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I will watch just about anything...
30 July 2020
...and I have. And do. Trust me.

This is what I would call "unwatchable" which is something I rarely say. Even the cheesiest television has some merit on some level I have found.

Obviously this will not last. Part of me thinks it wasn't meant to. But I am privy to a bit of the process of what it takes to get something on the air, and how many shows are shot that don't make it on air -- so I know a lot of time and money and resources went into this.

Yet no one in this whole process spoke up and said, "this is not good."

And they should have.

The kid actors alone make it unbearable. Their precocious air, their delivery.. all bad. Jane curtain's character...oof.

Will Sasso tries to save this mess and can't. Go back to Mom, please; hopefully they will expand your role there.
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The Goldbergs: Vacation (2019)
Season 7, Episode 1
Running out of ideas
26 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Really a disappointing episode of one of my favorite shows.

Loved all the call backs to the movie, but the ep just didn't make sense.

They have one week until school/college starts for all of them, yet they embark on a 2-day car trip (4 days out and back) to California.

Then they decide to extend the trip to see the sights.

I'm pretty sure first day of college is pretty moving in, etc.

Then they get there, 15 minutes from opening and there are no lines.

Yes, I know it isn't real. No dummy here. But no effort went into this episode
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the voice...
19 June 2019
The american woman who voiced over for the little girl was just terrible. Her voice totally ruined this movie for me; it was just not a good fit
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another thought...
19 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The sadness of the whole piece does not hit you unless you go back to the beginning and watch it again after the movie ends. Then the impact will hit you. the opening kind of makes no sense until you see the whole movie, then loop back to the beginning.

In my opinion

Still does not make for a great flick
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Not as powerful as everyone wouldhave you believe
19 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to rehash what those who loved it said, or those who hated it.

I just have a couple of takes.

You find out (too late!) that he still had money in the bank! What??? so they didn't have to starve?

and why didn't he have them live closer to town so they could get their rations? he obviously wasn't that far out of town, because you see him visiting farms and houses.

Then you find out his father is dead...and the Japanese Navy did nothing to track down family members?

Then, he overhears that the war is over and that Japan has surrendered. soooo...there is no talk that two big atomic bombs had just been dropped on your country? Just sadness that japan had surrendered?

Yes, I know this kid was just 15 or so, but you had money in the bank!!! she did not have to die?

Just unsure that this is, indeed, the masterpiece everyone claims it is
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
26 March 2018
When I see people use the word "hilarious" to describe things I find unwatchable -- I honestly wonder if it's me or the rest of the universe who is mistaken.

This is just bad TV. It goes nowhere. there is nothing to it. it is unfunny and univolving.

I cannot figure out if these glowing reviews are shills, or if i am missing something
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
astonishingly bad
26 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Poking around, trying to find something -- anything -- out there that interests us. We have stopped and started so many series; they either don't hold our interest (The Crown, Episodes) or they just aren't that good.

So we stumbled onto this. It had been around a while, yet we had never, ever heard of it.

we are halfway through the first episode. We said nothing to each other. Finally, there was a scene that was so bizarre, we looked at each other and said, "You ready to bail?" I was.

The scene? When pampered, spoiled daughter gets mad at daddy because he says Cuckoo has to get a job. the whole family turns on daddy for this.

Yes, i am aware that is the source of this "comedy" -- that the Andy Samberg character is so "out there" that we are all supposed to go along with the gag. It is just so stupid, the premise so infuriating that we just could not get into it.

And people who say they were rolling on the floor laughing? What in the world were they watching?

So then we skip ahead to see...does Samberg actually stay with this crap? SPOILER ALERT -- OF COURSE NOT. HE DIES OFF SCREEN AND THIS PIECE OF CRAP CONTINUES WITH HIS "LONG LOST SON."

Holy moly -- so bad
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
First time ever...
31 July 2017
...I really enjoyed an action flick and my husband was ho-hum.

And by looking at the reviews on here, I am in the minority.

Having been stationed in Germany in the Cold War Air Force in the late 80s, I really enjoyed this flick. And this is not actually "my kind" of movie. It was dated, but pleasantly so. The music was spot-on 80s emo. Charlize Theron is hypnotic. I really found the action sequences excellent, and difficult to watch in some cases -- they were that realistic. There was no score, if I remember correctly; just well-placed 80s songs. It was not high-tech and glossy like a Bond flick; it was just extremely gritty.

Now, my husband disagreed on every bit of this, so check it out for yourselves. He felt it was derivative of other movies that are told in reverse -- that is, someone is telling the story. I enjoyed this aspect.
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Bad Trips Abroad (2013– )
bad show
15 July 2017
Really bored after 10 minutes. Just was not presented in an interesting way. Just talking heads, talking. Some bad, shadowy re-creation.

Also interesting -- tried to check out the first story, the family that was shot and stabbed in St. Martin -- cannot locate that story anywhere on line, like it never happened. Their names, the scenario -- nothing at all found online
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Downward Dog (2017)
Watch a great show
19 May 2017
I am at a loss to understand the other reviews on this site.

I feel my taste is pretty main stream. I really strive to see others points of view when it comes to TV shows, movies, restaurants, etc .

But for the life of me, I do not get the negativity.

I was literally blown away by this show, and cannot wait for more. But if these reviews are any indication, this show is not hitting with mainstream TV watchers.

What am I seeing that no one else is? Things that others found irritating and unwatchable are the exact things I loved --the dog's manner of speaking, their relationship, etc. People​ are saying that the pilot was not funny; I don't think it was meant to be. I found it touching and sweet and a little sad -- but imminently watchable.

Loved it, but if these reviews are any indication, it doesn't stand a chance.

Addition, two weeks later.

I was so puzzled by some of the reviews on here, mostly negative, that I took the time to actually vet some of these posters. I find it very odd, and highly suspicious, that some people created accounts just to bad mouth this show. Others have never posted before, and their first post in 10 years is a slam against this show.

I am just astonished that this amazing show (check out rotten tomatoes and other respected media-rating sites for their very positive reviews) has brought out the trolls on my once-beloved IMDb.
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The Wall (2016– )
Made myself watch an entire episode...
10 January 2017
Holy moly, this is painful. Kind of reminds me of that weird game show hosted by Ryan Seacrest a couple of years ago where people were kept underground in NYC...and then they were brought up to compete, then taken back down...they actually lived in this bunker... Oh, Lord, that was weird.

This compares. When somebody watches a good trivia show, they truly do not care about the contestant...except to feel superior to them when they get stuff wrong. This is a show that involves a couple, and then they separate the couple, and the couple professes their undying love for each other, and every question involves one or both telling a very boring, long story about why they are answering this way....interspersed is "I love you!" "I love you, too!" and speeches about their kids, and their hardships...

and this is AN HOUR. With one set of contestants. And then there are green and red balls, and then a rip-off of Plinko, and then some weird twist at the end when one half of the pair has to either accept a contract or tear it up..

I am not making any of this up. I wish I was.
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Kevin Can Wait (2016–2018)
As others have said...
5 October 2016
As others have said, I too was hoping for more of a sequel to King of Queens. I will watch a rerun of that whenever I see one -- and we all know you can catch one on at any minute of the day or night.

And you know -- this show is set up almost exactly like King of Queens; but this does not work.

The wife is wrong. Let's face it; we all want Carrie, not this too- pretty actress who says "Ah, honey" no matter what jackass thing Kevin does. She is just off.

Now, that whole subplot with the daughter does not work. That was lifted from the Brad Garrett sitcom 'til Death, or that short-lived Warburtin show, Crowded -- or a host of others. The only change is he's British.

The Greek chorus, including Danny, is back -- but they seem off as well.

I guess it was the writing and the whole dynamic that made KoQ a hit, and this a flop
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Speechless (2016–2019)
Wow; am I in the minority
14 September 2016
We watched the premier on some streaming service. 10 minutes in, my husband asked if I wanted to call it. i said no, we were committed to watching the whole thing.

Now, keep in mind -- we watch everything at least one time in the new season.

But after poking around online at all the pre-reviews, we are certainly in the minority. Everyone loves this -- except us.

We found it stupid, clichéd, predictable, and heavy handed. Just awful. Everyone else found it charming.

You choose. We could barely get through the premier.
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Reviews are all over the place
6 June 2016
...but in our house..the score was a solid 10 from all of us.

What is puzzling to me...if you are not a Samberg fan, nor a fan of Lonely Island, why in the world would you go see this, and then score it low?

There are dozens of choices out there; movies are $10+. Why, if you either don't like their humor or, worse yet, don't "get" their humor, why would you spend your money?

For those of us who are fans (and some who didn't really know what to expect) the movie was nothing short of brilliant Pitch perfect in most spots; laugh out loud funny in the rest. Just really well done.

The cameos are a hoot, the plot is serviceable, but the star is the music. Those Lonely Island songs are hysterical.

Oh - and the helmet worn by Jorma as Samberg's DJ should get a billing of its own.

I am puzzled by posts from people who question that "30 seconds to Mars" joke. If you honestly don't get that joke (and believe it was in the trailer) then please, save your money. If you didn't think that was funny (or you didn't get it) I'll just say, kindly, don't go. This is not for you.

And for those who are whining about it being filthy and disgusting - - oh my gosh, it's Samberg and it's rated R. You're either an idiot or you don't understand the movie rating system.

Great movie. Hope the boys take this and roll with it and give us some more Style Boyz...
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Keanu (2016)
Soooo disappointing...
2 May 2016
I personally think their sketch comedy is borderline brilliant. So I was really looking forward to this movie.

This movie is just plain awful. i am honestly not sure what movie others were watching when they said it was laugh out loud funny. it is not.

It reminds me of a lot of recent Paul Rudd-Seth Rogan movies. You know the kind: these guys think they are so frickin' hilarious just being themselves that no script is needed. That is what this movie felt like. I truly feel there was no written script; that there may have been vague "ideas" of what they wanted to have happen, and just threw the actors in and said "be funny; say something funny." the whole part with Anna Farris in the house and the rest of the guys waiting out in the car -- nothing came out of that scene that was remotely funny.

And the cat? Way too little of the cat. And when he was on screen, there was nothing funny about it.

The weird wife-friend sub plot went no where. Thank God.

Gosh, guys. For your first movie, was so expecting better
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Scratching my head...
3 September 2013
Just can't really figure out if it's the movie that went wrong, or if my humor meter is out of whack.

I went with a group of my son and his friends -- and they all gave it a 9.

So, maybe, it's me. BUT I will say i laugh at just about anything and really liked the other two movies.

This was just not funny. This is only my opinion so please keep your comments away from my comments. I just always wonder about movies like this: Wasn't there any script doctor involved? Nobody they could run this through? Because there were a lot of conversations going on, and none of them had any funny lines.

The set-ups were not funny, the movie took a bittersweet, dark turn which was fine but seemed tacked on. And the whole alien-robot thing? Just bad. Unfunny and contrived.

The ending was tacked on. The fight scenes were well choreographed but went on way too long.

Just not a whole lot to say positive. Just could have been so much better.
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Crossing Lines (2013–2015)
Scratching my head
13 August 2013
we LOVE TV. We are not snobs. We watch a total gamut from bad sitcoms to high brow drams to ridiculous realty.

So we tried this. Looked very promising. And now, every single week, we hate ourselves for continuing to watch this horrible crap.

Now, please don't jump on me. I read all the good reviews and didn't jump on you, so hear me out. And no, I'm not a troll. I watch bad TV, and for some reason continue to watch bad TV, but love a good debate about the good and the bad, the pointless and the well done.

So hear me out.

This, along with Under the Dome and The Bridge, are the three hot summer series. we watch them all and hate them all. We flip a coin to see which one we're going to bail on first -- and we still, obediently, watch them all. And hate ourselves afterward.

This show is particularly bad -- in our humble opinion, I will add. The cases are so poorly written as to be laughable. They have members of this team Europe-hopping like it's going across town. My husband and I are laughing that the bad guys are in Italy; no, now they're here; now they're there. This ICC team has headquarters...where? The Hague? Because everything seems to be a hop, skip and jump away. Then, after a day of a caper, they are all back at their desks (what in the world do they DO in that cool building?) and then they all punch out at 5 pm and say See Ya! Let's get a drink! -- like it's a 9 to 5 job.

Then you have these very poorly laid out sub plots about somebody's crooked brother, somebody's search for some carnival guy and somebody who messed up his hand, some Russians, somebody who killed his son, the moping, brooding wife who flits around Europe and won't return his phone calls, and somebody is a gambling addict. Nobody cares! We've watched every episode and we don't even know (or care) anybody's name.

The worst offenders are the script, the acting, the character development, the cases...oh, I guess just about everything.

sigh. And still we watch it. Sigh.
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21 June 2013
Who would have thought such a throw away summer movie would have been so polarizing?

We went on Father's Day, and we haven't been to a movie in a long time (bad experiences with talkers, etc). Reviews had been great; no, off the charts thus far.

Long story short: Husband LOVED it; I am more in line with those on this board who say it is weak, self-serving, too "un" scripted (read: improv) and just not funny. GREAT premise...then, nothing. The opening third is brilliant -- the party scene. But then, the guys pretty much said "we are funny just being ourselves! No more script! Let's just be ourselves and a parody of ourselves!" Again -- good concept poorly executed. Nothing much happens that is really funny. In fact, some scenes go on terribly, uncomfortably long and it is painfully obvious those scenes are unscripted and just not funny.

What amazed me is that a pretty good chunk of change was spent on CG that wasn't necessary -- they could've used that money spent on the demon and hired a couple of script doctors.

I love a good debate about a movie. What I can't stand on this board (maybe because of the demo that this movie attracts) is the back and forth "You didn't like it??? You're stupid! What's wrong with you?" Trust me, even in my own family we couldn't agree on this one. It is so just a matter of taste. No one is right and no one is wrong. This movie And I so wish it had been funny. I was really pulling for it.
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Oh, dear God, this was awful
1 August 2011
I appear to be alone in this thought, but I thought this was awful, just dreadful. Bad script, bad acting, bad close-ups, but most of all -- bad directing.

Staring off with the most annoying actress to ever by on screen -- ANALEIGH Tipton. Oh, please you can barely look at her she is so awful. Every shot of her and everyone else is so tight it makes you uncomfortable. There is so much wrong with this film I really don't know where to start, so I'll just say: the big "twist" is just plain stupid -- who cares? It doesn't add anything to the story. The child porn thing is just creepy. The main story element of the failing marriage is never really fleshed out. The other main story point -- of Steve Carrell's character becoming a horn dog -- is odd and off-putting. The whole movie is just plain weird. That's as best as I can sum it up. The casting is especially odd. Marissa Tomei and Kevin bacon are thrown in for -- oh, I don't know. The 13-year old son is bad. The little girl has no lines at all. Julianna Moore is just not good here -- comes off as a harpy. The only saving grace is -- Emma Stone. She is kind of radiant, if that makes any sense. But the story line she has really doesn't make sense, because Ryan Gosling also plays a horn dog with no sense of goodness, who only goes after really hot chicks so, no -- he would NOT seek her out from a crowded bar.

Not worth your money. Skip this one.
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In the Cut (2003)
Rushed ending made no sense
20 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I was with up until.....


SHE WALKED HOME FROM NEW JERSEY? OH, come on, I actually said out loud. The ending was so rushed and motivation for anybody's actions...I was with you through the moody stillness, the bad dialog, the totally unsympathetic characters, the depressing sets. But walking from NJ barefoot and bloodied all the way to mid town Manhattan? And Mark Ruffalo chained in her apartment the whole time-- he HAD to have peed himself by then...and she snuggled up next to him? somebody remarked how much better the book was. I'll have to pick it up.
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The Bridge (2010)
Left us puzzled...
11 July 2010
Sooooo...we see in the listings this title on a Saturday night on CBS here in the States...we assume (wrongly?) that this is either a summer replacement show or a tease at something coming in the fall. We realized 10 minutes in that it was one of the shows with an unnamed city, no name of city on police cars, fuzzed out license plates, etc. This, alone, made us suspicious. Then, as to the plot: we were frankly confused as to who we were supposed to root for. Yes, we GET it -- cops are sometimes portrayed wrongly by the press and public. But this seems to be out to make cops look incredibly whiny and pathetic. A walk out??? We honestly think that kind of action here in the states is illegal. We have heard of a "sick out" to protest something, but for cops to just walk off the job because they don't like something or they don't get their way is too weird. That's when I got up from the couch, came to computer, and checked out IMDb on this show. I needed a little background, and I got it. Not sure what CBS is going to do with this -- it just wasn't very appealing. Acting wasn't great, situations were just odd, and oh by the way, any woman in a uniformed service here in the states has to have her hair up off her collar. Being military, this irked me! Can't explain why -- it just looked so weird to see all your model-quality policewomen with their hair flowing down their uniforms. And when old cop died -- yeah, doubt if he would get a formal police funeral here in the states, no matter what the union did.

Bottom line -- we GET it -- we just didn't like it. Made cops look whiny, petulant, and controlled by their union.
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Still scratching my head...
13 March 2010
So, my family and I sat down to watch this last night. We were big fans of Avatar, and wanted to see the movie in its own right, but also to see what beat out Avatar for the statue. Wow...just can't figure this out. It will bear another watching, but we (and we are VERY MUCH movie lovers and armchair experts) cannot figure out why this is getting so much praise. An episode of Generation Kill was better than this. The story wasn't that interesting, the main character was underdeveloped (Just didn't care one way or the other about his motivations) the movie seemed just episodic (although they had tried to create "drama" with the running tally of how many days left...oooohhhhh...something BAD is going to happen! ooooo) Just didn't feel it. Well done for what it was...but Best Picture? There was NOTHING to call a story, or plot, or characters...and yes, we GET the whole "slice of life" thing; we do.
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Robots (2005)
Didn't hit any high notes
14 March 2005
Sorry, I may be one dissenting voice -- but this movie just did nothing for me and my family. Nary a funny line or bit, and not a single character to root for. Stale plot, script was totally unimaginative. Kids were fidgeting all around us. The opening sequence on the "crosstown express" held our interest, but it was downhill from there. Please explain why they needed Ewan McGregor and Halle Berry for these roles -- two actors with non-distinctive voices--those characters could've been voiced by ANYBODY. Robin Williams added not a thing to the cast. The crew of Robots were a confusing mess of voices that were hard to keep straight. Our rating: 2/10
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Don't be dissuaded by the negative reviews
26 January 2004
I think the negative reviews have more do to do with the Hollywood press machine out to get this young man (and, no, I'm NOT a big fan of his) who seemed to 1) come out of nowhere 2) star in several relatively successful TV shows 3) make a string of OK movies and 4) date a Hollywood glamour puss. This seems to be their `big chance,' if you will to `get him'

But what's to get? This is a very good, if not great movie. This is a story that has been told several times before, and, yet, the writers, directors, and especially the young cast, bring many, many new fresh angles to it. It's a great yarn, a few laughs, lots of suspense, and most importantly a well told story-driven movie that makes you think.

Kutcher does a credible job no matter where he lands in his time travels.. He plays a young boy/teen/young man/adult trying to make things right.

So, Ashton, if you're reading this: Know that you have a fine movie on your hands, the directing and writing are impressive, and this will be a cult hit not unlike the `Donnie Darko' phenom. Be content in knowing that your negative reviewers `just don't get it.'
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Fun but not funny, beautiful done but not memorable
1 June 2003
Okay, I'll be the first to cast stones...

What a beautiful-looking piece of work. The animation, the colors, the movement -- it is all so beautifully accomplished. Bravo to Pixar for getting even the tiniest detail perfect. wasn't funny. It was mildly interesting, but dragged towards the middle. Even children around me were squirming and asking parents, "Is it time to go home?"

There are too many "false" endings--when you think all is well and the constant string of perilous encounters are at an end. But, believe me, there is always ONE more.

There are no real laugh out-loud "bits," no really funny lines, and Dorie just plain gets on your nerves after awhile.

And, no, I'm not an old grump. I just wasn't amused. Amazed at the technology of it all, but not amused.

Give me Toy Story or even Monsters Inc. This one fell flat.

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