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You don't have to be a kid to enjoy this reboot done right!
2 July 2018
I grew up in the 80's and the OG Voltron was one of my go to shows back in the day. I even remember the other Voltron too, the one with the vehicles. I had both Voltron toys as well. Safe to say, I was a fan. This new show is everything it should and needed to be. It reintroduces Voltron to the kids of today, while properly paying homage to the original show.

The spirit of what made Voltron so popular in the 80's was kept well in tact. You have the same lion pilots (now called "paladins") but they are each given more of a backstory. Even the villains are more captivating, as they dive into their pasts and what motivates them to do what they do. The animation is stunning and Voltron itself does not disappoint. There is also more of a season by season storytelling arc, as opposed to the old series, which was more episodic - team has to get the lions, robeast is sent, form Voltron, form blazing sword, strike, day is won.

The new show managed to do the seemingly impossible - make the new series good like the old one was, while also doing something new, deeper and unlike what we've seen before in the franchise.

I look forward to each new season, which thankfully are not very far apart. Highly recommend for any Voltron fans!
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Decent movie but not as good as I hoped
17 March 2018
Some people may think of Tomb Raider as the classic video game gal and the Angelina Jolie movies. Then, when this movie was announced, many of them said, "why oh why are they remaking this?" Well, what the more obtuse may not realize is, the games were rebooted, quite well with the recent Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider. The better of the 2 games is the first one, which the movie pretty much follows, where Lara Croft is stranded on an island and must unlock the mystery of why so many have perished trying to escape.

They really nailed Lara Croft's role with Alicia Vikander. Of course, this again is keeping in mind the recent game reboot. She is joined by some movie veterans, Like Dominic West and Walton Goggins, both who also don't disappoint.

The problems start in the first act, where Croft is rebellious and does things that get her into trouble, while also having no knowledge of archaeology at all. She is good with a bow and arrow, athletic and good at running and escaping tight situations, as well as solving puzzles, which is how she ends up holding her own on the island but I was a bit disappointed that she didn't possess the know how off the bat. The dialogue was a bit cheesy and there was way too much buildup before getting to the island. If you've only got about 2 hours of movie to show Lara being Lara, you don't need to show over a quarter of it with her not really being Lara.

She finally gets to the island and it starts to really feel like the game. She is kidnapped right away by the main baddie, only to escape and have to survive a not quite as harsh environment as the game but you do have your white rapids, rusty airplane falling apart under her and parachute that manages to open but sends her flying into the trees, causing a debilitating injury. It would have been nice to see her really turn into the survivor we know from the game, hunting for food, building campfires, finding shelter and building her arsenal. I guess though, since they spent so much time getting her to the island and she had the showdown with the main baddie to get to, with only so much time left in the movie, they had to hurry and skip over some details. Big difference between playing a game for days and seeing a 2 hour movie but there still could have been more there.

The supernatural element involving the tomb everyone is trying to get to ends up being disappointing as well. Maybe I'm drawing too much comparison to the game but let's face it, that was their source material and they seemed to cherry pick some things to include and omit a whole lot more. Ideally, this would have been a 2 parter, with her getting to the island, being stranded and becoming the true Lara Croft with survival instincts and becoming an all around badass, with the second movie dealing with the bad guys and the tomb but I understand that would have been a lot to ask from Hollywood.

In the end, I did find the action to be enjoyable and the performances were solid. It just fell short as a true adaptation of what they were trying to portray and while a lot of it had to do with what they were confined to as far as time, decisions could have been made to expand on more of what fans of the game really want to see.
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Baby Driver (2017)
One of the best movies of 2017
22 February 2018
This movie didn't really get a whole lot of hype. I think I remember seeing the trailer maybe once in the movies and I'm a frequent movie goer. Thankfully though, it was a success, financially and critically.

The story is of Baby, an expert car driver, who is paying his debt to a shrewd businessman (Spacey), who overseas a heist operation. Baby doesn't talk much but he carries one helluva stick, his driving skills. The movie is also all about the music. Just about every scene is shot in a sort of music video style, with all the action and movements of the characters going to the beat of the particular song that's playing. Baby was in a car accident as a child and got permanent tinnitus, so he always has music in his ear to drown out the ringing, which is why we as the audience hear a lot of music. The song selections are absolutely perfect and eclectic.

The chase scenes are shot really well and manage to capture the intensity of being in a car that's moving fast, without the use of shaky cam or edits ad nauseam.

The cast of characters is well put together. The lead is relatively unknown but he does a good job nonetheless. Then, you've got Jon Hamm, Jon Bernthal, Jamie Foxx and yes Spacey (yeah, I know it's cool to hate him now but you can't deny his acting chops).

Every time I watch this movie, it gets better. I don't know why there are so many low star reviews. It was a fun, adrenaline filled blast of a ride.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
A very powerful and important show with a real message.
14 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know much about this show, other than the fact that it was getting heavy word of mouth but I decided to give it a shot and boy, I'm glad I did!

The show tells the story of Hannah, a teen that committed suicide. She lives on through her 11th hour recordings of what she feels went so wrong that she decided she can't go on. The recordings are passed on from person to person, each of those people having played a role in Hannah's downfall. Each episode is a different recording, having to do with a different person on her list.

Each episode sees a different person that was close to Hannah finding out more about how her suicide came to be, by way of the recordings. The second season is where we finally start to see consequences happening for some of those involved. I am looking forward to seeing more of that develop in season 3.

Overall, I think the show really strikes a chord in today's social climate. Too many times, I've seen articles about teens in high school being bullied and they ultimately commit suicide. This show may not be a realistic portrayal of any of those stories but it certainly represents what someone like that could potentially be put through. Bullying isn't getting beaten up by the biggest, strongest kid in school anymore. It's done by anyone with a pic, a cellphone and social media. This show represents how that can easily spiral out of control. Of course, there were other, more disturbing things that happened to Hannah, like being raped, lied to and ignored by people closest to her. The suicide itself is shown with graphic depiction and is difficult to watch.

If I were a high school administrator, I would make this show required viewing for the entire school. Kids today need to understand the potential repercussions of what they do to someone and how it can affect them. Not everyone would commit suicide but the reality is, what happened to Hannah happens to someone everyday.
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Mother! (2017)
A decent drama that turns into...a religious allegory?
5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, we all know how divisive this movie was when it was released. After finally seeing it, my thoughts are a bit like the film was, all over the place.

It starts out simply enough. Jennifer Lawrence's character is working hard to repair her house from, well they don't really tell you but you find out later, while her husband (Javier Bardiem), a famous poet, is struggling with writer's block. Some unwelcome guests drop by, because they think it's a hotel, rather than a house. It turns out, that's just barely scratching the surface. More and more guests come by as more drama unfolds. Then, after a tense standoff between husband and wife occurs, as if on cue, they conceive a baby. During her pregnancy, she has to endure the constant flow of strangers at the house. Then, a deadly family battle royale among the guests, a rave, a war battle and a SWAT raid all occur within the confines of their house. That's when you realize that there is more going on than your eyes are telling you.

The moment happens when the baby is born but Mother's happiness is short lived, as the baby is plucked from her, offered up to the guests and devoured. This is the moment when I said ok, what is the point of all this? Really? Understandably, Lawrence is enraged and starts killing the guests, leading to the penultimate moment where she causes the house to explode, killing everyone inside, except for her and her husband. Then we see him carrying her, lying her down and taking her heart out, which is supposed to represent the last thing she has to give, her love. Then the house resets and we see her wake up again, the same way the very beginning of the movie happens.

So of course, I had to look up what the heck this all meant. I am not a very religious person and I haven't been to a parochial school since I was a pre-teen. It turns out, this is a retelling of the story of the bible. Bardiem's character is God, Lawrence's character Mother Nature (now I get the "Mother!" title), the first batch of houseguests Adam and Eve, the baby was Jesus and so forth. Now that I understand the movie, I have to ask, why did Aronofsky want to do this movie? I also understand now the animosity from Lawrence that led to their breakup, "can we not talk about Mother? I would like to talk about something else for once!" Yeah, it wasn't a good decision to do this. I can understand that the more religious demographic will think this is brilliant but I find it disturbing for the sake of it. Don't get me wrong, I am a horror movie fan and I don't scare or disturb easily but I think he just wanted to put together horror elements, while excusing them by saying, "oh, it's just the bible." If it was just a slasher flick, it probably wouldn't get all that much attention but because it represents the bible, all of a sudden it's brilliant, is nominated for Oscars and what not. I don't buy into it.

I think at the end of the day, I would have enjoyed it more if they just stuck with the drama between the husband and wife and the houseguests and not went off the rails with all the horror elements. I understand that would have defeated the purpose but again, why would anyone want to do this? It's not interesting and it just makes all the disturbing content seem cheap and pointless. Either be a drama or be a horror movie but don't use religion as a base, because it's rather, as the British say, daft.
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Chloe (2009)
A great cast with solid performances but quite predictable
22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, I had never heard of this movie before I just recently happened upon it on Netflix. I figured I'd give it a shot, because of the cast. Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried? Sold!

The plot was very typical of a thriller of this type. Woman suspects her husband is cheating, enlists a call girl to see if he gets tempted. Said call girl turns out to have a few screws loose, seduces the woman, lies about having been with the husband and when the wife says get lost, she doesn't take the not-so hint. I saw the ending coming within the first act.

The plus side is, the cast was at the top of their game. It was nice for a change to see Neeson in a more human role, as opposed to having to save someone using an inexplicable set of skills yet again. Moore is, as always, very believable and captivating as a neglected wife, seeking an outlet and a scapegoat. What can I say about Seyfried? First of all, gorgeous, in just about every way! Then, to see her take on the role of someone unhinged and unstable but still so erotic? As they said on Firefly, I had to go into my bunk after watching this. Couple that with the fact that Moore is still hot in her, what now, 50's doing an erotic love scene with Seyfried? Yeah that was worth the price of admission, or my monthly subscription rather.

So, even though the movie is far too reminiscent of The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, Unfaithful or Gone Girl, it's still worth checking out for the performances and the skin as well.
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Little Evil (2017)
I guess not all Netflix originals can be gold
23 September 2017
Since Netflix started making its own movies and shows, they have pretty much been justifying keeping the monthly subscription, despite their increasingly pitiful movie collection. With programs like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black and the Marvel shows, they stand out among the pay streaming services that try to seduce cord cutters.

Of course though, as this particular movie points out, they can't all be home runs. The first mistake was, this showed up in the horror movie category. Really, the best place for it is comedies but a very dark comedy at that.

The movie was all over the place with what it was trying to be. If I could sum it up, I would say maybe a very loose adaptation of The Omen (which is actually referenced), except with less scare and more attempts at jokes that mostly fall flat and attempts at action, where they have zero knowledge of competent stunt work and special effects. Then there is the family aspect, which is meant to be heartwarming but mostly comes off cheesy, due to the abrupt changes of tone throughout.

The 2 main actors are decent enough and they are well known. Most of the other actors are forgettable and one dimensional.

If this seems interesting to you, there may be some entertainment value to keep you occupied. If however, you're looking for Netflix's next great thing, this ain't it.
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The Defenders (2017)
Not quite the KO punch I was hoping for but still worth watching
18 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have been following the Marvel Netflix series since the first season of Daredevil. Much like the first Avengers movie, The Defenders was built up as the culmination of all four series so far. While the end result was satisfying up to a point in that respect, it didn't come close to having near as much of an impact.

One of many things that I liked about the individual shows was that they were never afraid to let you know you're not watching a show for kids. The exception to the rule so far was Iron Fist. Although IF was still enjoyable, they definitely lightened the tone. This trend continues with The Defenders. There is some adult content here and there but still quite tame compared to Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage's first seasons.

The action and fight scenes, while not boring, were at times quite short and didn't quite have the wow factor that we saw in the characters' individual tales. The hallway fight scene in Daredevil season 1 still reigns supreme as the most memorable out of the whole franchise so far.

Also, I know this has more to do with rights, conflicting story lines and what not but are we really supposed to believe that such a huge threat to the entire city of New York goes unnoticed by anyone in the MCU? Not even by Tony Stark, Steve Rogers or Peter Parker, who are all natives? They have all but stopped referring to the "incident" in the Avengers. The only reference I caught was a newspaper article that was framed on the wall in the background. Look, we get it, OK? The movies and shows will never cross over, it's too difficult and blah blah blah but don't insult our intelligence by using a villain organization that threatens on such a large scale, if you can't have a cameo or even a mention of anyone else.

This is not a surprise, as anyone who's seen the trailers or the casting list or read any articles leading up to the series knows, Elektra is back. While I did enjoy her turn in Daredevil, her arc in this series was largely disappointing and it ended on and even more disappointing note. Also, the weak link in the Defenders lineup is the same as the weak link in the solo shows, Iron Fist. However, it's still worth it, due to the other 3, particularly Jones and Cage.

I don't want to spend the entire review criticizing the show, because as I said, it was still enjoyable. Seeing the group unite and fight together is cool in and of itself. They should have spent more time with them all together. There is too much discord going on once they all meet and it distracts from the real strong points of the show.

In the end, I would recommend to anyone who watched the individual shows to watch this one. I just wouldn't expect to be blown away.
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One of my least favorite Tarantino films, unlike Vol 1.
9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so I know that kill Bill is meant to be one film all together but it ended up that they did two volumes, which are very different, so it makes sense to review Volume 2 on its own.

Without saying too much about volume one, it is one of my favorite Tarantino flicks - the action, the dialogue, the music, the acting, etc. I remember being very excited about volume 2 coming out, then it did…

It's not that I mind Tarantino going in another direction per se but everything that was awesome about volume one, he completely changed for volume two. The first thing that I noticed right away was the music. The score and the soundtrack for volume one fit every frame perfectly. For volume two, I felt the music was very off-putting.

The action is volume two was very much toned down. It's not that there wasn't any action but the few action scenes that occurred were nothing compared to the spectacle in volume one. Even the final fight between the bride and Bill, was very quick and very unsatisfying. These were the two best fighters in the story and yet, most of the back-and-forth was simply a conversation. Tarantino is known for his dialogue and the final moments didn't disappoint in that department but if you're telling a revenge story, it's kind of like going through a video game. Each opponent gets tougher and when you get to the final "boss fight," it typically is and should be the hardest, longest and requiring the utmost of your skills. It seems like, for this arc, he went in the opposite direction.

One of the biggest problems I had though, was the fact that I couldn't help feeling that Bill in the end was right. Let's face it, what the bride did to him was pretty messed up and she did it to the very person that she knew wouldn't just let it go. She left pregnant with his baby, changed her identity and married someone else. Did she really think he wouldn't track her down? Did she really think that if he did find out, he would be OK with ending it like it was? She was either really stupid, or very arrogant. Either way, Bill being a "murdering bastard" or not, he was completely justified in his actions. It was hard to sympathize with Beatrix in the end.

I know that there are a lot of people that hold this movie in high regard but I don't get it. This movie left me very disappointed in how he ended what he so masterfully set up in volume 1.
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They are showing signs of franchise fatigue once more
16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I remember the original movie. It was innovative, fresh and a very decent action flick. I was not too impressed with the sequel, or the 2 that followed. They re-ignited the spark with Fast Five and stayed solid for another 2 subsequent movies. This time around, I'm feeling that familiar "meh" once again.

The first problem is, you already know the entire plot and every action scene before the movie starts. This is due to the relentless marketing in the form of the trailers. It's not like you could have escaped it either. If you've been to the movies at all or have watched TV n the past 6 months, you have seen the trailers multiple times. There were no real surprises. The only thing that the trailers didn't tell you is the reason why Dom is now working for the enemy, Cypher (Theron). The reason why I marked this one with spoilers - turns out, his girlfriend from when Letty was presumed dead and then she was alive but without her memory (can't remember her name ATM) was pregnant with Dom's child. Cypher was holding her and his son captive.

As far as the action scenes themselves, it's more of the same. Ridiculous, over the top and pushing the boundaries of believability, even more so this time around than before and predictable. Even if much of the plot hadn't been given away from the trailers, the parts that fill in the blanks were predictable as well. There was a part in the finale as well that I saw coming from miles away. Another spoiler - Dom's son is rescued from Cypher. His ex told him that she wanted the father to name him. As soon as she said that, I said let me guess, Brian. Sure enough, just before the credits roll, he said "Everyone, let me introduce you to...Brian. It was an obvious Easter egg tribute to the late Paul Walker but instead of making it a subtle nod, it was a cheesy, eye rolling moment, due to it being so cheesy, on the nose and predictable.

I know that this movie is supposed to be all action and lacking much in the way of sense but they seem to have pushed the envelope too far this time around. In the last 3 movies, they manage to find a good balance of car chases, fight scenes and maybe the plot was over the top but not to the point where it exists in an alternate dimension. Not the case this time around.

The movie is already doing really well and that's no surprise. The truth is though, the filmmakers have this notion that the franchise is bulletproof and no matter what they churn out, it will be a success. That is probably true but the realist in me is saying that they should revisit the formula again, because there's only so much turning off of the brain that the audience can take.
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Fist Fight (2017)
I don't get all the low star reviews
9 April 2017
OK, so I have to admit, I saw this movie last night because there was nothing really of interest that I haven't seen in the regular run theaters and this was about the only one I missed that was in the second run theater. Still though, I was pleasantly surprised.

Fist Fight follows the trend of recent R rated comedies - earning its rating and then some. There is nothing but low brow, raunchy and over the top humor. There also happens to be a little heart, in the form of Charlie Day's character. In his flagship project, It's always Sunny in Philadelphia, his character is funny but not very likable. He is still funny here but I think what makes his character work the most is that you can't help but sympathize with him. Yes, he's a coward but think about it, if you were as small and scrawny as him and you were challenged by someone as big and and dangerous as Cube's character, would you not do whatever you could to get out of it? I couldn't help but notice the obvious and likely intentional similarities to Three o'clock High.

I'm not sure what the majority here were expecting. With the cast, the rating and the humor involved, you had to know off the bat that it was going to be ridiculous, over the top and offensive. If this isn't your type of movie, why bother going to see it? It's not like you would be watching it and thinking "wow, I had no idea it would be like this!"

I was consistently cracking up during this. Yes, a lot of the dialogue is very wrong and unrealistic but that's why you go to the movies, isn't it? To escape reality and be entertained.

Besides the 2 leads, Jillian Bell is a definite standout. She is very funny in every role she plays and she didn't disappoint this time around, Christina Hendricks provided some laughs but she was criminally underused. Tracy Morgan is back in true form and it's great to see him back in the game. Even Dean Norris, who is not known for comedic roles, garners quite a few chuckles with his dialogue.

Definitely go see this film if this type of comedy suits you. If not, you shouldn't bother but if you happen to anyway, please don't come here and write another review about how wrong and unfunny it is, because really, it just makes you come off as a pretentious douche.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Not quite as good as the others but still worth a watch
19 March 2017
I was a bit surprised to hear about the early negative reviews for Iron Fist. I decided though to wait, watch and form my own opinion. I found it to be quite enjoyable and I honestly can't say that I found any of the 13 episodes boring. The main character Danny Rand might be a bit of a familiar origin story. Billionaire loses his parents at an early age, only to become a superhero later in life. The story was even familiar when the comics were first published but they still had a compelling story to tell about Rand.

The show takes place in the same universe as the other Marvel Netflix series' Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. The show does include mentions of those characters and other nods. Also, we see the return of Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple. Technically, it's also supposed to take place alongside the MCU but It seems that they have all but given up on trying to make that connection anymore. No references in this show about the attack on New York or the little winks about a big green guy or another billionaire with a really expensive suit. I was a little surprised that there was no lead up to the culmination of the Netflix universe, the planned Defenders series, set to debut sometime later this year but at the same time, I respect them for concentrating on telling this character's story. I also did kind of hope they would work in the Motörhead song of the same name but oh well.

Because they had 13 episodes of TV to work with, they took their time developing the characters. There was quite a bit of back and forth with some of the character arcs. Most of them, you didn't know where they really stood in the line of good and evil until the final episodes. The show is entertaining because of the different martial arts disciplines being showcased. You have Kung Fu, Japanese Karate and samurai sword style, the fighting style of the Hand and even drunken fighting style, which they manage to make look cool, rather than utterly ridiculous. The show is not quite as brutal and violent as the other 3. It still earns its mature rating, just not as obvious and apparent in every episode.

Lastly, I'd like to address one of the most ridiculous criticisms of the show that I saw. People were complaining that the main character Rand was a white guy. Really? He was also a white guy in the comics. People need to make up their minds. When there's Change from the source material, people complain. Now that they stuck to the source material, people still complain? The actor did a good job of making it believable that he spent all that time training and knew how to fight using Kung Fu and the Iron Fist. Really, nothing else matters.
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A rare case where the sequel outshines its predecessor
18 March 2017
So I really enjoyed the first John Wick. Of course they made a sequel, because Hollywood just can't resist. I didn't expect Chapter 2 to be nearly as good, much less surpass the last one but lo and behold, they did it.

John is the same assassin we saw from the first movie. Again, he is attempting to live the retired life and again, the rest of the world just won't let him. He doesn't have trouble adjusting back to being the living legend assassin he is known for, of course.

Fair warning, the first act is a lot of build up. It opens with an action chase scene but you might feel like it's not that impressive, compared to the intensity of the action scenes we saw in JW1. Then, the movie takes a little while to get him back in the swing of things and in killing mode again. Once he arrives in Rome though and he is on a new assassination assignment, all hell breaks loose and it's loads of fun non-stop. The action scenes are longer and even more frenetic this time around. They also stepped up the gore. There were quite a few people in the theater wincing at a good number of the death scenes. So be warned, you might not want to bring the young ones. This is not for the faint of heart.

This is a pure popcorn, shoot 'me up, turn your brain off, good time action flick. The film makes no apologies for what it is and in fact, it revels in it. Sure, there are some things that don't make sense. Sure, there is some subpar acting. Sure, it is not a movie for everyone but really, they know their target audience and with the movie holding steady at 90% on RT after being in theaters for a months and then some, it's safe to say their audience is pleased!
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
They just used the town and character's names and made the rest up
8 March 2017
Boy, where do I start? So, I grew up on Archie comics and the Josie and the Pussycats show. Yeah, you probably know where this is going already but it's more than just me being a "purist."

Basically, the CW seems to have just wanted to make a new drama with a murder mystery. Coincidentally, they acquired the rights to make a show about Archie and Riverdale, so they combined the 2 ideas. The result is this jumbled mess of a show. If you're going to use characters that people know and love from their childhood, at least do them some justice. The characters on the show bear little to no resemblance to their comic counterparts, except maybe for hair color. The wholesome, fun vibe of the characters and their day to day lives in Riverdale from the comics weren't even considered. Instead, they decided to make them typical teens in a typical town with a typical murder and an all too formulaic mystery.

I did give this show a fair shot. It might be easier to ignore the fact that the characters are based on the Archie comics and just try to get into the drama/mystery aspect but...I...just...can't!
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Legion (2017–2019)
I'm really trying to get into this
8 March 2017
Upon hearing that there was a new show that both Marvel and Fox are involved in, as well as the fact that it has to do with the X-Men, I knew that I would be checking it out.

I've been watching every episode since it aired and there are some things that I like. The actors are very good, the cinematography is beautiful and when the mutants in the show showcase their powers, it is very spellbinding.

The problem is, it's easy to forget you're watching a show based on an X-Men character. This is nothing like Agents of Shield, the Marvel Netflix shows or the DC shows on the CW. Some people are saying that's a good thing and while I do appreciate doing something different, it helps if you keep the audience's attention. With me, it is becoming increasingly difficult. The first couple weeks in particular were severely confusing, as most of what happens, you can't be sure of what is in the main character, David's head and what is actually happening in the real world. Then, they moved on to mostly real world but also taking a lot of trips into the mind and various images with no explanations, except maybe 2 or 3 episodes later.

I'm not saying the show is hard to follow. It can't be, because it's very slow paced. What I'm saying is, it's a lot of work to decipher what everything means and where it is all leading and it takes a lot of patience. I know that this isn't your typical superhero action show but I think where things are going wrong is, they keep you hanging on way too many things. The pace is exhausting and it is very easy to nod off while watching the episodes.

I haven't given up yet, because I'm confident that it's all leading to some sort of payoff. I just hope they get to it sooner rather than later, because my interest is fading with each week.
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