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The Creator (2023)
Special effects were eye popping yes
8 October 2023
The special effects were i credible. But honestly, the rest was purely atrocious. The acting was entirely sub par. The writing of background story was nearly absent. The violence was incredibly gratuitous. The movie was written in such a way to make the West seem like the evil empire and the serf Asians and their robots are made out to be the good guys.

Throughout the film human attributes are meant to the machines. A few of the main characters love and fall in love with the machines.

It's all Big Entertainment propaganda to groom us into accepting the authoritarianism of algorithms in our lives.

Truly atrocious.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Possibly the worst and unfunny show this decade, maybe ever
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Though the wikipedia and imdb page state it's a US-UK production, the credits actually show Canadian funding, and that might be a clue as to why this is so very so bad. Blame Canada!

Literally THE only character of any remote likeability is Billy the engineer. All other characters, and I mean all of them, are the dredges of humanity.

-The ship's owner is just straight up disgusting.

-His Asian sidekick might have been funny, given better material.

-The Captain, beyond pretending to be the captain, pretends to be human, and fails.

The Mission Control lady simply is not written as Mission Control, at all, a complete idiot, she certainly didn't go to school past age 7.

-The Captain has two "love" interests, but there's no "love" there, at all.

-The Head of customer relations behaves like a mix of a first year psychology student and Oprah Winfrey

Then there are the rest of the travellers, each and every one of them more disgusting humans than the other. I'm reminded remotely of the Scandinavian dark satire Triangle of Sadness, also meant to be "fun, let's laugh at the evil filthy rich", but first, such material needs to be funny, at least to some degree. Satire operates on funniness. I in theory LOVE laughing at the evil ways of filthy rich, but it still needs to be funny.

Maybe we've reached a point in society where the people writing the entertainment all live in such silos that they laugh at their own faeces, even though it's not funny, smelling their own farts I guess.

This show should not have been renewed for a second season, why it did is unimaginable. Seeing it ended after two seasons, I stuck with it, just in case the writers gave us a decent ending to close this mess. But they didn't. They should have let the missile hit the half of the ship with the fewest people, just for the sake of satire. Instead they ended with the cheapest optical illusion, Billy and the Cap, standing far from the rock, to make it look big.

The whole thing could have been written by kids in grade 2. It is that bad.
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Death in Paradise (2011– )
Show has gone downhill
26 January 2023
The first 6 seasons were great! Had I rated the show back then I would have given it an 8.

The three initial detectives were all entertaining. Danny John-Jules was AMAZING! And the other characters were intriguing and captivating. Then one by one, all the cast left, except for the nosy restaurant owner (she's a delightful actress, but I don't like the character) and the chief of police, who's novelty has worn off.

Two of the three new cast are children with no credibility, and the third is well, what can we say? WTF? She brings zero to the game.

The whole point of the show, other than the detective work, was the tension between the uptight Brits and the in your face Frenchies, that's all gone. As for the detective work, the writing has gone entirely downhill, with every second story being "they were all right there, so how could it be?". There used to be a lot more diversity in the story writing. I watch the show before bed, and it takes me 4 nights to watch an episode, as I keep falling asleep!
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1883 (2021–2022)
On the heels of Yellowstone, dissappointing
11 December 2022
From beginning to end, this entire season was lazy in construction. The lead actress, played as a petulant child, with her perfect California beach girl smile, the fake bleach blond hair with massive extensions, the fake drawl that narrates the near entirety of this miniseries, the ridiculous flirtatious behaviour, passing from one love to the next, was really too much bear. Maybe Sheridan got a little up on himself after the success of Yellowstone, but this is no Yellowstone, it is boring in every single minute. Her mom was no better. The dad is well portrayed, but utterly unlikeable also.

In the end, I wished everyone had done like the Captain.
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Incredibly well crafted documentary on effects of "gender" activism on women's rights
5 June 2022
Vaishani Sundar has created a amazing work of research and insight and caring for the kids, the girls, the women, who are harmed by "gender" activism. Women have been fighting this since the first time in 1974 when a man was allowed to compete against female tennis players because he "identified" as a woman. This documentary was a long time coming, after decades of female and feminist whistleblowers being silenced.

Girls can be "masculine", and boys can be "feminine" (whatever those words even mean!), we can dress as we please, career as we please, hairdo as we please, sleep with who we please. No one should be coerced into being intimate partners with the sex they are not attracted too.

Finally, thanks to Vaishnava, women have a voice in the film industry.
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Snowpiercer: The Tortoise and the Hare (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Episode 1 of season 3 is gripping!
31 January 2022
So many new angles, I can't wait for the rest of the season. Who was that Layton found! The idea of "hotspots" remains a far in the future hope, they still need to survive until that long term.
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Free Guy (2021)
Suprisingly amusing silly comedy
21 December 2021
Ok, so the romance angle was terrible! But the rest of this was pretty funny, in a totally stupid light-hearted goofy Ryan Reynolds sort of way, well ok, not sort of but actually. Kudos to director Levy who brought out the best of all the actors in a goofie story that entertains.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Possibly worst movie of 2021
15 December 2021
Firstly, I normally love left-wing satire movies. But this was so lazy it was unbearable. I didn't note the title satire until it was chanted in the film in the guise of "Lock her up". Other than the satire in the title, not one single laugh to be had.

The direction of the actors was atrocious and it seems these actors all jumped onboard this vapid project as an opportunity to virtue-signal their TDS.

Some have claimed this is about climate change. This is preposterous, but if true, it means the makers of this film are complete fools. Anthropological Global Warming bears no similarity to a large asteroid hitting the Earth. The animals on Planet Earth have been adapting to worse climate change throughout their millions of years of existence. The animal Homo sapiens is the only animal, so specifically evolved for the cold of the Pleistocene, that it may not survive amped up global warming. However, the problem for the rest of nature is not climate but the destruction of all habitats on Earth by human trespassing. As they say in real estate: "Habitat Habitat Habitat". Until humanity deals with our population size that is decimating all the good and unique habitats on Earth, all the words wasted on climate change are for nought.

Through the decades I've loved all these great actors, but their presence in this piece of shallow wokist hot air makes me despair for science and leftism and social justice. It has become so shallow as to be useless. I long for the days of true leftism, based on universally providing humans with the basic elements of life and dignity, housing, food, clothes, transportation, education.

Had this project been led by Aaron Sorkin it might have had a chance.
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What has become of the great Campion? Homophobia and animal abuse
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is based on a novel. That that novel was written by a male in 1967 in the style of Harlequin Romances and Louis Lamours is one thing. That a supposedly "feminist" filmmaker would adapt that novel to this absolutely terrible movie is beyond understanding.

Though I haven't read the book, the many book reviews I've read since make me think the film script is not very faithful to the book. It's 2021, and to use "Look-How-Homophobic-These-Yesteryear-Cowboys-Were" rings empty and virtue-signally. If Campion was actually interested in telling a story of homophobic-closet-homoerotica, she could have more relevantly chosen a contemporary story of closet homosexuals in modern cowboy country. It just seems facile to manipulate a novel that may have had some relevance in 1967, the whole writing style of the story is very passé.

I'd not heard of the movie, but chose to watch it based on Campion's history and Cumberbatch's great acting talents. But I am sorely disappointed. Cumberbatch couldn't breathe any life into this stale script and the other two lead actors are their usual unconvincing selves.

There are also failings at the production level. The total condoning of bullying behaviour, and of animal abuse, does not serve the narrative in the least. The filming of Montana in New Zealand is an utter failure. The costume choices, specially for Cumberbatch, were farcical. And sadly, as great an actor as Cumberbatch is, he really can not pull off the turn of last century American West accent and demeanour.

Finally, as in some great insipid lack of vision, the film ends with an illogical untimely death, tweaked with hints of wrong-doing, a misdirect seemingly created to add a little spice at the end. One must also wonder at the misleading marketing/synopsis/plot. This is not a film about two opposite personality brothers, it's about one broken man, and the negative he shoves onto all the world (people and animals) around him.

Is this what the future of feminist film making looks like?

Some will note that many reviewers here are confused about the switch from nasty to mentorship in the last third of the film. I think it's because many missed the closet-homosexuality that drives this. Phil was in love with the Bronc, the Bronc died, leaving Phil hurt and angry, comes a nubile second closet-homosexual, of course this was to be the outcome. This is mostly laid out by Phil in the latter portion of the film. Closet homophobia is the true driver of this film, but a lot of viewers missed it.
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Lupin (2021– )
So bad, only worth watching if locked down
12 June 2021
First: Idris Elba Omar Sy is not!

The Arsène Lupin books are based on the cleverness of the character. The first rule of writing is you need to be as smart or as clever as the character you are writing about! The writing for Lupin is absolutely atrocious. The clever actions make no sense, the protagonist, as other reviewers have noted, can only shine through the sheer mediocrity of all who surround him. Nothing to be proud of.

This show reminds me of the Queen Latifah's Equalizer (and I say this as a fan of Queen Latifah the person, not the actress). We live in an era of CRT, and writers now obviously think they can plunk middle-aged somewhat overweight (I am also overweight and should also not be cast as super-action-fighting-hero unless fat protruding over the belt line is now a super power! Omar can NOT run, Queenie and Omar both look like they're going to croak when they run) poorly cast characters into classic action roles. In Equalizer, the suspension of disbelief requirement is a full-time job, from the high-flying wig which survives motorcycle helmet trips, to completely ridiculous combat scenes, to ridiculous "savant" side-kicks, Lupin falls into exactly the same traps. Completely incompetent criminals and cops, except for the one "good" "brilliant" cop, limitless financial resources for costumes and tech equipment, but can't pay for his kid and ex-partner, etc. To be cliché, which perfectly defines this show, there are more plot holes than Swiss cheese.

Part A's 5 episodes were bad, but Part B's 5 episodes were multiple times worse. So why did I continue to watch it? Well we're month 16 of lockdown, and we're reaching for the gooey bottom dredges of Netflix.

Only watch if you adore Omar Sy, of if desperate.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Just a bunch of has-beens measuring their ...
17 May 2021
But isn't always the case with Guy Ritchie films? We often say we can know a guy's ... size from the car he drives, with Guy Ritchie, it's like he's pushing a dozen fancy cars. Way too much overcompensation Guy! So a bunch of has-beens, trying as hard as ... to prove they're still relevant, by playing characters so gangsta! You know, killers, but polite at it. At least Tarantino has the cojones to be bad when he's bad, Guy, well he just wants to earn brownie points through crime, it's sad really.
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Songbird (II) (2020)
Much better than the low fear rating implies
13 January 2021
This is a movie about resistance and hope. It was made in a very short time, with extreme and unusual filming conditions. Given their challenges, they made the most of it. The acting, directing, camera work, pacing, these are excellent. The romance story was boring and a little stretched, but hey, it's a movie! As for the Covid part, it's an excellent parallel. Covid-19 only kills 0.02% of the population, with a CFR between 0 and 3 % depending on the age/health bracket, whereas Covid-24 has a 56% CFR with no health/age preference, and a 99% contagion rate, so the mutation in the film is a very different beast than Covid-19 and with such a lethality rate, their lockdown is more rational than ours. Nonetheless cool and effective and realistic dystopian movie.
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Next (2020)
Disregard negative reviews, they're all from people who stopped at the pilot
29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Surprised at the low ranking of a fabulous show, I read all the negative reviews. They only watched the pilot! To be sure, people who write reviews about pilots have no business writing reviews. A great many of those negative pilot-only viewers complained of another woke show. But had they actually watched the entire series, they would have seen that the ex white nationalist is a hero, and the black team member betrayed the team. The trouble with people who only watch a pilot is they have not a clue.

The show is close to fantastic. The intellectual action is taut, as is the physical action, the relationships between the characters are complex and not campy. The dialogue is dry and uncompromising. A couple of the recurring characters are pretty useless, and the photography is probably the worse feature. But the entire show is meant to look gray and bleak, as things were in Equilibrium. This show is also not like POI, it's not about some hero people looking to use AI to save situations, which is more akin to Minority Report, NO, this show is about beating the AI, which of course is impossible. Once Pandora's Box has been opened, specially if it was opened slowly through decades, it cannot be closed intentionally, for now the bureaucrats are intertwined with the AI, only a catastrophic unintentional event can truly reset the clock. But as with all authoritarian forces in society, the Résistance is key. And if 2020 is any indication of willingness to resist in society, we are truly doomed to repeat the past. Don't bother with the negative reviews, they only watched the pilot.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
There's only one good thing in this film, the ending
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's not that the characters are not "sympathetic" as some reviewers have stated, it's that they don't exist, there is no character development whatsoever, just a bunch of hustlers hustling each other. It's no different than any hustled hustler movie out there. It watches like a Russian B movie. The script has no flair to it, the writing is completely flat, weasel words and cussing, a 12 year old failing teen could have written these dialogues. As for the acting, Sandler is not doing drama, he's doing the exact same loudmouth he does in most of his low ball films. The only good part of the film is the ending, he and his hustler brother are shot, it's what they deserved. No pity.
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Terribly dissappointed at film and annoyed at marketing
12 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've generally liked Spike Lee films over the years. I had high expectations or this one, given the awards. Many negative reviews have already covered issues of pacing and writing and editing, which I generally agree with. As a person who's been an anti-racism activist my entire life, I felt this film was heavy handed and propagandist. If a woke person can feel this is heavy handed, imagine how those not on board with the topic can be totally feel propagandised, how futile is it in regards to effectiveness at creating social change? On the point of marketing, speaking points, and the ridiculous opening line about being based on a true story. So many reviews here state their amazement and how impressed they are at a Jewish person and a black person working together like this. This is a lie, there is no Jewish partner in the book, it is completely fictionalised. Furthermore, confounding race issues with religious issues is truly a non starter. But most of the film is fictionalised. The majority of the book is about his undercover work AGAINST black activists, which he spent over three years on. Given the actual facts as laid out in the book, this film really goes down in ratings. The false marketing is the saddest statement about our society. When people are more interested in virtue-signalling than the truth. Had the production values been better, at least it might have been enjoyable as a stand alone, without the pretence of being based on the book, but I kept falling asleep, idiot conversations droned on endlessly and completely took me out of the film. So it's a fail both on production values and TRUTH. The high rating says a lot about how important virtue-signalling has become in our society.
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Yesterday's "gender ID" camps ARE today's "gender ID" camps
12 May 2017
In those ugly old Conservative days, "gender ID conversion camps" healed people from homosexuality by encouraging them to disavow their love interests. In today's "liberal" world view, "gender ID conversion camps" STILL heal people from homosexuality by encouraging them to disavow their bodies. Same BS new contexts!!
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Fat Letters Sent out to School Children
25 January 2017
This was an interesting small documentary by a young and I hope upcoming documentary film maker. In the USA 20 states mandate students have their "BMI" (Body Mass Index) tested so as to gauge their student population's "health". But given that for anyone in the business of health it is known that BMIs are a useless number, that generally healthy and athletic people with good muscle mass register as obese with BMI as BMI does not distinguish between muscle weight and fat weight, it is highly surprising that any governing agency would take this path to assess the health of its youth.

But beyond BMI being scientifically useless, the government then goes on to send fat shaming letters to the students involved along with their report cards! In the documentary, the BMI of legislators is also assessed when possible, revealing that only three of the dozens of people the documentarist interviewed had an "acceptable" BMI.

This documentary spends a lot of time watching itself being made, like a lot of documentaries these days, rather than being focused entirely on content. Mind you, this is rendered necessary to reflect politicians' unwillingness to discuss public issues with the public. It does have some decent interviews with both pro-BMI advocates and doctors/health processionals who denounce it for its futility.

The issue of obesity goes way beyond an individual's mindset, it is a societal mater, how our food culture is structured, how our sleep culture is structured, how our work culture is structured, how our environmental quality has suffered, how global diseases impact health, how global issues are made visible at the individual level.

At one point, a pro-BMI advocate explains how great a tool it is since it is non invasive, quick, uncomplicated, and requires no blood test. But the truth is: Quality in, quality out (QIQO). If you develop evaluation systems with poor data, you get poor results.

All in all a very decent documentary.
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Bio-Dad (2009 TV Movie)
A very very very important documentary
13 January 2016
I'm compelled to write this review only because no one else has. I saw this a while back, so it is not fresh in my mind.

In the years since this documentary, there have been two fictional films on the topic: Quebec's "Starbuck (2011)" and USA's remake of Starbuck "Delivery Man (2013)".

We live in a society who's principal religion, beyond the church stuff and faith based philosophies, is growth. Economic growth, technological growth, production growth, and the population growth which permits all of it.

This human obsession with growth is what prevents society from questioning the value and ethics of the assisted reproduction industry. We see what we want to see, we make excuses such as "biology doesn't matter, only love does", or "adoption takes so long", or "fostering is too difficult", or "I just MUST see my genes passed on". None of these stand up to criticism.

This documentary is about one human's hunt for answers. It reflects on the challenges faced by children manufactured this way. It questions the notion that biology does not matter, it questions the risks of siblings meeting and mating, it questions the ethics of the business that provide these services.

This documentary could have been a start to a great ethical discussion in society, but society is not ready to question this. Meanwhile, we're stuck in this path, that too few are questioning. Some countries have banned anonymous donation of gametes, but even without anonymity, there are so many ethical problems with this industry.

It's not an exciting documentary, but it is highly worth watching.
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The Girl King (2015)
A beautiful film about a lesser known historical period
12 December 2015
I caught this film entirely by accident, with zero expectations or knowledge of the subject matter. I am unqualified to speak to the historicity of the events. But if it is close to historical events, what a beautiful film was made of it. Dealing with politics and religion and feminism, it is a rare little gem.

Christina, the Queen (actually "King") of Sweden from 1632 (age 6) until 1654, was tutored by a unique man, and grew up to be a young woman with curiosity about the world and a taste for life, she shook the institutions of the day, with an unkind mixture of success and failures. The film is mostly in English with a little French (accompanied by subtitles), the actors do a fine job, and I really appreciated the makeup team's subtle approach. I might have appreciated a script less focused on romance and more on personality and accomplishments, but then again, in our 20s, hormones can dominate all.
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There are many great films on this topic, this one may be the worst
9 October 2013
I am a huge fan of documentary film making. I watch as many documentaries as I can. I am also a biologist, and am already on side against genetic engineering of plants/animals and patenting of life and the general nasty attitudes of the chemical companies who have a stranglehold on our food production systems. So when people say "preaching to the choir" I am indeed a member of that choir.

So why did I hate this film? I am a fact seeker, I am looking for solid information, backed up by evidence. I find hysterics and badmouthing for the sake of badmouthing to be a turn-off in the documentary medium.

This film's first 20 minutes have several talking heads, each and every one of them delivering hysterics, no facts, no plan, no content, just a bunch of crazy flapping lips.

This kind of documentary does a disservice to healthy food politics. It's a real shame. The horrible cinematography and the choice of flapping hysterical lips was so so irritating that I had to shut it down. If it's horrible for the choir, imagine how unconvincing it is to those who need convincing!
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Completely underwhelming and unworthy of praise
7 April 2013
This is one of the least compelling documentaries I've ever watched. I was going to just pop onto IMDb and vote 2 and leave. But when I saw the number of positive reviews, I felt I must have missed something, so I watched it again. But was revealed nothing new from the first viewing.

The first purpose of a documentary is to inform, to reveal information not yet known to the public, or to present old information in a new light. There is also propaganda that passes for documentary... this is closer to propaganda than to documentary. We herein learn absolutely nothing about the socio-political context of Bolivia, the presidential elections are presented outside of any factual reality context. The documentarist seems to view the election process within a vacuum.

I suppose there are youth who watch this movie, who are inexperienced enough to not realise that electoral victories are purchased with money and statistical analysis of critical demographics, but the rest of the adult world already knows this. If this documentary was meant for those youth, it would have had to spend a little less time watching boring speeches, and more time giving a bit of context and history.

As for the adults watching this, there is simply no content, nothing that we all haven't already experienced in North America. In fact, the documentarist, more than any other sentiment, seems to side with the consultants, asking non weak questions, observing them doing what the candidate pays them for, without questioning their presence, their cost, their previous achievements, and the expenses/actions of the other candidates. No history of Goni is presented, he looks like an idiot, behaves like an idiot, and the documentarist does not question any of this.

What's the point of this documentary, it has no world context, no Bolivian context, no N.American context. Frankly it looks almost more like a sales pitch for those poor "good guy" consultants than anything else. Hire us, we'll get you elected... This is neocon propaganda disguised as "unbiased" docudrama. Blah
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Enlightenment through realism
9 February 2013
There are so many hogwash BS films coming out of Hollywood these days tending to people's needs for emotional feel-good spiritual uplifting, in the forms of Terrence Mallick and pseudo intellectualism, god talk, gazing at swirling milk in a cup of coffee as an allusion to the universe. So much bunk.

But this film succeeds where all pseudo-intellectual films fail. In partaking of the multiples beauties of nature and quality of life, in valuing the ecosystems that surround us, that nourish us, that define us. This film is quite beautifully shot, macro cinematography does not make it to the big screen every day and is a real treat. My taste buds and salivary glands were excited during the entire film.

The one failure of the film is having Bill Pullman as a lead character. He fails in two respects. First he admits to suffering from anosmia, a lack of sense of smell. Smell is a major factor in our ability to taste food, and any time he is seen munching into some lovely fruit, he seems to be faking it. Which brings me to his second failure: faking it is a Hollywood leitmotiv, and all his time on screen seemed to just be a Hollywood wannabe real person, he was painful to watch.

Notwithstanding his long screen time, the gorgeous camera work and content and informativeness make this well worth the watch.
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Does not live up to any of the aspects it's said to
6 February 2013
Things this film is not: does not explore time, is not a documentary, is not artistic, is not experimental, is not animation, is not about death, is not sufficiently edited, is not thoughtfully soundtracked. In fact, most sentient folk have long known that "time" does not exist per se. This film makes as much sense as trying to render a pseudo-intellectual rendition of the concept of distance. blah.

For those of us old enough to remember the children's game Spirograph, and its younger equivalent Spirotot, much of this 2 hour film is just that. Another major "artistic" unoriginal is the abusive use of slow-motion, as if the simple act of slowing reality down a little made it somehow more "beautiful". Slow motion is fine to document and examine events that are too quick for the human eye, but that's pretty much the limit of its usefulness.

The trouble with this director, also evidenced in some previous films, is he thinks that he has a fantastic eye for beauty and uniqueness, when in reality, the cinematography is cold, uninspired, uninformative, and unoriginal. A reasonably tech savvy elementary school student could produce something of equal impact. He seems to want to be in the same league as Baraka and the Koyaanisqatsi series, but fails on all counts.
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Cute on the surface, but ugly in essence
23 January 2013
This film is an example of what goes wrong when a society becomes tolerant of intolerance. It leads to moronic behaviours, institutional abuse, and poor unoriginal film-making passing itself off as something cute and original, because the institutions funding these films need to justify their belief systems.

Sad sad sad.

This could have been a good film, the story's potential was there, if the film-makers had just demonstrated some guts and originality, to step out of the bounds of group think and say something thoughtful. But no, all it had to say was platitudes.

There are days when the anglo-Canadian film industry is just depressing beyond belief, making films for the sheer sake of making a film, without any intent to have any impact in anyone's life.
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Chasing Ice (2012)
Such waste of an excellent topic
22 June 2012
Yes, the photography is lovely, yes the photographer passes himself off as heroic, yes the locations chosen are amazing. But this film contributes next to nothing to our understanding of glacial melt or AGW. It is most unfortunate that someone such as he, who once claimed disbelief in the science of global warming, would be so assuming as to think he could take a couple of years worth of photographs, and thereby produce "better" or shall we say more compelling, evidence than thousands of scientists. To those out there so naive of science, please hear this: modelling and statistical inferences are thousands of times more valid evidence of global warming than a couple of lovely photos, PLEASE update your perception of the world! These photos are but anecdotal, they contribute nothing to the understanding of AGW. As far as movie production values are concerned, this film also underwhelms.
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