easy. This isn't about an escape and it's not about putting yourself in the polish girls shoes, or underpants, it's about what is wrong with the every day person these days and how so long as they're enjoying their life nothing else especially not this stuff matters. Shame. A woeful woeful film.
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The Hard Corps (2006 Video)
The truth
18 April 2022
The Hard Corps uses an all star cast but yet all except JCVD and the somewhat bloated fictional heavyweight fall flat with their performances and heart.

The most painful thing is that of course Van Damme had aged fast before going into this project. Nothing lasts forever. The set of movies he was involved in when working on this movie including another where he cast the hard corps Wayne Barkley in a supporting role were poor. Van Damme had realised long before flying through these B Action movies his name alone would carry the film put he was near enough past it. Undoubtedly though he put in a good creditable performance as a believable guard suffering from PRSD. As usual he doesn't get recognition for his acting skills. With The Hard Corps he aimed to dust himself off and try again, again.

Look no the film isn't good because the dialogue is underdone, the acting is poor and too much is taken out the seriousness of the film, dull editing, dull acting and music.

The action and fight scenes aren't used to actually credit the movie. The script is emotional, driven and actually good which was such a shame audience reviews claim the storyline is one of the worst. That's not the case. Unrealistic settings and scenario, yet another cliche Mansion, another mistake with the music, weak acting, lacklustre fight scenes, obviously the movie wouldn't have done well. Something to be thankful for the film has entertainment, a cool heavyweight boxer, and above all JCVD actually caring a lot more than he should,
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End of Watch (2012)
Odd behaviour
10 April 2022
Two officers from the offset show the world how petty, mindless and arrogant they are. Working as an officer is one thing behaving the same as the culprits is another. Not a good watch with the editing the story or the planning. Did I mention they just embarrassed police officers.
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Very good from Kate
10 April 2022
I'm not a fan of Kate Hudson the roles she plays and how she plays them whereas this time although an old film now, I was impressed with how she carried this film. Apart from the chilling cliches and eerie storm cliches, there was enough in terms of cinematically, tension and intelligence that went into this. Unlike most other supernatural horror thrillers that all try and copy this one is a stand out.
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Windfall (2022)
Wrong cast
29 March 2022
Not a fan of Jason to be honest. People look up to him because of his show how I let your mother which is one of the worst on tv. But, I just can't take him in a serious role. Even the opening when they all talk over one another just doesn't make for good viewing.
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Black Crab (2022)
What happened?
29 March 2022
A flop let's be very clear. Swedish entry, say no more. Another European flop. Sorry to say. Expected somewhat of a blockbuster or at the very least a modern apocalyptic movie with good viewing. Not one you'll really remember.
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A good sequel. Simple.
19 February 2022
First and foremost ignore all the comments that lead you to believe all the hype is for nothing and the film fails. The film doesn't fail. To add to that most sequels do fail. Looking for ways to smash any films that come our way post lockdown with bitterness really. Unfair on this one because all in all there wasn't anything to dislike.

You ask for jump scares and horror you got that as you'd typically expect in one of the many films of the chainsaw franchise. You get a story, okay sure there isn't much to like about them not very interesting, the first act is a bit flat and tacky lacks a lot in the visual front, but then you get what you'd expect. I'm not a lover of this movie but certainly not a hater. As a matter of fact compared with most if not all horrors lately with the same boring I live in a mansion and have a crush type of stuff they keep making this is sequel is about the best so far that's gone out of the lockdown era. How about that.
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17 February 2022
Sexist towards men, shows men to be bad or creeps, lacklustre and boring. Awful dialogue, just no !! English to Italian fact laid bare. Stop making films like this. Boring us with the needless dialogue and trying to make it some kind of romantic comedy.
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You Get Me (2017)
Please stop.
17 February 2022
Shift the gear a bit and you still don't get a good film. Why? Well, this type of stuff like obsession and mental health (of attention seeking spoilt teens) is all too frequent in today's world but what's more annoying is people watch because of the eye candy and you all know that's how it sold that's why you watched. The keep making the same mistakes and dull underdone script because you all want eye candy then moan about it. The acting is really good especially from the Male lead who because of the women no one even knows the name of. The appeal goes on even to the last act when Ali is tied up the director has to show needless flesh and even underwear just to make the scene more tolerable. Hook line sinker. How unrealistic is this movie? School! Yet regardless as to the reason there's a flashy girl working her magic make up who drives around in a sports car whilst she's at school lives in a mansion has killed or offended before and no one knows despite the big house and car? Then the boy also at school acts all Archie from Riverdale and has to get caught up on an over dramatic pointless battle of skirts? I mean come on guys! Just come on. This is real life not the sunset strip. Even Ali lives mainly unattended. The boy looks after his sister who is too young to be left alone yet does this anyway? No school welfare? All these views and constant movies to the same poorly done level they make more effort into the appearance than anything else. It's an insult to our intelligence or is America really that means tested no one would take interest if it wasn't for hot chicks and a posh crib? Do you think the same stuff all the time is sufficient? Perhaps you get me wanted to appeal to everyone else accept the usual appearance driven attitude era ? No wait that can't be it.
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An Easy Girl (2019)
Tried hard to like
9 February 2022
I just couldn't rate this well. The movie lacked so much and didn't deserve a higher score. Some nudity some excitement but apart from the odd moment of emotion it's more of a pointless low budget drama.
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The Decline (2020)
A good watch
9 February 2022
Intense, gripping, good pace apart from in parts and visually stunning. I didn't expect much and didn't get that excited when I selected but I'm happy I did. One of them types that should be made more. Trying to survive realistically and without undue excess. Well done.
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Better than a lot
9 February 2022
Prettier people cant make a bad film become a good movie. It's time America realised that. On the other hand here was for once not much wrong with this film. Shouldn't be taken too seriously it was a bit of a fun, sure way over the top especially in the middle and the ending seemed a bit like they'd thought of that seconds before. Still enjoyable, leaves you curious and yeah not a bad one to be fair.
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After (I) (2019)
Cliche after cliche
6 February 2022
Tried too hard on the visual representation which in turn ruined what could have been. Appealing and Ona wider audience? No only of teens and the younger generation who simply look for a hot flash and or eye candy which does so enough they give us more and make another three.

Not even sadly could the emotional music save this. Bad cliche after cliche. Hey easy with the lip fillers love. Although the baby boy from Harry Potter has come along way to be a fresh faced bit of pleasantry for the viewers and well the female lead is utterly stunning. Not enough on chemistry alone to call this a good one. It's not so don't bother.
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Addicted (I) (2014)
What happened?
27 January 2022
Nervous when the director uses an all black lives matter cast and scenes without revealing much took centre stage. I don't mind that, good acting involved from the leads. But the rest well. They drove straight in with the adult scene; yet all this showed early on was this spoilt stick in yet another mansion she wanted more because her brilliant husband wasn't enough hence needing a therapist. This is life and women nowadays always wanting more. It's true someone has to say it. But the way they went about it was all wrong and... boring. More attention needed to characters and less of the make up rush and desperation to hook us poor victims just because it's partially steamy.
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Generous rating
14 December 2021
Look, family adventure, has wit and warm characters with barely any involvement in the legend that is Beethoven. Of course they tried to push the story and drag it out but nothing new everything been seen before and a bit cheesy and tacky. Even the dialogue is copied and well for a modern day family film this was disappointing.
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21 Bridges (2019)
23 November 2021
Love this movie. I expected a really slow burner, really low budget and bad but what I got was a good watch really well done acting was spot on and although a bit cheesy when they showed certain things this was just brilliant.
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Maid (2021)
Not masterful, yet delicate
19 November 2021
This isn't masterful, as the quibbles outweigh much of the attention to detail and the performances. For example escaping her abusive lifestyle when only half an hour in a simple drive away and she's back to pick up her daughter chatting nice and relaxed. A somber, realistic and easy to watch Netflix series. A terrific parental protectiveness where the struggles of the daily costs of living, bringing up a heartwarming child, maintaining a bond, managing a small awful family, finding the mental capacity to do a manual job and fleeing from an abusive relationship really are an accurate enough reflection on all of these aspects of a persons life not just a parent. She holds her head up in her new normal life.
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Red Notice (2021)
Excellent but cheesy
18 November 2021
Plot humour and action. Received poorer ratings than deserved because some of the visual was the usual Netflix cinematic cheap version. Nevermind you cannot please everyone. I've scored this so well because the work ethic and dedication the two leads show is absolutely fantastic. The rock once again stands out but Ryan delivers. A fun thrill ride of twists and details well done.
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Siren (I) (2016)
Wow. Disturbing.
16 November 2021
Fantastic work ethic and detail went into this movie. Disturbing isn't quite the word the creature who in a way stalks the lead because she likes him. He freed her from some sort of cult supernatural club. Okay some of the acting is lacklustre the editing does your head in, the horror was more sex gone wrong and gore, although surely a film to jumpy and weird enough for a an okay score.
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Extraction (2020)
Struggled to move through
14 November 2021
Generally offers an little bit more of an insight into what goes on in those areas even detailed with the lifestyle, just lacked a bit on the editing and action scene front where as much as people like the brutality, Mr Thor didn't really pull it off. Stone faced hiding behind his beard I don't think he really has much in terms of acting skill especially not for a lead actor but he does demonstrate and so did a few of the other leads that they can entertain us somewhat without us rolling our eyes. All in all, the film was chaotic in itself where it was meant to be but much got in the way of an easier more compelling story.
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Predictable Riverdale
24 October 2021
There's nothing more annoying than a cast that can't act or sing yet burst into song awkwardly and also break character by either laughing, messing up their mime being too lacklustre. I see a lack of cohesion, direction and too much ridiculousness to keep taking this series seriously. Yes Betty is pleasing on the eye but her skills as an actress and singing leave a lot to be desired. Then there's Jughead, who the makers seemingly care less of every week. Don't get me started on Veronica. Why oh why do they allow her to be so revealing and full of herself, does this girl not have another level? Get over yourselves and bring back some decent stories. Another thing Archie being a man with all the boxing the army now a fire worker. We get it your clueless as to how you can make his character more attractive and meaningful but your just desperate,
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