
13 Reviews
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Hannibal (2001)
Awesome!!! I loved it!
11 February 2001
I recently bought "Silence of the Lambs" on DVD- the Criterion version that has extras in it. I love the movie. I read the book last year and thought it was also great. The ending threw me completely but I couldn't wait to see the movie.

I just got home from seeing "Hannibal" and I loved it! I read an interview by Hopkins (in TV Guide) in which he referred to the movie as "campy". ..yeah it was. I laughed at Hannibal's lines in the movie. He was hilarious.

I thought Julianne was good. She didn't move her mouth very much when she spoke which kind of annoyed me but I still thought she did good. And when the camera wasn't on her and you heard her voice, I thought she sounded a bit like Foster with less of an accent. I don't think she stole the show, though.

Oldman was great as Verger. . .yeah he sounded funny. . .like Jim Carrey but how was he supposed to sound with all that make up on and besides someone with their face eaten off would sound funny anyway so I didn't really pay that much attention.

I expected the scenes to be way gorrier by the way people talked about it. Yeah it was gross but "Full Metal Jacket" and "Saving Private Ryan" had much more violence. It made me cringe but I wasn't that grossed out. I expect a movie about a serial killer to be gory anyway.

The music was awesome. It was so haunting. I would love to get a hold of the words to the music. I am sure it was very fitting for the movie.

They showed the Xray of the hand but never said anything about his extra finger or his plastic surgery on his face that he had in the book but I guess the person who wrote the screen play didn't feel it was important. They didn't have Mason sister in there either but she wasn't a very big part of the plot either.

The "dinner" scene. . .ah. . .what can I say?? unique. The lady a few chairs down from me kept saying "oh my. . .oh. . ."well what did you expect, lady??? She also gasped in horror at the "Country Corpine Pussy" line. . which she would understand if she had seen SOTL!

The ending left me in shock still. Wow. I wondered how they would do it differently than the book and I wasn't dissapointed!

No, they didn't touch on Hannibal's past and why he does what he does but I think that is how Thomas Harris wants it. . .Hannibal got into Clarice's mind and learned of her past. . .he got into Mason's mind and his past. . but you can't get into Hannibal's past. You just can't. Or he will eat you alive- no pun intended. I would like to know something about his childhood and why he is so ~!#$ up but it makes him even more fascinating and scary.

Anyway I loved the movie and plan on getting it on DVD when it comes out.

Alot of the people who reviewed this movie on thise site were really grasping for straws- trying to find someone to complain about.

I didn't even make a King-king-carrying Fay Wray connection. . .I don't think they were trying to make any racial slurs (with blacks getting in trouble for their crimes but Hannibal not getting in trouble). . .Yes there were a lot of ceiling fan scenes but that was that person' trademark. . .the italian police and that whole part of the movie was important and Paul Krendler was in the movie for the dinner scene-it made a point.

All I can say is don't base your opinions of the movie on what people here are saying. See it and judge for yourself. I would recommend reading the book first so you can see the two endings but it will still be great even if you haven't read the book. If you haven't seen SOTL, see it first before you watch Hannibal because the movie will make more sense.
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Crap is in the eye of the beholder. . .
9 February 2001
And what I saw was crap! My husband and I borrowed (as opposed to wasting our money buying or renting it) the DVD from my brother-in-law. I like Ashley Judd so I thought it would be a good movie.

Wrong! The first 20 minutes, I said "is it just me or is this movie going too slow?" the plot crawled at a snail's pace. Only towards the end do you get any kind of point to the movie.

I kept wishing all the characters would die. But no such luck. I hate Jason Priestly and I was hoping Judd would beat the crap out of him.

The DVD extras are worthless. The commentary on it is basically the director whining because he was broke after he made the movie and he tells which scenes he hated ,etc.

This movie was based on a book and I don't think I will be reading that book EVER!

If you value your spare time, DON"T SEE THIS MOVIE!
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Manhunter (1986)
I thought it was "ok".
3 February 2001
I saw SOTL before I saw Manhunter so maybe I am a little biased. But I definitely prefer Anthony Hopkins to Brian Cox.

Lector's scenes were filmed in very dreary settings in SOTL. THey showed his artwork and made me feel like he was a condemned man.

Lector's scenes in Manhunter, however made it look like he was just sitting in a hospital room with bars.

I guess they were trying to portray Hannibal as an 'Average Joe' in Manhunter. . someone that doesn't seem scary but really is. I think Cox did a good job but Hopkins was just more evil as Lector.

I loved the Fava bean line. That sound he makes with his teeth and tongue. I could tell he enjoyed his "meal".

I love the way he got into Clarice's head in all their scenes. He knew her without ever even talking to her previously.

I can't wait to see Hannibal. I was totally blown away by the ending of the book and I have read that the ending of the movie will be totally different than the book. I can't wait to see if this is true and how they end it.

I do think Manhunter is a great movie. . .but I just preferred Hopkins as Lector.

I give it an 8.
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Wake me when it's over.
29 January 2001
Sorry but I don't see what all the excitement is about. The movie lagged in just the first 15 minutes. Also there was nothing that made me even like any of the characters. Nothing endearing.

So there was a ship and people were going out in it to catch fish and they decided to go to a bad area and there were fights between the guys and one guy almost drowned and there was a bad storm and some people died and that was it.

The funeral wasn't even very moving because only one lady spoke and the rest of them cried.

I borrowed the DVD from my brother-in-law so I spent no money on it which I am glad of. My husband fast forwarded thru most of it which I was glad of.

The special effects were good. But I give it a 2.
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Empty Cradle (1993 TV Movie)
Amazing!Held me attention the entire time
10 January 2001
I thought the people acting in this movie were great. I just can't understand how someone would want a child so badly that they would do what this woman did! And the fact that she drug her son into it making him a part of the crimes.
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Son of the Beach (2000–2002)
This show is obviously a Howard Stern brainchild!
16 August 2000
I saw my first episode last night (the one with Erik Estrada who, by the way, is bigger than he was on the CHiP's 99 reunion!). It made me laugh. I like Howard Stern and I knew this would be a crazy show.

Somebody had to make fun of Baywatch and I am glad it was Stern. He really hits the mark. I hate Baywatch. I hate David Hasselhoff.

Someone mentioned that the humor on this show is Mel Brooks kind of funny- not Jim Carey. This is very true. And Timothy Stack was the perfect choice for the lead. I remember watching him on the show where he spoofed talk shows (don't remember the name) and he had the same kind of inuendos.

I noticed in last night's episode that Maureen McCormick tried to revive her long dead career (she used to Play Marcia Brady) but, alas, she was no better than she was on Brady Bunch. And Erik Estrada (who I mentioned before) is just as cheesy as he was on CHiP's.

Watch this show just once. It's great.
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Big Brother (II) (2000– )
Whine, whine, whine
23 July 2000
So far all I have really seen of the show was an entire episode of "I want to know why I got voted out" and "we should all have to tell who we voted out" and "I don't think so cause then we would all be wondering about each other."

They spent entirely too much time on Mega and everything involving him. He just didn't understand what an ass he was. he was so self centered and rude and he just played it off as being how he is.

And there are supposedly cameras everywhere but naturally we only see the stuff that doesn't need censoring. . .if you ask me, they need to have it on cable- maybe Pay per view- and let us see everything- showers, toileting, etc. Then we will see how the people in the house feel.
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Angela Anaconda (1999–2002)
17 July 2000
I cannot stand this show! The storylines are ok and the names are cute but that Angela's voice is nerve racking! I hope that poor person doesn't really talk like that in real life. I would rather watch an opera and I hate opera! It isn't one of the better shows that are out there.
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Stigmata (1999)
Not the awful movie everyone made it out to be!
10 July 2000
I read everyone's comments about this movie before renting it. I didn't agree with the comments about "Sixth Sense" and I didn't agree with these comments.

The dripping water did annoy me because I couldn't figure out it's significance. But I was trying not to overanalyze it. I just wanted to enjoy it.

It was fast paced. I like that in a movie. It didn't just drag a long.

I know some people didn't like the graphic content but it kind

of had to be graphic for the point to be made.

I give it an 8. I would watch it again.
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30 June 2000
I kept hearing was a great movie this was and what a wonderful actor the kid was so I fell for the hype and my husband and i rented it.

What a disappointment! The first ten minutes of the movie and it still hadn't gotten to any kind of plot.

I didn't figure out until the end that Bruce Willis' character was dead. Then and only then did the movie make any kind of sense. But I still didn't like it.

Yes, I did get it. . .yes I did stay awake and pay attention. But it moved way too slow for my taste. I was bored.

I am really glad I didn't spend my money to see it on the big screen. I would have really wasted my money. Not that I didn't waste my money renting it.

Somehow I can see Hollywood producing a Sixth Sense TV series where the kid and the doctor go around helping ghosts so that the ghosts can finally be at peace. That will be even sadder than "Survivor" and "Who Wants to Marry a Multi Millionaire".
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20 May 2000
I love these kinds of movies and I think Angelina Jolie is a great actress.

It was interesting to see how a serial killer is tracked down. I was amazed at all the technology Denzel Washington's character had. He was only able to move his head and his finger but he was able to do some serious work from his bed.

The person that I thought was doing the killings was NOT who it ended up being so that was kind of tricky.
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Very true to life!
27 April 2000
This was an awesome movie! Jolie and Ryder both triumphed in their roles.

Someone said this movie had too many clichés. Alot of it may have sounded like a bunch of clichés but trust me when I say that that is how things are in psych wards. . .the questions the therapists asked, the way the nurses reacted were representative of life in the psych ward.

I give it a 10 and 2 big thumbs up. I want to buy this movie when it comes out on video!
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Murder of Innocence (1993 TV Movie)
Scary but true
8 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I have always loved Valerie Bertenelli's acting but she was really awesome in this movie.

It is a true story based on the life of Laurie Wade.

Scroll down for spoiler so I don't ruin the story.

Laurie and her husband get married but he has no idea what kind of Laurie person she has- or rather what kind of problems she has.

One minute she is a really nice, caring, stable person able to function clearly. Next minute, she is confused, angry and very violent.

The doctors don't know what is wrong, her husband can't take it anymore and leaves. Her parents tell her it will all be "ok."

But it isn't. it's far from ok. Laurie buys several guns and then goes into school and shoots several kids then holds and boy and his mom hostage.

When the Swat team and police finally raid the house she is hiding in, they find that she has shot herself in the head.

The ending credits say that only one kid died and the others were ok. But the doctors even after studying her history and doing all the necessary tests, cannot find out what cause her bizarre behavior.

It is sad that she might have been helped and all this had been prevented if she had found a doctor that would put her in the hospital and really try to figure out what was wrong. With medication and psychtherapy, she might have been ok.

And her parents ignored the obvious. People need to take notice of friends and family. If someone seems troubled, get them help. IF they seem dangerous to themselves or others, get them help. Don't just hope that they will get it themselves. They might not know how to get help.

I give this a thumbs up.
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